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Jagdeo tells Guyanese Queens crowd “there is an assault on people of Indian origin” in Guyana and calls on spirit of community to defend “our people”.

During a short speech at the open air event, Mr. Jagdeo told the crowd of mostly Indo-Guyanese migrants, that there is currently an assault on Guyanese of Indian origin in Guyana and there is also an assault on Guyanese who support the PPP.

Jagdeo tells Guyanese Queens crowd “there is an assault on people of Indian origin” in Guyana and calls on spirit of community to defend “our people”.

Opposition Leader and Former President Bharrat Jagdeo, attempted to drum up support for his party during a Guyana family fun day event in Queens, New York over the weekend.

During a short speech at the open air event, Mr. Jagdeo told the crowd of mostly Indo-Guyanese migrants, that there is currently an assault on Guyanese of Indian origin in Guyana and there is also an assault on Guyanese who support the PPP.

A mobile video recording of the speech has been published on Youtube and other social media platforms.

Dressed in a green shirt, the Opposition Leader painted a gloomy picture on Guyana as he encouraged community work.

He said “it is good to see so many of you out here and that you keep the spirit of our community alive. This spirit is essential here for our people to make progress but it is the same spirit that we need back in Guyana now. A spirit of community to ensure that we defend our people, through these dark times”.

“Most of you are familiar with what is taking place at home now. There is an assault on our democracy. There is an assault on people of Indian origin. There is an assault of supporters of the PPP. What we thought would never return to Guyana, in just one short year, has returned with full force and even worse in some regards than the Burnham era. From snatching people’s land that have transport to the passage of new laws”, Jagdeo said.

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He went on to tell the Queens gathering that the government has introduced increase in taxes that target the rural poor people of Guyana, “and you know who live in the rural areas. It is mainly our supporters”.

Jagdeo has been accused in the past of attempting to drum up racial hostility in Guyana.  He was charged privately last year for statements he made during a PPP rally at Babu John.

Many political observers have expressed no surprise over his latest speech and its tone and believe it is part of Jagdeo and the PPP’s efforts to rally a section of its supporters against the current government government.  One political observer has described his new efforts as “dangerous”.

Jagdeo also promised the Queens crowd that “we are going to take back Guyana. We will take it back from these people”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yes the head of the "coolie people party" screams. 

Now there is another way that he could have made his point, if indeed Indians, and not just PPP elites are being targeted.  He could have urged Guyanese to force the government not to favor one group, or persecute another. 

His perspective would have been that of a GUYANESE, and he would have joined fair minded GUYANESE like one of his nemesis Lincoln Lewis who is currently protesting APNU racism.

But the Grand Wizard of the Indo KKK cannot help himself.

So no black and mixed votes for him, because when he was persecuting blacks and ranting that they are stupid and don't deserve to be put in leadership positions he didn't think that he was racist.

He tried to sue Freddy K and had to drop his case as he couldn't prove that Freddie K was wrong when he called Jagdeo an institutional racist.

So who is Jagdeo to wail?

This is why the PPP need to rid themselves of him and get some one who can build a multi ethnic party with effective and innovative leadership.  His screams will terrify non Indians who will vote in large numbers out of fear of what he will do to them should he win.

This is what Jagdeo used to do to blacks who he couldn't control!


Gov’t condemns ‘race baiting’ by Jagdeo


The Government of Guyana this evening condemned statements made by former President Bharrat Jagdeo at an event in New York where he is reported to have said the APNU+AFC administration is engaged in an “assault on people of Indian origin”.

A statement from the government follows:

Government condemns Jagdeo race baiting

The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana is disappointed with, and condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the irresponsible, hateful race baiting and malicious fabrications and falsehoods uttered by Opposition Leader Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo at an event in New York recently.

At a time when our people are focused on the efforts to foster closer relations and achieve a greater level of social cohesion, the Coalition Government considers it reprehensible that the Opposition Leader, Mr. Jagdeo chooses to sew seeds of division, discord and race hate.

The claim that there is an “assault on people of Indian origin” is despicable, without any basis and a complete figment of Mr. Jagdeo’s imagination. On the contrary, the policies of the Coalition Government are designed to achieve the good life for all Guyanese, not a handpicked few as was the case under the PPP regime which was rejected by the Guyanese electorate on May 11, 2015 in free and fair elections.

Speaking to a predominantly Indo-Guyanese, audience Mr. Jagdeo attempted to inject among them a feeling that they are victims. The recent census has shown that the exodus of Indo-Guyanese was not abated during Mr. Jagdeo’s 12 year tenure as President. Instructively, the single largest exodus went to the United States of America where they live and work under the presidency of an African American.

Also under Mr. Jagdeo’s presidency Guyana witnessed the incestuous relationship with drug lords that spawned the death of hundreds of young people and several episodes of massacres and assassinations including that of a sitting government minister.

Mr. Jagdeo is in fact insulting the intelligence of Indo-Guyanese and all Guyanese who have repudiated him for the pervasive corruption under his regime.

The Coalition Government remains committed to stabilizing the Guyanese economy after years of lawlessness, nepotism, corruption, cronyism, mismanagement, misrule and the flagrant misuse of resources.

Though alarming, these hateful divisive utterances are not surprising, as they represent what appears to be a well orchestrated plan of propaganda which has been spewed locally but which is now being taken internationally by the opposition PPP.

All Jaganites will hang their heads in shame that Mr. Jagdeo has descended into the racist cesspit while pulling with him, the PPP that had once boasted of a credible record as a multi-racial party.

Guyana, under the rainbow Coalition of the APNU+AFC has a genuinely multiracial government made up of six political parties and all ethnicities. Guyana has a functioning parliamentary democracy, an independent judiciary and a free press. There are no political prisoners in Guyana and unlike under the regime of Mr. Jagdeo no one has been charged with treason. There have been no political killings as happened when the peaceful protesters of Linden were gunned down in 2012.

Mr. Jagdeo ought to swallow his spurious racist claims over the fact that under the PPP administration Indo-Guyanese rice farmers were tear-gassed and assaulted and mainly Indo-Guyanese sugar workers were brought to their knees as the Jagdeo-led administration dragged the sugar industry into bankruptcy and indebtedness of over $100 BILLION.

Racism is the well known last refuge of the politically desperate and the Coalition Government calls on all right-thinking and patriotic Guyanese to reject Mr. Jagdeo’s continued attempts at sowing racial divisions in our society.

Nehru posted:

Everything he said is TRUE and there is evidence to back him up. Non PNC Guyanese are grateful for President Jagdeo.

Prove it,post the 140 taxes that are targeting poor people and individuals who transported land are being taken away.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:

BTW 30-40% of the rural population are NOT Indian. Jagdeo doesn't speak on their behalf when he implies that only PPP supporters are being punished.

65% of the people of Guyana in not Black so Granger don't speak for them!!

He is correct, the PNC is re-implementing their apartheid rule over Guyana!!

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

I have not listen this speech as yet, but i dont see this as a PPP problem alone.   

If this is the case, the PPP need to document their case and present it to the public


PPP founder Dr Cheddi Jagan practised the politics of class struggle. Mr Bharrat Jagdeo is practising the politics of race struggle with a pro-Indian bias. This strategy will keep the PPP out of government. All Jaganites within the PPP must raise their voices and curb Mr Jagdeo's divisive and counter-productive politics.


The Guyanese East Indian people, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Guyanese East Indian people need to peacefully exit the dragon and get their own independent sovereign country.

Django posted:

Gov’t condemns ‘race baiting’ by Jagdeo


The Government of Guyana this evening condemned statements made by former President Bharrat Jagdeo at an event in New York where he is reported to have said the APNU+AFC administration is engaged in an “assault on people of Indian origin”.


While Jagdeo's behavior is malicious, malevolent, mischievous, despicable, and in the long run ensuring that the PPP collapses for APNU AFC to behave as if it has solved the racial quagmire is hypocritical.

1.  90-95% of the Indian population did NOT support them, so they need to cease that they are this multi ethnic Pollyanna.   They won with the vast majority of the votes of those who self identify as African and/or mixed.  They got a veneer of East Indian and Amerindian votes, but NOT enough for them to pretend as if they enjoy broad based cross ethnic support.

2. The national election in 2015 and the LGE in 2016 indicate that Guyanese are still locked in the same tribal voting that their GREAT grand parents began in 1957. APNU AFC is hypocritical to pretend as if this is not the case.

3. Just as Africans and mixed identified Guyanese can list a whole litany of reasons why they cannot stand the PPP, and refuse to support it, so can Indians say the same of the PNC.  The PNC needs to stop hiding behind APNU's petty coat and admit that both they and the PPP have a sordid history when it comes to racial tensions in Guyana.

4.  While APNU AFC has done a marginally better job in ensuring diversity at leadership levels the fact remains that it is disproportionately African/mixed, and not all of whom are necessarily competent. That is unless being an exGDF is the only criteria which makes one competent. We see the same pattern of "Friends and Family" that we saw under PPP.

5. I sometimes get the sense that the APNUAFC doesn't want to engage in the hard discussion about the contemporary root cause of ethnic insecurity which bedevil Indian and African identified Guyanese (and to a lesser degree mixed identified).   They seem to prefer a simplistic attempt to pretend as if all discussions of race is racist. Funny the PPP did the SAME thing.

6. So will APNU AFC get the Ministry of Social Cohesion to convene discussions with assorted civic society to admit that Guyana remains divided by ethnic insecurity. To determine the root causes and how these feelings of discomfort and distrust can be resolved.


7. The brown bai KKK scream from a real sense of being hurt.  Even though they are a bunch of black hating racists, they are Guyanese so we need to uncover where do their great insecurities of being Guyanese of Indian descent come from.  Why do they shrivel anytime they encounter an environment not dominated by Indians. 

They clearly suffer from severe trauma from encounters that they have with blacks, and often manifest signs of complete emasculation.  An example being when 2 old black women cussed out dozens of Indo men, and the brown KKK screamed in terror!

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

The Guyanese East Indian people, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Guyanese East Indian people need to peacefully exit the dragon and get their own independent sovereign country.

I see. Hiding some where typing this so that your wife cannot see that this is how you spend your time.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:

BTW 30-40% of the rural population are NOT Indian. Jagdeo doesn't speak on their behalf when he implies that only PPP supporters are being punished.

65% of the people of Guyana in not Black so Granger don't speak for them!!

He is correct, the PNC is re-implementing their apartheid rule over Guyana!!

Granger got 50% of the votes, of which fewer than 60% were from Africans.

Even you will admit that he is a bit more successful in attracting votes from outside of his ethnic base than is Jagdeo who depended on Indians for more than 85% of his vote!

While Jagdeo crowns himself the "Coolie Emperor" even as his subjects flee Granger is taking Amerindian votes away from him.

So let Jagdeo scream as if he is the "Coolie Emperor" while the 56% of the voters who aren't Indians consolidate around APNU AFC.

caribny posted: 

 3. Just as Africans and mixed identified Guyanese can list a whole litany of reasons why they cannot stand the PPP, and refuse to support it, so can Indians say the same of the PNC.  The PNC needs to stop hiding behind APNU's petty coat and admit that both they and the PPP have a sordid history when it comes to racial tensions in Guyana. 


Anyone who claims that Carib is a racist needs to open his/her eyes to this statement. And this is not the first time that Carib has expressed this viewpoint.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time Jagdeo speaks,  people on GNI start to shake in their boots.

Gurlfren, put Tun Tun, Khesto, Johnny Walker, Mehmood and all the Bollywood comedians together and they can't top that.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time Jagdeo speaks,  people on GNI start to shake in their boots.

Maybe his people shakin, not us, I doan even listen to his trash talk, not interested in listening to an ahole, if I wanted to I would just fart.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time Jagdeo speaks,  people on GNI start to shake in their boots.


The 22 is Back !

100 percent accurate and Jagdeo calls a spade a spade. Jagdeo is running the AFC/PNC clueless clowns with a cutlass. He challenged them to prove that corruption existed and the AFC/PNC clowns ran for cover.

Hundreds of millions later and the AFC/PNC clowns cannot even prove shyte.

Jagdeo challenged the corrupt AFC/PNC thieves to provide their income and bank statements and they ran for cover.

Jagdeo challenged the clowns to have transparence when they (PNC) provided millions of untendered  contracts and the AFC/PNC thieves ran for cover.

Go Jagdeo Go ! AFC/PNC tails are on fire.

The AFC/PNC clowns are dunces and racist as the come.

Kudos Jagdeo. Call a spade a spade.

Take a look at the passport office line in Guyana, 80 percent of blacks from those lines are rushing to get passport to flee the PNC madness in Guyana. 

Rice flour, and white mouth days are around the corner.

Business is dead as doornail.

Zero new investments.

PNC clowns will forever remain clowns and idiots. And yes, the corruption comes as part of the PNC price tag while the AFC has been drowned due to their madness and stupidity.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

"He challenged them to prove that corruption existed and the AFC/PNC clowns ran for cover.

Hundreds of millions later and the AFC/PNC clowns cannot even prove shyte."


Is this why crybaby jerkoff Texiera is complaining about witch hunt, hehehehe, she's right, she's head witch.

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

"He challenged them to prove that corruption existed and the AFC/PNC clowns ran for cover.

Hundreds of millions later and the AFC/PNC clowns cannot even prove shyte."


Is this why crybaby jerkoff Texiera is complaining about witch hunt, hehehehe, she's right, she's head witch.

Prove it na ! Where is the corruption that the PNC talked about. 

Until then, the AFC/PNC are talking shyte.

Talk is cheap !

AFC/PNC = Blah Blah Blah Blah !

Django posted:

OK. I dont see what all the hullaballoo is about. Jagdeo is speaking on behalf of his supporters. If he can back up what he is saying, I can excuse this as politics. The PNC was accused of racism, if I understand racism. Why do some of you get so nervous when Jagdeo speak out on behalf of his supporters? Where is the racism?? 

Gilbakka posted:

PPP founder Dr Cheddi Jagan practised the politics of class struggle. Mr Bharrat Jagdeo is practising the politics of race struggle with a pro-Indian bias. This strategy will keep the PPP out of government. All Jaganites within the PPP must raise their voices and curb Mr Jagdeo's divisive and counter-productive politics.

Why don't you tell us what strategy Mombulu has been using since he came to power in May 2015; the same Mombulu who was responsible for the deaths of PPP supporters who were thrown out of GDF trucks that were carrying ballot papers to GDF headquarters for counting a few years ago ! 


As I said before. I doan even listen to his trash talk, not interested in listening to an ahole, if I wanted to I would simply fart.

He is a disgrace to the party, he should stay away but I like many here love when he shows up actually, each time the fool shows up he pulls a Trumpism (borrowed from kariski) which places the party deeper into the quagmire they reside in.


Mombulu and his entire cabinet are clueless. They only have a straw house (Yumana Yana) to show. Just a straw house.

Thanks to PPP for leaving a full treasury and oil discovery. 

The AFC/PNC has done shyte for Guyana.

Their biggest achievement is a big independence fete in which many political analysts are calling a blackman fest.

That is the truth, who vex vex cause these AFC/PNC clowns have done NOTHING for Guyana so far and they remain clueless just over a year later.


Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time Jagdeo speaks,  people on GNI start to shake in their boots.

Gurlfren, put Tun Tun, Khesto, Johnny Walker, Mehmood and all the Bollywood comedians together and they can't top that.

De Gal full of hot air.... and can blow good .....

Jagdeo Break PPP Winning Record ..... Jagdeo make PPP a Minority ...... 

Like Kwame she serving the same purpose.

Nehru posted:

Look at all the Civil Servants fired since the PNC came to Power, look at the Businesses being investigated, look at the Contracts being given out since last May.

All who are involved in money laundering should be investigated,well the last i checked Indian companies are getting the majority contracts,unless you know otherwise or simply being naive.


With the growing population of Brazilians in Guyana I predict we will have Brazilian-Guyanese political party and candidate contesting the 2030 Elections.  One of their political advisers will be George Corria.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They are planning to rig the 2020 elections.. Carib has already come with the Magic Majority.

No rigging PPP kaak duck.

Your kaak duck

You will jump ship when it comes closer to the 2020. Indo population of 39% can't cut the mustard,them bhais at FH should take note.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

OK. I dont see what all the hullaballoo is about. Jagdeo is speaking on behalf of his supporters.

So he admits that his supporters are only Indians. So if Indians are only 45% of the voters then how can the PPP win again? How does his message interest non Indians.  What future is he putting in place by 2030 when the largest group of Guyanese will be those who self identify as mixed?

This is why APNU AFC are so glad that the PPP kept Jagdeo. Now imagine if instead there was a dynamic and competent and multi racial leadership which replaced Rohee and Jagdeo.

No party can win on the basis of the racial vote, and in any case Jagdeo is only screaming because the thieves that he had around him, mainly Indians, are terrified of JAIL. He doesn't care the slightest for the average Indian.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They are planning to rig the 2020 elections.. Carib has already come with the Magic Majority.

No rigging PPP kaak duck.

Your kaak duck

You will jump ship when it comes closer to the 2020. Indo population of 39% can't cut the mustard,them bhais at FH should take note.

Stranger things have been predicted. We know that the future cannot be predicted with absolute certainty.

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

OK. I dont see what all the hullaballoo is about. Jagdeo is speaking on behalf of his supporters.

So he admits that his supporters are only Indians. So if Indians are only 45% of the voters then how can the PPP win again? How does his message interest non Indians.  What future is he putting in place by 2030 when the largest group of Guyanese will be those who self identify as mixed?

This is why APNU AFC are so glad that the PPP kept Jagdeo. Now imagine if instead there was a dynamic and competent and multi racial leadership which replaced Rohee and Jagdeo.

No party can win on the basis of the racial vote, and in any case Jagdeo is only screaming because the thieves that he had around him, mainly Indians, are terrified of JAIL. He doesn't care the slightest for the average Indian.

Here goes the black nationalist, Carib, trying to belittle the legitimate struggles of people against discrimination.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

With the growing population of Brazilians in Guyana I predict we will have Brazilian-Guyanese political party and candidate contesting the 2030 Elections.  One of their political advisers will be George Corria.

More party the merrier,the need to amend the constitution to reflect post election alliance.

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

With the growing population of Brazilians in Guyana I predict we will have Brazilian-Guyanese political party and candidate contesting the 2030 Elections.  One of their political advisers will be George Corria.

More party the merrier,the need to amend the constitution to reflect post election alliance.

We will have an Islamic Party and Brazilian-Portugese party.  It will be Halall vs. Garlic Pork.  Pretty kosher stuff coming. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

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