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caribny posted:


 Jagdeo is only screaming because the thieves that he had around him, mainly Indians, are terrified of JAIL. He doesn't care the slightest for the average Indian.

On point,the Indians don't see this.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

With the growing population of Brazilians in Guyana I predict we will have Brazilian-Guyanese political party and candidate contesting the 2030 Elections.  One of their political advisers will be George Corria.

More party the merrier,the need to amend the constitution to reflect post election alliance.

We will have an Islamic Party and Brazilian-Portugese party.  It will be Halall vs. Garlic Pork.  Pretty kosher stuff coming. 

There we go,confusion tarass with 3/4 million people.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
caribny posted:


 Jagdeo is only screaming because the thieves that he had around him, mainly Indians, are terrified of JAIL. He doesn't care the slightest for the average Indian.

On point,the Indians don't see this.

Shame on you!!  Which one of your PNC people care for Indians or anyone else for that matter?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Every time Jagdeo speaks,  people on GNI start to shake in their boots.

Jagdeo is a ridiculous fellow who should never be given any leadership roles in Guyana. He is disgustingly bare faced and crudely a bigot. As long as he is a seminal figure in the PPP they will lose. He is a disease. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:


 Jagdeo is only screaming because the thieves that he had around him, mainly Indians, are terrified of JAIL. He doesn't care the slightest for the average Indian.

On point,the Indians don't see this.

Shame on you!!  Which one of your PNC people care for Indians or anyone else for that matter?

Take off your blinders.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They are planning to rig the 2020 elections.. Carib has already come up with the Magic Majority.

Did I? Now I thought that the census, which was conducted in 2012, did.

BRB I know that the truth hurts you but Indians are no longer 52% of the population. No party can win only on the basis of the Indian vote.  Your assertion that the PPP won 95% of the Indian vote, which I happen to think is true, means that PPP only won 5% of the black and mixed vote.

Given that the fastest growing bloc are the mixed voters (many of whom operate within an Afro Guyanese context) why the PPP thinks that this is a state of affairs that will benefit them is baffling.

Jagdeo is mentally imbalanced and doesn't care about the PPP. Because if he did he would now be leading massive outreach to non Indians.

But Jagdeo doesn't care about the PPP.  He cares about his ego because he wants to be crowned "Lord of the Indians".

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Shame on you!!  Which one of your PNC people care for Indians or anyone else for that matter?

Well we know that Jagdeo doesn't because his antics allow APNU AFC to crown him a racist. That means that the non Indian majority, and even many Indians, will flee from him.

Do you know that Indians are no longer a majority vote?

Keffer posted:
Gilbakka posted:

PPP founder Dr Cheddi Jagan practised the politics of class struggle. Mr Bharrat Jagdeo is practising the politics of race struggle with a pro-Indian bias. This strategy will keep the PPP out of government. All Jaganites within the PPP must raise their voices and curb Mr Jagdeo's divisive and counter-productive politics.

Why don't you tell us what strategy Mombulu has been using since he came to power in May 2015; the same Mombulu who was responsible for the deaths of PPP supporters who were thrown out of GDF trucks that were carrying ballot papers to GDF headquarters for counting a few years ago ! 

It boggles my mind that those who claim to be so religious (like you and yugi) are the worst bigots and liars.

caribny posted:


7. The brown bai KKK scream from a real sense of being hurt.  Even though they are a bunch of black hating racists, they are Guyanese so we need to uncover where do their great insecurities of being Guyanese of Indian descent come from.  Why do they shrivel anytime they encounter an environment not dominated by Indians. 

They clearly suffer from severe trauma from encounters that they have with blacks, and often manifest signs of complete emasculation.  An example being when 2 old black women cussed out dozens of Indo men, and the brown KKK screamed in terror!

Yes Billyram I feel your pain. Only problem is that Guyana is now a multi ethnic society and within the next 20 years the largest group will be those who consider themselves to be multi ethnic.

Either begin to feel comfortable with blacks, or beg India for a passage back to India, for resettlement in the little rural village from which your low caste ancestors fled.

Only thing though. When you leave for India you will have to renounce your Guyanese citizenship, so if the local village aristocracy kick you aside because you didn't kiss their toes fast enough, you will not be re admitted back into Guyana.



Take a note at how the AFC/PNC racists are telling Indos to go back to India, this is year one.

Four more years to blatant racism is yet to come.

Kudos to Jagdeo for speaking out.

Indos lives matter too.


YUGI22 bai, you have to stop seeing Indian vs Black in terms of Jagdeo. You nor Jagdeo speak for a substantial portion of the Guyanese Indian populace - in Guyana and in the Diaspora. I would not even equate an Indian vote for the PPP as giving Jagdeo license to speak for that particular Indian.

Kari posted:

YUGI22 bai, you have to stop seeing Indian vs Black in terms of Jagdeo. You nor Jagdeo speak for a substantial portion of the Guyanese Indian populace - in Guyana and in the Diaspora. I would not even equate an Indian vote for the PPP as giving Jagdeo license to speak for that particular Indian.

Who the hell do you think you are to tell Yuji to stop speaking out against blatant PNC racism ?

I not will sit and let the racists like carib and others in the PNC to tell Indos to go back to India. This is what the Afros did to Indos in places like Kenya.

History has a very bad habit of repeating itself.

They would be screaming racism if someone told blacks to go back to Africa.

It is my right to speak out against blatant AFC/PNC racism.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Kari posted:

YUGI22 bai, you have to stop seeing Indian vs Black in terms of Jagdeo. You nor Jagdeo speak for a substantial portion of the Guyanese Indian populace - in Guyana and in the Diaspora. I would not even equate an Indian vote for the PPP as giving Jagdeo license to speak for that particular Indian.

Who the hell do you think you are to tell Yuji to stop speaking out against blatant PNC racism ?

I not will sit and let the racists like carib and others in the PNC to tell Indos to go back to India. This is what the Afros did to Indos in places like Kenya.

History has a very bad habit of repeating itself.

They would be screaming racism if someone told blacks to go back to Africa.

It is my right to speak out against blatant AFC/PNC racism.

Yugi bai, it's good to hallucinate some time - like not seeing a loved one for a long time and going ga-ga - but the idea of some pogrom against Indians....whew! Where did that come from? Anyhow back to reality, you can speak out against anything, but while doing so speak out agsinst the 23 years of Jagdeo and one year of Moses, and tell me that Moses had more powers than Jagdeo to fashion what Guyana is today. Samjeh?


Listen Kari.

Yuji speaks facts and is NEVER afraid to speak the truth. You can live with stifled racism but I cannot.

Now go back to your feel good DNC circus.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Take a note at how the AFC/PNC racists are telling Indos to go back to India, this is year one.


Why not? You seem unable to live among non Indians, so maybe you will be less miserable in India.

Stop stressing yourselves.  By 2030 70% of the population will NOT be Indian.

yuji22 posted:

I not will sit and let the racists like carib and others in the PNC to tell Indos to go back to India. .

When Moses called himself a GUYANESE you all took great exception to that. He should have called himself INDIAN.  Screaming that Indians should vote PPP because it is an Indian party (and by doing so scaring record numbers of black and mixed Guyanese out to vote).

Well Indians live in INDIA, so if you cannot call yourself a GUYANESE of Indian ancestry, as Moses describes himself, then INDIA is more appropriate for YOU!

Are you INDIAN, or are you a GUYANESE of Indian descent? The decision is yours.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

They would be screaming racism if someone told blacks to go back to Africa.


Can you discuss any time when an Afro Guyanese was attacked for calling him or herself GUYANESE.

I think not.  Africa is where our ancestors are FROM, NOT who we are.

In fact many of you hate being Guyanese so much that you couldn't even commemorate our 50th anniversary as a people.

Last edited by Former Member

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