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yuji22 posted:

Who is talking about you again ? You better hurry up and go wash that PNC Sloppy pot. A Dj plays music.

Banna you may not like to know ,what i am washing. Trying foxiness are noticeable.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Yeah rite!! Jagdeo drop a text book shot on them. 😀😀

Let’s see if the text book shot make boundary or get caught in slip!   

Let’s hope he don’t disappoint because he is 1,000,000 Times smartly than the average mortal being!

That fella smart t@rass.  

Well, that was the assessment by our resident cow-batty Brahmin!  Me juss tek it fuh suh!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Yeah rite!! Jagdeo drop a text book shot on them. 😀😀

Let’s see if the text book shot make boundary or get caught in slip!   

Let’s hope he don’t disappoint because he is 1,000,000 Times smartly than the average mortal being!

That fella smart t@rass.  

Well, that was the assessment by our resident cow-batty Brahmin!  Me juss tek it fuh suh!


Look the unemployed free loader, charity scammer, leeching off unsuspecting donors shows up. Get a life man. How long will you live like that ? 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Leonora posted:
Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo capitalizing on Granger's sickness. 

The Ultimate Opportunist jumps right in for the killing.

I never heard that Mitwah is an opportunist.  Where you hear that from?

Some of them not too far from Granger's situation, with one foot in the grave they still fighting to keep pnc stranglehold on Guyana. 

yuji22 posted:

I heard that a certain person’s hate for Jagdeo stems for an opportunistic attempt to get a GRA job and after Jagdeo kicked him out, the hate started.

When Kanwa could not help that person with the job despite cutting and pasting thousands of pro AFC articles, he is still willing to give his life for the AFC.

Go figure. 

Who dat? Lillybai? No wonder he so bitter. When ah man ain't get promotion, he does remain bitter. 

yuji22 posted:

Look the unemployed free loader, charity scammer, leeching off unsuspecting donors shows up. Get a life man. How long will you live like that ? 

Hey, i hope you switch back to eating cow shit, it's vegan.  Yuh panty waver dozz eat poke and beef and watrash and suh.  Not good fuh yuh cow-batty Brahmin stomach.

Now cow-batty Brahmin, why must I bother to guh in the snow and wuk when dem gatt nuff suckers like you and panty waver who dozz donate!  Me living the life on that.  Just as panty waver how much vacation she get in the year we was flinging!  She can never get that from a stingy cow-batty kakwai Brahmin!

Now, guh eat some cow shit and drink the piss!!  And mek sure is a bull!  Me think you running on empty!!



Find a job, stop free loading and charity scamming and we can have a conversation. Until than, keep blowing fraff. I did my investigation into charities and your name popped up and it was very bad. You are the one who gives charity a bad name. 

I do not want to get personal about your mental health issues and compulsive, obsessive behaviour. I prefer to leave that out. 

At least Tola is doing something, however small but you are as shameless as they come.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Find a job, stop free loading and charity scamming and we can have a conversation. Until than, keep blowing fraff. I did my investigation in charities and your name popped up and it was very bad. You are the one who gives charity a bad name. 

At least Tola is doing something, however small but you are as shameless as the come.

I have a nice job for you.  Come suck me!!  Ask for some tips on what pleases me!!

Yea, go report it to the authorities!!

Sorry, I don't have conversations with dimwit shit eating Chammar tun Brahmin!  Gwan suh you lil fagboy!!

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