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Canadian was here for meeting with Rodrigues -sources

Posted By Stabroek staff On November 11, 2012

-was asked to backdate receipts for communications equipment


The Canadian man who died here 11 days after he was shot was in Guyana for a transaction with Ricardo Rodrigues whom he knew from previous visits, and he was also acquainted with now-imprisoned drug lord, Roger Khan, according to well-placed sources.

Sources close to the Rodrigues investigation told Stabroek News that Jean Pierre Le Blanc was here at the request of Rodrigues and had been asked to provide backdated receipts for communication devices sold to him back in 2003. It is unclear if the receipts were linked to the ammunition bust at Tabatinga, Lethem in early October for which Rodrigues had been arrested and then released by the police. It is believed that the arms bust led to the killing of Rodrigues and one of his bodyguards in two separate attacks last month.

Le Blanc was hit by a bullet on October 15 when gunmen burst into the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club bar at Thomas Lands and killed Rodrigues in a hail of gunfire. Le Blanc’s cover story after the shooting was that he was looking for a place to have cold beers and was taken by his taxi driver to the GMR&SC bar. This, the sources said, was definitely not the case. It was also revealed that the Jamaican man who was wounded during the killing of Rodrigues was Le Blanc’s bodyguard. The sources said the fact that Le Blanc would feel the need to travel with a bodyguard was a sign of the nature of his business here and that he knew there were security risks. His security guard took his own discharge from the Georgetown Hospital and returned to Jamaica several days after the shooting.

Police had said that among the assault rifles unearthed at the Rupununi location were one Icom VHF radio set and one Icom hand-held radio set. It was these sets for which Le Blanc was being asked by Rodrigues to provide documentation. During the crime-spree years (2002-8), a number of similar communication radios as well as sophisticated cellular phone intercept and triangulation equipment were seized by the Joint Services.

It was during the meeting with Le Blanc at the Albert Street-based GMR&SC that Rodrigues was shot execution-style on October 15. The wounded Le Blanc fell into a coma on October 25 and died suddenly the next day in the High Dependency Unit of the Georgetown Hospital one day after giving police an oral statement. Prior to that, he had appeared to be making a full recovery.

Preliminary findings of an autopsy, conducted by government pathologist Nehaul Singh, are that Le Blanc died from complications due to a gunshot injury to his buttocks. The autopsy was conducted at the Georgetown Hospital morgue and Crime Chief Seelall Persaud told Stabroek News that samples of the man’s tissues were also taken. Toxicological tests would also have to be done. There is a view that there may have been foul play in Le Blanc’s death and the tissue and toxicological tests are expected to clear this up. Sources said that Le Blanc had grown increasingly fearful for his life while hospitalized.

An official from the Canadian High Commission witnessed the autopsy in the absence of Le Blanc’s family, who were unwilling to travel to Guyana owing to security concerns. The Canadian High Commis-sion has remained tightlipped on information about Le Blanc citing privacy rules.

Sources close to the investigation explain that from intelligence gathered Rodrigues, Le Blanc, his Jamaican bodyguard Hutchinson and another man were all seated at a table at GMR&SC. The men had not long assembled when gunmen stormed the premises and shot Rodrigues. They targeted only Rodrigues and ensured that he was dead.

Reports are that on seeing the armed men Le Blanc and the others dived for cover while Rodrigues uttered an expletive and attempted to grab his semi-automatic pistol from his waist but was unable to use it and was cut down in a fusillade.

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That Richmond hill area of New York is partly controlled by the Bonanno family.  The Bonannos also control most of Montreal. Is this story seeking a connection?

Last edited by Prashad

Jagdeo is no longer president. In fact there was never a link between RK and Jagdeo.  It was the Jagdeo administration that issued a warrant for his arrest after he outlasted his usefulness in the fight against the freedom fighters. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Don't refer to those people as freedom fighters.  No robber or killer of innocent people etc are freedom fighters.

so . . . who's calling RK and his murder gang "freedom fighters" ??


Those buxton racist killers are not freedom fighters.  No freedom fighter puts an AK-47 to the head of an innocent sleeping child (with dark skin who is living in powerless poverty) and pulls the trigger.  Thank god for Jagdeo. Thank god for Jagdeo. In a sense he is a saviour of powerless poor dark peoples.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Those buxton racist killers are not freedom fighters.  No freedom fighter puts an AK-47 to the head of an sleeping innocent child (with dark skin who is living in powerless poverty) and pulls the trigger.  Thank god for Jagdeo. Thank god for Jagdeo.

There has never been any forensic evidence to support the PPP claims that those murders were committed by any sort of freedom fighters. Neither ballistic or fingerprint evidence has shown it to be true.

So I am afraid to say that the only true killers were PPP hitmen who were sent to try to fabricate a racially motivated trail of murders.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Those buxton racist killers are not freedom fighters.  No freedom fighter puts an AK-47 to the head of an innocent sleeping child (with dark skin who is living in powerless poverty) and pulls the trigger

i couldn't agree more . . .


but, somehow, i get the impression that you feel my previous post is a contradiction . . . hmmmm??


The amount of gunmen on that Buxton embankment that afternoon of the crime means some of these bastards who racially killed those innocent powerless colored kids are still alive and living in peace today.


Please refrain from protecting the PPP criminals. You know full well that only the PPP has the capital to pay for such weapons and only PPP members are capable of keeping such weapons without interference by the police.


Mr T even if the phantoms had baited fineman by killing his child he should not have seek vengence on other powerless dark children living in poverty. Who financed his weapons?  AK-47S do not come cheap.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Mr T even if the phantoms had baited fineman by killing his child he should not have seek vengence on other powerless dark children living in poverty. Who financed his weapons?  AK-47S do not come cheap.

You can repeat your allegations as many times as you like, but at the end of the day is no way Fineman and his gang could afford the sort of money to buy those kind of weapons. What was recovered from them were far less powerful and none of the ballistic evidence ever linked any weapons from the Fineman gang to those killings.

I would go so far as to say that those poor people were ordered to be killed by Jagdeo. He wanted to create a hatred towards blacks.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

RK is a complicated issue that I don't want to deal with because I know Comrade Cheddi never used someone like that.

Yesss, Dr Jagan would have been horrified.


But Jagdeo, your hero, had no qualms about crawling into bed with the murderous drug lord . . . for the good of the PPP, of course


. . . and the enduring sorrow of the Guyanese people.


but . . . it's a "complicated issue [you] don't want to deal with" . . . RIP Sash Sawh

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

Jagdeo saved Indians from the mindset of helpless victim, a culture propagated under CBJ.  Jagdeo reversed that mindset, so I'm not sure what the "hero" is about.  Jagdeo and Gajraj were the tough nuts and have earned the respect of the people.


Many Afros like Jagan for just that, he took the kick in the teeth and rolled up in a corner.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

if you feel so strongly [Rwanda yet!!] . . . where is your fulsome praise for Roger Khan??


is it because he is serving hard time for crimes against the American people, and you worry that the feds will come knocking [it's "complicated"] . . .

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

Jagdeo saved Indians from the mindset of helpless victim, a culture propagated under CBJ.  Jagdeo reversed that mindset, so I'm not sure what the "hero" is about.  Jagdeo and Gajraj were the tough nuts and have earned the respect of the people.


Many Afros like Jagan for just that, he took the kick in the teeth and rolled up in a corner.

Baseman Dr Jagan was a man of peace. But in some ways you are right.   When I read about the assassination of Fineman's sister I realized that this is a different ball game being played out.  Gone are the days when killers can kill and expect not to experience the wrath of vengence.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Dr Jagan is my hero but I am grateful to Jagdeo for saving Guyana from becoming another Rwanda.  For that I say Thank you Mr.Jagdeo.

Jagdeo saved Indians from the mindset of helpless victim, a culture propagated under CBJ.  Jagdeo reversed that mindset, so I'm not sure what the "hero" is about.  Jagdeo and Gajraj were the tough nuts and have earned the respect of the people.


Many Afros like Jagan for just that, he took the kick in the teeth and rolled up in a corner.

Baseman Dr Jagan was a man of peace. But in some ways you are right.   When I read about the assassination of Fineman's sister I realized that this is a different ball game being played out.  Gone are the days when killers can kill and expect not to experience the wrath of vengence.

If i am reading this endorsement right . . . then you, Baseman and the other PPP cowards are no different from the war criminal fineman


An innocent hard working good woman, mother and wife being killed like that is not right nor is it good.  She did not harm anyone.  But it made me realize that a different sherrif took over town and was not afraid to put the racist bad guy on the run or take the fight to the racist bad guy.  What can I say them fellows got balls of iron.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

An innocent hard working good woman, mother and wife being killed like that is not right nor is it good.  She did not harm anyone.  But it made me realize that a different sherrif took over town and was not afraid to put the racist bad guy on the run or take the fight to the racist bad guy.  What can I say them fellows got balls of iron.

your qualification makes you a liar . . . at least Baseman, in his naked racism, comes straight

Originally Posted by Prashad:

How am I a liar. I am telling you the way it is.  Its like Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter.  Standing up for the powerless people. 

this is not a movie dude . . . enough with the dissembling


Redux I think you have learned your lesson.  Do not harm powerless and defenceless people if you do not want to deal with the consequences.  Those days are over.  Thanks to a Low Plains Drifter named Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Redux I think you have learned your lesson.  Do not harm powerless and defenceless people if you do not want to deal with the consequences.  Those days are over.  Thanks to a Low Plains Drifter named Jagdeo.

I have "learned [my] lesson"??? . . . nowww we are getting somewhere in the deconstruction of your thought and unlocking the disfigured motivation(s) of so many on this BB


tell me more you sad little man


No hard feelings AFC boys but you guys have to be careful how you attack Mr.Jagdeo.  This is a man that many indians are grateful to.  He saved their bacon and they know it.  He is their high plains drifter.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Not so sad and little anymore when you have a large stick and a big brother to protect you from racial attacks.

and why do YOU need a "large stick" and "big brother" to protect U from "racial attacks" . . .?


are you a biatch??


I would suggest that you AFC boys stick to attcking Ramotar and the gang of seven and forget about Jagdeo. The majority of indians (Like baseman) love that man more than my leader Dr.Jagan. So you are not getting anywhere by attacking him.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I would suggest that you AFC boys stick to attcking Ramotar and the gang of seven and forget about Jagdeo. The majority of indians (Like baseman) love that man more than my leader Dr.Jagan. So you are not getting anywhere by attacking him.

This is not the AFC . . . u dealing with me now


i suggest you answer my question(s) and not run away like the primitive we are only now getting to know


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