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July 9, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Jail break and fire at Georgetown prison:
There is a jail break and fire at the Georgetown Prison, fire and prison officials have confirmed. Fire fighters, police and other security personnel have responded to the report of a prison riot. Prison Chief, Gladwin Samuels said he received a report of an escape and he was on his way to the maximum security jail. One prison officer was shot during the unrest at the jail.
Several months ago, 16 prisoners were killed in a fire there.

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

The incompetence of this govt is flabbergasting.  They had 2 years to fix the problems but all they manage to do is waste money on saru and give themselves 50% raises while waiting for oil money initiated by the PPP. 

Not they are in charge and their own pnc people running the prisons, who did they manage to let this happen? The jackasses used to cry day and night about how the PPP treat prisoners bad. That lilmohan jackass with departed Jalil would post piktcha lakka piktcha day and night about PPP mismanaging the prison. Now the remaining jackass quite as a lamb, only collecting he adviser paycheck and singing one and two bajans fuh mek ends meet. 

Drugb posted:

The incompetence of this govt is flabbergasting.  They had 2 years to fix the problems but all they manage to do is waste money on saru and give themselves 50% raises while waiting for oil money initiated by the PPP. 

Not they are in charge and their own pnc people running the prisons, who did they manage to let this happen? The jackasses used to cry day and night about how the PPP treat prisoners bad. That lilmohan jackass with departed Jalil would post piktcha lakka piktcha day and night about PPP mismanaging the prison. Now the remaining jackass quite as a lamb, only collecting he adviser paycheck and singing one and two bajans fuh mek ends meet. 

Rass Druggie, stik to one pint all ova de place and its hard to known wha you saying.

Quit dis shit, you hear, maybe only  Tola long winded.

Tola posted:

You talking to you self a lot, like you na get no friends,  while others discuss dis issue on annada thread.

Typical fa some Guyanese, dem want to be on tap....alone.

A country is in crisis. Lives are lost.  Criminals are running free on the street.  People are being evacuated from their homes. Let's focus on that for a moment.

When is Granger and Ramjattan going to declare a State of Emergency?

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:

The incompetence of this govt is flabbergasting.  They had 2 years to fix the problems but all they manage to do is waste money on saru and give themselves 50% raises while waiting for oil money initiated by the PPP. 

Not they are in charge and their own pnc people running the prisons, who did they manage to let this happen? The jackasses used to cry day and night about how the PPP treat prisoners bad. That lilmohan jackass with departed Jalil would post piktcha lakka piktcha day and night about PPP mismanaging the prison. Now the remaining jackass quite as a lamb, only collecting he adviser paycheck and singing one and two bajans fuh mek ends meet. 

Agree that the prison situation should have been a high priority.  Any high priority items on any list? Or it's all secret.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:

You talking to you self a lot, like you na get no friends,  while others discuss dis issue on annada thread.

Typical fa some Guyanese, dem want to be on tap....alone.

A country is in crisis. Lives are lost.  Criminals are running free on the street.  People are being evacuated from their homes. Let's focus on that for a moment.

When is Granger and Ramjattan going to declare a State of Emergenc

Why would Granger and Ramjattan do so when all that shit you first mentioned (country in crisis..criminals running free) occured while PPP was the govt..what did your buddy the goat do to put the brakes on?

I'll tell you what he did.....absolutely friken nothing.

Last edited by cain

Breaking News!!! Camp Street jail on fire

Jul 09, 2017 News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....street-jail-on-fire/

– several inmates on the run, car hijacked

– prisons officers injured

One year after a fire killed 18 persons at the Camp Street jail, another blaze late today— deliberately set– has leveled several blocks in the prison compound. At least seven prison officers were either shot of chopped. Two were critical. Three prisoners were also hospitalized with gunshot wounds.

As of 20:00 hours, the blaze was still raging. Prisoners, both remand and convicted, were evacuated to the army headquarters, Camp Ayanganna and Lusignan Prisons.

There are no confirmed reports of persons dead at this time.
According to reports, the fire started after 17:30 hours, set by angry prisoners who protested the late serving of their meals.

At the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Health Minister Volda Lawrence disclosed that 10 persons from the Prison Riot are receiving medical attention- among are seven are prison officers.

One person, a prison officer identified as Officer Trim, is currently undergoing surgery.

The Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) in a statement said that it has disconnected water services in Queenstown and Kitty, Georgetown so as to ensure adequate water access to the Guyana Fire Service during the prison fire.
Reports said that prisoners first set fire to the tailor shop and as confusion spread, several blazes were strategically set.

The Prison Officers Club, to where a number of inmates were evacuated, was also set alight.

There are reports at this time that prisoners who used the confusion to hijack a car, fled to Buxton, East Coast Demerara where security forces tracked them down and captured two.

Several prisoners at this time were being evacuated to the army base in Thomas Lands in big buses, under police and army watch.

At the scene of the fire, there were sounds of explosions within the prison walls. More details.


This was definitely orchestrated by the PNC to free these notorious criminals to do their bidding of robbing and killing PPP supporters. 

Bartica, Lusignan massacre killers were planning prison break since February

Bartica massacre killer, Mark Royden Williams called “Smallie” reportedly started the fire at the Camp Street jail yesterday as a distraction to escape. And he did escape.
He was among five high profile inmates who held a prison warden hostage and escaped from the prison shortly after 17:00 hrs.
The other escapees are Stafrei Hopkinson Alexander, who was charged for the April 4, 2015 murder of businesswoman Shevon Gordon, who was shot near her One Mile, Linden home during a robbery.
Dellon Henry called “Nasty man” who was charged for buggery, murder and illegal gun as a teenager was committed to stand trial in the High Court for the murder of East Ruimveldt resident, Dexter Griffith on September 29, 2015.
Uree Varswyck, an ex-policeman was charged for the December 2014 murder of Sterling Products Limited security guard, Wilfred Stewart and the execution-style killing of GGMC engineer, Trevor Abrams in 2015.
The fifth prisoner could not be identified. The escapees are armed.
The men reportedly hijacked a burgundy car on Bent Street, Georgetown and made good their escape. The last report was that they were spotted in Sophia, Georgetown.
Williams might have been planning his escape from the prison since February, last. A woman, Kelly Ann Martin, was arrested after trying to smuggle a grenade in to him.

Mark Royden Williams called “Smallie

Dellon Henry called “Nasty man”

Prison escapee: Uree Varswyck

Stafrei Hopkinson Alexander

William was recently handed the death sentence after being convicted on eight counts of murder over the February 17, 2008 Bartica Massacre.
Kaieteur News learnt that the fire was set at seven different places inside the prison shortly after 17:00 hrs before the prison warden was held hostage.
Head of Prison, Gladwin Samuels, said that as of Sunday morning there were 1,018 inmates at the prison. However, as of last night, it could not be determined how many prisoners were accounted for.
Prisoners were being transported to the Lusignan Prisons after they opted to leave the burning compound.
They were first taken to the Prison Officers’ Sports Club across from the prison. Not long after that building was also set on fire. Prisoners could be seen jumping from the balcony of the building to the ground below.
When that blaze was extinguished the prison authorities transported them to the Lusignan prisons in large trucks.


How the hell these dangerous criminals are able to escape and flee to Buxton?  Can't we see a parallel here between the escapees of 2001 who fled to Buxton in the same style?  I believe the same people who were behind the Mash Day breakout are again at the old game.  These criminals could target Indos and PPP politicians .  Moderate policemen are going to be on their list too.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How the hell these dangerous criminals are able to escape and flee to Buxton?  Can't we see a parallel here between the escapees of 2001 who fled to Buxton in the same style?  I believe the same people who were behind the Mash Day breakout are again at the old game.  These criminals could target Indos and PPP politicians .  Moderate policemen are going to be on their list too.

Did they flee to Buxton? Please call the police and tell them where they are so that they can recapture them. These criminals can target anyone.


UPDATE: Camp Street Prison Break


The Guyana Fire Service has confirmed that no burnt bodies were recovered from what remains of the Camp Street Prison following the devastating fire which erupted on Sunday.

Up to this morning, Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Annette Ferguson was touring the now gutted facilities.

However the penitentiary remains cordoned off while the prisoners were relocated to the Lusignan, Timehri and Mazaruni prisons. Three escapees are reportedly still on the run.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yes they did flee to Buxton.  Police knew that since last night.  One was already captured.

There was an incident last night in Buxton completely unrelated to the jailbreak. The prisoner who was recaptured was arrested on Hadfield Street. There is no evidence that any of the escapees are hiding out in Buxton except for the incessant braying from sensationalists trying to score cheap political points. You should inform the police of their whereabouts since you happen to know more than anyone else.


Timeline of the Georgetown Prison fire and riot.

July 10, 2017 Source

(Department of Public Information)

– 16:45- The Director of Prison, Gladwyn Samuels, is informed of

disturbance at Georgetown Prison.

– Samuels is informed that an officer is being held hostage and that

there are sounds of gunshots within the prison

– Two locations of the prison are set ablaze simultaneously; the Strong

Cell Division and the Wooden Prison/Condemn Division

– A total of five prisoners are observed leaving the prison.

– The Guyana Fire Service is contacted and responds. Fires are observed

at four (4) locations within the prison complex- Fire Chief Marlon Gentle

– The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are activated. The various

Joint-Services are contacted and respond.

– Eight (8) persons from the prison are transferred to the Georgetown

Public Hospital (GPHC) receive medical attention at, seven (7) of whom are

Prison Officers

– The Guyana Fire Service arrives on scene with two (2) fire tenders,

but the fires quickly spread to other parts of the prison compound

– With the assistance of the other agencies, the Prison Officials

activated the emergency evacuation procedure as fires spread.

– Guyana Fire Service dispatches more fire tenders to the scene

– Groups of prisoners are brought out from inside the prison. Some are

placed to sit on Camp Street and others inside the Prison Officer Club.

– 18:35 hrs- Several prisoners, being held in the Prison Officers Club,

set fire to the building. The burning building is evacuated Prisoners are

moved on to the roadway at the corners of Camp and Bent Streets.

– Security Forces expand cordons around scene.

– Guyana Water Inc. disconnects water supplies to some parts of

Georgetown to increase water pressure around Georgetown Prisons to assist

in fire fighting efforts.

– Security officials begin transporting prisoners to the Lusignan Prison

on the East Coast of Demerara via trucks, and buses.

– Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence arrives at the GPHC, actives

emergency procedures, and updates media on persons admitted and extent of

injuries. Public reassured that all measures are in place to deal with mass

casualties if necessary

– 20:00hrs-President David Granger convenes National Security meeting

– Prison Officer Odinga Wickham succumbs from his injuries. Other

wounded prison officers being treated for gunshot wounds and lacerations.

– Guyana Fire Service cancels all rotations and leave for staff. All

instructed to report to their stations.

– All of the wooden buildings in the Georgetown Prison Complex are


– 10:45-Two press conferences are held at the National Communications

Network. They are conducted by Fire Chief Marlon Gentle, Chief Prison

Officer ag. Gladwin Samuels, Guyana Police Force Commisioner Seelall

Persaud and Guyana Defence Force Chief of Staff Col ag. Nazrul Hussain. The

second is conducted by Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan.

– The mastermind of the unrest is identified as Bartica and Lusignan

massacre convict Mark Royden Durant aka Royden Williams and Smallie; and

Uree Varswyck. The other three have not been identified as yet.

– The joint services operation continues effort to recapture the escaped


– Members of the public are advised to take all necessary precautions as

they go about their activities. Report any suspicious activities to the

nearest police station.

– 01:50-Remanded murder accused Shawn Collins, 20, of lot 6 Ketley and

Drydales Streets who escaped whilst being transported with other prisoners

to another location is recaptured on Hadfield Street. He was not among the

five original escapees.

– Initial walk through inspection of the GT prisons conducted by

security officials, no bodies discovered so far

– Roll calls are conducted at Lusignan Prison to identify and account

for those in custody

– National Security meeting set for 12:00hrs July 10, 2017, at Camp


Nehru posted:

When Jagdeo and brother Gajraj(God bless him) took out the buxton Gang, these same people calling for any means possible, were singing a different tune. Do not take my word, go back and check!!!

Gajraj should go down in history as a distinguished human being who saved Guyana from PNC terrorists. Maybe the next PPP government can give him one of those medals that Hammie got for being a PNC terrorist.


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