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Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Indeed, I see posts with humiliating pictures of gorillas and Hitler mustaches that demean who we are and not representative of Guyanese. Calling Granger a gorilla and Obama a Hitler are blatant racist - more insisduous than Jalil calling out Kwame for what is known, reported and a crime in the law books of Guyana - sodomy. Lelt Shaitaan answer to those posts by the PPP goons - yes, let me borrow Shaitaan's term "goons".


Ray is a blasted and shameful coward. Ban me raas too for these remarks. Let's see how much penchant for free and responsible expression you have.


Ii should troll this site every second of the day and call your ass out for allowing sjh1t by some people and then banning Jalil - such inconsistency.


Let all the brothers here stand with me in calling out this injustice and blatant cowardice.

Why are you getting personal.
And for a piece of low life like Alim
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Vish M
Originally Posted by cain:

I am seeing posts by others showing up in more than one thread, I hope these guys are taken to task also.


Look free that man yeah Ray, he s not preaching hate as we usually see from the likes of a few on the board. We'll hold a lil meeting and see if some picthas could be held back once in awhile.

Cain, I don't think it's the pictures. Look at shit that Councie and Yugly post. I think Jalil banning is a personal vendetta.


This is election time and we should be allowed to post our pictures to counter the propaganda and expose the PPP/C lies.


Bhai I want to know why you'll behaving like dem coolie woman in a KSI line who was at the mercy of Fatman.


This Ray guy or whatever aya calling him must be feeling nice like when he was in the National Service getting he service.


Today he get another service man servicing he.....and all of you sucking up to him.


He feel he important like Kwame, and he behaving like Kwame and he will remain there until you all expose him, so stop begging like if you in a Guyline for Scarce food, you making him feel important.



Originally Posted by Vish M:
Why are you getting personal.
And for a piece of low life like Alim
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Vish, to borrow from Chief...shut yuh poke......just get me the tassa drummers for this Saturday as we discuss.............and yes....shut yuh poke!

Originally Posted by Kari:


 Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.



* First of all let me state unequivocally that I fully support ray as GNI admin. He has been doing an excellent job.


* Now! It is downright nasty and mean-spirited for karimullah to take a stab at ray's father.


* ray is too decent a guy to suspend karimullah for his obnoxious post above, but if amral is a fair-minded administrator he would suspend kari.





* That boy has some psychological issues and ray was 100% correct to suspend his posting privileges.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Georgie:

Bhai I want to know why you'll behaving like dem coolie woman in a KSI line who was at the mercy of Fatman.


This Ray guy or whatever aya calling him must be feeling nice like when he was in the National Service getting he service.


Today he get another service man servicing he.....and all of you sucking up to him.


He feel he important like Kwame, and he behaving like Kwame and he will remain there until you all expose him, so stop begging like if you in a Guyline for Scarce food, you making him feel important.



Sounds like Jalil twin....or Jalil with another piktcha lika piktcha...right see how responsible alil is....hehehehe...


Serious Disclaimer - I do not know that Georgie Boy is Jalil

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:


 Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.



* First of all let me state unequivocally that I fully support ray as GNI admin. He has been doing an excellent job.


* Now! It is downright nasty and mean-spirited for karimullah to take a stab at ray's father.


* ray is too decent a guy to suspend karimullah's  for his obnoxious post above, but if amral if a fair-minded administrator he would suspend kari.





* That boy has some psychological issues and ray was 100% correct to suspend his posting privileges.







Rev....shut yuh poke too.


Yours is a juvenile mind-set with a singular disposition for idiocy.

Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Stop your nonsense and respect Raymond's late father. He was an upright citizen and was a Member of Parliament in the PNC CABINET. To the best of my knowledge Mr Alli was never and enforcer of anything like KSI, as a matter of fact KSI came after his death if Iam not mistaken. Mr Alli was a very quiet and humble person whom many admired and respected.


Jalil need to rest himself and stay away from people parents who are now deceased and served Guyana well. I will defend Jali's late Dad the very same as Iam doing for Raymond's father.

Tell Jalil I will defen


Originally Posted by Vish M:
Why are you getting personal.
And for a piece of low life like Alim
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.



 Mr Mahadeo, the only lowlife besides the KSI Baby is the one who Jailbird Albert Finger good.


Your former Friend and Buddy who was the jailbird Campaign Manager telling us everyday who is a lowlife, and he never once call that name Alim.




Originally Posted by Kari:

Indeed, I see posts with humiliating pictures of gorillas and Hitler mustaches that demean who we are and not representative of Guyanese. Calling Granger a gorilla and Obama a Hitler are blatant racist - more insisduous than Jalil calling out Kwame for what is known, reported and a crime in the law books of Guyana - sodomy. Lelt Shaitaan answer to those posts by the PPP goons - yes, let me borrow Shaitaan's term "goons".


Ray is a blasted and shameful coward. Ban me raas too for these remarks. Let's see how much penchant for free and responsible expression you have.


Ii should troll this site every second of the day and call your ass out for allowing sjh1t by some people and then banning Jalil - such inconsistency.


Let all the brothers here stand with me in calling out this injustice and blatant cowardice.

Bro -please relax- you are not this type, someone is feeding you misinformation!.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
Why are you getting personal.
And for a piece of low life like Alim
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Vish, to borrow from Chief...shut yuh poke......just get me the tassa drummers for this Saturday as we discuss.............and yes....shut yuh poke!

 In this instance it is you who need to shut your Poke and not Mr. Mahadeo!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Stop your nonsense and respect Raymond's late father. He was an upright citizen and was a Member of Parliament in the PNC CABINET. To the best of my knowledge Mr Alli was never and enforcer of anything like KSI, as a matter of fact KSI came after his death if Iam not mistaken. Mr Alli was a very quiet and humble person whom many admired and respected.


Jalil need to rest himself and stay away from people parents who are now deceased and served Guyana well. I will defend Jali's late Dad the very same as Iam doing for Raymond's father.

Tell Jalil I will defen


Chief....shut yuh poke......


Stay out of this Ray thing - PNC or no KSI or know...


Shut yuh poke.....

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Indeed, I see posts with humiliating pictures of gorillas and Hitler mustaches that demean who we are and not representative of Guyanese. Calling Granger a gorilla and Obama a Hitler are blatant racist - more insisduous than Jalil calling out Kwame for what is known, reported and a crime in the law books of Guyana - sodomy. Lelt Shaitaan answer to those posts by the PPP goons - yes, let me borrow Shaitaan's term "goons".


Ray is a blasted and shameful coward. Ban me raas too for these remarks. Let's see how much penchant for free and responsible expression you have.


Ii should troll this site every second of the day and call your ass out for allowing sjh1t by some people and then banning Jalil - such inconsistency.


Let all the brothers here stand with me in calling out this injustice and blatant cowardice.

Bro -please relax- you are not this type, someone is feeding you misinformation!.

Chief, shut yuh poke..............and again stay out of this one

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Stop your nonsense and respect Raymond's late father. He was an upright citizen and was a Member of Parliament in the PNC CABINET. To the best of my knowledge Mr Alli was never and enforcer of anything like KSI, as a matter of fact KSI came after his death if Iam not mistaken. Mr Alli was a very quiet and humble person whom many admired and respected.


Jalil need to rest himself and stay away from people parents who are now deceased and served Guyana well. I will defend Jali's late Dad the very same as Iam doing for Raymond's father.

Tell Jalil I will defen


Chief you shut yuh poke,

Fatman was a PNC Stooge,

he was never in any PNC Cabinet,

he was a KSI manager ask your friend.

He probably use to clean Burnham Cabinet.

Safraz father wrote a lot about De Fat Scamp.

All he know is Burn-um and Ban-am.


My Friend Robert Corbin promise me a Picture with the fatman at KSI.


It look like your friend Kari line up and begging for some scarce food items.


Originally Posted by Georgie:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Stop your nonsense and respect Raymond's late father. He was an upright citizen and was a Member of Parliament in the PNC CABINET. To the best of my knowledge Mr Alli was never and enforcer of anything like KSI, as a matter of fact KSI came after his death if Iam not mistaken. Mr Alli was a very quiet and humble person whom many admired and respected.


Jalil need to rest himself and stay away from people parents who are now deceased and served Guyana well. I will defend Jali's late Dad the very same as Iam doing for Raymond's father.

Tell Jalil I will defen


Chief you shut yuh poke,

Fatman was a PNC Stooge,

he was never in any PNC Cabinet,

he was a KSI manager ask your friend.

He probably use to clean Burnham Cabinet.

Safraz father wrote a lot about De Fat Scamp.

All he know is Burn-um and Ban-am.


My Friend Robert Corbin promise me a Picture with the fatman at KSI.


It look like your friend Kari line up and begging for some scarce food items.



Welcome Back Jalil!


I knew the problem would sort itself out

Originally Posted by Chief:


Ease up for the night Buddy, this is not you.


Relax ,chill!!

Go catch your bed.



Chief, let me borrow from G. W. Bush - you are either with us or against us. Speak now for the reinstatement of Jalil or shut yuh poke and let us big boys deal with Ray and his dastardly act. This is our 9/11 - make no bones about it. Stand up and show some backbone. It ain't about PPP or PNC or AFC. It's about who we are as a community of posters. You in or out?!


Kari et al AFC Goons,


I am not going to call for Georgie's err Jalil's release because I had nothing to do with his suspension in the first place.


And I'm sure Raymond was jesting when he said May 12 as the release date. Jalil would have had 24-48 hours in timeout and would have been released.


Now that ayuh fish up Raymond a little, he's probably NOW inclined to stick with May 12th just to show that he has a bigger penis than ya'll.


If my old man was in charge of KSI, why did he let me stand up in line with everyone else? I don't even know what is KSI!


My father died in 1991. Yes, he was an MP under PNC, but he helped countless INdians and Blacks who needed to get visas to seek a better life overseas. Too bad he did not help himself, or else we might have been super rich. Instead he had to drive hire car on the side, have a kitchen garden and mind some duck and fowl to make ends meet. 


SOme of you show your true colors indeed for attacking my father and making spurious claims, but I don't expect better.

Let ALim continue feeding you....

Last edited by Former Member

To all those who attack Ray and his father, shame on you !


Ray has been fair and balanced on GNI. 


I support Ray 1000 percent.


Kari, you have proven to be such a low class individual on GNI defending an individual like Jalil who post vulgarity and indecency on a daily basis speaks volumes of your disgraceful behaviour.


Leave Ray alone.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Kari et al AFC Goons,


I am not going to call for Georgie's err Jalil's release because I had nothing to do with his suspension in the first place.


And I'm sure Raymond was jesting when he said May 12 as the release date. Jalil would have had 24-48 hours in timeout and would have been released.


Now that ayuh fish up Raymond a little, he's probably NOW inclined to stick with May 12th just to show that he has a bigger penis than ya'll.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I am with Kari on this one, Ray Ray needs to have a skin thick like a rhino........


He shoulda suspended YOU rather than Jalil. You the the principal source of what I was referring to.


I was actually surprised Jalil got suspended.



Bai....leff horsehead alone......

Originally Posted by yuji22:

To all those who attack Ray and his father, shame on you !


Ray has been fair and balanced on GNI. 


I support Ray 1000 percent.


Kari, you have proven to be such a low class individual on GNI defending an individual like Jalil who post vulgarity and indecency on a daily basis speaks volumes of your disgraceful behaviour.


Leave Ray alone.


Yuji meh fren......guh sleep......

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I am with Kari on this one, Ray Ray needs to have a skin thick like a rhino........


He shoulda suspended YOU rather than Jalil. You the the principal source of what I was referring to.


I was actually surprised Jalil got suspended.



Bai....leff horsehead alone......


It was Horse-C***-in-Head that was taking giant multimedia deuces on every thread yesterday. Geolil just joined in and brought up the cavalry.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

To all those who attack Ray and his father, shame on you !


Ray has been fair and balanced on GNI. 


I support Ray 1000 percent.


Kari, you have proven to be such a low class individual on GNI defending an individual like Jalil who post vulgarity and indecency on a daily basis speaks volumes of your disgraceful behaviour.


Leave Ray alone.


Yuji meh fren......guh sleep......

Listen Kari


You need to take a chill pill.


Attacking Ray was totally wrong.


When Amral asked for moderators, Ray volunteered his own unpaid time while some of us here go about our lives earning a handsome Income of which few will even dream of.


GNI is an avenue for opinions and discussions and Jalil's behaviour was indeed quite disgraceful and despite many warnings, Jalil kept violating rules. Now that Ray dropped the hammer, all of you are like a bunch of spoiled brats.


No one is above GNI's rules.


Kari, stop your Taliban mentality.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I am with Kari on this one, Ray Ray needs to have a skin thick like a rhino........


He shoulda suspended YOU rather than Jalil. You the the principal source of what I was referring to.


I was actually surprised Jalil got suspended.



quit swishing around c8ck in your mouth and you should be ok.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

To all those who attack Ray and his father, shame on you !


Ray has been fair and balanced on GNI. 


I support Ray 1000 percent.


Kari, you have proven to be such a low class individual on GNI defending an individual like Jalil who post vulgarity and indecency on a daily basis speaks volumes of your disgraceful behaviour.


Leave Ray alone.


Yuji meh fren......guh sleep......

Listen Kari


You need to take a chill pill.


Attacking Ray was totally wrong.


When Amral asked for moderators, Ray volunteered is own unpaid time while some of us here go about our lives earning a handsome Income of which few will even dream of.


GNI is an avenue for opinions and discussions and Jalil's behaviour was indeed quite disgraceful and despite many warnings, Jalil kept violating rules. Now that Ray dropped the hammer, all of you are like a bunch of spoiled brats.


No one is above GNI's rules.


Kari, stop your Taliban mentality.



Lil bhai....guh sleep.....God bless Ray's father. Ray had an issue with a previous description of his father by Jalil and that's the crux of the matter.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

To all those who attack Ray and his father, shame on you !


Ray has been fair and balanced on GNI. 


I support Ray 1000 percent.


Kari, you have proven to be such a low class individual on GNI defending an individual like Jalil who post vulgarity and indecency on a daily basis speaks volumes of your disgraceful behaviour.


Leave Ray alone.


Yuji meh fren......guh sleep......

Listen Kari


You need to take a chill pill.


Attacking Ray was totally wrong.


When Amral asked for moderators, Ray volunteered his own unpaid time while some of us here go about our lives earning a handsome Income of which few will even dream of.


GNI is an avenue for opinions and discussions and Jalil's behaviour was indeed quite disgraceful and despite many warnings, Jalil kept violating rules. Now that Ray dropped the hammer, all of you are like a bunch of spoiled brats.


No one is above GNI's rules.


Kari, stop your Taliban mentality.



your nose got a brown stain and it does smell bad.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

If my old man was in charge of KSI, why did he let me stand up in line with everyone else? I don't even know what is KSI!


My father died in 1991. Yes, he was an MP under PNC, but he helped countless INdians and Blacks who needed to get visas to seek a better life overseas. Too bad he did not help himself, or else we might have been super rich. Instead he had to drive hire car on the side, have a kitchen garden and mind some duck and fowl to make ends meet. 


SOme of you show your true colors indeed for attacking my father and making spurious claims, but I don't expect better.

Let ALim continue feeding you....

Ray, let sleeping dogs lie during kabaha time,a man got

to do what he have to do to protect his family and friends.

Your father did  good  helping people,that is what counts.



Why Everyone getting excited because Jalil get Ban.

What happen the KSI Baby Ban-am.

Big Deal.


Shaitan and Vishnu worked for Jailbird.

They are free to post what ever they want


Shaitan post nonsense about AFC,

and pretend to be the authority on Guyanese Issues

KSI Baby allow him to post things and cuss down everyone on GNI.

Shaitan go so far as to accuse Vishnu as being a 2 Bit Paid informant.


Vishnu post his Nonsense about RHDC

and want us believe he is the Mayor for "Collie Town"

KSI Baby allow him to post everythings and even cuss down Ramlall.

Vishnu go so far as to accuse Shaitan as being a Community Spy.



I do not know Shaitan, Vishnu or Jalil.

But I know Jalil does not look like he is an Indian Racist like either of dem.

Jalil post positive things about Guyana.

And it seems like me he supports Change -AFC.

and KSI Baby ban-am because dem complain.


This reflects Bad on GNI. Not on Jalil.

So why is everyone Complaining and Begging.

I am sure Jalil do not need GNI.

What will happen to all these Idiots after May 11th.


If we want change we must not allow KSI to silence us.

Post freely like Shaitan and Vishnu.

what will happen....Can Baby KSI ban everyone?

If I post things supporting AFC will he ban me too.


I taught on GNI we can Support any party of our choice in Guyana including the PPP.








Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ray should rise above the fray and let the comments made by Jalil slide.


Shit stain is on here daily making all sorts of more ridiculous statements about similarly honorable men like Mel Carpen etc. he slides like shit on porcelain right by.........


Look chap, me addressing you formally as "Antiman" is not ridiculous. It's like calling the Pope "Your Holiness." Its just the English language expressing appropriate protocol in forms of address.


You are indeed an Antiman. Perhaps even GNI's Head Antiman. And so I must give you the appropriate respect that your exalted position demands.


Please Be Assured Antiman of My Highest Considerations.


I Have the Honour etc. & etc.,




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