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Section 2: Results

1. Number of Respondents:

The names of 303 victims were identified to us but testimonies were obtained from 228. We were unable to document the remaining 75 for the following reasons:

a) migration - 6
b) victims’ fear of retribution - 49
c) psychological denial by victims - 11, and
d) logistical difficulties - 9

Of the 228 statements, there were 143 males and 85 females. 170 individuals reported seeing other Indians, either individually or in groups of 8-10, and in a significant number of cases entire bus loads, being subjected to physical molestation and robbery. Among these were a significant number of school children. Based on these accounts, and using the lower estimate we find that the number of persons who suffered actual violations must be in excess of one thousand (1000).

The testimonies state that thousands of Indian Guyanese had to be locked in their place of work or take refuge in safe places. We estimate that these were in excess of 10,000. It must be recognised that all these people suffered mental terror because they were victims since they were under the threat of violence had their freedom taken away. Each of these persons had to be evacuated from the city by special and extraordinary means. The persons, who were involved in this evacuation were themselves exposed to grave danger. They were all victims.

2. Ethnicity

Of the 228 testimonies, 224 identified themselves as Indian Guyanese. The remaining 4 did not answer this question.

3. Reason for the assault

In response to the question why victims felt that they were attacked we have obtained the following responses.



Race & Robbery



Politics & Race

Did not answer


























Table 1

4. Comments made during the attacks:

The comments made during the attacks again indicate that race was the principal factor in these violations. Here is a sample of some of the statements made by perpetrators during the attack.

we go kill a you coolie [Ramnarine Arjune 0516]

we’re gonna kill you coolie ---- [Niaz Al Mansoor A3806]

let’s wuk up this bus it gat coolies [Virendra V3806]

coolie gon dead today [Jayashri Sinha S3964]

black people a run country, na coolie [Nita Bahadur B9087]

bus he head, you coolie s---- [Lenny Cork C 2418]

In this way all the 228 statements collected reveal a strong and violent racial content.

4. Reason for being in Georgetown on January 12

As to what the reasons why victims were in Georgetown on January 12, a total of 213 of the respondents answered this question. Of these 134 (62.9%) were in Georgetown for job, 44 (21.7%) persons were in town for either official or private business, 11 (5.2%) reported they were in the city for shopping, and the remainder 24 (11.3%) were in Georgetown for miscellaneous reasons.

5. Type of Violations

Among the 228 victims, there were 144 (63.1%) cases of robbery, 97 (42.54%) cases of verbal abuse, and 129 (56.58%) cases of physical abuse.

6. Women Victims

Of the total number there were 85 (37.3%) women victims. In analysing violations of these 85 women we have found that 51 (60%) were robbed and 41 (48.2%) suffered verbal abuse.

Of the total number of 228 victims, there were 85 women victims 44 (51.8%) were physically and sexually abused. Here we must understand that touching a female without her permission constitutes a violation of her sexual privacy, that is, sexual molestation. In this regard women were twice victims. As Indians they were victims and as women they were victims. Here are some examples, based on the women’s testimonies, of the kinds of violations that Indian women suffered on January 12.

I refused to do so and he placed the knife at my throat and scrambled my clothes. I retaliated but he continued to grab on to my clothing...he tore off my blouse and I was left naked. My brother had to cover me. [Begum Arifa A33676]

I saw a crowd of about 13 Black males and females physically assaulting an Indian girl. I drove into the crowd and shouted at the semi-nude girl to jump into my car. She had on only panties. [Lenny Cork: C2418]

I was trying to get into a bus at the East Bank car park. I was attacked by 4 Negro men who tore off my jersey and pushed their hands in my brassier.[Bibi Mahadeo Lakshman L6188]

A chop was directed to a woman in the bus. Her left arm was damaged. I saw two females lying naked on the road trying to cover themselves. [Bhanumati Dharamdeo D8331]

After a few steps he returned and slapped on the women and pushed his hand in her bosom. [Meena Tulsi T8331]

I was in a No. 42 bus when a Black female pulled me out saying: This is a blackman bus. Another Black female passenger who was about to embark the bus joined her. As soon as I was pushed out of the bus a group of young Black men began beating me. [Bhilari Shahanshah S5180]

The above testimonies suffice to demonstrate a pervasive tactic in the disturbance was to humiliate the Indian female.

7. Time of Assault

Most of the victims report being attacked between the hours of 11.00 am and 4.00 p. m.

8. Locations of Violence

The exit points in the city were the principal scenes for violence. Victims were particularly vulnerable in the Stabroek Market area as they sought to get out of the city from the (1) West Demerara bus park, (2) the Demerara River ferry, (3) the East Bank bus and car parks, (4) the East Coast bus park, and (5) the Berbice bus park. In addition certain business centres frequented by Indian Guyanese were also target areas. For example lower Water Street from America Street down to the KFC area, the whole of the Regent Street area and the Bourda Market.

9. Loss and Damages

The documentation shows that there was widespread destruction of property including damage to vehicles and business properties. Theft from victims and businesses was prevalent. A preliminary quantification based on the present testimonies show that a sum of over $3,235,000 in cash was stolen from victims as they were systematically robbed. Further, the documentation has shown that several stallholders in Bourda Market and other victims were looted of goods and other valuables to the amount of over $10,000,000. This does not include the value of jewellery, handbags etc., stolen from victims and destruction to private property such as windscreens.

Section 3: The Perpetrators

1. Number involved in Attacks

Respondents have given principally two sets of numbers. In one case numbers ranged from 5-20 and in the other 20 and more. A few of the statements show that there have also been individual assailants. The statements speak of gangs of young Blacks sweeping across the city with amazing speed and this would be possible if the gangs were kept at an appropriate size, that is, large enough to overpower single individuals and small enough to move swiftly.

2. Racial Breakdown

Each of the 228 cases examined show that the perpetrators were entirely Blacks eliminating all doubts whatsoever about the racist nature of the disorder.

3. Gender classification

Of the 228 statements, in 92 cases the gangs were mixed with both males and females. In 108 cases it was men alone and in 4 cases it was women alone. 14 of the statements made no mention of the attackers. What strikes one reviewing these statements is the large number of women assailants and the viciousness with which they attacked not only men but their fellow women as well. Here are some statements in part of the acts of violence committed by Black women in exclusively Black gangs:

Black women beat an Indian women on the head with a gun [Lennox Sahadeo S9540]

attacked by a gang of Black women near the New Building Society complex [Anoop Kumar K1353]

three well-dressed Black women attacked me in the park. One had a knife. They took my money and jewellery [Salamat Rasheed R2082]

two Black females threw stones at my car and broke its windows [Brian Raghu R7248]

two Black women passengers threw me out of an East Bank bus. I fell on the ground and Black men started to beat me [Bhilari Shahanshah S5180]

4. Age

The average age of the attackers ranged between 20 and 30. However a significant number of statements reveal that even Black boys and girls, with ages ranging from 14-17, were involved in the gangs. The presence of children engaging in acts of terror must constitute one of the more perturbing aspects of January 12 and points to a deeper social and cultural malaise.

5. How they were armed

In every case people in the gangs were armed with guns, knives, cutlasses, sticks and clubs, broken bottles, bricks, iron rods, and galvanised pipes, in short any object that could inflict pain and injury and which could be used for the purposes of intimidation and terror. Here are excerpts from the testimonies of some of the victims:

they pulled a knife at me [Sunita Bharati B5577]

three Blackmen came up to me and put a knife at my throat [Nadiya Datta D4021]

a woman was chopped on her left arm with a cutlass [Bhanumati Dharamdeo D8331]

some of the attackers had broken bottles, sticks, and knives [ Chandravati Bhashkar B2435]

African boys armed with a chopper and knives [Sandra Narayan N7685]

a knife was placed at my son’s throat [Sita Wayne W2082]

one had a gun at the driver and the other a sharpened screw driver at me [Surindra Bhupati B7685]

about six African women attacked an Indian woman beating her on the head with a gun [Lennox Sahadeo S9540]

Section 4: The Role of the Police

1. Extent of police presence

The police were conspicuous by their absence. Of the 228 statements examined regarding police presence and assistance fully 170 state that the police were no where to be seen. In 26 cases the police were present but rendered no assistance. In 6 cases the police were present and helped. 26 of the respondents did not comment on police presence or absence. The six cases that record police assistance are as follows

The police did intervened to prevent a crowd from entering the premises of the Customs House. [Mr. Ram Indu Singh S2082].

While in a mini-bus near Demico House the mob pulled Indians out of the bus and began beating and robbing them. Two policemen present on the scene intervened. [Compton Charran C0516]

As I was being beaten and robbed, the police intervened. [Gayatri Dularie D8513]

Police intervened. [Motirani M8231].

The police rescued me and took me to a taxi. [Sandra Narayan N7685]

Police intervened. [Vishwanath Nandi N5577].

Police intervened. [Robin Ramsahai R1353].

Section 5: Conclusion

What does this documentation of the victims’ experience tell us?

It tells us that January 12 was not a minor infraction by a "few" hooligans. It tells us that the perpetrators came well prepared and well armed. It tells us that January 12 was a well orchestrated efficiently executed exercise in terror of major proportions.

It tells us that it was nakedly and explicitly racist. Indian Guyanese were consciously selected out for brutalisation. They were attacked not for their political persuasions. They were attacked not because of their religious persuasions. They were attacked not for anything else but that they were seen to be Indians. Such deliberate, unabashed racism presents a most frightening spectre and bodes ill for the future.

It tells us that a large number of women and even children were victims. Traditionally in conflicts and confrontations women and children have always been held to be sacrosanct, and are to be spared and protected. This time honoured tradition was broken on January 12. It reveals a deep and frightening cruelty. Indian women were doubly violated, first because of their very womanhood and second because of their race.

It tells us that African Guyanese women could find it within themselves to degrade and brutalise their fellow Indian Guyanese women.

It tells us that these attacks were always unprovoked.

It tells us that the police were conspicuous by their absence. This is remarkable and mysterious. We must remember that after the December 15 general elections the PNC had engaged in a relentless build-up of racist hysteria and confrontationalism. The Commissioner of Police, Mr. Laurie Lewis, is quoted in the Sunday Chronicle January 11, 1998 condemning the violent behavior of PNC supporters thus: "It is not peaceful to make children fearful, it is not peaceful to curse people, and it is not peaceful to bang on doors calling persons by name and saying they have ten minutes to get out of the building." January 12 could not have been unanticipated, thus the apparent unpreparedness of the police and failure to minimise or prevent this disorder demands an explanation.

It tells us that the very livelihood of Indian Guyanese was threatened. More than 60% of the victims were in the city because of their jobs.

It tells us that at least there were six African Guyanese who exposed themselves to risks to help Indian Guyanese during the dark events of this terrible day. In one of these six cases an African male took a wounded Indian Guyanese boy to the hospital, waited until he was treated and then ensured his safe exit out of the city. There must still be hope.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

You sound like ah PPP campaign manager in action...scare the coolies against the big bad PNC


Facts are facts no matter how inconvenient or ugly they may appear to be.


I assure you, the coolies do not need me to remind them of the violent nature and violent acts of the PNC. They know that all too well.


What they need is for the PNC to address these hard ugly facts if the PNC wants Indo votes.


I suspect ignoring the matter ain't gonna produce no Indo votes. Maybe they don't want Indo support. Maybe they doan need it.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

You sound like ah PPP campaign manager in action...scare the coolies against the big bad PNC

Shaits, is disclosing the facts, you cannot rewrite history. Obama ,is marching today in Selma just to remind all of what the blacks endured. The APNU/AFC would like us to forget the riot days of PNC. You can forgive, but never to forget.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

You sound like ah PPP campaign manager in action...scare the coolies against the big bad PNC

Shaits, is disclosing the facts, you cannot rewrite history. Obama ,is marching today in Selma just to remind all of what the blacks endured. The APNU/AFC would like us to forget the riot days of PNC. You can forgive, but never to forget.


Them new found coolie fans of the PNC seem to think Indian people getting beaten, assaulted, robbed, and murdered as part of the PNC's political strategy is somehow going to be glossed over because the PPP is guilty of theft and corruption are dreaming.


I hope they wake up from this dreamy delusion before Nomination Day.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is the PNC in action!

Actually, this tainted GIFT 'document' is all about demonic black people . . .  politics/PNC a mere prop


the race-baiting doesn't have the desired pop otherwise


racemongers like Shaitaan jonesing for a throwdown featuring dueling (20th Century) atrocities . . . Blackman vs. Indo


divide and conquer, the PPP only hope


[Admin, please enforce the sourcing of this kind of war propaganda, thanks]

Last edited by Former Member

PNC/APNU + AFC wants people who were victims of the most cruel form of oppression to forget about the PNC history. People were jailed for having a tennis roll, let them tell dat to the youths and many more acts that were perpetrated against the collies, Grainger/PNC would not apologize for denying hundred of thousands of collie their votes and now dem want dat vote. Many in the PNC denied Jan 12, 1998. The Blacks in the USA and other parts of the world would not forget the racism they faced, like Selma. But the blacks in Guyana want the collies to forget the racism practiced  by the PNC.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is the PNC in action!

Actually, this tainted GIFT 'document' is all about demonic black people . . .  politics/PNC a mere prop


the race-baiting doesn't have the desired pop otherwise


racemongers like Shaitaan jonesing for a throwdown featuring dueling (20th Century) atrocities . . . Blackman vs. Indo


divide and conquer, the PPP only hope


[Admin, please enforce the sourcing of this kind of war propaganda, thanks]


My Dear Parosin,


Are any of the instances of violence listed here made up? Did GIFT just randomly make shyte up? Or are you just too friggin stupid to read?


"20th century atrocities" like this was some Armenian Genocide issue? 1998 yuh friggin moron. Or should we go lil further to 2001? Or maybe lil futher to Buxton?


Are these lies made up to make the angelic PNC look bad?


That redux is uncomfortable to read facts is not my problem. You and the PNC should have thought about that before executing this strategy THEN come after Indo votes. Ayuh got that shyte in the wrong order.

FM anyone who thinks that Indians ought to forget anti-Indian violence. "Go F yuhself!"


Same response my Black friends would say to white people who tell them to forget Selma and the record of atrocities against their people.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic

Probably one of those Indo Kkk sites like guyanaunderseige where they promote racist black hate. Like any of these testimonies can actually be verified. Shaitan really feeding at the bottom now.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

Academic papers? Hahaha
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic

Probably one of those Indo Kkk sites like guyanaunderseige where they promote racist black hate. Like any of these testimonies can actually be verified. Shaitan really feeding at the bottom now.


Are you actually serious?


Indo KKK? That Indians document anti-Indian violence is somehow "racist"?


Those kind of sentiments alone should cause the Coalition to lose.


Denying facts is a non-starter.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is the PNC in action!

Actually, this tainted GIFT 'document' is all about demonic black people . . .  politics/PNC a mere prop


the race-baiting doesn't have the desired pop otherwise


racemongers like Shaitaan jonesing for a throwdown featuring dueling (20th Century) atrocities . . . Blackman vs. Indo


divide and conquer, the PPP only hope


[Admin, please enforce the sourcing of this kind of war propaganda, thanks]


My Dear Parosin,


Are any of the instances of violence listed here made up? Did GIFT just randomly make shyte up? Or are you just too friggin stupid to read?


"20th century atrocities" like this was some Armenian Genocide issue? 1998 yuh friggin moron. Or should we go lil further to 2001? Or maybe lil futher to Buxton?


Are these lies made up to make the angelic PNC look bad?


That redux is uncomfortable to read facts is not my problem. You and the PNC should have thought about that before executing this strategy THEN come after Indo votes. Ayuh got that shyte in the wrong order.

your tactic of trying to try to make me defend violence against Indo-Guyanese is the effort of a klown


this is a GIFT document; a virulent, tendentious 'compilation' of anecdotes by your mentors - a bunch (for the most part) of odious racists . . . it is not a statement of FACTS you ignoramus!


i understand you are a lawyer . . . do i need to break it down fine fine to you?


WAR PROPAGANDA at its best is ALWAYS based on some truth!


and yes . . . let's bring on "Buxton"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic

Probably one of those Indo Kkk sites like guyanaunderseige where they promote racist black hate. Like any of these testimonies can actually be verified. Shaitan really feeding at the bottom now.


Are you actually serious?


Indo KKK? That Indians document anti-Indian violence is somehow "racist"?


Those kind of sentiments alone should cause the Coalition to lose.


Denying facts is a non-starter.

Yes, I am very serious. I've seen the material published at guyana under seige. To pretend that this is some academic exercise is simply ludicrous.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

GNI has always asked for sources since it's inception...posters have to cite sources for their information

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

Academic paper?

Are you serious?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Shaitaan...I deleted that topic in can repost


Thank you.


Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

Academic paper?

Are you serious?

You do know that Iran sponsored a Holocaust Denial conference and there were "academic papers" presented at the conference which proved that there was no Jewish holocaust?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

BTW Shaiitan


What is the source for this info? Please show us the source, I will hate to have to delete this informational topic


It is a report of GIFT delivered at the Pegasus at a Conference. Since when are we censoring academic papers on GNI?

Academic paper?

Are you serious?

You do know that Iran sponsored a Holocaust Denial conference and there were "academic papers" presented at the conference which proved that there was no Jewish holocaust?


Well I guess you're now into PNC Violence denial. Lemme know how many coolie voters follow you down that rabbit hole

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP perpetrate their brand of terrorism in a different way. They hire black contract killers to murder political opponents like Waddell and 399 other blacks. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP perpetrate their brand of terrorism in a different way. They hire black contract killers to murder political opponents like Waddell and 399 other blacks. 


Rickford Burke's fanciful talking points ain't moving no Indian voter chap.


Waddell lived by the sword and he died by it.


I want you to try out these arguments and deflections in those Indo-majority areas. Lemme know how tings wuk out.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP perpetrate their brand of terrorism in a different way. They hire black contract killers to murder political opponents like Waddell and 399 other blacks. 


Rickford Burke's fanciful talking points ain't moving no Indian voter chap.


Waddell lived by the sword and he died by it.


I want you to try out these arguments and deflections in those Indo-majority areas. Lemme know how tings wuk out.

I guess anyone who protests PPP wickedness automatically lives by the sword. I'm not planning to take these arguments anywhere. Just giving you the facts to show you that the PPP has also unleashed terrorism on the Guyanese people but I guess blacks being murdered does not matter to you. Only violence against Indians.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces

 When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

enjoying your meanderings in non sequitur land . . . hmmm?


when you've had your fill exchanging quotables with dem ole racists whose bile formed the base of your Guyana/worldview, perhaps you'll come around to reading my post and learn to express yourself properly under duress

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP perpetrate their brand of terrorism in a different way. They hire black contract killers to murder political opponents like Waddell and 399 other blacks. 


Rickford Burke's fanciful talking points ain't moving no Indian voter chap.


Waddell lived by the sword and he died by it.


I want you to try out these arguments and deflections in those Indo-majority areas. Lemme know how tings wuk out.

I guess anyone who protests PPP wickedness automatically lives by the sword. I'm not planning to take these arguments anywhere. Just giving you the facts to show you that the PPP has also unleashed terrorism on the Guyanese people but I guess blacks being murdered does not matter to you. Only violence against Indians.


Counter-terrorism ain't terrorism jackass. I understand the word "terrorism" is used in both terms though. That may confuse you a lil.


Yep, the Phantom Death Squad was visiting death on poor poor innocent Black women and children. Moron.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

You sound like ah PPP campaign manager in action...scare the coolies against the big bad PNC

Shaits, is disclosing the facts, you cannot rewrite history. Obama ,is marching today in Selma just to remind all of what the blacks endured. The APNU/AFC would like us to forget the riot days of PNC. You can forgive, but never to forget.


Them new found coolie fans of the PNC seem to think Indian people getting beaten, assaulted, robbed, and murdered as part of the PNC's political strategy is somehow going to be glossed over because the PPP is guilty of theft and corruption are dreaming.


I hope they wake up from this dreamy delusion before Nomination Day.


Shaitaan Bhai


I commend you for sticking with the truth.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP perpetrate their brand of terrorism in a different way. They hire black contract killers to murder political opponents like Waddell and 399 other blacks. 


Rickford Burke's fanciful talking points ain't moving no Indian voter chap.


Waddell lived by the sword and he died by it.


I want you to try out these arguments and deflections in those Indo-majority areas. Lemme know how tings wuk out.

I guess anyone who protests PPP wickedness automatically lives by the sword. I'm not planning to take these arguments anywhere. Just giving you the facts to show you that the PPP has also unleashed terrorism on the Guyanese people but I guess blacks being murdered does not matter to you. Only violence against Indians.


Counter-terrorism ain't terrorism jackass. I understand the word "terrorism" is used in both terms though. That may confuse you a lil.


Yep, the Phantom Death Squad was visiting death on poor poor innocent Black women and children. Moron.

There is a justice system in Guyana to address criminals in case you are not aware. If you suspect that someone is a criminal, you arrest him and let justice prevail. That applies in every civilized nation around the world. Do you see civilized governments hiring drug barons to murder their citizens if they suspect them of crimes?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Whether or not Freedom House may agree with my posts is not the issue.


The issue is that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away. Cause it won't.


People lived through this nightmare of PNC political violence from 1998 to 2005.


Notice I gloss over all the other years as I find them irrelevant and historical in nature.

red herrings aside . . . why this venture into non-sequitur land?


who raised Freedom House "agree[ment]" as an "issue"?


further, "that somebody should probably craft a decent response to this aside from ignoring it and pretending it'll go away" is not an "issue" you fool


it is simply a wish of those like you who, tactically, want to make the election a referendum for Indo-Guyanese on the (malleable) perceived 'badness' of Guyana blackman rather than the EMPIRICAL criminality of the PPP government staring in our faces


When the PPP is inciting mobs of marauding Indians to beat, assault, rape, and/or murder innocent Black folk (especially on the streets of the capital) I will be right there with you to fight back.

The PPP perpetrate their brand of terrorism in a different way. They hire black contract killers to murder political opponents like Waddell and 399 other blacks. 


Rickford Burke's fanciful talking points ain't moving no Indian voter chap.


Waddell lived by the sword and he died by it.


I want you to try out these arguments and deflections in those Indo-majority areas. Lemme know how tings wuk out.

I guess anyone who protests PPP wickedness automatically lives by the sword. I'm not planning to take these arguments anywhere. Just giving you the facts to show you that the PPP has also unleashed terrorism on the Guyanese people but I guess blacks being murdered does not matter to you. Only violence against Indians.


Counter-terrorism ain't terrorism jackass. I understand the word "terrorism" is used in both terms though. That may confuse you a lil.


Yep, the Phantom Death Squad was visiting death on poor poor innocent Black women and children. Moron.

There is a justice system in Guyana to address criminals in case you are not aware. If you suspect that someone is a criminal, you arrest him and let justice prevail. That applies in every civilized nation around the world. Do you see civilized governments hiring drug barons to murder their citizens if they suspect them of crimes?


Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

What insurgency are you talking about? 380 of the 400 murdered by the PPP had nothing to do with Buxton or any insurgency. Has anyone in your counter insurgency mission ever killed any American citizens in America who were suspected criminals?


Was George Bacchus a member of a counter insurgency directing violence towards his fellow Indians when the PPP sent their Phantom Squad to murder him?


He was due to testify about the PPP involvement in murdering Guyanese citizens when he was dealt the same fate as the 399 others murdered by PPP contract killers.


BTW, Crime is still out of control in Guyana. The Phantoms did nothing to stop crime except that the Phantoms are now shooting businessmen daily and robbing them of cash.

Last edited by Mars

More Goat Shit....

PPP Serving Ravi/Roar ....with

Black Thugs/House of Israel Killers

on the same plate..... Rice & Channa

Ravi Dev say it is

"Jihaji Diet"

Coolie must....Eat & Enjoy

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

What insurgency are you talking about? 380 of the 400 murdered by the PPP had nothing to do with Buxton or any insurgency. Has anyone in your counter insurgency mission ever killed any American citizens in America who were suspected criminals?


Was George Bacchus a member of a counter insurgency directing violence towards his fellow Indians when the PPP sent their Phantom Squad to murder him?


He was due to testify about the PPP involvement in murdering Guyanese citizens when he was dealt the same fate as the 399 others murdered by PPP contract killers.


BTW, Crime is still out of control in Guyana. The Phantoms did nothing to stop crime except that the Phantoms are now shooting businessmen daily and robbing them of cash.


Our Government kills American citizens all the time on national security grounds. Just read a newspaper.


George Bacchus had an unfortunate accident. That people can't keep their mouth shut sometimes result in accidents. I've never operated a death squad but I'm pretty sure secrecy is part of the rules.


How would you have liked them to run a death squad?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

What insurgency are you talking about? 380 of the 400 murdered by the PPP had nothing to do with Buxton or any insurgency. Has anyone in your counter insurgency mission ever killed any American citizens in America who were suspected criminals?


Was George Bacchus a member of a counter insurgency directing violence towards his fellow Indians when the PPP sent their Phantom Squad to murder him?


He was due to testify about the PPP involvement in murdering Guyanese citizens when he was dealt the same fate as the 399 others murdered by PPP contract killers.


BTW, Crime is still out of control in Guyana. The Phantoms did nothing to stop crime except that the Phantoms are now shooting businessmen daily and robbing them of cash.


Our Government kills American citizens all the time on national security grounds. Just read a newspaper.


George Bacchus had an unfortunate accident. That people can't keep their mouth shut sometimes result in accidents. I've never operated a death squad but I'm pretty sure secrecy is part of the rules.


How would you have liked them to run a death squad?

I read the news every day and I do not see any evidence of the American government hiring contract killers to kill Americans on American soil because they suspect them of a crime. Maybe you can show us a link to these newspapers that reported this or you're just making up bullshit as you go along.


Unfortunate accident you call Bacchus' death. Seems more like cold murder by the PPP to me. Even worse since he was due to appear before a commission investigating the Phantom Squad murders. The killer who shot Bacchus was also bumped off by other PPP Phantoms but you don't see anything wrong with this. Of course, the PPP are angels in your eyes. Only the PNC was ever involved in violence in Guyana.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?




What redux is aware of and not aware of is not my concern. The word "fought" is used for its literal and usual meaning. Google is not the comprehensive and exhaustive source for my biography you may imagine.


The term "Leader of PNC" was used for a reason. To reference the office and all of its occupants. Were you not so stupid, you might have noticed the carefully chosen words.


But you are redux so that is forgiven. You're you.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Having fought in a Counter-Insurgency Operations myself, I can assure you that COIN operations  don't involve arrests, trials, and prison.


They involve brutally murdering insurgents until there's no more insurgency cause everyone's dead.


Look how well COIN doctrine worked against Buxton. The proof of the pudding was in the effectiveness of the actions taken.


Look how peaceful abbe PNC is today since the Phantom murdered them right back. I don't think the PNC has ever been so peaceful in its history.


The Leader of the PNC is now content to shoot pictures with Coolies. He ain't shootin no Coolies no more.

you "fought" in Counter-Insurgency operations in Afghanistan?


correct me if i am wrong soldier . . . i am not aware you even fired a weapon during your deployment


and btw, David Granger, the leader you claim[ed] to admire and respect mere weeks ago has now metamorphosed into a "PNC" best known for "shootin [] Coolies" . . . huh?



What redux is aware of and not aware of is not my concern. The word "fought" is used for its literal and usual meaning. Google is not the comprehensive and exhaustive source for my biography you may imagine.


The term "Leader of PNC" was used for a reason. To reference the office and all of its occupants. Were you not so stupid, you might have noticed the carefully chosen words.


But you are redux so that is forgiven. You're you.

i guess your fallback is the Bill O'Reilly defense . . . har har har harrr!


good to see that those long hours u spend watching FOX are being put to some use


and really, you're now claiming that "Leader of the PNC" was used to reference "the office and all of its occupants," huh?


so who is "he" who "ain't shooting coolies anymore"? . . . Corbin?


seriously, you dissemble with absolutely no guile whatsoever


this is pitiful shit


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