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Here are excerpts of a New Yorker Aug 22, 2016 article on Jared and Ivanka.


For all the goofy charms of Eric (the golf-course expert) and Donald, Jr. (the force behind the unfortunately timed Trump Mortgages, which launched in 2007), Ivanka, who is thirty-four, is Donald’s clear favorite. She lends a veneer of professionalism to the campaign, giving speeches that portray her father, who once told New York, referring to women, “You have to treat ’em like shit,” as a Lean In-style feminist. In early August, Trump, pressed to name a woman he might appoint to his Cabinet, could think of only one: his daughter.

Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, a thirty-five-year-old real-estate developer, who owns the New York Observer, has become what the Times described as Trump’s “de facto campaign manager.” He has acted as a liaison with dozens of influential figures, including Henry Kissinger, Paul Ryan, Rupert Murdoch, and, until recently, Roger Ailes. Ivanka has counselled Trump on his rhetoric and his policy choices, and Jared was instrumental in the running-mate selection.

Ivanka and Jared are an unlikely couple to represent the ticked-off populism that has emerged as Trump’s Presidential theme. Sleek, tall, and patrician, they went to élite schools: he attended Harvard and New York University; she went to Georgetown and Wharton. They live on Park Avenue, where talk of “the wall” refers more rarely to the border with Mexico than to the climbing facility at the local Equinox.

In person, they are known for being almost spookily presentable. Ivanka, the more charismatic of the pair, is a master of the thoughtful baby gift, the heartfelt dinner-party toast. Jared, who has a more stilted bearing, is a listener and a helper-outer: he volunteers to officiate at weddings—he’s done two—and performs pro-bono real-estate work for his friends.


Donald Trump rails against the “rigged” political system that keeps people like Hillary Clinton in power. Yet Kushner’s parents have been among the most prominent funders of Democratic politicians on the East Coast. They were the largest donors to Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, and, despite the acrimony of the current campaign, Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, are close friends of Ivanka and Jared.


As it happens, Jared and Ivanka are Jewish. Kushner was brought up in the Modern Orthodox tradition, a strain of Judaism that integrates strict observance of religious law and custom with a life in the secular world. Ivanka converted to Judaism, and the couple’s three children are being brought up in the religion.


to be continued.............including the Chris Christie prosecution of Jared's family and his own family fued.

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The Kushners had two sons and two daughters. Charles, Jared’s father, was the younger son, but, much like Donald Trump, he was his father’s successor. Joseph had been a cautious businessman. Charles, known as Charlie, was a risk-taker, unafraid of loans and leverage. In less than ten years, he created his own firm, Kushner Companies, and made it into one of the largest private landlords on the East Coast, with assets worth an estimated billion dollars, and including twenty-two thousand apartments in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, commercial properties, an insurance company, and a bank.


But Charlie had another side, which former associates describe as “threatening,” “nasty,” and “vindictive.” One former Kushner Companies executive said, “If you pissed him off, it was like somebody gave him drugs. He was like an animal, cursing and foaming at the mouth.”

A disciplined man who avoided the press, Kushner was no Trump. But he had Trumpian qualities, such as a tendency to withhold payment from venders like contractors, cleaners, and architects, forcing them to accept a fraction of their fee. The former Kushner Companies executive told me, “Every week we’d have meetings at Charlie’s house, and we’d go through the bills—the larger bills and corporate bills. And he’d sign them, or he’d say, ‘Offer them forty per cent.’ Or ‘Offer them fifty per cent.’ ” This was a cost-saving measure, not unheard of among developers. “It was, Why pay someone a hundred per cent when you could pay a lot less?”


As with the defense industry and the financial industry, success on a large scale in real estate often depends on government connections. Tax incentives, licenses, and inspections come more easily that way. As Trump has said, explaining his contributions to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaigns, “I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, and they are there for me.” From 1996 to 2004, Charlie Kushner gave more than $1.4 million to Democratic politicians, including Jon Corzine, Frank Lautenberg, and Charles Schumer. After Clinton won the 2000 Senate race, she made a pilgrimage to the Kushners’ house on the Jersey Shore for Shabbos dinner.


Now for the family fued and Chris Christie's involvement


.......the family had started to unravel. Charlie’s older brother, Murray, filed a lawsuit, accusing him of mismanagement. Then a former Kushner Companies accountant, Bob Yontef, sued, alleging that Charlie’s political and charitable contributions came from company money. Itemized in Yontef’s complaint is a hundred-and-twenty-five-thousand-dollar fee that was paid to Bill Clinton, who spoke at a luncheon for executives of the bank that Kushner Companies owned.

The legal actions caught the attention of Chris Christie, a Republican who was then the U.S. Attorney for the state of New Jersey. He began looking into Kushner’s campaign donations; when the investigation became public, Kushner withdrew himself from consideration for the Port Authority job. Kushner became furious with his younger sister, Esther Schulder, who he believed was coöperating with Christie, and, in retaliation, he set a trap for her husband, Billy Schulder, a former Kushner Companies employee whom he resented for having had an affair at the office. He hired a prostitute, who, posing as a stranded motorist, approached Schulder at the Time to Eat Diner, in Bridgewater. Schulder then met her at the Red Bull Inn, on Route 22, where a camera installed in an alarm clock captured them in a sex act. Kushner mailed images from the tape to his sister, who promptly shared them with federal authorities.

Kushner was arrested, and suddenly the whole family was starring in a baroque scandal—part “Peyton Place,” part “The Sopranos.” McGreevey was forced to apologize for his nomination of Kushner. (Months later, he resigned the governorship, following a sex scandal of his own.) Kushner pleaded guilty to eighteen counts of tax evasion, witness tampering, and making illegal campaign donations—“crimes of greed, power, and excess,” as Christie put it.

Kushner received a two-year prison sentence, and spent eighteen months in a federal penitentiary in Montgomery, Alabama, before being transferred to a halfway house in Newark. Students at the Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy wore duct tape over their sweatshirts, to hide the family name.

Jared Kushner describes his father’s downfall as the defining event of his life. The man whom he idolized had become a source of humiliation and grief. But he also took Charlie’s view of the crisis: that his father had been a victim. In an interview with the real-estate trade paper the Real Deal, Charlie said, “I don’t believe God and my parents will ever forgive my brother and sister for instigating a criminal investigation and being cheerleaders for the government and putting their brother in jail because of jealousy, hatred and spite.”

The jail sentence interrupted Jared’s trajectory. He had attended Harvard, a circumstance that, as the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Daniel Golden described in “The Price of Admission,” may have been connected to a gift of $2.5 million that his parents pledged to the university, in 1998. According to the book, Charlie Kushner also asked Frank Lautenberg to persuade his fellow-senator Edward Kennedy to put in a word with William Fitzsimmons, Harvard’s dean of admissions. (A Kushner family spokesperson said, “The Seryl and Charles Kushner Family Charitable Foundation has given away more than a hundred million dollars to universities, hospitals, day schools, and charities of all kinds.”)

I overlapped with Kushner at Harvard, where he cut a noticeable figure. On a campus full of T-shirts and cargo shorts, he wore dress shirts and jeans from the then trendy label 7 for All Mankind. And he drove a Range Rover around campus. “He didn’t do it with a sense of humor,” one classmate recalled. “He did it, like, ‘I’m f--king rich.’ ”

At twenty-four, Jared started running Kushner Companies. He pushed to make an audacious move: get out of New Jersey and try to make it in New York. In 2007, soon after Charlie was released, the Kushners bought an office building, 666 Fifth Avenue, for $1.8 billion, much of it borrowed*. Later that year, the company sold its entire portfolio of rental apartments for roughly the same amount. The market subsequently tanked, and by 2008 the cash flow from 666 Fifth Avenue wasn’t enough to cover its debt service. The Kushners had to sell off the building’s retail space. The 666 deal was a rocky one, but, in many ways, its financial success was beside the point. In the span of a few years, with Jared at the helm, the Kushners had managed a Gatsbyish reinvention—emerging from disgrace in New Jersey as up-and-comers in the glitzier world of Manhattan real estate. Recently, Jared and a group of partners acquired several vast properties in Brooklyn from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, for two billion dollars; they are filling them with hip, techie tenants such as Etsy and WeWork.


An acquaintance of Jared and Ivanka’s told me, “Jared, he’s human. He’s got people he likes and doesn’t like and is plotting and scheming. But Ivanka’s unusual. She’s a little bit like Bill Clinton. She seems to be on message one hundred per cent of the time.” It’s a comparison that Ivanka’s friend Chelsea Clinton has made as well. “She’s always aware of everyone around her and insuring that everyone is enjoying the moment,” Chelsea told Vogue last year. “It’s an awareness that in some ways reminds me of my dad.”

In “The Trump Card,” a memoir-cum-marketing manual published in 2010, Ivanka writes that her father’s divorce made her realize that “I could no longer take him for granted.” A Trump family friend told me, “It’s a close family in many ways—except it’s all about Donald all the time.” He went on, “Donald only thinks of himself. When you say, ‘Donald, it’s raining today,’ he says, ‘It doesn’t matter, I’m indoors.’ ” To get on his parental radar, it appears, you had to go to him. When he moved into an apartment ten floors below Ivana and the children, Ivanka developed a new routine: “I now went down to see him every morning before school, and I also started dropping by his office on my way home in the afternoon.” In an interview with CNN, she told a story about hiding in a janitor’s closet during recess at school, so that she could call her father. “I was probably ten years old and I’d call collect to the Trump Organization,” she said. According to a onetime associate of the Trump family, “If anyone else—even the boys—called, they wouldn’t necessarily be put through.” He added, “He never did not take a call from Ivanka. It was like a standing order.”



You and D-G are drinking the liberal media cool aid. You see chaos everywhere. The man has been elected for a mere 2 weeks. Obama is still the President. Give the man a chance to set up nah?


Some people just have too much time on their hands or just crave the limelight, or both!!

@VISHMAHABIR - Trump will likely keep the majority in two years and likely be around for eight years.

People, get used to TRUMPISTAN!


Vish, why ask for a honeymoon period for Trump? The issues that confront the US are still there and will continue to be there for a considerable time and his views on these issues are well known. Also known, explicitly and implicitly are his beliefs about women, Mexicans, Blacks, groping, business propriety, lying and honesty, etc. It is not normal for such a person to be elected. Yes, this might be the new normal. So, continuing to criticizing him might be the new normal in presidential politics. As far as I know,free speech is still guaranteed under the US constitution.

Also, Remember that change theory informs us that if one does not do a good job of the 'front-end' work, the change process will not be successful.


He said a lot of things. It does not mean he will get a chance to do all of them. Politics is about compromise. If you are watching what he says, then you probably saw a glimmer of hope in his meeting with Obama. Free speech does not mean you loose all rationality and oppose for opposition sake. 


Please point out to me how you determine that people are opposing for 'opposition sake'. My understanding of the situation is that the people who are demonstrating and criticizing are doing so because they fundamentally disagree with what Groping Donald stands for and are apprehensive about the future. That is their right.

Yes, politics is about compromise and one might expect that some of the rhetorics the Groping Donald used in the campaign will either be muted or disregarded becase of the realities of being in government. However, this notion of compromise is misused by many or thrown around frequently like the lies he peddled during the campaign. On some fundamental issues, my view is that we do more harm than good when we compromise on fundamental issues. Some refuse to accept anything less on these.



You and D-G are drinking the liberal media cool aid. You see chaos everywhere. The man has been elected for a mere 2 weeks. Obama is still the President. Give the man a chance to set up nah?

Kari was probably denied a job at one of Trump's companies. 

Trump was smart enough to get into office and he will use those same smarts to stay in office.  Trump is not a dumb guy. He is a savvy businessman.  You all better start getting use to saying President Trump.  Those people on CNN are already having a difficult time saying it.  Have you seen the guilt in their faces??


Billy Ram Balgobin

Vish Abe, the Japan PM is warning Trump what his screaming is doing.  Because Trump railed at China and wants to tear up the Transpacific Partnership China is now in the process if setting up its own pan Asian agreement. This will allow China to dominate East Asia, which is the fastest growing part of the world, and where it is projected the bulk of the trade patents will soon be.

Japan is leery of a China dominated Asia so is trying to warn Trump. Trump will have to ask Kushner what to do. Or maybe Ivanka.

Yes I can see Giuliani screaming at Abe that they can go to hell and that the USA doesn't need them.    Yes because he, like the rest of the Trump maniacs think that this is the 50s, with Europe and Japan destroyed by WWII and the rest of Asia consisting of people living in straw huts.

This is a global world, and the USA can no longer act without considering others.  Especially with a China that is determined to replace it as the global super power, and wants to dominate Asia in order to achieve this goal.


Ram Goat the very night of the election Trump thought that he was going to lose. This being why the hysteria of "rigged elections".

It isn't Trump who won. Its Hillary who lost, because she arrogantly thought that she owned the Midwest, so didn't have to message properly.

I mean how can that female base her campaign on the "puzzy grabbing" when that is the SAME region where Trump that should be allowed to collapse by refusing to bail out the auto industry. Had the white working class known of Trump's antics in 2008 they would have fled from him like a rat fleeing a cat.

caribnySenior Member
"Its Hillary who lost, because she arrogantly thought that she owned the Midwest, so didn't have to message properly."

Hillary lost because she depended on the black votes and they did not turn out to vote like they did for Obama. Trump knew all along that the blacks were not coming out to vote. Remember, he said that black people have a "lazy trait" in them. PA & MI did her in.

Bacoo Carib,

The reports in the media and the analyses presented clearly put Trump on the loser's end.  Trump who sensed his strong popularity among the people during the election campaign began to worry that there could be a conspiracy against him winning this election. He reacted by stating rigging could be an option for crooked Hillary and her Democratic cronies. 

Trump won because Hillary show little concern about terrorism, unethical and illegal use of email, collecting huge payments for speeches, failed in her position in addressing the Bengazzi crisis, the terrible state of black on black crime in Chicago, ignoring the biasedness of Black Lives Matter, and the deadly terror on attacks on policemen in several cities.  These are just a few things that turned voters away from Hillary.

Billy Ram Balgobin


@VISHMAHABIR - Trump will likely keep the majority in two years and likely be around for eight years. People, get used to TRUMPISTAN!

Indeed he may hold on the the majority at mid term but due to a lucky set of circumstance...more democrats are up for re election. Whether he will get two terms is another story. Republicans are itching to contest his Presidency.



Hillary lost because she depended on the black votes and they did not turn out to vote like they did for Obama. Trump knew all along that the blacks were not coming out to vote. Remember, he said that black people have a "lazy trait" in them. PA & MI did her in.

Black people turned out in higher percentages than white folks and white women defected to Trump while white millennials stayed home or vote third party in significant numbers to cause her to lose. She lost by very narrow margins.

Duly noted, your apish ways are still resonant.



Trump won because Hillary show little concern about terrorism, unethical and illegal use of email, collecting huge payments for speeches, failed in her position in addressing the Bengazzi crisis, the terrible state of black on black crime in Chicago, ignoring the biasedness of Black Lives Matter, and the deadly terror on attacks on policemen in several cities.  These are just a few things that turned voters away from Hillary


.There was nothing unethical or illegal with the use of a private server. Likewise fees for speeches is what most politicians do. GW got a million to speak to the Japanese. Bengazzi was not a crisis it was an invention by the GOP to waste congressional time. The reality was the ambassador wanted to be there despite warnings to the contrary since he felt he was loved by the locals for saving their asses. Hilliary has no control over the the military response unit for protection of state assets oversees. That none was withing reach was a logistical failing of the Ambassador himself for over reliance on locals. Black lives is a social justice activist group and only a jackass like you would consider their mission bias since it addresses a police culture that shoots minorities first and so seek to protect you also. 


Black people turned out in higher percentages than white folks and white women defected to Trump while white millennials stayed home or vote third party in significant numbers to cause her to lose. She lost by very narrow margins.

Duly noted, your apish ways are still resonant.

Funny, you so upset, you calling everyone names as you cuss out Trumpsters!  Trump won Blacks 11% and Latinos 33%.  I also know quite a few Guyanese who voted Trump.  Trump got 63% of Whites and Hillary 37%.  True, Blacks and the young Whites stayed at home.  Clearly, they were not inspired by [crooked] Hillary.  The shenanigans of Wassermann-Shulz and Donna Brazile did not go unnoticed.

So, don't cuss Trumpsters for that, we went out and voted for our guy!!



Well, keep hope alive, no issues with that.  If the people give trump a shalacking in 2018, so be it.  We wait and see!.


Click here to see what is the real deal

The above is what you stepped into and fail to grasp. Mrs C faced the poison of an enduring right wing fabricators of the Clinton false narrative ( corrupt) with the staying power of decades that included all of those in the Trump coterie and they do not have you in mind in their plans for America. This to them is not your America. Their America is one where white privilege means no brown or black people.

These are the poisoned fruit of democracy;the ones america has been able to resist and since the 1964. These are the ones trying to recover lost turf from the subaltern hordes who mount their daughters and water down their "pure" gene pool. I am sorry for you. You are a convenient tool....ah mean fool. Trump's America is not the one from Dr King's I have a dream speech.



Funny, you so upset, you calling everyone names as you cuss out Trumpsters!  Trump won Blacks 11% and Latinos 33%.  I also know quite a few Guyanese who voted Trump. Trump got 63% of Whites and Hillary 37%. True, Blacks and the young Whites stayed at home.  Clearly, they were not inspired by [crooked] Hillary.  The shenanigans of Wassermann-Shulz and Donna Brazile did not go unnoticed.So, don't cuss Trumpsters for that, we went out and voted for our guy!!.

If I call you a name you deserve it. What does those percentage illustrate if not a complete rejection of the offering on the other side? It is not true, that blacks stayed home. Their turn out numbers were higher than whites in general.

Wassermann did nothing wrong. You are again mouthing spoon fed bile. Nothing Ms Brazille did was illegal or wrong. She offered a possible question the answer to which was clear to any but to nits like you.


Click here to see what is the real deal

The above is what you stepped into and fail to grasp. Mrs C faced the poison of an enduring right wing fabricators of the Clinton false narrative

Boy, D-Square, with all the financial backing and the Leftist Liberal Media, Hillary could not get her side of the story out.  Wow, this is a new one.

Anyway, I feel your pain.  I advice, take horse aspirin and bear your chafe for the next eight or so years!

I must say, the more I read these laments, the more I feel pity for Hillary's losers.  You guys thought this was done, signed, sealed and delivered.  I understand the whiplash from Whitelash!


If I call you a name you deserve it. What does those percentage illustrate if not a complete rejection of the offering on the other side? It is not true, that blacks stayed home. Their turn out numbers were higher than whites in general.

Wassermann did nothing wrong. You are again mouthing spoon fed bile. Nothing Ms Brazille did was illegal or wrong. She offered a possible question the answer to which was clear to any but to nits like you

Actually, it matters not.  You LOST!!


Indo KKK if Trump knew that he was winning why was he screaming that the electoral process was rigged?

I hope that you see all of the pictures of the WHITE GOP. Given that NONE of you are white, and reportedly some of you are DARKER than Barack Obama I don't know why you think that you are invited to that party.

Its a sad testimony of self hatred that so many of you scream for joy "the white man is taking BACK" the country.  Do you know that you aren't white? And those whites who scream that they are taking BACK the country talk about the 50s when people like you were BARRED from entry.

Continue and you all will find yourselves in the loving arms of David Granger.  According to you all he is like Burnham, so he will be in power until he dies.



Actually, it matters not. You LOST.

Sorry, the road to righteousness is thick beset with thorns and briars...and stupid people like you. It is however still the road to righteousness and the righteous always gets there.


Caribj, don't worry about baseman!  You can rest assure, I will not be seeking refuge in the safety of Granger's Guyana!

You need to get out of the race-hate mindset.  You hate Indians, you hate Whites and you hate Indians even more who don't hate Whites.  This hatred will eat you up and make you ill.



Actually, it matters not. You LOST.

Sorry, the road to righteousness is thick beset with thorns and briars...and stupid people like you. It is however still the road to righteousness and the righteous always gets there.

This one mek me laff!!  Sometimes you could be funny bai!

Last edited by Former Member

Bill Clinton and Rendell warned Hillary's team that their messaging was inappropriate to the white working class.  The campaign team, sipping Starbucks in Brooklyn in the midst of Hipsterville (bet none of them went into Canarsie, or Brownsville) screamed that Hillary would trounce Trump among college educated whites, so they didn't care one bit what uneducated whites would do. 

They also assumed that enthusiasm for Hillary among blacks, would match that for Obama. WRONG.  Black turnout 13% in 2012, fell to 12% this year. And it hurt Hillary in the Midwest where the drop of the urban vote was greater than her margin of loss in PA, MI, and WI. Given that I doubt that the college educated vote in the urban areas in those states dropped, figure out for yourself which groups showed less interest in voting.

Huffington Post is as pro Hillary as one can be without being named Bill or Chelsea Clinton. In fact they got into a screaming match with Nate Silver because Nate had the temerity to say that Trump had a 35% chance of winning, and warned of vulnerabilities in PA and MI.

So the Democrats, refusing to learn their lesson, not waste time on attempting to abolish the electoral college, when a few weeks ago they claimed that they didn't care who showed up to vote in populous states like FL or NC because the Midwest fire wall assured that Hillary would win the electoral college.

Sour losers don't fix their problems so that they can win next time.

The Democratic party, so arrogant that the GOP had problems, ignored those of their own.  They have a dearth of young and energetic and charismatic candidates.  So they put forth to ageing ones. 

We had Bill, who was in his mid 40s in 1992, Bush, in his mid 50s in 2000, Obama in his mid 40s in 2008.  This is what the electorate had grown accustomed to. People old enough to have experience, yet young enough to still have some vigor and a vision for the future, and be energetically credible.

Then the Dems bring out too silver foxes, both beyond social security age!  This a party which appeals more to the young than to the GOP which attracts a disproportionate share of the older voters.



Hehe, Hillary was co-opted by Black-Lives-Matter and got a good dose of Whitelash!  All the pundits say White votes cannot swing anything anymore.  Caribj said this is no longer a White country!

Wake up and smell the Starbucks you clowns.  Your ignorance is only "trumped" by your arrogance!


Baseman do you know that the whites, who you adore, see you as MORE black than they see Obama? His daughters will have more acceptance by them than you will ever have.  And when Obama leaves he will become a millionaire because whites will pay him millions just to make nice speeches.

The Obamas did their time, and now want to be compensated for it. This while you celebrate that the KKK will once again have the power that they had in the 1920s.

This was written by a KUMAR.

Trump supporters express their views.


I actually don't.  You will suffer the true consequences of the "Make America Great Again" diatribe which you voted for.  If you think that the USA of the 1950s was a great place you deserve what you get.


I actually don't.  You will suffer the true consequences of the "Make America Great Again" diatribe which you voted for.  If you think that the USA of the 1950s was a great place you deserve what you get.

Suck it up banna.  The is not [your] Guyana!!


Baseman it is you who are trapped by your Guyana mentality. In the USA you are BLACK, especially with your Caribbean (Jamaican as far as most Americans are concerned) accent. Even Jagdeo, a noted anti black creature, knows this.


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