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Django posted:
Ray posted:

nah bai...everything was nice and rosy...PNC forever, they are all alter boys

Look at how yall shilling fuh de PNC

Look at the video, where the elbowing took place.

Bai, with all the pandemonium and rajkoomarie wailing Charandas nooooooooooooo, Charandas mistakenly said that the thug next to him elbowed him instead of that he hit him on his elbow. Anyway, it was assault and intimidation. Nothing for the Coalition and their spoprters to hang on to here. 

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

Take a look at video, you can play it slow motion with some video players.

If yall look carefully....really carefully....I mean really carefully...under the could actually see Harmon trying to tie both of Charandass shoe laces together...!

Actually it wasn't Harmon tying Charandas' shoelaces. It was Granger from his hospital bed in Havana. 


If Charandaas felt he was elbowed, that is HIS perception and HIS reality.

What would be our mental  state if we put our self in his situation. Living this vote and its perceived consequences, before he actually voted. 

Rass, I would not want to  put myself in this situation,  perceiving a bullet at the back of the head right after the vote. That is not far fetched  with the PNC track record. Thus the letter with this secretary before he voted.   

Last edited by Tola
Tola posted:

If Charandaas felt he was elbowed, that is HIS perception and HIS reality.

What would be our mental  state if we put our self in his position. Living this vote and its perceived consequences, before he actually voted. 

Rass, I would not want to  put myself in this situation,  perceiving a bullet at the back of the head right after the vote. That is not far fetched  with the PNC track record. Thus the letter with this secretary before he voted.   

Tough decision to make, probably the reason Peter R. sat behind him.

Ray posted:

nah bai...everything was nice and rosy...PNC forever, they are all alter boys

Look at how yall shilling fuh de PNC

it is not a matter of shilling but correcting a lie that accrues to the sacred indo victimization column and against the bestial nature of the black man column. 

I extracted the video and painstakingly looked it Charandass is telling fibs. The man touched him once. The other side is also telling lies. Peter was not urging or threatening him to vote yes. 


Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I see Django just received a fresh shipment of information from Congress Place.

They are all my own investigation, i am not influenced by others easily. Always been that way.

Now I see why they pay you the big dollars.  

No $$$ , honestly, rather to eat salt and rice .

you worry with that silly woman! I did it last night and repeated the same conclusion. I chopped it from the first yes and examined it frame by frame in a video editor. The man did not elbow him. 

D2 posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I see Django just received a fresh shipment of information from Congress Place.

They are all my own investigation, i am not influenced by others easily. Always been that way.

Now I see why they pay you the big dollars.  

No $$$ , honestly, rather to eat salt and rice .

you worry with that silly woman! I did it last night and repeated the same conclusion. I chopped it from the first yes and examined it frame by frame in a video editor. The man did not elbow him. 

No intimidation, only shocking reaction.  The soupies never suspected him, they had their eyes on Sharma's son. 

D2 posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I see Django just received a fresh shipment of information from Congress Place.

They are all my own investigation, i am not influenced by others easily. Always been that way.

Now I see why they pay you the big dollars.  

No $$$ , honestly, rather to eat salt and rice .

you worry with that silly woman! I did it last night and repeated the same conclusion. I chopped it from the first yes and examined it frame by frame in a video editor. The man did not elbow him. 

I was under the impression that the Latino individual had elbowed him repeated in his ribs.  Now you are telling me that there was no elbowing. 

Ray posted:

Changing of narrative as if PNC were the victims

no sir . . . it's about FACTS!

he was slapped once on the arm with the back of his colleague's hand

Charandaas lied about an assault . . . unless you know of another video, Charandaas LIED brazenly about being elbowed in the stomach repeatedly by Jermaine Figueroa

i guess the PPP/Indo victim narrative must NEVER be challenged . . . huh?

why are YOU encouraging the lies?

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
Prashad posted:

I say attack them and their family members outside of Guyana.

A public threat issued to Guyana's Members of parliament and their familes! Isn't there a law in Guyana that says something about inciting on the internet?

this is beyond irresponsible from "Prashad" . . . smfh

forget Guyana . . . the FBI now becomes relevant

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:
D2 posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I see Django just received a fresh shipment of information from Congress Place.

They are all my own investigation, i am not influenced by others easily. Always been that way.

Now I see why they pay you the big dollars.  

No $$$ , honestly, rather to eat salt and rice .

you worry with that silly woman! I did it last night and repeated the same conclusion. I chopped it from the first yes and examined it frame by frame in a video editor. The man did not elbow him. 

I was under the impression that the Latino individual had elbowed him repeated in his ribs.  Now you are telling me that there was no elbowing. 


Did you watch the video?

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

you worry with that silly woman! I did it last night and repeated the same conclusion. I chopped it from the first yes and examined it frame by frame in a video editor. The man did not elbow him. 

No intimidation, only shocking reaction.  The soupies never suspected him, they had their eyes on Sharma's son. 

I actually agree with you here.  They were in total shock.  It was not a punch, it was a political "rigamortis" reaction!

Ram Naam satya hai!!

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

you worry with that silly woman! I did it last night and repeated the same conclusion. I chopped it from the first yes and examined it frame by frame in a video editor. The man did not elbow him. 

No intimidation, only shocking reaction.  The soupies never suspected him, they had their eyes on Sharma's son. 

I actually agree with you here.  They were in total shock.  It was not a punch, it was a political "rigamortis" reaction!

Ram Naam satya hai!!

And the shock didn't end there. The pathetic straw clutching continues even on GNI. 

In the end, the mo fiah slo fiah campaign will be introduced.

ronan posted:
Iguana posted:
Prashad posted:

I say attack them and their family members outside of Guyana.

A public threat issued to Guyana's Members of parliament and their familes! Isn't there a law in Guyana that says something about inciting on the internet?

this is beyond irresponsible from "Prashad" . . . smfh

forget Guyana . . . the FBI now becomes relevant

..yes, some law enforcement needs to pay attention to this. The PPP won, yet one of their supporters is calling black people slaves and another issues threats to members of parliament and their familes who venture out of Guyana. This is some sick shit dude.

Yet these are the people talking about PNC inspired violence! they need to check their own backyard.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

.... I say attack them and their family members outside of Guyana.

Stop talking shit.  There is an Indian saying, "A dog bites a man, but does the man bite back the dog?"

Alyuh relax, the bannas dem was shell shocked.  Charrandas just made a glowing budget presentation.  The watching Sharma, but Charrandas shock dem rass!

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

.... I say attack them and their family members outside of Guyana.

Stop talking shit.  There is an Indian saying, "A dog bites a man, but does the man bite back the dog?"

Alyuh relax, the bannas dem was shell shocked.  Charrandas just made a glowing budget presentation.  The watching Sharma, but Charrandas shock dem rass!

Sometimes Prashad gets carried away.

I think that had Charrandas said no and everyone else after him but before Nagamootoo also said no, Nagamootoo would have said yes. Nagamootoo knows that his time with the Coalition is over. He also knows even though he likes to say he isn't that he is an empty shell PM with no true port folio since PNC Harmon calls the shots.

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:

.... I say attack them and their family members outside of Guyana.

Stop talking shit.  There is an Indian saying, "A dog bites a man, but does the man bite back the dog?"

Alyuh relax, the bannas dem was shell shocked.  Charrandas just made a glowing budget presentation.  The watching Sharma, but Charrandas shock dem rass!

Physically attacking a person because he or she is seen as weak because of their race and because you may get away with it will eventually lead to a Rwandan genocide type situation.  There must be mechanisms in place to prevent this from happening and it does not necessarily have to be a physical Hassan Al Turabi type attack.

Last edited by Prashad
Tola posted:

If Charandaas felt he was elbowed, that is HIS perception and HIS reality.

just like Priya "felt" she was being RAPED on the floor of the House nuh bai?

this sense of entitlement to INVENT 'victim' shyte is a dishonest and dangerous conceit of way too many Indo-Guyanese with an axe to grind against "PNC"


Last edited by Former Member

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