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Originally Posted by Sheik101:

You're doing a sucky job at promoting this one. No windows, and one entrance\ exit according to the report. It's a death trap.

Sheik....Cobra, Ugee & Nehru ....will say yuh don't have de facts.


Every Year 18,000 enter the Job Market....

Look 600 new Jobs.....Private Sector

200 New Jobs....Public Sector.

X,000 Leave Guyana.....Take up Residence Overseas

Y,000  Turn to Narco Industry.....Enter the Drug Trade

Remainder become Choke-n-Rob/Thiefman.



Choke-n-rob/Thiefman =

18,000-(600 + 200 +X (Leave Permanently) + Y (Drug Trade)


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra, why did Jagdeo and Gajraj refuse the Indian Engineer to come help a local investor set up his Confectionary Factory? How does this type of action encourages investment?


Jagdoe and Babby dem corna de ecanamy foh demselves. Heh Heh Heh...Presi Ramo at lost yasuh. Hey Hey Hey....

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's not forget that Guyana is hoping to tap into oil and natural gas from the current oil exploration in its waters. We must never deny that it's the effort of the PPP that make this possible.

Did the PPP put the oil and gas there now?  With prices as high as they are lots of very unstable places are now of interest.  If people are investing in Democratic Rep of Congo (DRC) you know they will go anywhere.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's not forget that Guyana is hoping to tap into oil and natural gas from the current oil exploration in its waters. We must never deny that it's the effort of the PPP that make this possible.

Did the PPP put the oil and gas there now?  With prices as high as they are lots of very unstable places are now of interest.  If people are investing in Democratic Rep of Congo (DRC) you know they will go anywhere.

Great intelligent observation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Let's not forget that Guyana is hoping to tap into oil and natural gas from the current oil exploration in its waters. We must never deny that it's the effort of the PPP that make this possible.

Did the PPP put the oil and gas there now?  With prices as high as they are lots of very unstable places are now of interest.  If people are investing in Democratic Rep of Congo (DRC) you know they will go anywhere.

What a stupid response. Ya'll bile is destroyin ya'll.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra, why did Jagdeo and Gajraj refuse the Indian Engineer to come help a local investor set up his Confectionary Factory? How does this type of action encourages investment?

Glenn Lall said he don't want to make a big fuss about it, so I wouldn't worry about it. The factory has been opened and everybody enjoy their share of sweeties.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Cobra, why did Jagdeo and Gajraj refuse the Indian Engineer to come help a local investor set up his Confectionary Factory? How does this type of action encourages investment?

Glenn Lall said he don't want to make a big fuss about it, so I wouldn't worry about it. The factory has been opened and everybody enjoy their share of sweeties.

The factory has been opened thanks to UNCLE DONALD who is not a petty man, like the anti-man bwoy before him.

Originally Posted by Cobra:


Only lazy people would find fault that there are no jobs in Guyana. Qualfon also hiring thousands of new employees. If you sit on your fat ass, job will not come to you. You have to get up and find a job and stop thinking to drink piss and rob people for a living.

You are like the guy  on a trip through Scotland who looked out of the train window and saw a black sheep and immediately conclude all the sheep in Scotland are black!


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