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Originally Posted by shanazb:

I got and early Mother day gift.

My son has Graduated---Electrical Engineering  we are so proud of him. 



* WOW! That's a bright boy you have there shanaz!


* Electrical Engineering is a difficult field----that is no wishy washy major like Economics, History, Fine arts, etc, etc


* Anyway shanaz congrats to you and your smart boy---wonderful Mother's day present, indeed.



Originally Posted by shanazb:

Good morning GNI family and friends .

I got and early Mother day gift.

My son has Graduated 

Electrical Engineering  we are so proud of him. 

we pray that Allah continue to bless him more to his next journey in life.

Congrats to your son and the proud parents.  Engineering - way to go.


An engineering undergrad with an MBA is a rare combination that 'kicks ass' these days.


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