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Former Member

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Mohabir Anil Nandlall

32 mins · 

Justice Claudette Singh’s justifications for rejecting our ten motions, put by PPP Commissioners at the last GECOM meeting, are simply incredulous. That she chose to speak only to the Chronicle Newspapers on this matter, by itself, speaks volume.

Any sensible person, familiar with our proposals in those motions, would clearly see that having regard to the crude fraud perpetrated by Clairmont Mingo in relation to the Region 4 results, that they were all intended to bring greater transparency, oversight, public scrutiny, greater dispatch – aggregating to add significant credibility and integrity to the recount process.

The Chairperson’s reliance on section 90 of the Representation of the People Act to reject our proposal to live stream the process is as convenient as it is preposterous. The Chairperson rejected our motion that the recount be done in accordance with sections 84, 86, 87 and 89 of the very Act but conveniently chooses to rely upon section 90.

In any event, the recount is being done under section 22 of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act and Article 162(1)(b) of the Constitution, both of which empower GECOM to issue such instructions and take such actions as appear to it necessary and expedient to ensure impartiality and fairness. Would the live streaming of the process and the other proposals contained in the nine other motions not enhance impartiality and fairness? In fact, in rejecting those proposals the Chairperson herself is tainting the process with partiality and unfairness.

Significantly, the Chairperson herself in her written submissions to the Court highlighted the importance of GECOM and the electoral process enjoying public confidence so that the election results would be accepted by all. It is no secret that the public confidence in GECOM and its staff is at an all time low.

The truth is that a majority of the electorate does not trust GECOM. After what transpired, there is sound basis for this mistrust. The live streaming of the process would contribute tremendously to boosting public confidence in the process.

After what Mingo did and the Chairperson’s repeated public commitment to act fairly and transparently, how can she reject a proposal to allow the Audit Office of Guyana or a private audit firm to aid and scrutinize the exercise, but rather choose to support highly toxic persons from the Secretariat whose conduct have been condemned by all the observer teams, to conduct the recount exercise. It is difficult to defend an argument that she is not part of the same design.

The Chairperson’s justification for rejecting our proposal for the Commissioners to be given the SOPs is equally baffling. This is not Lowenfield’s private property. The Commissioners have a legal entitlement to them. Neither are they secret. They were posted at polling places across the country. As Chairperson of the Commission, is Justice Singh not even curious to see what those SOPs say in relation to the fabricated spreadsheet which Mingo used as the basis of his tabulation? This must be boggling to the rational mind.

The same arguments apply, a fortiori to her refusal to have Region 4 ballots counted off early rather than stretch it until the end of the exercise.

It is imperative therefore that the Chairperson reconsiders her position lest the recount process evoke greater controversy than it was intended to resolve.

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While sections 84, 86, 87 and 89 of the Representation of the People Act are rejected by the Chairman of GECOM, section 90 is adequate.

Focus is completing the recount of votes as soon as possible.

Guyana Constitution, Representation of the People Act, Section 90.

Source -

90. Every person attending at the counting of votes shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of voting and shall not communicate any information obtained at the count as to the list of candidates for which any vote has been given.

@Django posted:

The PPP/C wants to run the show ,the party seem to forget Claudette Singh is in charge.

She is a cheat.   Of course you would support her because you are cut from the same calibre.

The PPP/C wants fairness.  Why did they stop the count when they realised the thw PPP was winning?

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

She is a cheat.   Of course you would support her because you are cut from the same calibre.

The PPP/C wants fairness.  Why did they stop the count when they realised the thw PPP was winning?

It's the habit of the party ,my way or no way ,if not then the retort to disparage. Same was done to Dr.Steve Surujbally ,after loosing the 2011 and 2015 elections .

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Refresh your memory which party was leading in Region 4 ,which party panicked and created the ruckus ? do the math of the voting pattern of the 4 sub-districts of Region 4 ,you can get an idea of the results.

@Abu Jihad posted:

Django, please address the false declaration by Mingo before getting  into ridiculous conspiracies.  You continue to make a fool of yourself. 

The first declaration of Region 4 [ claimed to be false ] was nullified by the court and the RO was ordered to do another tabulation,which was done. The PPP/C tried to get the Court again to throw out the second tabulation ,which was refused .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

It's the habit of the party ,my way or no way ,if not then the retort to disparage. Same was done to Dr.Steve Surujbally ,after loosing the 2011 and 2015 elections .

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Refresh your memory which party was leading in Region 4 ,which party panicked and created the ruckus ? do the math of the voting pattern of the 4 sub-districts of Region 4 ,you can get an idea of the results.

Django, you are not honest with your comment. Mingo stop counting the ballots and declared APNU/AFC the winner while only 421 out of 479 ballot boxes for Region 4 were tabulated.

All these videos was posted on this site showing how the process was rigg in the presence of the international ambassadors, who subsequently walk out of GECOM and declare the counts are illegal.

Stand up for Democracy and speak the truth irrespective of who you support. 


The situation led to the issue of a joint statement by the British High Commissioner Greg Quinn, US Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch, the Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chaterjee, and the Ambassador of the European Union Fernando Ponz Canto.


“Based on our observation of today’s GECOM proceedings at their Region 4 office, and the fact that the full count was not completed, we question the credibility of the Region 4 results published by GECOM today.

"We urge the Guyana Elections Commission, and all relevant actors, to expeditiously complete the tabulation on the basis of the statement of polls.

"We call on all Guyanese to remain calm and patient, and for all leaders to exercise responsibility and restraint,” the statement read.

The US-based Carter Center also issued a statement expressing “deep concern” about events in Region 4, and urged a recount.

@Former Member posted:

Django, you are not honest with your comment. Mingo stop counting the ballots and declared APNU/AFC the winner while only 421 out of 479 ballot boxes for Region 4 were tabulated.

You need to read Mingo version of the tale on the first tabulation .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

You need to read Mingo version of the tale on the first tabulation .

I will find the videos and all that transpired within GECOM and post, including MINGO hospitalization to his return and counting from a spreadsheet plus his signatures on the form 24 where the numbers were not adding up. 

@Former Member posted:

I will find the videos and all that transpired within GECOM and post, including MINGO hospitalization to his return and counting from a spreadsheet plus his signatures on the form 24 where the numbers were not adding up. 

Like your handlers don't have anything of substance for you to post. 

@Former Member posted:

I will find the videos and all that transpired within GECOM and post, including MINGO hospitalization to his return and counting from a spreadsheet plus his signatures on the form 24 where the numbers were not adding up. 

I have the videos and can figure what transpired.


The PPP is trying its best to back out of the recount , that is why they are making all kinds of silly demands.  For example, they want live streaming of the recount but there is the question of confidentiality/anonymity.  They argue that this could be preserved as just ballots will be counted.  However, what happens if there has to be a reconciliation of votes cast against list of voters for a particular station and the cameras keep rolling?  Clearly there would be the risk of violation of the confidentiality/anonymity requirement.   


“The Commission published on its website the results of the section 84(1) verification process for those 9 Districts. That document, a copy of which is attached, shows that the PPP/C got 152,121 votes and the APNU got 100,682, a PPP/C lead of 51,439 votes”, Jagdeo stated.

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Here is snapshot from Stabroek News.

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

If had a version it would have been presented in court , not by crooked Django.

@Abu Jihad posted:

That version in court was rejected by the judge, hence the current situation.

Make your mind up ,there was none ,then it was rejected.

Did the second tabulation rejected by the Court ?

@Abu Jihad posted:

You are a lying piece of excrement if you believed it was done fairly.  I take my leave from this discussion.  

Comprehension are difficult for some ,hence the out burst.

The recount will settle matter .

Last edited by Django

Granger own election in Congress Place was rigged for him to become leader instead of the true winner Carl Greenidge. Granger became President after the 2015 election was rigged.


Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'NEVER FORGET *.. 2020 elections rigging started with this!'

Listen to Kit Nascimento's view about what is happening … and before anyone attempts to discredit him … he was a Minister of State under Burnham.

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Sase Gunraj is with Neil Marks and 8 others. 5 mins UPDATE FROM R04 OFFICE!!! The RO, Mingo, is refusing to use or present Statements of Poll to ascertain the total number of votes cast in favour of each contesting party. He is instead attempting to use spreadsheet, which is a clear breach of the tenets Sec 84[1) of the Representation of the People Act, Cap 3:01. The use of my phone is also restricted, so pardon the brevity. I'll you updated.'

This is the most disturbing video you will see which proves the lengths the APNU-AFC would go to regain power in a dictatorial manner ... these persons were present in GECOM building simply to see that the Statements of Polls remain untouched. A full squad of police was sent to remove them ... had it not been for modern technology, social media, and the international community ... granger would have been sworn in already






With allies like kit Nascimento and Gerry Gouveia you can tell what the PPP has become.  Janet Jagan saw the former as an agent of a foreign power and if you want to know what motivates the latter read Adam Harris' column in today's Chronicle.  The man owes the government hundreds of millions of dollars and apparently is hoping a PPP government will somehow make his debt disappear.  

Last edited by Totaram

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