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It seems no one wants the Biebs. Not only has an online petition in the US to deport Justin Bieber reached more than 200,000 signatures, now a Canadian travel agency is offering to fly the pop singer out of Canada for free.

It’s rocky times for the embattled teen idol, who was charged with driving under the influence and drag racing in Florida last week, sparking public outcry and the creation of a petition called "Deport Justin Bieber and revoke his green card” in the US.
Then, on Wednesday, the Biebs presented himself to Toronto police where he was charged with the assault of a limo driver from an incident December 30.

Enter, a Canadian travel agency that is offering to fly the singer and up to five members of his entourage anywhere in the US on their dime with this little caveat: they can't use any flight credits to return to Toronto.

"We feel it's best -- given what a great deal this is -- that Mr. Bieber and his companions take the opportunity to explore other parts of the world," said Chief Marketing Officer Neil Bhapkar in a cheeky statement. is taking a page out of the marketing strategy of Spirit Airlines, notorious for riding on the trials and tribulations of politicians to make headlines.

For example, when Toronto mayor Rob Ford was outed for smoking crack, the low-budget carrier launched a special promotion that screamed, “We’re not smoking crack!”

Similarly, the airline created an ad of a mustachioed hot dog in a condom-cape in reference to disgraced New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, with the tag line, “The Wiener rises again!”

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The trouble is that the Biebs can buy and sell this travel agency as many times as he wishes and still have most of his money left over. Give the kid a break. Now the drag racing and DUI in South Beach was not good because he could have harmed himself or others. But thankfully that did not happen. Luck, maybe. Now give him a chance to fix his problems before completely condemning him. He is still just a kid for heavens sake.


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