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Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

Another beauty would be removing the chicken from the coolers when they start turn lil colour,throw them into a sink with Javex..noo shit. Plumps those babies up good an propa, giving it that mmmmm good chemical taste.

My daughter is in the Honor College at her school and one of her assignments was to watch a documentary on genetically altered birds and animals. To say the least, she was totally disgusted by the end of the documentary.

Watch documentary Food Inc,you will not buy meat from

the supermarket.

She just confirmed that that is the one she watched.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Uh oh. You bests keep a close eye pon he before he tuns kuffar

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Uh oh. You bests keep a close eye pon he before he tuns kuffar

Bai, I keep a close eye pun he but it has nothing to do with religion. It is all about his growth and safety.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Uh oh. You bests keep a close eye pon he before he tuns kuffar

Bai, I keep a close eye pun he but it has nothing to do with religion. It is all about his growth and safety.


Spoken like a good father.


I never once said a terrorist sympathizer couldn't be a good father

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Uh oh. You bests keep a close eye pon he before he tuns kuffar

Bai, I keep a close eye pun he but it has nothing to do with religion. It is all about his growth and safety.


Spoken like a good father.


I never once said a terrorist sympathizer couldn't be a good father

Whats the worse they can do. Give a vest/belt to their kid?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Uh oh. You bests keep a close eye pon he before he tuns kuffar

Bai, I keep a close eye pun he but it has nothing to do with religion. It is all about his growth and safety.


Spoken like a good father.


I never once said a terrorist sympathizer couldn't be a good father

Whats the worse they can do. Give a vest/belt to their kid?


Yuh got to start em early before the liberal Western media get to them and impart their evil notions of civilization and equal rights for women and not killing homos

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Yuh got to start em early before the liberal Western media get to them and impart their evil notions of civilization and equal rights for women and not killing homos

I agree. And he should learn fast since he is gifted and rocking a 4.0 GPA in Middle school.


That is indeed exemplary. Permit me to share a measure of your pride.


I was once gifted myself

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
? Do they even know what Workers Comp insurance or the minimum wage is on Liberty Avenue?

I know a CPA who does business with some of these guys.  When he asked them if they had workers' comp or NY disability for their employees they ask him what is that.  When he asks for evidence that they are paying their NYC payroll taxes they ask him why.  When he reminds them that this is the USA and not Guyana and that the NYS and the IRS know fully well what they own, and will make their move when they decide to, they laugh, and call him stupid and tell him that as their CPA his role is to help them avoid that.


BTW the black Caribbean business owners are just as bad.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
? Do they even know what Workers Comp insurance or the minimum wage is on Liberty Avenue?

I know a CPA who does business with some of these guys.  When he asked them if they had workers' comp or NY disability for their employees they ask him what is that.  When he asks for evidence that they are paying their NYC payroll taxes they ask him why.  When he reminds them that this is the USA and not Guyana and that the NYS and the IRS know fully well what they own, and will make their move when they decide to, they laugh, and call him stupid and tell him that as their CPA his role is to help them avoid that.


BTW the black Caribbean business owners are just as bad.


I'm glad someone noticed I didn't just reach into the sky and pluck some speculation about tax law compliance just to make Guyanese look bad (esp Indos).


It is mortifying to see how Guyanese people cheat the system and their employees here. I could almost forgive the tax cheating. It's the robbing of their vulnerable employees that strike me as particularly vile. Usually these same Coolie Nationalists will see nothing wrong with wringing the blood out of their Coolie employees.


And then the effin hypocrisy of it all! Strutting about Coolieville as model citizens who worked so hard and achieved the American dream because they played by the rules and sacrificed so much. Bullshit!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Allah has blessed you with a very good son. May he always be successful in life.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Yuh got to start em early before the liberal Western media get to them and impart their evil notions of civilization and equal rights for women and not killing homos

I agree. And he should learn fast since he is gifted and rocking a 4.0 GPA in Middle school.


That is indeed exemplary. Permit me to share a measure of your pride.


I was once gifted myself

Then you hit your head on a large ROCK.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Well, Albert Baldeo and Ruben Wills are the last two to get hammered by the law for wrong doing. There was another Guyanese in the Bronx who embezzled over six hundred thousand from a company he works for. Sometime I do follow my instinct with good intent and purpose to stay away from Guyanese/American politicians. These people are making the business reputation bad for our local businesses on Liberty corridor.


Even my own family I have to beware of since GNI is a central location for streaming information. These people read everything and throw it back on you at later times. As much as I love GNI, I dislike it for obvious reasons. Take for example: Many of them buy the notion that you are a drunkard and used it against you on many occasions. Even respectable member like Kari use that against you on occasion. people are so F***ked up in this joint.

Bhai Cobra, Is a FREE Country, people can think what they want, write what they want as long as dem can tek deh reply.


Nehru, today is my repentance day where I ask my maker to forgive me for the wrongs I have committed this past week. However, freedom doesn't mean you can yell fire in a crowded place when there is no fire. We have to respect the freedom we enjoyed and to be sensitive of what we say at times. It's great when you can reflect on your own actions and make correction. This practice will take you a long way in life. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, today is my repentance day where I ask my maker to forgive me for the wrongs I have committed this past week. However, freedom doesn't mean you can yell fire in a crowded place when there is no fire. We have to respect the freedom we enjoyed and to be sensitive of what we say at times. It's great when you can reflect on your own actions and mak




You are an Angel Bhai not me.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, today is my repentance day where I ask my maker to forgive me for the wrongs I have committed this past week.


Be sure to repent for the grave sin of supporting evil in the form of a regime in Guyana built upon, theft, rape, murder, and injustice.


Perform all necessary pujas to Bhagwan and prayers to Jesus for this transgression.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, today is my repentance day where I ask my maker to forgive me for the wrongs I have committed this past week.


Be sure to repent for the grave sin of supporting evil in the form of a regime in Guyana built upon, theft, rape, murder, and injustice.


Perform all necessary pujas to Bhagwan and prayers to Jesus for this transgression.

Will do...Amen

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. Usually these same Coolie Nationalists will see nothing wrong with wringing the blood out of their Coolie employees.



Oh well that is your Indian "nation" for you.  In the 70s they scream "black man a rape mi daughta" " Burnham pushing douglarization" when the poor girl decided to have consensual sex with a black man.  The same ones screaming went to Essequibo, procured a little under age Indian girl with promises of a good job, promptly raped her, then sent her to a butcher to get an abortion, and then dumped her on the streets.


Even today.  Who has the rice farmers in a mess.  The same ones who pay them little, and this after lending them money at usurious rates, and then snatching their land when they cannot pay.


Now why will they suddenly become saints in the USA, where crookishness is the "American Way"?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Let us express some human compassion for a man who has lost his livelihood and his liberty. Though this may have been his fault completely, he was still a kind of human.


Were I a believer I would say a short prayer for him and his family.

Birds of a feather flocked together.

He was a wicked moder foucker.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
? Do they even know what Workers Comp insurance or the minimum wage is on Liberty Avenue?

I know a CPA who does business with some of these guys.  When he asked them if they had workers' comp or NY disability for their employees they ask him what is that.  When he asks for evidence that they are paying their NYC payroll taxes they ask him why.  When he reminds them that this is the USA and not Guyana and that the NYS and the IRS know fully well what they own, and will make their move when they decide to, they laugh, and call him stupid and tell him that as their CPA his role is to help them avoid that.


BTW the black Caribbean business owners are just as bad.

It's a migrant business owner way of thinking and not limited to West Indians or Guyanese. The Koreans and Chineese are worse and do not foget Indiands and Pakis.


After a few audits many are forced to either close down or comply.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Allah has blessed you with a very good son. May he always be successful in life.

The boy is good because he does not eat meat? Come on Yugi.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Allah has blessed you with a very good son. May he always be successful in life.

The boy is good because he does not eat meat? Come on Yugi.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Let us express some human compassion for a man who has lost his livelihood and his liberty. Though this may have been his fault completely, he was still a kind of human.


Were I a believer I would say a short prayer for him and his family.

Birds of a feather flocked together.

He was a wicked moder foucker.


I see your islam teaches you to hate. My unbelief teaches me to despise particular behavior and opinions but not people.


Albert and I are not friends but I wouldn't pretend he's not a fellow human.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Let us express some human compassion for a man who has lost his livelihood and his liberty. Though this may have been his fault completely, he was still a kind of human.


Were I a believer I would say a short prayer for him and his family.

Birds of a feather flocked together.

He was a wicked moder foucker.


I see your islam teaches you to hate. My unbelief teaches me to despise particular behavior and opinions but not people.


Albert and I are not friends but I wouldn't pretend he's not a fellow human.

Where is the hate?

Albert is wicked, plain and simple and you was his campaign manager when you went beyond all bounds to commit wickedness during his campaign.  At that time you were not in the army so you cannot blame mental ilness for your actions.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

One of my young nieces always says, "We should not eat anything that has a face."  Needless to say that young one never has meat on her plate.

Good girl.

I call my son pandit. He doesn't eat meat. He thinks it is wrong to kill things.


Allah has blessed you with a very good son. May he always be successful in life.

The boy is good because he does not eat meat? Come on Yugi.

You tink yugi meant Moniki Lowenska is not a good girl?

Vish M
Interesting, I see the letter from Guyana Civil Aviation Authority is addressed to me as a Secretary of MSN Air Services.
I am not aware of this and will investigate
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

With regards to MSN Air Services, that is a corporation that I have no legal ties.


This false accusation will be provided to the principal of MSN for the necessary action.



Well then chap, I hope you don't mind explaining this official legal filing with the U.S. Department of Transportation by MSN Airlines.


I draw your attention to Page 8, Letter of C. Ramphal, Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority to one Vishnu R. Mahadeo, Company Secretary to MSN Airlines, dated October 31, 2005, and ironically labeled "Exhibit A"


Must be wan different Vishnu R. Mahadeo


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