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Originally Posted by alena06:
We always aim for our children to go to better universities than us, both my girls are aiming for Ivy League though they are still young. 



If your girls get full scholarships to any of the IVYs, then by all means they should head there, but if you have to pay and if they intend to major in the liberal arts or social science, then it would be prudent for them to attend a state or city college.


Now if your girls are interested in the sciences and mathematics---and they get accepted into MIT, Stanford or the IVY's---and if they don't get full scholarships---find a way for them to head there.


Now, is the teaching and instruction at the IVY's better than at the other schools---No! Absolutely not!


But once you attend an IVY---the connections and contacts after you finish are amazing---lots of doors are opened for you.


Once again--mathematics and sciences---head for the IVY or great non IVY schools like Stanford or MIT; any other major--find a cheap state or city school.








Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

City College, hunter and Baruch are ALL much BETTER than Harvard and Columbia but this is a free Country and people can spend their money as they please. No problem with that. We all see things differently.

Buddy, when you come out of Ivy League you START at six figures!! 

Alena my Friend, Not so, only the few connected and the Top 1% of the Population.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by raymond:

TK, do you know Vijay Kumar...he is an Accounting Prof at St. Johns

Unfortunately no I do not know him. I did teach for 2 years at St John's at the business school there...I was an adjunct back then. This was 6 years ago. Feel free to give him my contact info. 

Dude is real smart...was in the top 10% in scores in the US when he took the CPA....excellent Prof, but could be real intimidating and nasty. Old school dude, but his classes are always filled....he is good at what he does

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:



I keep telling you jokers mining Google search will not help fill obvious deficiencies. But again I find your train of thought instructive. I get insights into why Guyana will remain a dankey cart economy with ethnic conflicts and uneven development. The article was most likely written by someone was denied tenure or someone who tried the academic market but could not get in. Profs make real life contributions all is sad the Jadgeoites can't see that; hence they allowed UG to pine away. Instead of focusing on the science for enhancing Guyana's obvious potentials, your boys focus on wine down entertainment, copyright infringements, brothels, gambling, LCDS nonsense, and turned a blind eye on smuggling. That is what you guys mean by real world. Smugglers and hustlers have reached the pinnacle of PPP's enlightenment culture. 


1. Profs sit on boards.

2. Profs consult with businesses and government on a daily basis - whether it is science, business, finance or foreign policy. Perhaps the writer could not get consulting gigs.

3. Profs develop the basic research which firms have to commercialize. And when they need to commercialize they have to turn to the kids profs train to do that.

4. Profs are on TV all day giving opinions and commentary - law, econ, finance, business. Check out Bloomberg, CNBC, etc.

5. Profs develop the theoretical framework which govt and business will use - theory is reality and reality is only explained by theory. 

6. Many profs form businesses. But CEOs can't be profs that easily. The publication barrier is too high. 

7. Profs help CEOs to develop scientific and other papers - see recent paper published by Google's Brin - coauthored with a prof. 

8. Profs are there in civil society to expose elected oligarchy, exploitation of the poor and the powerlessness and be a thorn in your boys sides. 

9. When companies want to go public and grow - especially science ones - they have to turn to profs and their students. See Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. 




I don't mean to diminish your worth as an academic, however where I object is this notion that somehow because you are a professor, you know what is good for the rest of us. You will note that govt rarely seeks out the advice of your kind other than as a second opinion. 



You have tried to do that on many occasions...however as I have told Pavi on many occasions you cannot decide that in this lifetime. That's determined by the profession. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

City College, hunter and Baruch are ALL much BETTER than Harvard and Columbia but this is a free Country and people can spend their money as they please. No problem with that. We all see things differently.

I got 2 boys...both good at Math and Science....have to figure out the numbers for a good engineering college

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by raymond:

TK, do you know Vijay Kumar...he is an Accounting Prof at St. Johns

Unfortunately no I do not know him. I did teach for 2 years at St John's at the business school there...I was an adjunct back then. This was 6 years ago. Feel free to give him my contact info. 

Dude is real smart...was in the top 10% in scores in the US when he took the CPA....excellent Prof, but could be real intimidating and nasty. Old school dude, but his classes are always filled....he is good at what he does

Nice to hear that. I am trying to convince my boy to think about becoming an accounting prof in the long term. To do stats/econ double BA and then move into quantitative accounting. De bai want chemistry instead

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

City College, hunter and Baruch are ALL much BETTER than Harvard and Columbia but this is a free Country and people can spend their money as they please. No problem with that. We all see things differently.

I got 2 boys...both good at Math and Science....have to figure out the numbers for a good engineering college

If they don't know what to do let them do maths...can never go wrong with that. So much can be done after. For engineering make sure you have Cooper Union on your list. 

Originally Posted by raymond:

Hoping for a couple scholarships

My strategy would be to make sure they get the highest possible SAT. If your income is high the top schools and Ivy will not offer scholarships even with the highest SAT. But if you throw a 2200+ SAT on a public school like City or Hunter it's going to be a full ride. That's going to me my strategy. My college is obliged to do this for kids with high incomes who got into Princeton, Yale, Amherst, etc. Given their high SATs they get full ride at my college. 

Originally Posted by raymond:
I got 2 boys...both good at Math and Science....have to figure out the numbers for a good engineering college

A good field for those who are mathematically inclined is actuarial science---pursue an undergrad degree in math---then take those 10 exams from the Actuarial society---you'll qualify as a Fellow of the society of actuaries(FSA)---with an undergrad degree in math---graduates ought to pass the first 2 exams easily---actually a lot of math grads fail the 1st two exams---they are very competitive---anyway---the life insurance companies and the property/casualty insurance companies---they all have training programs---for math grads who want to become actuaries.


By the time you pass all 10 actuarial exams---it will take about 5 years---you'll make around 200K or even more---I'm not sure about today's salary.





I know a lot of folks with undergrad engineering majors---who then pursued a masters in business---that's the way to move up the ladder I guess.



Good luck to your sons!



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 

Newton was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Heisenberg  was  a Lecturer in Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen, Kant was a Professor at University of Konigsberg etc. The list of professors who became renown for practical work and Lecturers who came from having experience in some enterprise are endless. You are rattling your usual simplistic nonsense. TK is young man and in the beginning of his professional career so you are also jumping the gun as though you know the entirety of his life.


And let me remind you, a theory is not wishful thinking. It is not useless speculation. Also, there is no enterprise not grounded in principle on some theory or another.  Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists. They examine the ways things work and build it in their heads and test it against the realm of existing  ideas for its inconsistencies and its advantages. That is how there are revolution in society and science.  You are a mal educated simpleton and need to  read a little more on what is a theory before you come spewing nonsense that furthers add to the mud in the heads of these mudheads here.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Career professors are indeed failures. There are those who after excelling in the real world turn to teaching so as to share their valuable experience, you don't fall into this category.  The world is governed by those intellectuals that are not stuck behind a lectern pondering what might have been. Should you with your flirtations with the AFC achieve real world experience then you would have completed your intellectual journey in economics. Until then you will continue to be a theorist. 

BG_S not sure if i share your views.  It is these same professors who are turning out the best trained minds here in the US to run businesses and the economy.  The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.  It's the student duty to take it and apply to his real wold situation and become successful.  They all will do it in their own way, some better than other an some will be more successful that others.


They teach the theory but the best minds take it a step further and put that theory into practice.  

 Again you idiot, it is not best minds that are equipped to accept a theoretical foundation and implement it. Anyone who has a problem who needs a solution and is looking for one peruses the world of ideas to see if someone has an answer that would help. Further, most of what is used at as the "best fit" comes from the irrational practice of taking the prevailing "great man/woman's authority" first. It takes the person who is keen on problem solving to look outside the reflected glow of "greatness" and that is  where almost every revolution of science originated.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Newton was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Heisenberg  was  a Lecturer in Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen, Kant was a Professor at University of Konigsberg etc. The list of professors who became renown for practical work and Lecturers who came from having experience in some enterprise are endless. You are rattling your usual simplistic nonsense. TK is young man and in the beginning of his professional career so you are also jumping the gun as though you know the entirety of his life.


And let me remind you, a theory is not wishful thinking. It is not useless speculation. Also, there is no enterprise not grounded in principle on some theory or another.  Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists. They examine the ways things work and build it in their heads and test it against the realm of existing  ideas for its inconsistencies and its advantages. That is how there are revolution in society and science.  You are a mal educated simpleton and need to  read a little more on what is a theory before you come spewing nonsense that furthers add to the mud in the heads of these mudheads here.

As usual, you always point out the exception as thought it was the norm, and to boot you had to go all the way back to the 17th century to find an example.

You will note that TK at his second rate university can not be compared to the 2 gentlemen above. 


And I will note that your embrace for theory is only because you yourself have been a failure, having to settle for life behind a dollar store counter while the rest of us put our university training to practical use in the real world. 

Originally Posted by raymond:

What is considered high income by colleges?

I don't have a good answer for that. In one case each parent made about 60K and had a house. That disqualified for most scholarships at the top university because these folks are "rich". I have a close family who got a 1590 (the old SAT) back in the days. UPenn said she could not get scholarship. Penn State however gave her an excellent deal. But they made the choice to send her to UPenn regardless. I'd say make sure the SAT is really high and most things would fall in place. I am sure they will do great said they are math inclined. Make sure they never lose that inclination. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:  

 Again you idiot, it is not best minds that are equipped to accept a theoretical foundation and implement it. Anyone who has a problem who needs a solution and is looking for one peruses the world of ideas to see if someone has an answer that would help. Further, most of what is used at as the "best fit" comes from the irrational practice of taking the prevailing "great man/woman's authority" first. It takes the person who is keen on problem solving to look outside the reflected glow of "greatness" and that is  where almost every revolution of science originated.

How quick you are to refer to me with derogatory labels. It reveals the lack of restraint and all round nasty mentality of the aFC pack. Theories learnt from a books is normally useless if one lacks the ability to put them to practical use, that is why most weak academics resort to teaching instead. The smart ones move on to make a fortune in their respective fields of study in the real world. And even TK will acknowledge that breakthroughs in science does not come from teachers but rather their students in the labs, dorms or garages. I don't want to mention name but there is the famous Bill, late Steve and more recently Mark. 

Originally Posted by TK:


You have tried to do that on many occasions...however as I have told Pavi on many occasions you cannot decide that in this lifetime. That's determined by the profession. 

Not true, maybe I was trying to rattle your cage.  I still have high hopes for you, but I don't see your future in the aFC. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:  

 Again you idiot, it is not best minds that are equipped to accept a theoretical foundation and implement it. Anyone who has a problem who needs a solution and is looking for one peruses the world of ideas to see if someone has an answer that would help. Further, most of what is used at as the "best fit" comes from the irrational practice of taking the prevailing "great man/woman's authority" first. It takes the person who is keen on problem solving to look outside the reflected glow of "greatness" and that is  where almost every revolution of science originated.

How quick you are to refer to me with derogatory labels. It reveals the lack of restraint and all round nasty mentality of the aFC pack. Theories learnt from a books is normally useless if one lacks the ability to put them to practical use, that is why most weak academics resort to teaching instead. The smart ones move on to make a fortune in their respective fields of study in the real world. And even TK will acknowledge that breakthroughs in science does not come from teachers but rather their students in the labs, dorms or garages. I don't want to mention name but there is the famous Bill, late Steve and more recently Mark. 


Wow! You really don't have a clue. Bill Gates made a breakthrough in science? Mark did? Jobs did? Wow.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists.




Guyana doesn't need thinkers. What Guyana needs are more doers--doers are the people who will help Guyana realize her immense potential---doers dont waste time talking and speculating and coming up with useless theories---doers do--they get things done---that's what Guyana needs--doers--not talkers and readers and thinkers.


Lemme shower you with some praise Stormy--you are obviously widely read---actually you are a reader Stormy--by the way, there is a humongous difference between a reader and a thinker---a thinker you are not Storm man---and regarding being a doer--fugget about it---maybe in your next life Stormy.hahahahahahahaha






Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists.




Guyana doesn't need thinkers. What Guyana needs are more doers--doers are the people who will help Guyana realize her immense potential---doers dont waste time talking and speculating and coming up with useless theories---doers do--they get things done---that's what Guyana needs--doers--not talkers and readers and thinkers.


Lemme shower you with some praise Stormy--you are obviously widely read---actually you are a reader Stormy--by the way, there is a humongous difference between a reader and a thinker---a thinker you are not Storm man---and regarding being a doer--fugget about it---maybe in your next life Stormy.hahahahahahahaha







Stormy never took the I-95 to California

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:


Wow! You really don't have a clue. Bill Gates made a breakthrough in science? Mark did? Jobs did? Wow.

This is why you will remain behind a lectern while others take chances and reap the rewards. To diminish the ability of these men from your perch of obscurity is laughable. 

I am not diminishing those great men in any way...nor could I do that. But it is not true to say that any of them made a breakthrough in science. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Stormy never took the I-95 to California



You are 1000% correct about that!



suure . . . we understand the desperate need to cover [the implications of] your nakedness with nervous, self deprecating? humor


i'd try the smokescreen too were i in your shoes

Originally Posted by Nehru:

City College, hunter and Baruch are ALL much BETTER than Harvard and Columbia but this is a free Country and people can spend their money as they please. No problem with that. We all see things differently.

Buddy, when you come out of Ivy League you START at six figures!! 

Alena my Friend, Not so, only the few connected and the Top 1% of the Population.

I have been in Corporate America for 18 years, if a few resumes (all new grads) come to a Manager, they usually go for the person who went to the best college. 

Originally Posted by raymond:

Hoping for a couple scholarships

Start prepping them early for the SAT'S.  I bought the book and started working on it with my daughter, she just turned 15. If she gets a scholarship I am retiring and following my dream of owning a McDonald's which should pay for the other one's college should she not get a scholarship. I guess it pays to dream.


Jersey has some good Engineering schools NJIT and Stevens is even better.  For New York I think NYIT. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:


If your girls get full scholarships to any of the IVYs, then by all means they should head there, but if you have to pay and if they intend to major in the liberal arts or social science, then it would be prudent for them to attend a state or city college.


Now if your girls are interested in the sciences and mathematics---and they get accepted into MIT, Stanford or the IVY's---and if they don't get full scholarships---find a way for them to head there.


Now, is the teaching and instruction at the IVY's better than at the other schools---No! Absolutely not!


But once you attend an IVY---the connections and contacts after you finish are amazing---lots of doors are opened for you.


Once again--mathematics and sciences---head for the IVY or great non IVY schools like Stanford or MIT; any other major--find a cheap state or city school.








Hubby and I have our eyes set on Columbia, if they don't make it our next choice is NYU...Kids input are needed when they get older, so hopefully they go for these schools.


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