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Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

City College, hunter and Baruch are ALL much BETTER than Harvard and Columbia but this is a free Country and people can spend their money as they please. No problem with that. We all see things differently.

Buddy, when you come out of Ivy League you START at six figures!! 

Alena my Friend, Not so, only the few connected and the Top 1% of the Population.

I have been in Corporate America for 18 years, if a few resumes (all new grads) come to a Manager, they usually go for the person who went to the best college. 


Do you hire from Cunny or LaGU BagU?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by redux/TK:
i'd try the smokescreen too were i in your shoes



We all know that you are quite adept at smokescreen---like trying to hide from the forum the fact that redux and TK are the same person.hahahahaha


Rev say I am REDUX...Baseman say REDUX is my buddy. Redux and I are on the same political side...but we are different dudes.  

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

City College, hunter and Baruch are ALL much BETTER than Harvard and Columbia but this is a free Country and people can spend their money as they please. No problem with that. We all see things differently.

Buddy, when you come out of Ivy League you START at six figures!! 

Alena my Friend, Not so, only the few connected and the Top 1% of the Population.

I have been in Corporate America for 18 years, if a few resumes (all new grads) come to a Manager, they usually go for the person who went to the best college. 


Do you hire from Cunny or LaGU BagU?


Is duh is de one Pavi attend? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Wally:

William and Mary has always been an excellent college with very good programs. New College of Florida is the big suprise for me. low cost with very good programs.  It is also a college not many people ever heard of.

DG said its #600 


You're not at an upper class community institution like LaGU BagU filling out FAFSA financial aid forms. Come back when you've reached such heights you underachiever you

Originally Posted by alena06:
Hubby and I have our eyes set on Columbia, if they don't make it our next choice is NYU...Kids input are needed when they get older, so hopefully they go for these schools.


Parents always want the best for their children--you and your husband, for example, would like the kids to head off to Columbia---good school---IVY---and if either you or your husband is a Columbia alumni---that helps with admission--but you are right---in the end it comes down to the kids---they have to put in the work--get the grades--be involved in extracurricular activities--and ace the SATs.


I believe you wrote that you have worked in the corporate world for 18 years---hope I read right---you will therefore know that some companies only accept graduates from the elite schools in their training programs.


By the way, my nephew is 11---he and parents live in NJ---right now his dream school is Rutgers---he is all excited they made it into the Big East---I asked him how about Princeton---he said only nerds go there---I guess he will end up working for the NJ Transit.hahahaha




It's amazing how much pressure some parents put on their kids---a lot of those kids end up satisfying their parents wishes---but end up being miserable and frustrated.


Teach your kids right from wrong--but dont dictate to them or force them to do what you want them to do---or go to whatever school you want them to go to.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Teach your kids right from wrong--but dont dictate to them or force them to do what you want them to do---or go to whatever school you want them to go to.






No bai,


yuh have to teach dem to tief, smoke weed, and suck poor coolie people blood and call am honey.See how much "milk" you can get from these Indo cows:


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:  

 Again you idiot, it is not best minds that are equipped to accept a theoretical foundation and implement it. Anyone who has a problem who needs a solution and is looking for one peruses the world of ideas to see if someone has an answer that would help. Further, most of what is used at as the "best fit" comes from the irrational practice of taking the prevailing "great man/woman's authority" first. It takes the person who is keen on problem solving to look outside the reflected glow of "greatness" and that is  where almost every revolution of science originated.

How quick you are to refer to me with derogatory labels. It reveals the lack of restraint and all round nasty mentality of the aFC pack. Theories learnt from a books is normally useless if one lacks the ability to put them to practical use, that is why most weak academics resort to teaching instead. The smart ones move on to make a fortune in their respective fields of study in the real world. And even TK will acknowledge that breakthroughs in science does not come from teachers but rather their students in the labs, dorms or garages. I don't want to mention name but there is the famous Bill, late Steve and more recently Mark. 

With you there is no restraint to your nonsense so calling you an idiot is in itself a temperate act. The natural inclination to throw a rock at your fat head is restricted by this medium.


The man has a PhD  so there is seminal thinking there. I do not know what qualifies you to speak to his originality since you never address what he say. You simply take off on your own to places in your mind you alone know  and it all reduces to spewing crap.


I do not know how you can predict what the man would do but even if he lives a long and pedestrian life as an educator of the pedagogic kind, he will have served a purpose here more than you can.

Otherwise, why don't you tell us what is your purpose here and what great monuments of thought you will leave behind. Since you are 2 decades older than TK you would have at least produced one work of consequence to be admired. After all, you set the benchmark with your silly rants.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:


If your girls get full scholarships to any of the IVYs, then by all means they should head there, but if you have to pay and if they intend to major in the liberal arts or social science, then it would be prudent for them to attend a state or city college.


Now if your girls are interested in the sciences and mathematics---and they get accepted into MIT, Stanford or the IVY's---and if they don't get full scholarships---find a way for them to head there.


Now, is the teaching and instruction at the IVY's better than at the other schools---No! Absolutely not!


But once you attend an IVY---the connections and contacts after you finish are amazing---lots of doors are opened for you.


Once again--mathematics and sciences---head for the IVY or great non IVY schools like Stanford or MIT; any other major--find a cheap state or city school.








Hubby and I have our eyes set on Columbia, if they don't make it our next choice is NYU...Kids input are needed when they get older, so hopefully they go for these schools.



Barnard College Columbia will be a fantastic place where your girls will be taught by first-rate scholars. However, at Columbia Uni or NYU your girls will be taught mainly by  PhD teaching assistants and adjunct faculty. They will be hard pressed to get some quality feedback on a term paper at those big research school. 





Like CUNY alumni whose research resulted in 12 Nobel Prizes, today’s CUNY students are conducting ground-breaking research, coached by our worldclass faculty, in such critical fields as genetics, astrophysics, neurodegenerative diseases, bioinformatics, fluororganic chemistry, macromolecular structures, and much more. This year they won a record 16 National Science Foundation awards of $126,000 each for graduate study in the sciences.




Nehru will be proud of his alma mater---ray may consider sending his sons there.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:




Like CUNY alumni whose research resulted in 12 Nobel Prizes, today’s CUNY students are conducting ground-breaking research, coached by our worldclass faculty, in such critical fields as genetics, astrophysics, neurodegenerative diseases, bioinformatics, fluororganic chemistry, macromolecular structures, and much more. This year they won a record 16 National Science Foundation awards of $126,000 each for graduate study in the sciences.




Nehru will be proud of his alma mater---ray may consider sending his sons there.






We already knew that. And other great people like Colin Powell went there too. Then they have some grads who hang out with third world leaders to enjoy poke cuttahs and white rum

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am a PROUD Graduate of LaGuardia CC and other CUNY Colleges. The CUNY is the Largest University System in the Country and one with the most Candidates for the Rhodes Scolarship.


If memory serves me correctly, a HS diploma is not required for admission to LaGU BagU

You need to learn about Higher Education before you conversate about it.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am a PROUD Graduate of LaGuardia CC and other CUNY Colleges. The CUNY is the Largest University System in the Country and one with the most Candidates for the Rhodes Scolarship.

Good for you bai Pavi. Congrats! You can now get a big wuk in Guyana since PPP Inc Guyana "going all the way to the moon"?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am a PROUD Graduate of LaGuardia CC and other CUNY Colleges. The CUNY is the Largest University System in the Country and one with the most Candidates for the Rhodes Scolarship.

Good for you bai Pavi. Congrats! You can now get a big wuk in Guyana since it PPP Inc Guyana since it "going all the way to the moon"?


I nominate Pavi fuh be Minista of Moonish Affairs

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am a PROUD Graduate of LaGuardia CC and other CUNY Colleges. The CUNY is the Largest University System in the Country and one with the most Candidates for the Rhodes Scolarship.

Good for you bai Pavi. Congrats! You can now get a big wuk in Guyana since PPP Inc Guyana "going all the way to the moon"?

That is an option I have and will be making a decision after I secure my Pension and Social security Benifits.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am a PROUD Graduate of LaGuardia CC and other CUNY Colleges. The CUNY is the Largest University System in the Country and one with the most Candidates for the Rhodes Scolarship.

Good for you bai Pavi. Congrats! You can now get a big wuk in Guyana since PPP Inc Guyana "going all the way to the moon"?

That is an option I have and will be making a decision after I secure my Pension and Social security Benifits.

Bai you are not willing to give PPP Inc the best days. After all it's going to the moon? 

Originally Posted by Freaky:
U will fuss need fuh larn how fuh spell benefits lmao


I could juss see dis idiot in Parlyment now


"Mr. Speaker, me come hey fuh tell ayuh dat we need to increase estimates and outlays fuh henny and poke. As a learned graduate of LaGU BagU with a Bachelor of Arts, I am fully qualified to expand upon the necessity of henny and poke to the cause of national development. Mr. Speaker, I yield the floor to those savage negroes opposite"

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
U will fuss need fuh larn how fuh spell benefits lmao


I could juss see dis idiot in Parlyment now


"Mr. Speaker, me come hey fuh tell ayuh dat we need to increase estimates and outlays fuh henny and poke. As a learned graduate of LaGU BagU with a Bachelor of Arts, I am fully qualified to expand upon the necessity of henny and poke to the cause of national development. Mr. Speaker, I yield the floor to those savage negroes opposite"

HEHEHE No wonder you dropped out of College a dozen times.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
U will fuss need fuh larn how fuh spell benefits lmao


I could juss see dis idiot in Parlyment now


"Mr. Speaker, me come hey fuh tell ayuh dat we need to increase estimates and outlays fuh henny and poke. As a learned graduate of LaGU BagU with a Bachelor of Arts, I am fully qualified to expand upon the necessity of henny and poke to the cause of national development. Mr. Speaker, I yield the floor to those savage negroes opposite"

HEHEHE No wonder you dropped out of College a dozen times.


My Dear non-Head Mudhead,


somebody's got to peel those aloos

Originally Posted by TK:



Barnard College Columbia will be a fantastic place where your girls will be taught by first-rate scholars. However, at Columbia Uni or NYU your girls will be taught mainly by  PhD teaching assistants and adjunct faculty. They will be hard pressed to get some quality feedback on a term paper at those big research school. 

Thanks for the feedback..we have time to do our research..My niece just finished her first year at NYU so she will be an excellent source of first hand info also. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists.




Guyana doesn't need thinkers. What Guyana needs are more doers--doers are the people who will help Guyana realize her immense potential---doers dont waste time talking and speculating and coming up with useless theories---doers do--they get things done---that's what Guyana needs--doers--not talkers and readers and thinkers.


Lemme shower you with some praise Stormy--you are obviously widely read---actually you are a reader Stormy--by the way, there is a humongous difference between a reader and a thinker---a thinker you are not Storm man---and regarding being a doer--fugget about it---maybe in your next life Stormy.hahahahahahahaha






I guess you folks "do" without thinking! I also do not know reading and thinking are mutually exclusive activities but therein again one must accept what a moron say since it is in saying that the state of  his/her and in your case, its, mind is revealed.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists.



Guyana doesn't need thinkers. What Guyana needs are more doers--doers are the people who will help Guyana realize her immense potential---doers dont waste time talking and speculating and coming up with useless theories---doers do--they get things done---that's what Guyana needs--doers--not talkers and readers and thinkers.


Lemme shower you with some praise Stormy--you are obviously widely read---actually you are a reader Stormy--by the way, there is a humongous difference between a reader and a thinker---a thinker you are not Storm man---and regarding being a doer--fugget about it---maybe in your next life Stormy.hahahahahahahaha




I guess you folks "do" without thinking! I also do not know reading and thinking are mutually exclusive activities but therein again one must accept what a moron say since it is in saying that the state of  his/her and in your case, its, mind is revealed.

Well well Storm, as your pretty little Great Grand niece Pocahontas once said, "you never knew what you never knew".  Time to shut up and start thinking.  Those two, I can assure you, are mutually exclusive.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Guyana needs thinkers and people who can look at the world sideways and not merely straight ahead. These are mavericks and usually the theorists.



Guyana doesn't need thinkers. What Guyana needs are more doers--doers are the people who will help Guyana realize her immense potential---doers dont waste time talking and speculating and coming up with useless theories---doers do--they get things done---that's what Guyana needs--doers--not talkers and readers and thinkers.


Lemme shower you with some praise Stormy--you are obviously widely read---actually you are a reader Stormy--by the way, there is a humongous difference between a reader and a thinker---a thinker you are not Storm man---and regarding being a doer--fugget about it---maybe in your next life Stormy.hahahahahahahaha




I guess you folks "do" without thinking! I also do not know reading and thinking are mutually exclusive activities but therein again one must accept what a moron say since it is in saying that the state of  his/her and in your case, its, mind is revealed.

Well well Storm, as your pretty little Great Grand niece Pocahontas once said, "you never knew what you never knew".  Time to shut up and start thinking.  Those two, I can assure you, are mutually exclusive.

A mudhead's attempt at witty repartee remains a mudhead's attempt at witty repartee. A moron, cannot assure anyone of anything. Such assurances comes with  abysmally moronic affirmations such as "to read excludes the ability to think". To read is actually the ground of thinking.


The Princeton Review ranks New College of Florida as No. 3 Best Value Public College in U.S.


New College of Florida has been ranked the No. 3 “Best Value Public College in America” for 2013 by The Princeton Review, one of America’s best-known education services companies, and reported by USA TODAY, one of the nation’s most widely read newspapers.


The Princeton Review’s 2013 list features 75 public and 75 private colleges, and ranks the top 10 in each category. New College was the only Florida institution to appear on either top-10 list this year.


The appearance continues a five-year run of recognition for New College. This is the fifth year that the two media groups have jointly ranked the nation’s top public and private colleges, and each year New College has been among the top three public schools for offering students exceptional academics at an affordable price. New College was ranked No. 2 best value public college in 2011 and 2009, and No. 3 in 2012 and 2010. Only three other U.S. public colleges made the list all five years.


“New College is honored to be recognized once again by The Princeton Review and USA Today as one of the nation’s best value public colleges,” said New College President Donal O’Shea. “During this time of economic uncertainty for so many families, we take great pride in delivering the highest level of academic quality at a cost that is substantially lower than almost all other leading colleges and universities in the country.”


New College of Florida is the State of Florida’s honors college for the liberal arts and sciences. With a student population of just over 800, New College emphasizes individualized learning for academically talented students from 40 states and some 25 foreign countries. New College is consistently ranked among the top liberal arts colleges in the nation for both academics and value by U.S. News & World Report,, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and other media outlets. New College students also receive more Fulbright awards per capita than students at almost all other colleges.


The Princeton Review used institutional data and student surveys from Fall 2011 to Fall 2012 to assess 650 colleges nationwide. It examines 30 criteria, including academic performance, costs and financial aid. It also considers the percentage of students who take out loans, and the average debt those students have at graduation. It then selects 75 public and 75 private colleges as the best values, ranks the top 10 schools in each category, and then lists the rest in alphabetical order.


The “Best Value Colleges” lists are available on The Princeton Review website, at

and in an interactive database at the USA TODAY website,

The paper’s story on the rankings, with a photo gallery of New College, is available at this link.


For the 2011-2012 academic year, New College’s in-state tuition and fees are $6,783. Among colleges in the Princeton Review’s “Best Value” public college list, the average cost of attendance for in-state students is about $8,300.

Originally Posted by God:

So when numbers man Rev Al said that you attended at a 3rd rate school, what he really meant was that the school was rated 3rd. The man like he see de numbers but he ain't understand how fuh interpret them.  

What is fascinating is the hoops he jumps through all of the time just to end up in the same place!


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