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Jagdeo and Ramroop will not stop KN from exposing their greed – Glenn Lall

June 23, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 



Guyana Times over a prolonged period, has been leveling scurrilous attacks against Kaieteur News, its publisher, Glenn Lall and its Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris.
These attacks began when the newspaper uncovered rampant corruption involving some sister companies of the Guyana Times.
Kaieteur News also questioned the operations of owner of Guyana Times and a host of companies owned by Dr. Ranjisinghi Ramroop, former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend.
Last week, the newspaper reported on some deals between the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation owned by Ramroop, and the Ministry of Health.
These revelations have now spurred the libelous attacks by Guyana Times. Observers say that they are designed to stop Lall and Harris from reporting on the questionable dealings involving Ramroop and the government.
Mr. Lall said that Guyana Times is indulging in the belief that if one tells a lie often enough some of it will stick in the minds of some.
The big lie that Guyana Times keeps peddling daily is that Mr. Lall was involved in “alien smuggling”. Jagdeo, while he was president, told Harris that he would produce someone whom Lall smuggled, that the person would return to Guyana to testify. He even asked the police to mount an investigation. There was nothing to investigate.
Lall has denied ever being involved in “alien smuggling”. The efforts by Guyana Times to add this comment to WikiLeaks is also a sick ploy. There was no such report in the WikiLeaks documents. Guyana Times is fabricating reports.
Kaieteur News had reported that one of the owners of Guyana Times is Bharrat Jagdeo. Jagdeo never denied. However, he became angry when Lall confronted him at Office of the President about the fake invoice used to import the Guyana Times printing press. That invoice is still in the custody of Kaieteur News.
Lall said that after this confrontation he was approached with the offer of substantial bribe to shut him up. He angrily rejected the offer and caused more hate from the Jagdeo camp.
Ever since that confrontation and the exposure of the manner in which Ramroop acquired the Sanata Complex, Jagdeo and Ramroop have set out to tarnish Lall’s reputation and to damage Kaieteur News.
Mr. Lall said that he was not inclined to respond to the falsehoods in Guyana Times because, as he put it, the newspaper is insignificant. He said that the newspaper was hoping that Lall would sue, or respond, thus helping it to get some recognition and boost its circulation.
Guyana Times has been repeating the same story without change almost every day.
Mr. Lall said that that was the main reason for him totally ignoring the paper. He said that he learnt that tactic from the late David de Caires of Stabroek News.
He said that he will never sue Guyana Times, nor will he respond to the newspaper again.
He stressed that the wholesale corruption in Guyana under Jagdeo that is being exposed is attracting the publication.
Mr. Lall said that he and Kaieteur News have only now started to expose the corruption and nothing that Jagdeo or Ramroop with their Guyana Times do, will stop him.
“I have evidence to show that they are not only among the richest in the region, but that they have already set up to own and control the bulk of Guyana. The Guyanese nation must know what played out under that man (Jagdeo)’s rule. The things they have done to the people of this country are what you would associate with selfishness, wickedness and greed.”

As the cards slowly begin to tumble.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by cain:

June 23, 2012 | By

. . .  “I have evidence to show that they are not only among the richest in the region, but that they have already set up to own and control the bulk of Guyana. The Guyanese nation must know what played out under that man (Jagdeo)’s rule. The things they have done to the people of this country are what you would associate with selfishness, wickedness and greed.”

expect another frivolous lawsuit to distract the Guyanese public . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by cain:

June 23, 2012 | By

. . .  “I have evidence to show that they are not only among the richest in the region, but that they have already set up to own and control the bulk of Guyana. The Guyanese nation must know what played out under that man (Jagdeo)’s rule. The things they have done to the people of this country are what you would associate with selfishness, wickedness and greed.”

expect another frivolous lawsuit to distract the Guyanese public . . .

  Personally I  believe  Glen Lal  know  what  he  is  talking  about and as  a  good  sport, I  would  dare  Jaggy  or  Ramroop to  file  suite on  this  one

Thiefing Parang - YouTube.


It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds in court when the real facts come out.  At this point this seem like a case of finger pointing - Lall being accused of alien smuggling and Jagdeo and Ramroop being accused of shady transactions.

Originally Posted by alena06:

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds in court when the real facts come out.  At this point this seem like a case of finger pointing - Lall being accused of alien smuggling and Jagdeo and Ramroop being accused of shady transactions.

Is THAT the technique they taught you at the PPPCrime 'confuse & distract' seminar?


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!

Originally Posted by alena06:

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds in court when the real facts come out.  At this point this seem like a case of finger pointing - Lall being accused of alien smuggling and Jagdeo and Ramroop being accused of shady transactions.

Is THAT the technique they taught you at the PPPCrime 'confuse & distract' seminar?


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by alena06:

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds in court when the real facts come out.  At this point this seem like a case of finger pointing - Lall being accused of alien smuggling and Jagdeo and Ramroop being accused of shady transactions.

Is THAT the technique they taught you at the PPPCrime 'confuse & distract' seminar?


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!


Not your fault Nehru . . . you sad, low-functioning soul. You just have a poor understanding of the "technique."


Go . . . re-take the class when it's next offered @ OP.

Originally Posted by redux:


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!

This is merely an article published without no evidence to support the facts.  What is so difficult for you to understand.  Let's wait for the trial to get the evidence to support the facts.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!

This is merely an article published without no evidence to support the facts.  What is so difficult for you to understand.  Let's wait for the trial to get the evidence to support the facts.

First . . . Glen Lal ain't suing nobaddaay!


is Ramroop & Jagdeo engaging in diversionary tactics for which YOU are lending close (cyberspace?) support.


Further . . . the unconscionable raids on the public purse by Jagdeo/Ramroop through NGPC are a matter of public record beyond this particular article in KN. Imagine, the PPP actually had their [then] rubber stamp parliament retroactively 'legalize' lawless procurement behavior by these two bums. [see also GNI archives: key word(s) "Ramroop" or "MOH" or "procurement" . . . etc., etc.]


Look, sell your foolishness to Nehru, the other tiefmen and GNI dullards you seek to impress . . . stop wasting my time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by alena06:

It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds in court when the real facts come out.  At this point this seem like a case of finger pointing - Lall being accused of alien smuggling and Jagdeo and Ramroop being accused of shady transactions.

Mr Glen Lal must have some embers in his hands or he would not make such an open charge.  On alien smuggling, well almost half of Guyana could be accused of such in one form or another, even passive involvement.  Let them take it to the US embassy as I'm sure it involves smuggling to the US.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:


WHAT the HELL has one thing got to do with the other?!!

This is merely an article published without no evidence to support the facts.  What is so difficult for you to understand.  Let's wait for the trial to get the evidence to support the facts.



I would like to see the man who is going to come to Guyana and say "Glen piggy back me over the Rio Grande River".  US immigrantion will be waiting for his stupid a-s when he returns to the US. I hope it is not DG or the Baron because them AFC boys will kill themselves with laugh.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Martin I am not being critical of the PPP.  On the contrary, I am pointing out the foolishness of this situation. 

Martin tell us which one of yuh fambly Glenn help cross the Rio Grande?

KN started with a vision for an investigative weekend journal to help rebuild the country
By Stabroek staff  |  6 Comments  |  Letters | Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter published on September 5, 2011 in the Guyana Chronicle titled ‘Wikileaks exposes real Glenn Lall’ that mentioned my name. The anonymous letter writer said in part that “The genesis of Kaieteur News is the ‘Kaieteur Weekend World‘, started by Shaun Samaroo, John Ali of Canada, with Glenn Lall being a junior partner. “Samaroo had mortgaged his father’s house to invest in the newspaper, and it would add to the real picture of Glenn Lall as exposed by Wikileaks if Samaroo would expose the truth of how he nearly lost his father’s house and the way Lall wrested sole ownership of the paper from the partners. “However, Samaroo is today a supporter of the opposition and bitterly opposed to the PPP/C administration.”

As an independent and professional journalist, I am absolutely not “a supporter of the opposition,” and I am absolutely not “bitterly opposed to the PPP/C administration.” I deeply admire the PPP/C for its work to regain free and fair elections for the Guyanese people. Managing the state of a broken Guyana is definitely not an easy job, and my personal view, which is never reflected in my journalism work, is that the PPP/C must be given credit for its role in the country’s history.

I am apolitical, and do not support any political party, nor do I oppose any party. I have friends who are members of parliament, and these I support and publicly praise as good leaders because I admire their values and their heart for public service. As a journalist I do not practise politics. When I worked as a reporter during the Hoyte administration, I criticized the then government as freely and fearlessly as I today constructively criticize the PPP/C government. A journalist works to improve society. My role as a journalist is to inform the populace, the readers, and the government of the malfunctions, failures and aberrations of the society, with a view to correcting the breakdowns.

Journalists look only for the flaws that harm society, and report on these to make the society a better social environment for citizens. As a journalist I cannot aim to support any government or opposition group. Instead, my function is to sharpen accountability and good governance, whichever party forms the government of the day. So I reject the Chronicle’s maligning of my professional conduct, and its tainting of my character.

I am the founder of the Kaieteur newspaper, and the company that publishes it, National Media and Publishing Company Limited. I invented both, and the intellectual property is mine. I secured a loan with my father, Dharam Samaroo, recently deceased, using my father’s house as collateral, from the Institute of Private Enterprise Development (IPED), as seed financing to launch the project. With the IPED funds, I purchased the printing press in Canada. The idea for a newspaper came to me as a young reporter trained by Stabroek News, because I wanted to publish a weekend journal that focused entirely on investigative reporting, and that would also reflect solid family values, with a democratic Western mindset. The country had just won back its electoral democracy after nearly three decades in the wilderness, and I felt excited that a young Guyanese could play a dynamic role in building the future.

My friend Joseph O’Lall mentored me through this phase of my life, and his efforts to build a hydro-electric project at Teperu played a big role in encouraging me to go for the impossible. Those were exciting times for the country, and I felt confident in stepping out as a young Guyanese. I drafted a business plan, and approached a few businessmen to back a weekend newspaper. I received strong interest from three businessmen, including the late Ramdial Bhookmohan, a savvy business leader from Berbice. Four of us formed a group and planned the project, and everything was going smoothly. I was very young, with no business experience or training. All I had was a vision for an investigative reporting organ to help rebuild the country and prepare the nation for the fast approaching 21st century, then less than 10 years away.  However, at the last moment, Bhookmohan and the others pulled out of the project.

Planning was well advanced and I felt I could not drop the project, so I started looking elsewhere for financial backing.  O’Lall knew the Ambassador for Libya, and organized for me to meet this gentleman to talk to him about the possibility of Libya investing in the project. I wanted the newspaper to be firmly Judeo-Christian in its editorial spirit, so I was wary of asking Libya to invest. But I went along to meet the Ambassador. I met with him, and he invited me on an all-expenses paid trip to Libya, where, he said, I would meet with someone who would discuss the funding of the project. I was encouraged to bring along a friend or two. I talked to a couple of my friends, and we all excitedly took up the offer to travel, so far away. I was aware of Libya’s radical extremism, and felt wary about the trip, but nevertheless I was excited at the prospect of travelling on a free trip.

I spent about a month away, and not once did anyone discuss the project with me. I found that we were part of a large group of mostly Muslim people from Guyana, whom the Libyan government brought there.  Libya did such things to spread its propaganda, and I voiced my displeasure to the man appointed to be our guide on the tour. I came back to Guyana realizing that there was no way I wanted such views behind a newspaper I was going to operate. Back in Guyana, a school friend and I started a bottom-house TV production business on a shoe-string budget, again encouraged by Mr O’Lall, a man who instilled the entrepreneurial dream in me. In the process of soliciting advertising sponsorship for these local documentaries, I encountered Mr Glenn Lall, who owned a shoe store in the Stabroek Market. I found Glenn to be generous in his advertising, and an extremely nice and kind person. He made friends easily, and was always pleasant and easy to talk to. One day he told me the horrible account of how his family was robbed and beaten and tortured by an alleged army of ‘kick-down-the-door’ hooligans. It left me feeling his pain, and how much he must have suffered. Yet he had achieved such business success at such a young age.

I wrote a profile on him in a column I wrote that was published in the Stabroek News, comparing him to F Scott Fitzgerald’s famous character, Jay Gatsby, in the exotic novel The Great Gatsby. I was fascinated by Glenn and his rich friends. I was yet in my early twenties, and I had lived a sheltered life, secured in church from the world, with my head buried in books. I hardly knew Georgetown’s social world. In Glenn I started seeing a side to life that, in my naïvete, I found fascinating. One day I mentioned the newspaper project to Glenn Lall, and he readily agreed to think of being my business partner. I spent hours talking to him and spending time at his house. He was always a wonderful person, and his family very pleasant and welcoming. Glenn became my business partner. But he was also a great friend, humble, loyal and ambitious.

He never discussed his business life with me, except the shoe business. I knew he imported shoes from Taiwan by the container load, and bought cheap and sold for a healthy profit. People around him mentioned back-tracking, and although I felt disgusted at this, I did not take it seriously. My understanding was that he was making lots of money with shoes. Sales at his stall in the market was brisk, for sure, and he employed quite a few workers. Shortly after we agreed that we would be business partners, I travelled to Canada to buy the printing press with the check from IPED.

In Toronto, Glenn asked me to call his friend, a Mohamed Sharif. I called this gentleman, who went out of his way to accommodate me, and drive me around, and help me navigate Toronto, and close the deal on the press. During this process, with Sharif so nice, Glenn mentioned to me on the phone that we could make Sharif a partner too. I readily agreed. Sharif agreed to invest, and he travelled to Guyana, and signed up as a partner on the registered company. After Glenn purchased the land at Saffon Street and constructed the building, we installed the press and started the newspaper with Henry Skerrit as editor and myself as publisher. I chose to call the weekender the Kaieteur Weekend World.

However, within months, Glenn, who had by now invested far more money than my Dad’s IPED loan that I had invested, decided he wanted a bigger say in the editorial of the newspaper. I objected that he was a mere investor and the editorial should be left up to media experts. I cannot remember a lot of the details, as those days were extremely traumatic for me, but one day I chose to resign, much to Glenn’s disappointment. He was very upset when I told him I wanted out of the project. By this time, sources I had cultivated as an investigative reporter were warning me of associating with “that crowd.” I received second-hand information of business practices that I did not think fitted in with the high professional ethics I set myself as a journalist and the publisher of a weekend tabloid. When I resigned, these were the thoughts in my mind. The events of those days cause me psychological trauma to this day, as I saw my dream as a young man shattered. Eventually, I heard that Sharif had also relieved himself of his stake in the company.

This, in a nutshell, is the history of the founding of Kaieteur News, and my role in it. Shortly after resigning and relinquishing my shares, I migrated. IPED was also very unhappy, as it suffered because of the events affecting the business. I will say again, however, that in my dealings with Glenn Lall, I have found him personally to be a gentleman, extremely generous, a superb host at his house, and a loyal friend. I admire his business acumen to make a success of Kaieteur News, and although it would have been nice to be credited for the intellectual property as founder of the newspaper, I am happy that he made my dream into a historic icon in Guyana.

As to his alleged activities outside the realm of accepted business practice, I have no first-hand knowledge. In Guyana rumour circulates freely. But in the years I have dealt with Glenn Lall, over 15 years ago now, I have no experience or personal knowledge of him using nefarious means to accumulate wealth. Editor, in a small society like ours, it’s easy for one’s associations to be read the wrong way, as appearances can be misleading. But for my part, I tried as a young man to make a difference for my country, to contribute to the shaping of the future and to the building of a workable society for future generations. Unfortunately, the state of the society had deteriorated so badly by the early 1990s that such efforts were bound to fail. I have my own theories as to why things turned out the way they did, and in fact I explore a lot of that in a book I wrote, which is in the publishing process, about my journalism days in the 1990s.

Now, in response to this anonymous letter writer, I would like to clarify that my role in Kaieteur in its founding days aimed only to create a professional, independent, credible and informative weekend journal focused, as said above, on investigative reporting. Alas, it was not to be, and today, in 2011, we have Wikileaks doing that work for us, with the ever enduring Stabroek News continuing to be the flagship of hope for ethical public behaviour and independent thought in our land. I hope in writing this to set the record straight about my role in the founding of the National Media and Publishing Company and the Kaieteur newspaper. I have had no contact or communication with either Glenn Lall or Mohamed Sharif over the past 17 years.

Yours faithfully,
Shaun Michael Samaroo

Carter my question to you is this.  Would Samaroo be able to put up with the toilet mess that Lall had to put up with over the years. Like the killing of his employees, lawsuits, harassment from Demerara Guy and other bloggers located in Alberta and Ontario Canada and the firing of Kisson etc.  That is a S job that Glen Lall has there. Who would want a job like that. 

Originally Posted by redux:


is Ramroop & Jagdeo engaging in diversionary tactics for which YOU are lending close (cyberspace?) support.


Further . . . the unconscionable raids on the public purse by Jagdeo/Ramroop through NGPC are a matter of public record beyond this particular article in KN. Imagine, the PPP actually had their [then] rubber stamp parliament retroactively 'legalize' lawless procurement behavior by these two bums. [see also GNI archives: key word(s) "Ramroop" or "MOH" or "procurement" . . . etc., etc.]


Look, sell your foolishness to Nehru, the other tiefmen and GNI dullards you seek to impress . . . stop wasting my time.

Stop wasting my time as I have to reply to your stupid answer moron. You take a silly article form Kaieteur News and expects everyone to take it as gospel, there are no FACTS in the article.  A few weeks ago we were all speaking out against the Education Minister because Kaieteur News published false information on her.  How many lawsuits does Kaieteur News have pending?  And how many times recently have we seen articles published right here on political where the newspaper has to apologise next day.  It's like reading the National Enquirer.


I don't need to impress anyone in cyberspace, I am quite impressive in my real life.. Cheers.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:

Latest dispatch from OP to GNI 'soldiers':


De "technique" wukkin

Moronistic comment..

Girl, you like picking fight on a Sunday afternoon or what?  You should be wrapping up the BBQ and cleaning up.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Girl, you like picking fight on a Sunday afternoon or what?  You should be wrapping up the BBQ and cleaning up.

 Nah I am trying to impress people in cyberspace. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Girl, you like picking fight on a Sunday afternoon or what?  You should be wrapping up the BBQ and cleaning up.

 Nah I am trying to impress people in cyberspace. 

Don't worry, you is a smart girl.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:


is Ramroop & Jagdeo engaging in diversionary tactics for which YOU are lending close (cyberspace?) support.


Further . . . the unconscionable raids on the public purse by Jagdeo/Ramroop through NGPC are a matter of public record beyond this particular article in KN. Imagine, the PPP actually had their [then] rubber stamp parliament retroactively 'legalize' lawless procurement behavior by these two bums. [see also GNI archives: key word(s) "Ramroop" or "MOH" or "procurement" . . . etc., etc.]


Look, sell your foolishness to Nehru, the other tiefmen and GNI dullards you seek to impress . . . stop wasting my time.

Stop wasting my time as I have to reply to your stupid answer moron. You take a silly article form Kaieteur News and expects everyone to take it as gospel, there are no FACTS in the article.  A few weeks ago we were all speaking out against the Education Minister because Kaieteur News published false information on her.  How many lawsuits does Kaieteur News have pending?  And how many times recently have we seen articles published right here on political where the newspaper has to apologise next day.  It's like reading the National Enquirer.


I don't need to impress anyone in cyberspace, I am quite impressive in my real life.. Cheers.

Maybe if you devoted a little time to actually read (and respond intelligently to) what I posted, you would not come across as a fellow-traveling, PPP programmed jackass!


It is you who is looking like a lunt. The Wikileaks describe Lall as a shady character. And in a recent issue the paper inflate the prices of some medicines and this was proved to be wrong. How many times didn't Lall get it wrong and yet you in your moronic mind is defending it? Get real.   

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by redux:


is Ramroop & Jagdeo engaging in diversionary tactics for which YOU are lending close (cyberspace?) support.


Further . . . the unconscionable raids on the public purse by Jagdeo/Ramroop through NGPC are a matter of public record beyond this particular article in KN. Imagine, the PPP actually had their [then] rubber stamp parliament retroactively 'legalize' lawless procurement behavior by these two bums. [see also GNI archives: key word(s) "Ramroop" or "MOH" or "procurement" . . . etc., etc.]


Look, sell your foolishness to Nehru, the other tiefmen and GNI dullards you seek to impress . . . stop wasting my time.

Stop wasting my time as I have to reply to your stupid answer moron. You take a silly article form Kaieteur News and expects everyone to take it as gospel, there are no FACTS in the article.  A few weeks ago we were all speaking out against the Education Minister because Kaieteur News published false information on her.  How many lawsuits does Kaieteur News have pending?  And how many times recently have we seen articles published right here on political where the newspaper has to apologise next day.  It's like reading the National Enquirer.


I don't need to impress anyone in cyberspace, I am quite impressive in my real life.. Cheers.


Alena06, tell it like it is. You are correct.

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

It is you who is looking like a lunt. The Wikileaks describe Lall as a shady character. And in a recent issue the paper inflate the prices of some medicines and this was proved to be wrong. How many times didn't Lall get it wrong and yet you in your moronic mind is defending it? Get real.   


Lall is shady and keeps posting more rubbish in the KN. The KN belongs to it's proper place........ in the toilet.

I hope that the US keep an eye on Lall and start an investigation into his some of his activities.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

It is you who is looking like a lunt. The Wikileaks describe Lall as a shady character. And in a recent issue the paper inflate the prices of some medicines and this was proved to be wrong. How many times didn't Lall get it wrong and yet you in your moronic mind is defending it? Get real.   

Like I said . . . you people are either (i) simple-minded and gullible [read DUMB], or (ii) dogged soldiers for the criminal PPP cause, making sure that the spotlight on the 2 tiefmen and their documented, ongoing ripoff of the Guyanese taxpayer is dimmed, and the thread converted into an interminable gossip fest about whether Glen Lall is a back tracker.


Which one are you?


[OP: de "technique" wukkin . . .]

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

We on the side of truth. Again for your info Wikileaks said that Lall is a shady character. But you choose to bury your head in the sand. Why?

U Stupid . . . or just PLAYING stupid?


Is your other handle "Conscience" ?


Stupid is as stupid does, and if you want to get personal we can. But I prefer to stick to the issues, so come out of your cocoon. We who live in Guyana know who the crooks are and the opposition that we have do not have Guyanese interests at heart.  


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