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Wow…lil ova a month for xmas !!

the girls r coming on Sat to put up tree

my head is dizzy…it seems that just a few months agi, I had to dismantle the tree n put away the decorations

who ready for the holidays?

This morning I was onmy way to the hospital n my hubby had 98.7 radio ..they were playing Christmas songs!!! What a lovely sound to listen to at 630 am..

iT tek me back to Guyana  days..


Cain , yuh baking black cake??

i have left over soaked fruits from last year, enough to make a small one

I will bake it this weekend n leave to soak for a month

once tree is up , I have to delve inmy gift boxes n start wrapping my gifts.


i shop all yr ‘round!! Haha..whn there is a good sale, i buy n put in my gift boxes so whn Christams arrives I hardly ever need to shop..maybe 1 or 2 items

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No baking for me except possibly salara with red coconut in one on another.

All I need to do is change my earring to a crismus tree one and I bang crismus preparation done.


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