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Good Morning Ksazma,


I like your style, you don't  seem to hold grudges and have a forgiving mind, not different from some others on GNI.

I suspect it must be due to your strong spiritual  focus in life.

Many on GNI, after a heated discussion or misunderstanding  seem to hold ill feelings, instead of letting it go, especially if they are experiencing personal challenges and you know them as a friend, but could not give support. 

My wife was like that in some ways, we would have a  heated discussion and I will forget about it. Weeks later she would bring it up again and I would not even remember the incident.

Since we are all with different personalities and religious/political beliefs, there will always be challenges and heated discussions, but I believe how we deal with it  tells about us.


A few weeks ago when President Ramnotar was in Gujarat, in some anger due to officials railroaded our suicide prevention program for youth in Berbice, I made  a strong remark about 'wait til de Muslims get him' and you were offended, rightfully so and I am very sorry for the remark.


I want to explain the reason for my remark. In Anan, Gujarat we support a youth skills training centre from a monastery in Mumbai  [ Like Guysuco at Port Mourant] with equipment donated  by Germany.

I was just arriving at the train station with a Indian doctor passing through to buy farming machinery and without knowing me the asked if I know about Gujarat. I said yes I am here now at the train station, but he said no, no, do you really know about Gujarat.

I surrendered my ignorance to him and he explained what occurred at the train station.

Gujarat is one of the hot beds for  Hindu and Muslim fighting. He might have been biased, but he influenced me by saying the Muslims burnt the railway cars with all the children, women and men inside.

I was very upset at this remark, because it reminds me of a train station in Bremerhaven,Germany where I was told Jews boarded the train for camps, where many did not survive.

I had the same depression feelings at both stations where the people were helpless.


We once arrived at night in Anan and at first I did not understand  the secrecy  of our group moving to another location. Lookouts made sure it was all clear and we were loaded in a mini-van and told to keep our heads down. It would seem religious gangs on both sides roam the streets at night.          

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Originally Posted by seignet:

A Gujarat man seys, 600 years ago, the muslims came and ravaged their wimen, tore down their temples and carted off their golden idols back to the Bhagdad Caliphate.


Those were Arabs not Guyanese muslims. Suh why, was he upset?

Good Morning Seignet,

I did not make this post to bash Muslims, but to explain a situation at one place. Thus my posting on Social.

Not all Muslims are terrorist.

Its not the religion that is the terrorist, but individuals.     


Hi Tola,


First off, I can’t afford to bear malice. I learned very well from Muhammad who taught that we should beware of malice because it destroys the heart like fire destroys wood. I am not ultra-religious. However, I do understand Islam well enough to where I can articulate why I am a Muslim. Unfortunately I also experienced bigotry which is the only reason I delved into other peoples’ religions. It has never been my objective to speak ill of other religions because I believe that those followers love what they just as well as I do. I feel confident that you will not find a post here where I opened the door for fighting with others regarding religions. Even when you stated that the Qur’an bothered you the most, I kindly invited you to discuss what troubles you with the Qur’an. At that point, I had no intention of expanding the discussion beyond the Qur’an. You will also note that I don’t stand with the bad actions of Muslims nor do I try to gloss over it but rather I join in the criticism of those Muslims. It is only when misinformation of Islam, Muhammad and even Muslims are made that I get involved in the topic. I would be very disappointed if we have people posting here not educated enough to know the difference between the teachings of Islam and what bad Muslims claim is Islamic teachings. Because of that, I tend to find the mixing of the two more to do with mischief and bigotry. Indeed, Islam teaches us to respect others and their ways. Muslims were allowed to oppose others only when others sought to deny Muslims the right to practice their religion. “Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and reason with them in ways that are best and most graciousâ€Ķ..” Qur’an 16:125. This is my style. Indeed, I am easy going and you will find me the spirit of any gathering. I didn’t become my in-laws most admired in-law because I am a Muslim. I got there because I am a good person.


Too much about me. Your comment when made without background does come over as an unsolicited slap in the face. Now that you have added background, it does not seem malicious anymore. I have this habit of trying to structure my post as best as I can to remove misinterpretation. I would have framed that comment by highlighting what is going on in Gujurat. Indeed there are many atrocities being committed by Muslims all over the world. I will never seek to give them a pass. I also try to avoid the remark “they are not good Muslims” because it is a futile effort. My guess is that it is made to spare Islam any ridicule. There was a time when people admired Islam because of how Muslims behaved. Nowadays many people are drawn to it because of the violence of some of its followers and many more seem to find it objectionable because of the behavior of those same followers. Not a good time for Islam and law abiding Muslims but it is what it is. We as Guyanese have had a mostly harmonious existence and are doing ourselves a disservice by assuming that Guyanese Muslims are anything like the ones living in Asia or the Middle East. I personally think that there should be a moratorium on religious bashing on GNI but I am not dictatorial enough to insist on it. J No one can deny that the threat of Muslim terrorists is real in the west where we live but I would be kidding myself if I allow myself to be so preoccupied with it that it robs me of the joys of living. The effect that terrorism has on my day to day existence is still very miniscule and I am willing to bet that it is the same for most around.


Now that all of that is behind us Tola, you can rest assured that if I run into you on the street, you would not feel the need to look over your shoulder. That is not me and I feel that you are not that way either. Peace out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

That Gujarat man really old! It's always good to know that senior citizens can live to a ripe old age! The man over 600 years old and going strong

Bhai, dey remembering history. Those who forget their history is prone to having it repeated again. The Gujarat riots was a reminder. Depends who is looking at it.


I done now. It was meant as a note in history.


India has a violent history...from the times of the Persians, warring clans, Greeks, Romans, Muslim, Brtish, etc. Reliving the past don't get you anywhere.

if the Japanese used to bear grudge, they would be the most formidable terrorists around today. 

The ones who remembering the past are the ones who keep fighting one another. Even the peaceful Buddhists now involved in fighting.


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