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Ladies Room Finale Episode Proves Good, But Can’t Be Called Great!

Martini Shots, Bollywood,Mon Jul 11 2016, Authors: Zinia Bandyopadhyay (Editorial Team), 

Ladies Room started on a very high note. The initial episodes is what can be called mind blowing, with the new concept of tracing a mad journey of two young girl through loos. The series reached its zenith with episode 3, but then it gradually began to slacken. While episode 4 was more like a filler, the 5th installment was really upto the mark that the first three episodes had created. Naturally, there was a shit load of expectation (not to be taken literally) from the finale episode to wind up a series that had taken quite some digressions!

Also read: Ladies Room Episode 5 Will Touch The Deepest Chord Of Your Heart!

The episode opens with both Khanney and Dingo trying their best to stabilize their professional life. While Khanney is trying her best to please her boss, Dingo wants to go under Gogo Ka Ghagra. While Khanna acts immature and bajaos her own band, Dingo gets the answer that the position she was looking for has been given to a 16 year old active social media user!

Also read: Ladies Room Episode 4 Will Make You Wait For Episode 5 Even More Badly!

Now the question that will come to our heads naturally is that we totally get why Dingo might hate young people but why Khanney?

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 Ladies Room Finale Episode Proves Good, But Can’t Be Called Great!

There is an important life lesson that Khanna teaches- patience. Not everything that looks unfavourable might be so. It might be a rock that might help you climb higher! I am bloody sure that at some point you must have despised your superior for all the work load that you have. But c’mon, that might just be for your own benefit! Nothing could have been more apt!

Also read: Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.

The funny dialogues are pretty much lacking. While boss-adi and viral hymen are good, we had seriously been looking for more!

While this by far was still going good, we were really disappointed. I mean it was supposed to be fun you know. And what was all that back to square 1 thing? Full circles could have been completed in a better and more engaging way!

Also read: Ladies Room Episodes 1 And 2 Are Out! And It’s Interesting!

No doubt the series was fun. But we think this could have been better and cooler! We missed out on the infinite fun part.


Ladies Room Episodes 1 And 2 Are Out! And It’s Interesting!

Martini Shots, Bollywood, May 31, 2016, Authors:
Zinia Bandyopadhyay (Editorial Team),

So finally the wait is over. YFilms have come up with their latest web series that had promised to take us to a zone where no man has gone before!

YFilms released its first two episodes of Ladies Room, which traces the journey of two mad girls, Dingo and Khanna, through the washroom. The episodes are funny, no doubt. And it also takes the bathroom humour a bit too deep, shit deep to be specific!

The first episode is set in a toilet of the Western railway! Yeah random right? It also has all that you generally find in public toilets- the crass tasteless sexist jokes. What was really wonderful was the size of the bathroom; we would be really delighted if the railway provided us with such large bathrooms in the train!

Khanna is scared because she might get pregnant! After all she has not yet had her periods. Dingo is trying to go with the flow and believes she has the universe at her back. The conversation is ***king funny! The maal-problem (weed), conversation with a potential narcotics department inspector and the actions that follow, all make up for a laughter riot. But what is most disgusting is the extent to which the toilet humour has seeped! No, literally. In an attempt to escape the police, Khanna puts her hands into deep shit! Watch the episode and you’ll know what we mean.


The second episode takes you to some Swati Patel’s washroom. While the same problem of pregnancy continues, the imminent problem of a third person interference remains. And so does shit dirtying the hands, only this time it’s Dingo’s.  Watch the second episode here:


Both the episodes are kind of similar. The problem is there and the girls have to deal with it and find a solution. But it’s only a journey that is followed only inside the ladies washroom! The dialogues are natural, the acting is even more spontaneous! The third person exists in both only as voice-overs! But more characters would be seen, as the sneak peak of the third episode suggested.

Ladies Room Episodes 1 And 2 Are Out! And It’s Interesting!


Watch the episodes to light up your weekday and cope with the regular work blues. You’ll be even happier and find it more relatable if you have an awful boss like Khanna.  Also you’ll get a lot of sneak peak of what you’ll generally come across in a girls’ toilet (read lingerie and sanitary napkins).

Ladies Room Episodes 1 And 2 Are Out! And It’s Interesting!


Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.

Martini Shots, Bollywood, Jun 07, 2016, Authors: Zinia Bandyopadhyay (Editorial Team),

The Ladies Room Episode 3 is out. And this time it takes you to the loo of a clinic, where Khanna has gone for a pregnancy test. For a change, the episode does not show the girls putting their hand in deep shit, literally, but the problems and people around are still shitty!

The webisode is funny and serious at the same time. Now allow me to explain the statement.

Why I call it Funny:

1. Khanna spills the content of her jar onto the nurse. The content- URINE!!!!

2. The name of the sister in Titty! Yeah you can call her Titty didi.

 Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.Source- YFilms


3. You have Cinder and weird profiles there! (So true!)

4. Khanna has a pervert weirdo colleague whose name is Achyut! (We can totally understand why he was named so).

5. The Cinder profile of Achyut goes “want to do some majama in my pajama?”

Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.
Source- YFilms

6. And his pick-up line is “Baby, you made me into an astronaut coz all I want to do is travel to UR-ANUS. Yuck, a man couldn’t be more disgusting (and yet so relatable).

Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.Source- YFilms

1. Titty didi is a working woman, which implies that she is somewhat independent (she earns for herself afterall). But she is judgmental, and in a patriarchal way. She judges Khanna because she does not have a husband and cannot respect the fact that she does not want a man’s name to be attached in the form. Khanna’s argument is legit too. In short, she is the perfect embodiment of what exactly is wrong with the society and its attitude to single pregnant women.

Last edited by Former Member

2. You see the nexus that men have built in patriarchy. Afterall, it’s always the woman who is at fault. So it is Khanna’s fault if she cannot arrange for coffee for her boss, even though he is at Japan and she in Bombay.

Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.Source- YFilms

3. Mrs. Aarti Garodia. She is everything a woman should not be! The wife who has pre determined the sex of her foetus, aborted two female foetuses , idolizes her husband and judges the other women. To be precise, she is the perfect product of the patriarchal hegemony.

Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.
Source- YFilms

4. Achyut Garodia. The kind of men we hope does not exist but who is everywhere around us! perverts like him exist for real and women deal with such creeps more often than you can ever imagine.

Ladies Room Episode 3 Is Funny And Serious At The Same Time! A Must Watch.Source- YFilms

The episode just raised the standard, and my expectations from this series. Kudos to the scriptwriters, Ratnabali Bhattacharjee and Neha Kaul Mehra.  It’s highly recommended that you watch this episode right now! You can watch it here:


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