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Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
They lost their rights. By staying away,.

You sure about that? Maybe some people have plans that you arent privvy to.

Are you going to kill babies in their sleep?

Mitwah, excellent-why you hit him so hard?

Neither he nor you need worry about me. However there are others that BOTH of you need to be concerned about.

Continue to take people for granted. A "Guyana Spring" mightnt be too far off. Just keep your ears close to the ground.
Originally posted by albert:
The P.P.P/C has a realistic that the Guyanese populace embraces....thus will support the P.P.P/C...

The PPP Manifesto is cocaine and more cocaine!

Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
06GEORGETOWN112 2006-02-01 13:37 2011-08-30 01:44 SECRET Embassy Georgetown

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.





E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/01/2016


Classified By: Ambassador Roland W. Bullen
for reason 1.4(b) and (d)

Âķ1. (S) SUMMARY. Shaheed “Roger” Khan (DOB: 13-Jan-72),
Guyana’s number one narco-criminal, threatens to exert
control over the fragile Guyanese state akin to Pablo
Escobar’s erstwhile control over Colombia. Khan is presently
active in drug trafficking, money laundering, and arms
smuggling. His so-called legitimate economic interests
include construction and forestry. Vermont has an
outstanding warrant for Khan’s arrest on weapons charges.

Âķ2. (S) Khan is believed to be Guyana’s leading drug
trafficker, more powerful than other established players such
as Clay Hutson, Ricardo Rodrigues, and Brahma Nandalall. He
established connections with Colombian criminals a few years
ago and has since become a major trafficker of cocaine from
Colombia. Khan has risen to the top of Guyana’s
narco-criminal class quickly and ostentatiously. His
Colombian associates scolded him in September 2004 for his
indiscriminate activities and advised him to get out of the

Âķ3. (S) DEA developed a plan in 2004 to establish a
counternarcotics operation in Guyana. An informant leaked
details about the plan. After the leak, Khan threatened to
blow up the site of the operation and threatened the lives of
Ambassador and the then RSO (Ref D). These threats forced
the operation’s abandonment.

Âķ4. (S) Khan surrounds himself with a coterie of former police
tactical squad members for security. He reportedly pays his
low-level security personnel USD 1,600 per month — at least
eight times what they previously earned with the police force.

Phantom Squad and Bouterse Connections
Âķ5. (C) Khan was a principle in the “Phantom Squad” (aka death
squad) that former Minister of Home Affairs Gajraj employed
to crack down on crime from 2002 to 2004 (Ref E).

Âķ6. (S) Minister of Home Affairs told us Khan regularly
travels to Suriname and Trinidad and meets with Desi
Bouterse. According to RNAS, Khan and Bouterse met at a
hotel in Suriname as recently as December 2005.

Arms Smuggling
Âķ7. (S/NF) According to RNAS, Khan has been active in
smuggling arms into Guyana from Suriname, French Guyana, and
possibly France. He exchanges cocaine for the arms. Khan
has also established connections with FARC and has acted as a
middleman in cocaine for arms transactions. In such
instances, Khan has smuggled guns into Guyana and then
exchanged them with the FARC for cocaine. There are strong
indications that Khan was deeply involved in a December 2005
shipment of weapons to FARC in Columbia.

Money Laundering and other Economic Interests
Âķ8. (S) Khan has a business relationship with Farouk Razac of
Swiss House Cambio, a big money laundering operation, to
launder his narco-trafficking proceeds. According to RNAS,
Khan’s drug proceeds have also funded mosques and sent
Muslims to study abroad.

Âķ9. (U) Khan acquired Kaow Island in the Essequibo River from
local entrepreneur and suspected drug dealer Harry Rambarran
in February 2005. Once owned by the now bankrupt Willems
Timber, Kaow Island has a wharf for ocean going vessels, an
airstrip, access to Guyana’s bush roads that radiate out from
Bartica, and a 136,000-acre timber concession. In September
2005, Rambarran sued Khan for defaulting on a USD 1.1 million
promissory note made in partial payment for the island.

Âķ10. (C) Khan is reportedly in negotiations with former
GUYSUCO Chairman Vic Oditt to purchase a 200 square mile
ranch at Pirara in the Southern Rupununi region. The ranch
has a large airstrip, and Khan is believed to be acting at
the behest of Colombian or Panamanian narco-interests.

Âķ11. (U) In late 2005 the Guyana Forestry Commission granted
a State Forest Exploratory Permit for a large tract of land
in Guyana’s interior to Aurelius Inc., a company controlled
by Khan (Ref C).

Âķ12. (U) Khan is a director of Classic Development Inc. and
Dream Works Developers, both construction concerns. Khan is
financing several real estate projects, including a 60-70
unit housing unit development in East Bank Demerara near the
new stadium under construction for the 2007 Cricket World Cup.

Âķ13. (C) Guyanese Bank executives tell us all this is being
done without any bank financing.

Run-ins with the Law
Âķ14. (U) According to LEGATT/Port of Spain, Khan is wanted in
Vermont on weapons charges. Vermont has not sought Khan’s

Âķ15. (U) Khan and two other men, one an active duty policeman,
were arrested at a Guyana Defence Force roadblock in December
2002 at Good Hope, East Coast Demerara in a bulletproof
vehicle. The vehicle contained sophisticated cell phone
intercept equipment, satellite phones, and high-powered
weapons. All three were found not guilty of illegal
possession of arms and ammunition charges.

Âķ16. (C) A senior functionary in the Office of the President
told us that the communications equipment and weapons were
handed back over to Khan. Our interlocutor said the arrest
had been “a mistake” because Khan was “working with the
police” when the arrest was made.

Âķ17. (U) According to local newspapers, Khan and a colleague
appeared in court January 4, 2006 on charges of “wounding”
following an incident in which an individual was assaulted
and had a gun placed to his head. Both pled not guilty and
were released on GYD 15,000 (USD 75) bail.

Political Influence
Âķ18. (C) Khan has bought off countless people in Guyana.
Through this patronage he is able to operate with impunity.
It is believed that GoG is compromised to such an extent that
it will not pursue Khan, despite paying lip service to the
fight against narco-trafficking.

Âķ19. (C) Multiple sources have expressed fears to Ambassador
that not only has Khan penetrated almost every level of
Guyanese government and society, but that he will exert ever
greater influence over the political scene beginning with
this year’s elections. Most respected commentators believe
that Guyana has already become or is well on the way to being
a narco-state. If Guyana is a narco-state, then Khan is its
leader. Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about
Khan’s drug activities and unaccounted wealth. The GoG has
adopted a head-in-the-sand approach to Khan and
narco-trafficking in general. The GoG asks for hard evidence
and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means. END
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by alena:
I still think the AFC will do better than APNU.

Think again.

Âķ19. (C) Multiple sources have expressed fears to Ambassador
that not only has Khan penetrated almost every level of
Guyanese government and society, but that he will exert ever
greater influence over the political scene beginning with
this year’s elections. Most respected commentators believe
that Guyana has already become or is well on the way to being
a narco-state. If Guyana is a narco-state, then Khan is its
leader. Ambassador has spoken with GoG to little avail about
Khan’s drug activities and unaccounted wealth. The GoG has
adopted a head-in-the-sand approach to Khan and
narco-trafficking in general. The GoG asks for hard evidence
and pretends not to know how Khan acquires his means. END

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
The Ambassador is an ass. he should have spoken to the Police commisioner. The Ambassador should pay attention to the DEA which sends drugs from Columbia to the USA.

Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan was one of the most complete criminals in Guyana’s history. He acquired vast properties, recruited serving police officers, ordered executions, imported and exported cocaine, laundered millions of dollars, possessed specialised intercept equipment and armed himself with a wide assortment of handguns and ammunition. All of this was possible only because of his special relationship with the Guyana Government. He enjoyed immunity from an indulgent administration and compliant law enforcement agencies. Even now, the administration has made no attempt to conduct official inquiries nor has the police force attempted to bring Khan and his well-known accomplices to justice.

His successful application to United States District Court Judge Dora L Irizarry to plead guilty to trafficking in 150 kilogrammes of cocaine, witness tampering and gun-running, is an anti-climax to a callous criminal career. He will go to jail for a few years but will leave many questions unanswered.
Originally Posted by The Judge:
BASED on NACTA’s ongoing tracking poll exercises conducted over the last couple of weeks, involving over 1300 voters, the findings up until November 21 show the incumbent PPP leading the other parties in five of seven regions. The findings of the other three regions will be released in a subsequent report as they are tabulated and analyzed.
The findings show the electorate is polarized by race with most Africans voting for APNU and a small percentage for AFC. Indians seem to split with the bulk of their votes going to the PPP and the rest to AFC. The PPP has made some gains among African/mixed voters in traditional PNC areas.

According to the projections of the findings, the PPP leads in Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 by huge lopsided majorities over its challengers. APNU leads in Regions 4 and 10, the latter by a huge margin, but still short of a majority. It is noted that the PPP and APNU are almost neck and neck in Region 4, suggesting the outcome could go either way.
The AFC is not leading in any region and is running third in all seven regions, though in Region 10, AFC and PPP are neck and neck.
The margin of error in the poll is 6%. NACTA is continuing to poll until the end of the work week when it will release its final set of findings on percentage and seat projections.

NACTA who?


Is this the fool BUSHRUM, who said the PPP will win by a landslide with over 60 percent of the votes in 2011?



Originally Posted by KishanB:

Ramutar will delay the elections as long as he can and that is why the APNU and the AFC have to stay on the streets.




Burn his feet with slow fiya.

Its a pity that Guyana is so primitive that the courts cannot be used for this purpose.  After all the protesters need either to work or to look for work.  They aren't being paid while they protest.


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