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Originally Posted by raymond:

Jordan, Kobe and Magic still better

Yuh notice that except for rings, he has better numbers than all three of them when it matters most. Rings don't define the person individual skills. Just look at Eddie Curry getting a ring with us last year although he is a poster boy for Burger King. Jordan was more lucky than good. Plus LeBron is a far better human being. Does not have all of selfishness that Jordan has.


And another thing. Our fans don't go burning and looting properties like they used to do in Chicago.


Another thing, I wonder if Jeff Van Gundy choke yet on his haterade? Maybe his hatred comes from remembering how he was hanging off Mourning's leg.



Originally Posted by Kari:
LeBron does not have the killer instinct like MJ, period. He cannot stomp on his opponents' throats like Michael. He has the same number of rings as MJ at this age. MJ went on to win 4 more. Do you really think LeBron can will a team to 4 more unless he gets more all-NBA players taking huge salary discounts?
Enough of the bullshit that LeBron does not have killer instinct like Jordan. First of all, you're trying to compare players of two different eras and there are tons of variables that you cannot account for. It's a useless comparison. LeBron is one the greatest players of his time as MJ was. LeBron has the highest scoring average of any player in basketball history in potential playoff elimination games. That alone is clutch and killer instinct. When the chips are on the line, he delivers. As for comparing rings, it's useless because basketball is a team sport. Jordan did not win any rings on his own. He was scoring 50 points a night in his early career and they didn't win shit. It was only when they got top flight players and a coach that they started to win championships. There are many hall of fame players who had outstanding careers and who have little or no rings because they had no team. Rings are not won by individuals but by teams. As for your crap that Jordan can will a team better than LeBron. It is just that, CRAP. Jordan was a ball hogger most of his early career, scoring highly every night and still he couldn't will a team to do anything. Like I said before, you can only win championships with a great team and a great coach. Jordan couldn't do it on his own and LeBron certainly cannot do it either. I heard LeBron say something sometime during the playoffs. He said that his critics give him the motivation to work harder and make himself a better player. The Hate being spewed against him makes him better and better ever year, so carry on with your BS, it will only make him a lot better. And enough already with the Jordan comparisons. They are both great players in their own rights. When you are trying to decide who is the greatest, there is no way to accurately compare who is a better player so give it up and acknowledge that LeBron is a great player.
Originally Posted by Stinger:
Throughout the playoffs Mullah Karahi referred to the Heat as a group of not so smart players with low basketball IQ and every opponent they faced were much younger much smarter much more athletic blah blah blah Well we showed his hating ass didn't we

Not only during the playoff. He started to prematurely announce the demise of the Heat this year even during their 27 games winning streak. The man is sadly missing objectivity.


Originally Posted by raymond:

49 out of 50 states still hate LeFraud

I so wish MSG could experience this level of electricity.



Even our promoters are smarter here. They devise a scheme to put South Beach women in white clothes and I got to tell you. These women bring it white, they bring it tight, they just bring it!!!!!!




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