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Stingah, Bruddah, and Kzsamah are all posting like true fans, and not objective spectators. Any hint at a Miami weakness they jump to how the Knicks are not playing and how Knicks fans are Heat-haters.


Then when challenged in ways that're difficult to respond you hear about a man gospelising and high brow. You know what it's time for me to shut up and let the realities of the 2013 NBA Playoffs sink in.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

When is the next New York Sports teams' playoff game this year?

Sour grapes I see.............


LeBron and co really hurt your feelings. It's not ova yet...wait till tomorrow....then if LeBron decides to give you more agita until finally Popovich and Duncan et al put them to rest.

The sour grapes is on you bai and it shows. You are more obsessed with what the Heat is doing than you would ever find me being about the Knicks or any other team.


Kasazzzman......When the world anoint the Heat as this year's NBA champions and next year's and the next, it is not unexpected to feel a push-back and that's what you think is a Heat obsession. No obsession here mah man. They are an ordinary team with matchup flaws against teams like the Pacers, Spurs and Grizzlies, and a healthy Knicks - see how we beat them early in the season when Tyson Chandler and Rasheed Wallace were healthy. They have the best player in the league who will one day take his place among the greatest (got to win more championships to get in the same league as Kobe and Duncan.



All the talk is about George and Hibbert and not Miami. Soon it will be about the greatness of Coach Pop and Duncan and Pparket and Manu. Whither the Heat?


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