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StabroekNews recently visited the island of Wakenaam in the Essequibo River and while there we asked villagers for their thoughts about life on the island.  Their comments follow:

Cynthia Singh, Teacher – ‘There is a strong sense of community around here. People of all races live here and there is no discrimination. It’s also very cool and quiet and the people are very hospitable. Because of these characteristics many people come here on vacation. As opposed to Georgetown, where life is too fast, life in Wakenaam is laid back.’

Cynthia Singh


Doorpatti Ramnauth, Housewife – ‘As you can see I just come back from catching some shrimps which I’ll cook with pumpkin for lunch. If it was anywhere else you would have had to pay a set of money for this. Everything you need you can find right here on the island. And we’re free here, there are hardly any thieves and when you’re not home your neighbour looks over your things.’


Mahadeo Nankishore, Farmer – ‘Life here is alright. Everyone lives okay with their neighbours. The people just alright. And for relaxation you can take a nice relaxing walk about the place. You would enjoy it because the place is nice and breezy.’

Mahadeo Nankishore


Rick Persaud, Self Employed – ‘Happiness is just here for me. I have everything I need here to make me happy. I do my own work. I work for myself and I even grow my own food. My yard feeds me and my wife. I have fruit trees and all kinds of vegetables. I’m glad I can do this because the greens you get in the market are full of poison. So we do our own thing here. This is our lifestyle.’


Isaac Naraine, Shopkeeper – ‘It’s very peaceful and secure here. It is not at all like the fast life in Georgetown. Things are much slower. The best part is the security though; there is hardly the threat of being invaded by thieves.’


Suresh Sankar, Labourer – ‘It is very quiet here. You almost never hear anyone rowing or arguing with anyone. I was born on the island. I have never left the island, and I have no intentions of ever leaving the island.


Charles Persaud, Rice Farmer – ‘You have the opportunity to work by yourself here and the place has a very nice neighbourhood. The thing I like the most though is that you can work for and by yourself. I studied at the University of Guyana and did computer courses at some other places

Rick Persaud

Rick Persaud

but I don’t use any of that. When I finish my work here in the rice fields, I can just rock back and relax. I like that.’

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As a Melville, Wakenaam bwoi I can tell you I get nostalgic of the days when we used to climb other people's coconut trees, thief fruits, play ball by the wata-side - on a ball hit on the fly and land in the water who swims and gets it it's their turn to bat. I don't think any place in Guyana does that. We used to go on the sloop way out in the Essequibo river and swim with the tide to shore.


Wakenamm is idyllic.


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