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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Another sad question.

While British Guiana was struggling for independence.

A force wanted the British to leave  and tried many violent strategies.

At Enmore,  a bomb was thrown in the  school bus carrying  manager's children.

What was the name of the child  killed ?   



As a  teenager, I remember calling Mrs. Teixeira to offer my condolences and her words still ring in my ear today 'What kind of people would do this to children ?'  I was told she never recovered from Godfrey's death.

Guyana has an unpleasant past and its still happening today.  

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:


Radio Demerara had a 'teenage hour' show on Saturday afternoons.

There were two radio moderators, a woman and guy that looks like Cain.

Clue: Ask Cain to describe himself.

One was short and one was tall.

What year was the show on and what are their names?

They gave out peanut brittles.  

Well hung! Quite a specimen!

The Radio Dem moderators in 1964 were ...


Christopher Deane about six feet tall  and

Mona Williams, very much shorter.


Mostly GT people participated in the show.    

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:


Radio Demerara had a 'teenage hour' show on Saturday afternoons.

There were two radio moderators, a woman and guy that looks like Cain.

Clue: Ask Cain to describe himself.

One was short and one was tall.

What year was the show on and what are their names?

They gave out peanut brittles.  

Well hung! Quite a specimen!

The Radio Dem moderators in 1964 were ...


Christopher Deane about six feet tall  and

Mona Williams, very much shorter.


Mostly GT people participated in the show.    

 I have this book, given to me by her in New Zealand. I think it's the right person.



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Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:


Radio Demerara had a 'teenage hour' show on Saturday afternoons.

There were two radio moderators, a woman and guy that looks like Cain.

Clue: Ask Cain to describe himself.

One was short and one was tall.

What year was the show on and what are their names?

They gave out peanut brittles.  

Well hung! Quite a specimen!

The Radio Dem moderators in 1964 were ...


Christopher Deane about six feet tall  and

Mona Williams, very much shorter.


Mostly GT people participated in the show.    

 I have this book, given to me by her in New Zealand. I think it's the right person.


Oh my goodness TI, that is her alright...very much shorter than Deane.

She was a very vibrant and out going person.


I have some photos taken of her, Christopher Deane and others in front of Radio Dem in 1964, when myself and Lennox D. [Montreal] from Canje was on the show. Some photos were also taken in the studio.     

Could you Dialog me her contact info, she might like copies.    

I would also like to know which company supplied the peanut brittle during 'teenage hour'.

I Google and discovered she is a writer of children books. She might be able to ID others in the photo, GT teenagers.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Tola:


Radio Demerara had a 'teenage hour' show on Saturday afternoons.

There were two radio moderators, a woman and guy that looks like Cain.

Clue: Ask Cain to describe himself.

One was short and one was tall.

What year was the show on and what are their names?

They gave out peanut brittles.  

Well hung! Quite a specimen!

The Radio Dem moderators in 1964 were ...


Christopher Deane about six feet tall  and

Mona Williams, very much shorter.


Mostly GT people participated in the show.    

 I have this book, given to me by her in New Zealand. I think it's the right person.


Oh my goodness TI, that is her alright...very much shorter than Deane.

She was a very vibrant and out going person.


I have some photos taken of her, Christopher Deane and others in front of Radio Dem in 1964, when myself and Lennox D. [Montreal] from Canje was on the show. Some photos were also taken in the studio.     

Could you Dialog me her contact info, she might like copies.    

I would also like to know which company supplied the peanut brittle during 'teenage hour'.

I Google and discovered she is a writer of children books. She might be able to ID others in the photo, GT teenagers.   

Last I heard, she was in Israel. I think she married a New Zealand guy but not sure. I will try to find out exactly where she is.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mars:
There was a bum who hung around Demico and Brown Betty asking for change or food. He would belch on your hamburger and after you abandoned it in disgust he would chow down on your food. Name that bum. His false name that is and I want his real false name.



The stink cigarette was Texas 99, that thing stunk to high heavens and harsh tarass.

De man name was Peas Head cause he head shape like a big pea. If you say Peas Head it sounds PZed. By the way do you guys say Zed or Zee in Canada?

Originally Posted by warrior:

you guys ever see a mad man in front of demco house bowl bat and field and he also run out the batsman then appeal some time he take catch  


When I was a kid in the Corentyne, this one mad man walk like 4 villages over to tell us his house was on fire (while the house was apparently still on fire).


We didn't know him. He didn't know us. He just chose us to come for help to save his still burning house. It didn't occur to him to tell his neighbors in his own village.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Thanks TI.

It would be nice to know what happened with Chris Deane. 

Christopher Dean died in 1994 while I was News Editor at Broadcasting House. He and I covered Queen Elizabeth's departure ceremony at Timehri in February that year. A gentleman he was.

Thanks Gil. I am sorry to hear about Christopher's  passing.

He was a neat guy and I have fond memories of our meeting.

I am in touch with Lennox from Rose Hall estate in Montreal, who was on the show with me and will let him know about Chris.

I recently sent him the photos taken at that time.  


The telephone operators/radio dispatchers on the sugar estates had a network of friendship from Skeldon to Uitvlugt. Many of us met and relationships was formed, including family marriages.

A wonderful time.         

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mars:
There was a bum who hung around Demico and Brown Betty asking for change or food. He would belch on your hamburger and after you abandoned it in disgust he would chow down on your food. Name that bum. His false name that is and I want his real false name.



The stink cigarette was Texas 99, that thing stunk to high heavens and harsh tarass.

De man name was Peas Head cause he head shape like a big pea. If you say Peas Head it sounds PZed. By the way do you guys say Zed or Zee in Canada?

I was about to say Peas Head.


We say the word the correct way in Canada...Zed.


In music therapy whenever we do the alphabet song with the kids, when we get to the part  QRS TUV, WX Y and....there's always some with American influence who say Zee and others with Zed. Zed doesn't really rhyme though

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Mars:
There was a bum who hung around Demico and Brown Betty asking for change or food. He would belch on your hamburger and after you abandoned it in disgust he would chow down on your food. Name that bum. His false name that is and I want his real false name.



The stink cigarette was Texas 99, that thing stunk to high heavens and harsh tarass.

I believe the Texas 99 cigarette was available during the 80 day national strike in the early 60s, when there was no imports.

I smoke at the time and it was a hard choice between dry black-sage leaf or Texas 99. Both were just as bad, but they were good at chasing away mosquitoes.   

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Another one:

Under a franchise arrangement with a US company, in 1969 Banks DIH started bottling and distributing a vitamin- and protein-rich beverage as a soft drink.

Name the brand of that soft drink and the name of the US company that awarded the franchise to Banks DIH. [Both answers must be correct].

Time up. Ball named one but I couldn't award him the prize.


[1] Puma

[2] Monsanto

Puma was sold in Guyana one year after Monsanto introduced it in the US market. Sales in Guyana were encouraging for the first year but diminished gradually thereafter. Monsanto supplied the Puma concentrate to  Banks DIH which then mixed, bottled and marketed the drink.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:

you guys ever see a mad man in front of demco house bowl bat and field and he also run out the batsman then appeal some time he take catch  


When I was a kid in the Corentyne, this one mad man walk like 4 villages over to tell us his house was on fire (while the house was apparently still on fire).


We didn't know him. He didn't know us. He just chose us to come for help to save his still burning house. It didn't occur to him to tell his neighbors in his own village.

they had this other man mad use to walk around kitty,he get mad after he went in the world war shell shock we use to call him walker the n--igger,he always have a rock in his hand every time we call him his false name he will run us and shout the British is coming the British is coming 

Originally Posted by cain:

Gilly, do you know if it's the same Monsanto as the bad guys always being taken to court for growing crap food?

Same Monsanto. There's a big problem with them in India. Their genetically modified seeds and bullying behaviour have forced scores of farmers to commit suicide after incurring heavy debt to pay for seeds.

Originally Posted by TI:

We used to call it Limacol company. But I think it was Bookers Manufacturing Drug Company Limited (BMDCL).


i should know, as a lil bai, my mother worked there

That's better. It was later renamed Carib Drug Company. Then, in 1976 when the Guyana government nationalized Bookers Industrial Holdings and Bookers Sugar Estates Ltd., it was further renamed Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation. After President Bharrat Jagdeo "gifted" GPC to his partner Dr Bobby Ramroop, it was finally renamed New GPC.



Read this passage carefully and answer the question:

Guns are a common feature of crimes in Guyana today. Not so 54-55 years ago. At that time, one lonesome fugitive armed with a "primitive" shotgun created havoc throughout West Coast Demerara. Among other things, he allegedly killed two policemen. He captured the attention of the whole country through newspaper, radio and the grapevine. Assistant Police Commissioner David Rose headed a manhunt for the fugitive, cornering and shooting him fatally, to the relief of all.

What is the full name of that fugitive?

Originally Posted by TI:

This is a famous story in law enforcement  ...Cuffy.

I think Clement Cuffy. 

Thou thinkest correctly, my lord.


Yes, Clement Cuffy was killed in September 1959.

Assistant Police Commissioner David Rose later became Guyana's Governor-General Sir David Rose. He too was killed 10 years later.

Cuffy's obeah?!

Originally Posted by Observer:

SPCK Bookshop

You're guaranteed a place in Heaven, O.

Tell St Peter you have a recommendation from Gilbakka.

SPCK = Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Established 317 years ago in England, SPCK is the oldest Anglican organization.

St George's Cathedral in Georgetown is run by the Anglican Church.

Not for nothing was the SPCK Bookshop situated across the street from St George's.

For many years that bookshop sold textbooks besides Christian literature.


Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.


is there any virgin waiting 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

Give me a single word for writing desk beginning with the fifth letter of the alphabet.


With this answer, O, you get a complimentary pass for your soul mate to show St Peter.

Congratulations again!!

no wonder i never went to school,them desk name too hard to call

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.


is there any virgin waiting 

Behave yuhself bai.

Dis is Christian heaven, not Muslim heaven.

Dem people got dem own section marked Paradise.

Originally Posted by Django:

I missing out,Gilly giving out complementary passes

i got to clean snow,time to shed some of the weight

of me shoulder,at my age the activity does keep me

fit so i have to re-consider what is best.

Move West young man, where the ground is bare of snow and the temperature is above  zero.

Me snow blower is dying of old age, like de Maytag man.


We just finished two weeks of national winter game, wid hardly any snow in town and now moving to the tropics to recuperate.      

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.



What nonsense is this???? This is not a return 'trip'!!! And further, there is no guarantee of entry or accommodation once you get there. This is a scam!!! Somebody needs to report this Bakka person.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.


is there any virgin waiting 

Will XM or El Dorado be available...

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.



What nonsense is this???? This is not a return 'trip'!!! And further, there is no guarantee of entry or accommodation once you get there. This is a scam!!! Somebody needs to report this Bakka person.

Dis Bakka man is like ah con-man fraud in Guyana.

Sure JG,  looks like a one-way trip to Mars....

And we don't even know if they  take Master Card...

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

Give me a single word for writing desk beginning with the fifth letter of the alphabet.


With this answer, O, you get a complimentary pass for your soul mate to show St Peter.

Congratulations again!!

no wonder i never went to school,them desk name too hard to call

Me would ah nevva know da, abie put abie slate pan ah  ground, we na get desk.

Originally Posted by Jungle Girl:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Gilly, thanks for securing my heavenly abode. I'll need lots of help getting past St. P.  I've been going thru some tough stuff but things have eased up now and I'll try not to skip classes anymore.  

I just got an idea how to attract all dem sinners to this thread.



What nonsense is this???? This is not a return 'trip'!!! And further, there is no guarantee of entry or accommodation once you get there. This is a scam!!! Somebody needs to report this Bakka person.

Originally Posted by Tola:

GT people gun mostly get GT question correct.

Not necessarily. In August-September every year, parents from Essequibo to Berbice used to rush to Georgetown to buy school supplies for their kids. They would hunt through one bookshop after another. The newspapers carried advertisements highlighting the titles of textbooks available. That, of course, was before 1976 when the government introduced free education and provided books through the schools.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I tried "phone a friend" and even my po dad don't remember that book shop. And as a policeman that use to be his beat!

Your dad was probably distracted. A bunch of girls used to shark on the corner nearby, alongside Oasis restaurant.

hehehe! my mom would agree. Dad was a real sweet bai
He's very handsome!

Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I tried "phone a friend" and even my po dad don't remember that book shop. And as a policeman that use to be his beat!

Your dad was probably distracted. A bunch of girls used to shark on the corner nearby, alongside Oasis restaurant.

hehehe! my mom would agree. Dad was a real sweet bai
He's very handsome!

Iman hope my kids dem does say the same thing bout me.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Riya:

I tried "phone a friend" and even my po dad don't remember that book shop. And as a policeman that use to be his beat!

Your dad was probably distracted. A bunch of girls used to shark on the corner nearby, alongside Oasis restaurant.

hehehe! my mom would agree. Dad was a real sweet bai
He's very handsome!

Iman hope my kids dem does say the same thing bout me.

 Hehehe! well it's true in his case 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

I worked in that block for 9 yrs and i can't remember

the other book store,this Bhai Gilly got good memory.

Django, that bookshop was exactly opposite your workplace. It was still operating when you started working there in the mid-70s.

Next to Sue Kwan and Narines,boy i still can't remember that name.

Last edited by Django

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