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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Friday's relaxing quiz.

In the early 1960s an American singer-songwriter popularized a new dance style that became a craze internationally, including in Guyana and India. That singer toured Guyana and autographed his records at Auto Supplies Record Bar in Georgetown. What's his name and what's the name of that dance style?

Gil how me guh know dah,i was a lil bhai running

around me grandparents rice field having fun

ketching birds climbing trees fuh fruits, take a peek

in them them bird nest,juk broom pionter in the bee nest

fuh honey.

That's no excuse Me nah been barn yet but I know that

me gat wan feeling some bady a help you with the answer.

All participants are encouraged to phone a friend or relative for answers.

some body call skeltonman him is a professor 


Monday's child is fair of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace....

Let's see who is full of grace today.

In February 1972 a former Black Power activist turned Muslim arrived in Guyana for Mashramani. While in Georgetown, news broke that police had found shallow graves with dead bodies in his Trinidad backyard. The prominent visitor checked out of his hotel and went mystic. Guyanese police launched a manhunt and found him in the interior. Give the man's birth name, his Black Power name and his Muslim name. [Three names required for first prize.]

Originally Posted by Anjali:

Michael de Freitas - birth name.

Michael X - Black Power name.

Michael Abdul Malik - Muslim name.

Sharper and sharper she comes, this girl named Anjali.

You win! Congratulations!!

Yes, Michael de Freitas made a name for himself in England as a Black Power champion. In the end, he was charged and convicted for the murder of his followers in Trinidad in 1972 and hanged three years later.

I should tell you that I attended the flag-raising ceremony at the National Park on the evening of February 22, 1972, and standing just four feet from me was Michael Abdul Malik looking smart in suit and tie. I took a good look at him because I had just finished reading his memoir From Michael de Freitas to Michael X.

Here he is with the famous John Lennon and Yoko Ono:


Michael X fled to Guyana a few days later and was captured there. He was charged with the murder of Skerritt and Benson, but was never tried for the latter crime.[13] A witness at his trial claimed that Skerritt was a member of Malik's "Black Liberation Army" and had been killed by him because he refused to obey orders to attack a local police station. Malik was found guilty and sentenced to death. The Save Malik Committee, whose members included Angela Davis, Dick Gregory, Kate Millet and others, including the well known "radical lawyer" William Kunstler, who was paid by John Lennon,[12] pleaded for clemency, but he was hanged in 1975.[13]

Other members of the group were tried for Benson's murder. It was asserted that Benson had been shown an open grave and was then pushed in it and hacked at by Michael X with a machete on her neck.[14]

Originally Posted by Riya:

Refresh bath soap

The answer I was looking for is LILY.

Your answer stumped me. I asked my wife and she said there was a REFRESH soap in the shops but she wasn't sure if it was local. So, last night I called a relative in Guyana who ran a stall in the market in those days. She remembers both Refresh and Lilly. She said she used to get her supplies of Refresh "fram de traders." I asked her where they got it from. She said: "How me goh know? Dem use to bring in ting fram Brazil, Trinidad, Surinam, Venezuela, all ova de world."

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

In the 1940s British Guiana boasted of an all-round cricketer who represented the colony in regional matches and the West Indies in test cricket. In his debut test match in Barbados, he scored 99 runs. Who was that cricketer and which team was West Indies playing against in that match?

Robert Julian Christiani


Played against England


Robert Julian Christiani (July 19, 1920, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Georgetown, Guyana) – January 4, 2005, Toronto, Canada) was a West Indian cricketer who played in 22 Tests from 1947-48 to 1953-54. At domestic level he played first-class cricket for British Guiana.

Christiani played his first Test in January 1948, playing against England; it was the West Indies first match since 1939 due to the interruption of the Second World War and he was one of seven debutantes fielded by the West Indies. Christiani was dismissed on 99,[1][2] and is one of just three players in the history of Test cricket to have been dismissed one short of a century on debut.


Thank you, Sir Gil.


compliments of wiki.


April Fool's Day came and went. I hope nobody here got fooled.

Quiz now.

She was young and fair and lithe and lively and lovely and merrily danced O mere sona re sona repeatedly and she was bright and wanted to learn how to heal the sick but one breezy sunny day Darkness clobbered her by the sea and stopped her dancing and her dreams forever. Who was she?

Originally Posted by Riya:

Dolly Baksh

True. Dolly Baksh was a dancer who performed on stage at many national and international events. She wanted to become a doctor. She passed 9 subjects at the GCE 'O' Level exams and 2 'A' Level subjects. One September day in 1979 she was killed on the Kitty foreshore. I attended her funeral at her Campbell Avenue home.


Originally Posted by Django:

(4)String Band

That's right.

Bumble and the Saints, led by Colin Wharton, was a popular string band in the 1960s. Colin and most band members migrated to England.

You get first prize and kp gets second prize as he posted his answer after yours. Congratulations to you both!!

Here is KISSING BRIDGE by Bumble and the Saints. You should recognize it because the radio had used it as a signature tune for one of its programmes.

Originally Posted by Riya:

Sir Gilbakka? No school today?

I guess we're off for Good Friday

You beat me to it, Riya.

I didn't plan a quiz today because I thought [a mistake] that you and Anjali would take Good Friday off too.

We'll be back on track Monday.

But if yuh want me hurt yuh head, you can answer dis one off de bat. Don't check Bible or Internet resources.

When Jesus was nailed on the cross, what side of his belly/stomach did the Roman soldier juk he spear. The right side or the left side?

No prizes, no winners, just make a guess. Later on you can check whether you're right. I won't intervene.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I never knew GNI has so many disco dancers.

kp is the best dancer, getting first prize and a chance to dance with Riya who gets second prize. As the third prize winner, Anjali gets a chance to dance with her runner-up Django.


alena, you and I have to stand aside and give these old-young ones the floor.

Social Dancing in Guyana yesteryear,article mentioning

the first black light disco Dog and the Bone.,5797275&hl=en

Originally Posted by Anjali:

Brodie and Rainer Ltd

Sharp as a razor, slashing away all rivals.

Yes, Brodie and Rainer. It had a snackett on the ground floor where my mom took me one year before the fire. That was where I first saw an orange juice cooler with three artificial oranges swirling round and round. I was so paglee I thought they were real oranges.



Our quiz today:

On Vlissengen Road in Georgetown there are three gas stations side by side. Behind those gas stations there is the Demerara Tobacco Company [DEMTOCO] and after that, the Chronicle newspaper compound.

Now, ignore the gas stations. What had existed on the land now occupied by DEMTOCO and Chronicle, and what major historical event took place there?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Our quiz today:

On Vlissengen Road in Georgetown there are three gas stations side by side. Behind those gas stations there is the Demerara Tobacco Company [DEMTOCO] and after that, the Chronicle newspaper compound.

Now, ignore the gas stations. What had existed on the land now occupied by DEMTOCO and Chronicle, and what major historical event took place there?




Originally Posted by Anjali:

The Bel Air Race Course and early aircrafts (winged horses).

You're the brightest of them all.

That portion of land in Bel Air Park was the Cannon Race Course.

In 1913, the first aviation flight from British Guiana took off from there. The plane was assembled by a German named George Schmidt.

My heartiest congratulations to you!!


The first recorded flight in Guiana was in 1913 when George Schmidt, a German assembled and flew his plane from Canon Race Course, which is today the west section of Bel Air Park, east of the present service stations on Vlissengen Road. During the war I hunted ground doves on this open pasture and ate antidesmond till it β€˜gainst me and belly bound.’  This was long before Demtoco, the laundry and Argosy, and later Graphic newspaper presses were built there.  The coconut oil mill off Lama Ave was destroyed by fire in Bel Air in the sixties.


Gilly you stump most of us.

Originally Posted by Django:

The first recorded flight in Guiana was in 1913 when George Schmidt, a German assembled and flew his plane from Canon Race Course, which is today the west section of Bel Air Park, east of the present service stations on Vlissengen Road. During the war I hunted ground doves on this open pasture and ate antidesmond till it β€˜gainst me and belly bound.’  This was long before Demtoco, the laundry and Argosy, and later Graphic newspaper presses were built there.  The coconut oil mill off Lama Ave was destroyed by fire in Bel Air in the sixties.


Gilly you stump most of us.

I found this site this morning but was too lazy to read it to find the clue. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Anjali:

The Bel Air Race Course and early aircrafts (winged horses).

You're the brightest of them all.

That portion of land in Bel Air Park was the Cannon Race Course.

In 1913, the first aviation flight from British Guiana took off from there. The plane was assembled by a German named George Schmidt.

My heartiest congratulations to you!!

Thank you, thank you Sir Gil  Thanks for the clue, that was what helped me.


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