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Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by warrior:

let me give you guys one which indian movie show the longest in guyana 



Dosti  is me favourite movie, even today, I must have watched it 100 times.

The songs makes me very emotional because of a specific time/incident in Guyana.


Me late Belvedere friend Ivan Sukhai was getting  married to Doreen Jagan, Oudit's daughter at Port Mourant. Both are now laid to rest  in Virginia.


Weeks before the wedding we were invited to chop wood for the wedding at Ivan's house at Belvedere.

As usual, it was a party with  cook-up.

The late 'Grub' Jaimangal wid his guitar , Spoilers and about ten guys were present.


We ran out of rum and I volunteer with the late Sonny Ratta Ramotar [NY] to get more bottles from Ramkumar's shop nearby.

As we were coming into  the back yard, we were running and I landed in the back drain where they throw the open corn beef or corn mutton tin.

My left foot insole landed on the sharp edges of the tin and I started to bleed.

Dem baie say, drink some more man, it gun stop de bleeding... drunk man logic.


Ivan's  brother Harry[NY] took me to Albion dispensary on his motorcycle, wid an old shirt wrapped around my foot and a  blood trail all along the road.

Years later dispenser Pariaug reminded  me about other humorous things he did for me.

One  time chopping me big  toe wid a  hatchet while making a clothes beater. I will not tell you what I called my toe. Its private.

But Audie Murphy 'To Hell and Back' was showing at Albion community centre and I did not miss it for anything.  


My foot was dresses with stitches  and I return home, went to sleep and about 4:00am I got up to pee, fell down and hit my head on the sharp corner of an arborite desk, returned to the dispensary and got six more stitches.


I am laughing so hard as I write this over 50 years later...


I was on crutches and was also doing photos at the time, which I was not able to do at the wedding.

The day of the wedding, I had a large bandage on my foot and another on my forehead.

Dosti was playing at Albion Yollanda cinema and everyone at the wedding house was calling me Dosti, which was bit of an honour.


Wait til me tell you about being shot on my left arm by Ralph Singh[NY].


True stories...


My one disappointment was not able to photograph Ivan and Doreen's wedding. They were good friends. Ivan lost his sight, died  in Florida after Doreen  and Doren died from natural illness in NY.   



Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by warrior:

let me give you guys one which indian movie show the longest in guyana 



Dosti  is me favourite movie, even today, I must have watched it 100 times.

The songs makes me very emotional because of a specific time/incident in Guyana.


Me late Belvedere friend Ivan Sukhai was getting  married to Doreen Jagan, Oudit's daughter at Port Mourant. Both are now laid to rest  in Virginia.


Weeks before the wedding we were invited to chop wood for the wedding at Ivan's house at Belvedere.

As usual, it was a party with  cook-up.

The late 'Grub' Jaimangal wid his guitar , Spoilers and about ten guys were present.


We ran out of rum and I volunteer with the late Sonny Ratta Ramotar [NY] to get more bottles from Ramkumar's shop nearby.

As we were coming into  the back yard, we were running and I landed in the back drain where they throw the open corn beef or corn mutton tin.

My left foot insole landed on the sharp edges of the tin and I started to bleed.

Dem baie say, drink some more man, it gun stop de bleeding... drunk man logic.


Ivan's  brother Harry[NY] took me to Albion dispensary on his motorcycle, wid an old shirt wrapped around my foot and a  blood trail all along the road.

Years later dispenser Pariaug reminded  me about other humorous things he did for me.

One  time chopping me big  toe wid a  hatchet while making a clothes beater. I will not tell you what I called my toe. Its private.

But Audie Murphy 'To Hell and Back' was showing at Albion community centre and I did not miss it for anything.  


My foot was dresses with stitches  and I return home, went to sleep and about 4:00am I got up to pee, fell down and hit my head on the sharp corner of an arborite desk, returned to the dispensary and got six more stitches.


I am laughing so hard as I write this over 50 years later...


I was on crutches and was also doing photos at the time, which I was not able to do at the wedding.

The day of the wedding, I had a large bandage on my foot and another on my forehead.

Dosti was playing at Albion Yollanda cinema and everyone at the wedding house was calling me Dosti, which was bit of an honour.


Wait til me tell you about being shot on my left arm by Ralph Singh[NY].


My one disappointment was not able to photograph Ivan and Doreen's wedding. They were good friends. Ivan lost his sight, died  in Florida after Doreen  and Doren died from natural illness in NY.   



dosti first open at starlight cinema 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Django:

one more try.. Haathi Mere Saathi

bingo,that right when the man elephant get kill and he pull it all over the town how them collie girls cry and i was right there to lent my shoulders 

Me hear you ah good man, Wha else yu lent fa comfort warria

bai me wan gentleman me always try to help the ladies

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

This is a sociological brain teaser.

Before the advent of individual pit latrines on the sugar estates, where did sugar workers and their families lawfully relieve themselves?

In the TV show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? you can call a friend for an answer.

For the tickler above, feel free to call your grandfather, grandmother, great aunt, etc.

Over the trench or canals.

Correct. I remember the communal ones at Uitvlugt Estate in the 1950s. Separate ones for males and females.

This is what the Journal of the Board of Agriculture said in 1921:

"On sugar estates the system of sewage disposal is to place latrines over the open drainage trenches. Where a large volume of water is available and the trench is flushed out daily directly into the sea, this system is fairly satisfactory, but in cases where the trenches are small, shallow and inadequately flushed it leaves much to be desired especially as regards the spread of Ankylostomiasis and intestinal diseases generally."

you guys know what you saying skeltonman use to swim in these trench

Nah man. Punt trench and drainage trench different. Skelly swam in punt trench, like I did.

Yeah we swam in the punt trench. However, we use to see warria's dad with a cast net by these logie latrines. Everytime someone takes a crap, the kum kuma and kasie fish use to come up and grab the sh*t. Next you see the net cast over and the man would take the net and ran. Warria ate alot of those kum kuma and kassie fish. That is why he is so smart. Ah dem Skeldon peeple sh*t get am like dah.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

This is a sociological brain teaser.

Before the advent of individual pit latrines on the sugar estates, where did sugar workers and their families lawfully relieve themselves?

In the TV show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? you can call a friend for an answer.

For the tickler above, feel free to call your grandfather, grandmother, great aunt, etc.

Over the trench or canals.

Correct. I remember the communal ones at Uitvlugt Estate in the 1950s. Separate ones for males and females.

This is what the Journal of the Board of Agriculture said in 1921:

"On sugar estates the system of sewage disposal is to place latrines over the open drainage trenches. Where a large volume of water is available and the trench is flushed out daily directly into the sea, this system is fairly satisfactory, but in cases where the trenches are small, shallow and inadequately flushed it leaves much to be desired especially as regards the spread of Ankylostomiasis and intestinal diseases generally."

you guys know what you saying skeltonman use to swim in these trench

Nah man. Punt trench and drainage trench different. Skelly swam in punt trench, like I did.

Yeah we swam in the punt trench. However, we use to see warria's dad with a cast net by these logie latrines. Everytime someone takes a crap, the kum kuma and kasie fish use to come up and grab the sh*t. Next you see the net cast over and the man would take the net and ran. Warria ate alot of those kum kuma and kassie fish. That is why he is so smart. Ah dem Skeldon peeple sh*t get am like dah.

You're out of order now, Skelly. Let's stick to brain teasers.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

This is a sociological brain teaser.

Before the advent of individual pit latrines on the sugar estates, where did sugar workers and their families lawfully relieve themselves?

In the TV show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? you can call a friend for an answer.

For the tickler above, feel free to call your grandfather, grandmother, great aunt, etc.

Over the trench or canals.

Correct. I remember the communal ones at Uitvlugt Estate in the 1950s. Separate ones for males and females.

This is what the Journal of the Board of Agriculture said in 1921:

"On sugar estates the system of sewage disposal is to place latrines over the open drainage trenches. Where a large volume of water is available and the trench is flushed out daily directly into the sea, this system is fairly satisfactory, but in cases where the trenches are small, shallow and inadequately flushed it leaves much to be desired especially as regards the spread of Ankylostomiasis and intestinal diseases generally."

you guys know what you saying skeltonman use to swim in these trench

Nah man. Punt trench and drainage trench different. Skelly swam in punt trench, like I did.

Yeah we swam in the punt trench. However, we use to see warria's dad with a cast net by these logie latrines. Everytime someone takes a crap, the kum kuma and kasie fish use to come up and grab the sh*t. Next you see the net cast over and the man would take the net and ran. Warria ate alot of those kum kuma and kassie fish. That is why he is so smart. Ah dem Skeldon peeple sh*t get am like dah.

Skelly you mek Warria so.

De baie was good til he meet you.

Look how de baie tun out now.


I have photos of the ten-seater latrine near  Albion school, that is now replaced by out-houses.

The male and female teacher's privacy door used to go missing a lot.

Sometime dem people even thief  de zinc sheets to mek dem own out-house.


The problem with the ten-seaters near de logies,they were always too far to go in an emergency and quite often we would see a man 'walking fast sideways'  with a rum bottle full ah wata.


I am laughing so hard thinking about dat scene. It used to be so funny, but poor guy he might crap on he dhoti.


Sanitation was really bad in the logies. Crapping in bushes and my worse memory is the smell of dead animals and  alligators.       

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's move on to another teaser.

What is bigger than you but doesn't weigh anything?


This is one of my best photo shots when the sun is in the right position.

Shooting in the sun, I like dem long.


Me still sharing dat Russian Bear wid Ball ?

Tola you giving the answer like a riddle.


Shadow is the answer

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Allyuh bais smart. Tola gave his correct answer in a riddle. Django gave his answer straight. Congrats, guys!

Gilly our brain still sharp, brain cells are never

used up in our life time, more power is give it

different info to process.

Sometimes our unprofessional skills and hobbies make us see things in different ways.

I like to create art with photographs and after over 50 years I still experiment. 

Digital makes it easier, but I remember doing experimentation with 12 exposure B&W 120mm film.

Exercising our brain as we get older, is very important to our mental health.    

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Allyuh bais smart. Tola gave his correct answer in a riddle. Django gave his answer straight. Congrats, guys!

Gilly our brain still sharp, brain cells are never

used up in our life time, more power is give it

different info to process.

Sometimes our unprofessional skills and hobbies make us see things in different ways.

I like to create art with photographs and after over 50 years I still experiment. 

Digital makes it easier, but I remember doing experimentation with 12 exposure B&W 120mm film.

Exercising our brain as we get older, is very important to our mental health.    

i concur

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ready for this one?

Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May.

What was the third child's name?

June is me best GF name but...  

In our town there is a First Nations man name  Johnny Johnny [seriously] at the homeless drop-in centre. 

When me ask him he las name, he said he na know.

Gil, looks like abee been ah same school. 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ready for this one?

Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May.

What was the third child's name?

June is me best GF name but...  

In our town there is a First Nations man name  Johnny Johnny [seriously] at the homeless drop-in centre. 

When me ask him he las name, he said he na know.

Gil, looks like abee been ah same school. 

Tola, I'll pass you this time. Next time come straight. Don't embed your answer in riddles.

Yes, the third child's name is Johnny.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ready for this one?

Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May.

What was the third child's name?

June is me best GF name but...  

In our town there is a First Nations man name  Johnny Johnny [seriously] at the homeless drop-in centre. 

When me ask him he las name, he said he na know.

Gil, looks like abee been ah same school. 

Tola, I'll pass you this time. Next time come straight. Don't embed your answer in riddles.

Yes, the third child's name is Johnny.

Okay no mo riddles. If I know, I will hold back me answer. Go forward...

The guy's name is really Johnny Johnny... 

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ready for this one?

Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. The second child was named May.

What was the third child's name?

June is me best GF name but...  

In our town there is a First Nations man name  Johnny Johnny [seriously] at the homeless drop-in centre. 

When me ask him he las name, he said he na know.

Gil, looks like abee been ah same school. 

Tola, I'll pass you this time. Next time come straight. Don't embed your answer in riddles.

Yes, the third child's name is Johnny.

Okay no mo riddles. If I know, I will hold back me answer. Go forward...

The guy's name is really Johnny Johnny... 

Okay Tola..the guy have one name, computers

need first and last name it will not accept one

name so the guy becomes Johnny Johnny or

his father name is Johnny.


Now no laughing when i migrated to US i

ended up like Johnny,one of my friend split

his one name,anyway there are a few popular

people with one name.






Originally Posted by Django:

Here is another about the Demerara River

there are three islands about 15-20 miles

from the mouth named Inver,Borselem and

Biesen,one was the Dutch Capital of

Demerara, can you name it??

Borselem or Second Island was the Dutch capital.

I'll tell you a true story. As an adventurous youth in 1972, I was making plans with two friends to explore Borselem and look for Dutch artifacts, It so happened that one friend got a scholarship to study medicine in India and he abandoned the plan. The other guy chickened out shortly after and I could not go alone. Others discouraged me with tales of snakes and other deadly creatures.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

Here is another about the Demerara River

there are three islands about 15-20 miles

from the mouth named Inver,Borselem and

Biesen,one was the Dutch Capital of

Demerara, can you name it??

Borselem or Second Island was the Dutch capital.

I'll tell you a true story. As an adventurous youth in 1972, I was making plans with two friends to explore Borselem and look for Dutch artifacts, It so happened that one friend got a scholarship to study medicine in India and he abandoned the plan. The other guy chickened out shortly after and I could not go alone. Others discouraged me with tales of snakes and other deadly creatures.

Gilly..exploring the Dutch history in Guyana is always

driven by fear Dutchman jumbie bad.In Philadelphia

main rd at the back of the house on the western side

opposite the church is a dutch tomb,i heard the owner

of Philadelphia buried there.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How deep is the Demerara river channel between Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop? An approximate answer give or take 3 feet is acceptable.

Approx..19 feet

Django, wha kinda brain tonic yuh use bai?

Yuh cyaant fail one time even?

Anyway, congrats again!!

I will explain how i get the answers,i was at

kid birthday party and there were prizes

given out to the kids in attendance,to win

questions were given and they have to give

the answer,who give the most correct answer

is the winner.

One of the kid sitting next to me used her

smart phone googling to get the answer

and she won the prize,i whisper to her

jokingly you cheat.


I used the kid method to get the answer.




Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How deep is the Demerara river channel between Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop? An approximate answer give or take 3 feet is acceptable.

Approx..19 feet

Django, wha kinda brain tonic yuh use bai?

Yuh cyaant fail one time even?

Anyway, congrats again!!

I will explain how i get the answers,i was at

kid birthday party and there were prizes

given out to the kids in attendance,to win

questions were given and they have to give

the answer,who give the most correct answer

is the winner.

One of the kid sitting next to me used her

smart phone googling to get the answer

and she won the prize,i whisper to her

jokingly you cheat.


I used the kid method to get the answer.




LOL2 Django.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How deep is the Demerara river channel between Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop? An approximate answer give or take 3 feet is acceptable.

Approx..19 feet

Django, wha kinda brain tonic yuh use bai?

Yuh cyaant fail one time even?

Anyway, congrats again!!

I will explain how i get the answers,i was at

kid birthday party and there were prizes

given out to the kids in attendance,to win

questions were given and they have to give

the answer,who give the most correct answer

is the winner.

One of the kid sitting next to me used her

smart phone googling to get the answer

and she won the prize,i whisper to her

jokingly you cheat.


I used the kid method to get the answer.




Oi Django...jus jokinly bannnaaa...youz a cheatin rass.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How deep is the Demerara river channel between Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop? An approximate answer give or take 3 feet is acceptable.

Approx..19 feet

Django, wha kinda brain tonic yuh use bai?

Yuh cyaant fail one time even?

Anyway, congrats again!!

I will explain how i get the answers,i was at

kid birthday party and there were prizes

given out to the kids in attendance,to win

questions were given and they have to give

the answer,who give the most correct answer

is the winner.

One of the kid sitting next to me used her

smart phone googling to get the answer

and she won the prize,i whisper to her

jokingly you cheat.


I used the kid method to get the answer.




Oi Django...jus jokinly bannnaaa...youz a cheatin rass.

No time for the library i googling and get the answer

never too old to learn

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

How deep is the Demerara river channel between Georgetown and Vreed-en-Hoop? An approximate answer give or take 3 feet is acceptable.

Approx..19 feet

Django, wha kinda brain tonic yuh use bai?

Yuh cyaant fail one time even?

Anyway, congrats again!!

I will explain how i get the answers,i was at

kid birthday party and there were prizes

given out to the kids in attendance,to win

questions were given and they have to give

the answer,who give the most correct answer

is the winner.

One of the kid sitting next to me used her

smart phone googling to get the answer

and she won the prize,i whisper to her

jokingly you cheat.


I used the kid method to get the answer.




Oi Django...jus jokinly bannnaaa...youz a cheatin rass.

No time for the library i googling and get the answer

never too old to learn

Who needs a public library for research when there are Google and Wikipedia?!

I use both every day, so much so that two times when I visited Wikipedia there was an urgent appeal for money. I didn't hesitate to PayPal them a small contribution. Otherwise, I couldn't sleep with a guilty conscience.

You know, using but not paying up is abusing.

Originally Posted by Chameli:
Originally Posted by Django:

Gilly..exploring the Dutch history in Guyana is always

driven by fear Dutchman jumbie bad.In Philadelphia

main rd at the back of the house on the western side

opposite the church is a dutch tomb,i heard the owner

of Philadelphia buried there.


which Philadelphia, near Vergenoegen?


beside our home in GreenwichPark, there was a dutch mn tomb...i am not kidding, i have seen many 'people' sitting there (before i was 7) mom said it was because i was born with caul

plus there was a huge silk cotton tree near our other home and i heard that there were lots of dutchman jumbee there

Cham..yep from old road over the bridge first house

on your right,my poowah Butchie(deceased) from

the village,i stayed there for a while and saw a

tomb in the back yard hidden by plantain suckers.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Google cyaant help wid dis:

There's a fruit tree that grows mainly in Essequibo.

It's fruit is orange in colour and has the size of an orange too. It has an Indian-sounding name. Its pulp is sweet. What is it?

One tip: some vendors in Parika market sell it.

I just Googled the Indian-sounding name and was pleasantly surprised to find it. It is an Indian fruit. Apparently, that batch of indentured immigrants that was assigned to Essequibo brought the seeds or saplings with them from India.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Google cyaant help wid dis:

There's a fruit tree that grows mainly in Essequibo.

It's fruit is orange in colour and has the size of an orange too. It has an Indian-sounding name. Its pulp is sweet. What is it?

One tip: some vendors in Parika market sell it. Hague Back on one of cross dam

had the trees.


I did not google this one you could have hint

it have flegs.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Chameli:

Django, near to uncle "devil'?

i am trying hard to recall where the temple was...i recall the big tamarind tree with the street near nana Bengal...i also remember few other details of Philadelphia...looooooong time i have not been through old road...mabe since 1973 or so and even though mom used to go to mandir, i was a rebel even then. Nana Setal used to come to my home to try to get me to go 'help out wid lil piknee'


Opposite Uncle Devil that should be western side of the

the street click on link see if you can find philadelphia

the house on top left in the main st,i cant post the whole




Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ball:

duh look like monkey apple no

Monkey apple has a smoother skin and is more symmetrical in shape.

Every barahar has its own shape. That's not unusual. Every potato has its own shape too.

Barahar is delicious. To me.

To you, yes...I was asked to pickup a sour fruit I spit on the ground in Singapore. The person who gave me the fruit said, its sweet, taste it.

Originally Posted by TI:

You can only eat monkey apple when it yellow. Try eating it green and you will end up in hospital. It taste sandy though not like barahar. Lots of fruit are getting extinct in stinking toe.

Fatpoke flourishing wild though. Fatpoke tasty. To me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ball:

duh look like monkey apple no

Monkey apple has a smoother skin and is more symmetrical in shape.

Every barahar has its own shape. That's not unusual. Every potato has its own shape too.

Barahar is delicious. To me.

when you pick a monkey apple,you pull out the top and pour sugar in it and leave it for a couple days then you eat it  

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TI:

You can only eat monkey apple when it yellow. Try eating it green and you will end up in hospital. It taste sandy though not like barahar. Lots of fruit are getting extinct in stinking toe.

Fatpoke flourishing wild though. Fatpoke tasty. To me.

Fatpoke was tasty. I looked for that and psidium(sp) and couldn't find it at the market.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

If you think this one is a piece of cake, cut it.

Burnham's full name is longer by Jagan's full name by how many letters?

Only one guess per person.

Time up, folks.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham = 26 letters

Cheddi Berret Jagan = 17 letters

26 minus 17 equals 9.

Therefore, Burnham's full name is longer than Jagan's full name by 9 letters.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

If you think this one is a piece of cake, cut it.

Burnham's full name is longer by Jagan's full name by how many letters?

Only one guess per person.

Time up, folks.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham = 26 letters

Cheddi Berret Jagan = 17 letters

26 minus 17 equals 9.

Therefore, Burnham's full name is longer than Jagan's full name by 9 letters.

Good one Gil,did not pay attention to the question.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

If you think this one is a piece of cake, cut it.

Burnham's full name is longer by Jagan's full name by how many letters?

Only one guess per person.

Time up, folks.

Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham = 26 letters

Cheddi Berret Jagan = 17 letters

26 minus 17 equals 9.

Therefore, Burnham's full name is longer than Jagan's full name by 9 letters.


Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


A balahoo

A ballahoo is a bigger boat than a canoe.


I think Gilly is referring to a Koryall but I don't know the correct spelling.



noun \kΙ™-ˈnΓΌ\

: a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade


The vessel in that photo passes for a canoe, right?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


A balahoo

A ballahoo is a bigger boat than a canoe.


I think Gilly is referring to a Koryall but I don't know the correct spelling.



noun \kΙ™-ˈnΓΌ\

: a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade


The vessel in that photo passes for a canoe, right?

paradise for canoeing and fishing


Like this one?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


Balahoo is the word I want. Riya wins.


Technically, Mars is correct to say that a balahoo is larger than a canoe.

The 1913 edition of Webster's Dictionary defines balahoo as "a fast sailing schooner used in the Bermudas and West Indies."

Note, however, the phrase "Guyanese canoe" in the question.

Look at this Kaieteur News report dated October 14, 2013:

"A  49-year-old man is missing and feared dead after the balahoo in which he was traveling collided with an unlit fishing vessel at around 21:50 hrs on Saturday in the Lower Pomeroon River."

And look at this Chronicle report dated May 20, 2013:

"THE Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) up to late yesterday was continuing its search and rescue efforts in the Essequibo River as they sought to locate dead or alive, 24-year old Fred Crème of Onderneeming, Essequibo Coast...Reports surrounding the tragedy suggested that the vessel in which the men were travelling in, a wooden balahoo encountered rough waters and efforts by the boat captain to ride the waves successfully were futile and the vessel toppled tossing the men overboard."


Congrats, Riya!

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


A balahoo

A ballahoo is a bigger boat than a canoe.


I think Gilly is referring to a Koryall but I don't know the correct spelling.



noun \kΙ™-ˈnΓΌ\

: a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade


The vessel in that photo passes for a canoe, right?

Nope dah one doan have a point instead it got parrots stuck on the front.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


A balahoo

A ballahoo is a bigger boat than a canoe.


I think Gilly is referring to a Koryall but I don't know the correct spelling.



noun \kΙ™-ˈnΓΌ\

: a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade


The vessel in that photo passes for a canoe, right?

That is a canoe.


Is Koryall correct? If it is, what is the correct spelling? 

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


A balahoo

A ballahoo is a bigger boat than a canoe.


I think Gilly is referring to a Koryall but I don't know the correct spelling.



noun \kΙ™-ˈnΓΌ\

: a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade


The vessel in that photo passes for a canoe, right?

That is a canoe.


Is Koryall correct? If it is, what is the correct spelling? 

The correct spelling is corial. [6 letters]




:  a Guianan native dugout canoe
Sorry, Mars. Riya won.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

What's a 7-letter word for a Guyanese canoe?


A balahoo

A ballahoo is a bigger boat than a canoe.


I think Gilly is referring to a Koryall but I don't know the correct spelling.



noun \kΙ™-ˈnΓΌ\

: a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade


The vessel in that photo passes for a canoe, right?

That is a canoe.


Is Koryall correct? If it is, what is the correct spelling? 

The correct spelling is corial. [6 letters]




:  a Guianan native dugout canoe
Sorry, Mars. Riya won.

The question and answer are wrong then 


Ballahoo has 8 letters and is a schooner which is a lot bigger than a canoe





fast-sailing schooner, used in the Bermudas and West Indies.


:  a schooner of Bermuda and the West Indies having its foremast raking forward and mainmast aft

Last edited by Mars

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