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Good Friday morning, everyone. The theme of beauty rounds off our quiz this week. Beauty of scent. It's a fruit on a big tree. It resembles tamarind but its shell/seed pod is straighter and very hard. Inside the shell is a yellowish dry powdery pulp with an astounding scent. [A] What are two common names for this fruit? [B] What is its biological name?

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:

Skelly loves whiteman's food. 

I have lived in America more than 2x longer than I lived in Guyana. My wife is white. I do still eat rice and curry about 3x a week. Enough of this. Give back Gilly Buddy his thread. 

You tek after Papa Cheddi.  nothing wrong bro,mixed up the genes.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Kassikaityu River

No. From the Kassikaityu River the Essequibo still flows north-easterly to the KUYUWINI RIVER and then pursues a comparatively straight general course in a northerly direction to the Atlantic Ocean.

Some Google sites locate the Kuyuwini River in East Berbice-Corentyne. However, the Gazetteer of Guyana states that Kuyuwini lies on the left bank of the Essequibo River. And, according to a 1908 issue of the Official Gazette of British Guiana, a man was granted a licence to plant rubber/balata "on the left bank, Essequibo River, from 18 miles below Kuyuwini river ...."

That's all for today.


In 1872 at plantation Devonshire Castle, Essequibo Coast, colonial police shot and killed five workers who were protesting for more pay. But before that fatal day, the workers had asked the District Magistrate to intervene in their dispute with the plantation management. [A] What's the name of that District Magistrate? [B] In most Guyanese history books, what is the name given to the entire protest action?

Gilbakka posted:

In 1872 at plantation Devonshire Castle, Essequibo Coast, colonial police shot and killed five workers who were protesting for more pay. But before that fatal day, the workers had asked the District Magistrate to intervene in their dispute with the plantation management. [A] What's the name of that District Magistrate? [B] In most Guyanese history books, what is the name given to the entire protest action?

ANSWERS: [A] Mr Loughran. [B] 1872 Devonshire Castle Riot.

NOTICE: It is clear to me that interest in this thread has waned considerably. I cannot keep it up with Django's participation only. Not worth the time I spend searching for questions. Therefore, I am retiring this thread today. My decision is final.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Gilbakka posted:

In 1872 at plantation Devonshire Castle, Essequibo Coast, colonial police shot and killed five workers who were protesting for more pay. But before that fatal day, the workers had asked the District Magistrate to intervene in their dispute with the plantation management. [A] What's the name of that District Magistrate? [B] In most Guyanese history books, what is the name given to the entire protest action?

ANSWERS: [A] Mr Loughran. [B] 1872 Devonshire Castle Riot.

NOTICE: It is clear to me that interest in this thread has waned considerably. I cannot keep it up with Django's participation only. Not worth the time I spend searching for questions. Therefore, I am retiring this thread today. My decision is final.

And I bet you are unanimous in your decision. It was a good thing while it lasted. I did not participate because I never left Skeldon during my years in Guyana. So most of the time I did not know what on earth you askin'.

Gilbakka posted:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Another sad question.

While British Guiana was struggling for independence.

A force wanted the British to leave  and tried many violent strategies.

At Enmore,  a bomb was thrown in the  school bus carrying  manager's children.

What was the name of the child  killed ?   


I was on that bus and Godfrey Teixeira was my best friend.  I am now 63 years old and live in Scotland.  My name is Ian McRobert. My email address is.  I would be glad to hear from anyone who knows anything about the bus being bombed.

Regards.  Ian.

Ian McRobert posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Another sad question.

While British Guiana was struggling for independence.

A force wanted the British to leave  and tried many violent strategies.

At Enmore,  a bomb was thrown in the  school bus carrying  manager's children.

What was the name of the child  killed ?   


I was on that bus and Godfrey Teixeira was my best friend.  I am now 63 years old and live in Scotland.  My name is Ian McRobert. My email address is.  I would be glad to hear from anyone who knows anything about the bus being bombed.

Regards.  Ian.

Hello Ian, 

Please check your email for a lengthy reply.         


Tola posted:
Ian McRobert posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Another sad question.

While British Guiana was struggling for independence.

A force wanted the British to leave  and tried many violent strategies.

At Enmore,  a bomb was thrown in the  school bus carrying  manager's children.

What was the name of the child  killed ?   


I was on that bus and Godfrey Teixeira was my best friend.  I am now 63 years old and live in Scotland.  My name is Ian McRobert. My email address is.  I would be glad to hear from anyone who knows anything about the bus being bombed.

Regards.  Ian.

Hello Ian, 

Please check your email for a lengthy reply.         


I replied to Ian Mcrobert request for information  about the Enmore school bus bombing in the 1960’s, that killed his best friend Godfrey Teixeira and the following unfolded.
I mentioned that a person from the UK post on GNI. Recognizing the last name, they asked whether this family once lived on WCD, who looked after Ian as a child, when his parents were away.
The GNI poster confirmed that it was their family who looked after Ian and they have a photograph of him and their family.
When the Mcrobert  family  lived at Enmore estate in the 1960s, their children  have many fond memories of a house-keeper, who looked  after them, as her own children.
She made quite a positive impression on the family and for the past 50+ years they were trying to make contact with her.
Working  at Albion estate, I knew some of the other sugar estate clerks, including a friend at Enmore, now living in NY city.
With the help of his sister in Ontario, we set out to find the Mcrobert  house-keeper.
Also, my Enmore friend's wife worked for the Teixeira family.
Our investigation revealed that the house-keeper is involved with Mandirs  and she is known to its members.
Someone mentioned that she might be living in Ontario and another person said she was visiting relatives in Florida.
After  days of going back and forth with a group chat mail,  we identify her being in  Florida.
It was confirmed that the house-keeper returned to her home in New York City  and my Enmore friend obtained her telephone number.
After speaking with her, her  phone number  was given to Ian in Scotland and his family in New Zealand.
During this process, Ian found more information about the school bus bombing to cope with what he witnessed that day, when Godfrey was killed.  Riding in the same bus, Ian  is lucky to have survived  with minor physical injuries.
Another Albion friend in Ontario was a prison officer at Mazaruni and knew the person convicted of the bus bombing  I was told he was executed by hanging.
Today, Ian’s family in New Zealand  and Scotland spoke with the house-keeper in NY City, after  more than 50 years.
The house-keeper also called myself and my Enmore friend  saying, she was extremely happy for making contact with the Mcrobert family.
A  reunion  is planned for the house-keeper  and  the Mcroberts  from Scotland, New Zealand and US West Coast.
Maybe to take place in New York City, where they can meet my Enmore friend  who also knew the late Ian Mcrobert Senior.  And also  meeting  his wife, who worked for the Teixeira family.   
This process was a group effort, including GNI and credit should not go to any one person. 
But,  special curry to Gilbakka, fa gettin people to tickle dem brain, pan GNI Social.


Thanks everyone, but the  process was not too difficult and without others helping, it could not have happened.
A number of years ago, after a workshop in Montreal with 35 representatives from developing countries, including Guyana, living in Canada.
We were asked to form a Canadian national diversity committee, for a Canadian International Non-Government Organization.
After the workshop, with the draft person located in Halifax  and coordinating 35 people across the country by emails, from Western Canada.  We drafted resolutions that were approved by the workshop participants  and taken  by representatives from Kenya and El Salvador  to a national assembly of delegated  in Montreal.     The resolutions were unanimously approved by 200 delegates from across Canada  and the national diversity committee was formed.
The committee’s purpose is to advise the organization’s national council in Montreal, regarding better ways to fund projects and easier ways to get things done, in developing countries.
Tola posted:
Tola posted:
Ian McRobert posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Another sad question.

While British Guiana was struggling for independence.

A force wanted the British to leave  and tried many violent strategies.

At Enmore,  a bomb was thrown in the  school bus carrying  manager's children.

What was the name of the child  killed ?   


I was on that bus and Godfrey Teixeira was my best friend.  I am now 63 years old and live in Scotland.  My name is Ian McRobert. My email address is.  I would be glad to hear from anyone who knows anything about the bus being bombed.

Regards.  Ian.

Hello Ian, 

Please check your email for a lengthy reply.         


I replied to Ian Mcrobert request for information  about the Enmore school bus bombing in the 1960’s, that killed his best friend Godfrey Teixeira and the following unfolded.
I mentioned that a person from the UK post on GNI. Recognizing the last name, they asked whether this family once lived on WCD, who looked after Ian as a child, when his parents were away.
The GNI poster confirmed that it was their family who looked after Ian and they have a photograph of him and their family.
When the Mcrobert  family  lived at Enmore estate in the 1960s, their children  have many fond memories of a house-keeper, who looked  after them, as her own children.
She made quite a positive impression on the family and for the past 50+ years they were trying to make contact with her.
Working  at Albion estate, I knew some of the other sugar estate clerks, including a friend at Enmore, now living in NY city.
With the help of his sister in Ontario, we set out to find the Mcrobert  house-keeper.
Also, my Enmore friend's wife worked for the Teixeira family.
Our investigation revealed that the house-keeper is involved with Mandirs  and she is known to its members.
Someone mentioned that she might be living in Ontario and another person said she was visiting relatives in Florida.
After  days of going back and forth with a group chat mail,  we identify her being in  Florida.
It was confirmed that the house-keeper returned to her home in New York City  and my Enmore friend obtained her telephone number.
After speaking with her, her  phone number  was given to Ian in Scotland and his family in New Zealand.
During this process, Ian found more information about the school bus bombing to cope with what he witnessed that day, when Godfrey was killed.  Riding in the same bus, Ian  is lucky to have survived  with minor physical injuries.
Another Albion friend in Ontario was a prison officer at Mazaruni and knew the person convicted of the bus bombing  I was told he was executed by hanging.
Today, Ian’s family in New Zealand  and Scotland spoke with the house-keeper in NY City, after  more than 50 years.
The house-keeper also called myself and my Enmore friend  saying, she was extremely happy for making contact with the Mcrobert family.
A  reunion  is planned for the house-keeper  and  the Mcroberts  from Scotland, New Zealand and US West Coast.
Maybe to take place in New York City, where they can meet my Enmore friend  who also knew the late Ian Mcrobert Senior.  And also  meeting  his wife, who worked for the Teixeira family.   
This process was a group effort, including GNI and credit should not go to any one person. 
But,  special curry to Gilbakka, fa gettin people to tickle dem brain, pan GNI Social.


This story continues in New York City on August 9, 2017.

The Mc Robert children, now adults with families,  will be travelling from Scotland and New Zealand and staying for a week with  their house keeper in the 1960s, Guitree from Enmore, after 50+ years, with not contacting each other.

The motivation of these 'children'  [at one time],  to see this special lady has been an honour for me to be part of the process for them to meet again. I can only imagine the excitement, tears and stories that will be told. Including a sad part of their history, when their friend Godfrey Teixeira was killed in the school bus bombing and the tense atmosphere at Enmore manager's compound.   

Ian, sister Jean and another sister, including Guitree have special thanks to Gilbakka with extreme gratitude, for initiating this process for them to meet again.

Also, from me Gilly, thanks.  Among all the negativism on GNI, this is a good feeling story. Please come back and 'tickle abie brain', because GNI has not been the same without you.

Tola posted:
Tola posted:
Tola posted:
Ian McRobert posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Another sad question.

While British Guiana was struggling for independence.

A force wanted the British to leave  and tried many violent strategies.

At Enmore,  a bomb was thrown in the  school bus carrying  manager's children.

What was the name of the child  killed ?   


I was on that bus and Godfrey Teixeira was my best friend.  I am now 63 years old and live in Scotland.  My name is Ian McRobert. My email address is.  I would be glad to hear from anyone who knows anything about the bus being bombed.

Regards.  Ian.

Hello Ian, 

Please check your email for a lengthy reply.         


I replied to Ian Mcrobert request for information  about the Enmore school bus bombing in the 1960’s, that killed his best friend Godfrey Teixeira and the following unfolded.
I mentioned that a person from the UK post on GNI. Recognizing the last name, they asked whether this family once lived on WCD, who looked after Ian as a child, when his parents were away.
The GNI poster confirmed that it was their family who looked after Ian and they have a photograph of him and their family.
When the Mcrobert  family  lived at Enmore estate in the 1960s, their children  have many fond memories of a house-keeper, who looked  after them, as her own children.
She made quite a positive impression on the family and for the past 50+ years they were trying to make contact with her.
Working  at Albion estate, I knew some of the other sugar estate clerks, including a friend at Enmore, now living in NY city.
With the help of his sister in Ontario, we set out to find the Mcrobert  house-keeper.
Also, my Enmore friend's wife worked for the Teixeira family.
Our investigation revealed that the house-keeper is involved with Mandirs  and she is known to its members.
Someone mentioned that she might be living in Ontario and another person said she was visiting relatives in Florida.
After  days of going back and forth with a group chat mail,  we identify her being in  Florida.
It was confirmed that the house-keeper returned to her home in New York City  and my Enmore friend obtained her telephone number.
After speaking with her, her  phone number  was given to Ian in Scotland and his family in New Zealand.
During this process, Ian found more information about the school bus bombing to cope with what he witnessed that day, when Godfrey was killed.  Riding in the same bus, Ian  is lucky to have survived  with minor physical injuries.
Another Albion friend in Ontario was a prison officer at Mazaruni and knew the person convicted of the bus bombing  I was told he was executed by hanging.
Today, Ian’s family in New Zealand  and Scotland spoke with the house-keeper in NY City, after  more than 50 years.
The house-keeper also called myself and my Enmore friend  saying, she was extremely happy for making contact with the Mcrobert family.
A  reunion  is planned for the house-keeper  and  the Mcroberts  from Scotland, New Zealand and US West Coast.
Maybe to take place in New York City, where they can meet my Enmore friend  who also knew the late Ian Mcrobert Senior.  And also  meeting  his wife, who worked for the Teixeira family.   
This process was a group effort, including GNI and credit should not go to any one person. 
But,  special curry to Gilbakka, fa gettin people to tickle dem brain, pan GNI Social.


This story continues in New York City on August 9, 2017.

The Mc Robert children, now adults with families,  will be travelling from Scotland and New Zealand and staying for a week with  their house keeper in the 1960s, Guitree from Enmore, after 50+ years, with not contacting each other.

The motivation of these 'children'  [at one time],  to see this special lady has been an honour for me to be part of the process for them to meet again. I can only imagine the excitement, tears and stories that will be told. Including a sad part of their history, when their friend Godfrey Teixeira was killed in the school bus bombing and the tense atmosphere at Enmore manager's compound.   

Ian, sister Jean and another sister, including Guitree have special thanks to Gilbakka with extreme gratitude, for initiating this process for them to meet again.

Also, from me Gilly, thanks.  Among all the negativism on GNI, this is a good feeling story. Please come back and 'tickle abie brain', because GNI has not been the same without you.

hats off to you my friend this is a wonderful quest big respect 

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Gilbakka posted:

In 1872 at plantation Devonshire Castle, Essequibo Coast, colonial police shot and killed five workers who were protesting for more pay. But before that fatal day, the workers had asked the District Magistrate to intervene in their dispute with the plantation management. [A] What's the name of that District Magistrate? [B] In most Guyanese history books, what is the name given to the entire protest action?

ANSWERS: [A] Mr Loughran. [B] 1872 Devonshire Castle Riot.

NOTICE: It is clear to me that interest in this thread has waned considerably. I cannot keep it up with Django's participation only. Not worth the time I spend searching for questions. Therefore, I am retiring this thread today. My decision is final.

And I bet you are unanimous in your decision. It was a good thing while it lasted. I did not participate because I never left Skeldon during my years in Guyana. So most of the time I did not know what on earth you askin'.

now if you was not swimming in that shit water and na hide under your bed every time you see a black man you might a grow up more social 


This is indeed a very heart-warming story. Congratulations to Gilbakka for leading the way to a reunion by members of the McRoberts Family who, after so many years, yearned for knowledge of their kind house-keeper, Guitree. That meeting, in a few days' time will be most rewarding and memorable for everyone, especially Guitree. It will be wonderful if a pic of this meeting can be shown - tears of joy and exultation.

Keep on tickling the brain, Gilly. Many of us need some refreshers esp of good deeds and pleasant memories of dear GY. God Bless "Gilly" and GNI. 

Dear friends,
I can't even begin to thank you enough.  It was a very emotional, but at the same time happy reunion and the week we spent with Guitree will be forever etched in our hearts. Ian, our brother,  plan to catch up with Guitree when she is in Florida, during New York winter.
Although we did do some sight seeing in New York with Guitree, we spent a good chunk of time in the kitchen with cooking classes by Guitree. Gee her standards are high!! We  three children make plenty of curry at home, but have always lamented that it never tasted like Guitree's curry!! She made sure we walked out of that kitchen making good old curry and roti like we grew up with her at Enmore.  We also added a number of other Guyanese dishes to the existing and had such fun times on a Guyanese food feasting time.
One thing we could not get over and that was the amazing hospitality shown by Guitree, her wider family and friends. These were numerous and such kindness could never be forgotton. True Guyanese style alright. We were also hughly amused with the bantering over which was best.....the Guyanese or Trinidadian rotis!!
I tried to ring you Tola before I left, but unfortunately was unsuccessful. I have you to thank so much for this amazing experiencΓ¨Δ›. I tried to get hold of Seeran, but spoke to his wife instead. 
Queenie....thank you for your email and hope that you had a safe trip North and that your sister  is well and truly on the road to recovery.
Take care everyone and lots of Guyanese love.
Jean [Ian's sister from New Zealand]
Former Member posted:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Next quiz.

Who was the first person to officially propose that British Guiana be renamed Guyana?

I told Django to think about a cane. [pun]

I told Mars to think about an angel. [pun]

Anjali [angel] answered: either Claude Christian or Brindley Benn. [50-50]

Cain [cane] answered: "I really believe is dat Brindley chap." [100% sure]

Indeed, Brindley Horatio Benn was Minister of Community Development and Education in the 1957-61 PPP government. The PPP was expecting independence in 1962, so they were preparing beforehand. Mr Benn proposed a motion in the House of Assembly that upon the granting of independence, the name BRITISH GUIANA should be changed to GUYANA.

As opposition leader Forbes Burnham didn't object, the motion was passed.

In introducing that important motion in the legislature, Brindley Benn became the first person to officially propose the name change.

Cain is the winner.

Anjali gets consolation prize.


New biography of Brindley Benn:

@cain posted:

He deh ah backdam. Cham, do u remember my young cous who was killed a number of years ago, ( I remember you told me you met him in a mall )..I hooked up Gilly with his older brother a few years ago, they had worked together.

Yes cain, I do remember him. He was sitting across from the flower shop waiting for his lady who was in the salon.

The old GNI was such an awfully fun much  cusing out, meeting up, hooking up, linking ppl up etc etc

@Wildflower posted:

Thank you. I hope that he is healthy and enjoying life

As usually said, dis world small. I always meet folk who know someone I know and not through the same circumstances, it could be they are neighbours or happened to have been involved in something that I am also involved with. This also happens in other cities, even happens on GNI.

Wildflower, I got my cousin and Gillyman hooked up before my cous passed away (he was the brother of the one you met in the mall)

@cain posted:

As usually said, dis world small. I always meet folk who know someone I know and not through the same circumstances, it could be they are neighbours or happened to have been involved in something that I am also involved with. This also happens in other cities, even happens on GNI.

Wildflower, I got my cousin and Gillyman hooked up before my cous passed away (he was the brother of the one you met in the mall)

πŸ‘πŸ½Small world indeed cainstah

too bad we have no way of knowing how Sir Bookstah doing ….I mean Gilly


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