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He has a right to form a party but he will not pose a threat to either of the parties. He will need time to make an impact and by that time the PPP would be on the way to governing for at least three terms of economic prosperity. 

Timing is of essence in politics and PPP has the momentum of a bulldozer. There is no stopping the PPP in 2019.

Its all momentum and as Bill Clinton would say. “It’s all about the economy, stupid.”

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

He has a right to form a party but he will not pose a threat to either of the parties. He will need time to make an impact and by that time the PPP would be on the way to governing for at least three terms of economic prosperity. 

Timing is of essence in politics and PPP has the momentum of a bulldozer. There is no stopping the PPP in 2019.

Its all momentum and as Bill Clinton would say. “It’s all about the economy, stupid.”

the PPP cannot get outside their base. Their margin is slim. Any drift of the base means they lose as they have done for the last two elections. Shuman has a captured base and especially in region 8, if he plays his card right he will take a seat.  He also has another chance in 7 and nine. With crossover  he can win as many as 4 seats. He is doing what the AFC did scepter drawing from a different constituency and one more familiar with him since he was a toshou.

ksazma posted:

Everyone does things haphazardly in Guyana. Getting people to vote for you don't happen overnight. The next election will be between the PPP and PNC.

He has a captured audience and he was chief of a constituency who loved him and can give him one seat. If he catches on with the other areas he can pick up a couple more. Region 8 could be his for sure. They usually vote with the government in office but he can peal them off. 

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

Everyone does things haphazardly in Guyana. Getting people to vote for you don't happen overnight. The next election will be between the PPP and PNC.

He has a captured audience and he was chief of a constituency who loved him and can give him one seat. If he catches on with the other areas he can pick up a couple more. Region 8 could be his for sure. They usually vote with the government in office but he can peal them off. 

I have no doubt that he will get the support of his people. I am not sure that he has enough time to garner any support outside of that. The AFC was covering territories all over Guyana and had candidate known to the voters and they still only managed 6 and 7 seats respectively during the 2006 and 2011 elections. Shuman is not a household name. Still, no one knows which of the two major parties, his support will affect more.

D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

Everyone does things haphazardly in Guyana. Getting people to vote for you don't happen overnight. The next election will be between the PPP and PNC.

He has a captured audience and he was chief of a constituency who loved him and can give him one seat. If he catches on with the other areas he can pick up a couple more. Region 8 could be his for sure. They usually vote with the government in office but he can peal them off. 

Chief of which constituency?  Ontario?  He claims he is from St. Cuthbert’s Mission.  Most people there never even heard of him.

Bibi Haniffa

I think that people will look with suspicion and be wary if any new ‘third party’. Two coalitions turned out disastrously for many, the first had major negative consequence for the country. Fool me three time? 

Also, I think that  some will realize that a third party really has  no power in a coalition Looked what happened to the AFC in the coalition. A third party might hold the balance of power after an election if there is no formal coalition 

it is my opinion that he might draw some support away from the PPP, but not enough to make a difference. He might draw more away from the PNC. - if he can get off the ground and develop some traction.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What political credentials this guy has that would make him appealing to Amerindian voters? 

Here BRB, let me assist you with Google. 

The vocal Shuman, who is well known for donning traditional indigenous garb, sits on the National Toshaos Council (NTC) as the body’s vice-chairman.

He was elected to that post in August 2015, following a meeting of indigenous leaders at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre, Liliendaal.

A month earlier, he was elected village leader of St Cuthbert’s Mission. Following the 2015 general and regional elections, Shuman returned from Canada where he worked as an airline pilot. His term as village leader ends in 2018.

Toshao Lennox Shuman

Zed posted:

I think that people will look with suspicion and be wary if any new ‘third party’. Two coalitions turned out disastrously for many, the first had major negative consequence for the country. Fool me three time? 

Also, I think that  some will realize that a third party really has  no power in a coalition Looked what happened to the AFC in the coalition. A third party might hold the balance of power after an election if there is no formal coalition 

it is my opinion that he might draw some support away from the PPP, but not enough to make a difference. He might draw more away from the PNC. - if he can get off the ground and develop some traction.

Shuman isnt drawing votes from the PNC because the PNC does poorly in these places. He will draw votes from the AFC, and given his status, maybe even from the PPP.

It will really be great if Shuman and ANUG reduce the PPP to less than 45%, tying with the coalition.

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Shuman is trying to collect votes to form a coalition with the PNC.  

and  the little green gremlins holding up your table told you so.

He was busted in several secret meetings with the PNC.  Nigel Hughes is one of his financiers.

go sell your tales elsewhere. 

Yes the PPP again with their scare tactics telling Amerindians that the PPP is all that protects them from "blackman".

Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

Everyone does things haphazardly in Guyana. Getting people to vote for you don't happen overnight. The next election will be between the PPP and PNC.

He has a captured audience and he was chief of a constituency who loved him and can give him one seat. If he catches on with the other areas he can pick up a couple more. Region 8 could be his for sure. They usually vote with the government in office but he can peal them off. 

Chief of which constituency?  Ontario?  He claims he is from St. Cuthbert’s Mission.  Most people there never even heard of him.

The people do not elect who they do not know as their chief or the tribal council accept and impostor as their vice chairman. The PPP are scared shitless that he will take the Amerindian vote and may even tip the scale to the APNU

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Zed posted:

I think that people will look with suspicion and be wary if any new ‘third party’. Two coalitions turned out disastrously for many, the first had major negative consequence for the country. Fool me three time? 

Also, I think that  some will realize that a third party really has  no power in a coalition Looked what happened to the AFC in the coalition. A third party might hold the balance of power after an election if there is no formal coalition 

it is my opinion that he might draw some support away from the PPP, but not enough to make a difference. He might draw more away from the PNC. - if he can get off the ground and develop some traction.

Shuman isnt drawing votes from the PNC because the PNC does poorly in these places. He will draw votes from the AFC, and given his status, maybe even from the PPP.

It will really be great if Shuman and ANUG reduce the PPP to less than 45%, tying with the coalition.

If wishes were horses beggar would ride. Shuman will have zero inpact on the PPP base this election. Some people are throwing his name around but it will take him at least five years to have an impact. 

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
Zed posted:

I think that people will look with suspicion and be wary if any new ‘third party’. Two coalitions turned out disastrously for many, the first had major negative consequence for the country. Fool me three time? 

Also, I think that  some will realize that a third party really has  no power in a coalition Looked what happened to the AFC in the coalition. A third party might hold the balance of power after an election if there is no formal coalition 

it is my opinion that he might draw some support away from the PPP, but not enough to make a difference. He might draw more away from the PNC. - if he can get off the ground and develop some traction.

Shuman isnt drawing votes from the PNC because the PNC does poorly in these places. He will draw votes from the AFC, and given his status, maybe even from the PPP.

It will really be great if Shuman and ANUG reduce the PPP to less than 45%, tying with the coalition.

If wishes were horses beggar would ride. Shuman will have zero inpact on the PPP base this election. Some people are throwing his name around but it will take him at least five years to have an impact. 

The PPP lost by some 500 votes. Schuman stands to take a significant portion of the Amerindian vote. Why would that not impact the PPP?

He was over a decade working for his people so why would it be five years before he is fit to lead them nationally. ?

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
Zed posted:

I think that people will look with suspicion and be wary if any new ‘third party’. Two coalitions turned out disastrously for many, the first had major negative consequence for the country. Fool me three time? 

Also, I think that  some will realize that a third party really has  no power in a coalition Looked what happened to the AFC in the coalition. A third party might hold the balance of power after an election if there is no formal coalition 

it is my opinion that he might draw some support away from the PPP, but not enough to make a difference. He might draw more away from the PNC. - if he can get off the ground and develop some traction.

Shuman isnt drawing votes from the PNC because the PNC does poorly in these places. He will draw votes from the AFC, and given his status, maybe even from the PPP.

It will really be great if Shuman and ANUG reduce the PPP to less than 45%, tying with the coalition.

If wishes were horses beggar would ride. Shuman will have zero inpact on the PPP base this election. Some people are throwing his name around but it will take him at least five years to have an impact. 

Bai don't be too arrogant!  Remember what just happen to the PNC.  Remember Django brushing off the NC vote.  Remember Hilary C having all her fireworks in place.

NEVER underestimate your "enemy!"  This NC vote has many recalibrating how they want to play the political game in Guyana.  They see the power of the Block!


I am a realist. There is a difference.

Jagdeo factored in every possible scenario. Jagdeo and the PPP knew that Shuman (Shoeman) was aligned to the PNC but he does not have the base and resources to make an impact this early. It will take him five years to grow a party or a movement. 

Politics is about timing, jagdeo caught his opponents off guard. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I am a realist. There is a difference.

Jagdeo factored in every possible scenario. Jagdeo and the PPP knew that Shuman (Shoeman) was aligned to the PNC but he does not have the base and resources to make an impact this early. It will take him five years to grow a party or a movement. 

Politics is about timing, jagdeo caught his opponents off guard. 

The whole PNC contingency are in a rage that the PPP is paying off Shuman to steal the amerindian vote. I guess the answer lies in which of the two knuckle headed party leaders can peek their base together. That new group threaten to splinter the urban vote. 


This banna might be influential more than we think but it might turn out to be just an attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow's ears. Factionalism at this time won't work since the coalition government is on a mission to suppress not only Indians but Amerindians, in addition to their gross mismanagement of the economy and its negative concomitant effects on Afro poverty.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

Unemployment is very high and people are desperate and frustrated.

Frustration leads to anger, that leads to aggression and finally that leads to violence. 

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
Zed posted:

I think that people will look with suspicion and be wary if any new ‘third party’. Two coalitions turned out disastrously for many, the first had major negative consequence for the country. Fool me three time? 

Also, I think that  some will realize that a third party really has  no power in a coalition Looked what happened to the AFC in the coalition. A third party might hold the balance of power after an election if there is no formal coalition 

it is my opinion that he might draw some support away from the PPP, but not enough to make a difference. He might draw more away from the PNC. - if he can get off the ground and develop some traction.

Shuman isnt drawing votes from the PNC because the PNC does poorly in these places. He will draw votes from the AFC, and given his status, maybe even from the PPP.

It will really be great if Shuman and ANUG reduce the PPP to less than 45%, tying with the coalition.

If wishes were horses beggar would ride. Shuman will have zero inpact on the PPP base this election. Some people are throwing his name around but it will take him at least five years to have an impact. 

The PPP lost by some 500 votes. Schuman stands to take a significant portion of the Amerindian vote. Why would that not impact the PPP?

He was over a decade working for his people so why would it be five years before he is fit to lead them nationally. ?

Shuman lives in Canada with his Dutch wife and three very young kids.  He has no interest in Guyana.  The PNC is creating an entity to have a coalition with.  Maybe Volda can tell us how much money was in his suitcase.

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

Unemployment is very high and people are desperate and frustrated.

Frustration leads to anger, that leads to aggression and finally that leads to violence. 

I’m at a family party and Charrandas song is playing nonstop.  

Are are saying the unemployed sugar workers will loot and burn?

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

Unemployment is very high and people are desperate and frustrated.

Frustration leads to anger, that leads to aggression and finally that leads to violence. 

I’m at a family party and Charrandas song is playing nonstop.  

Are are saying the unemployed sugar workers will loot and burn?

If that happens then they are targeting those who are not responsible for their demise. BTW, it's not only sugar workers  that are affected. The children are graduating from high schools and university and there are no jobs for them. 

Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

Unemployment is very high and people are desperate and frustrated.

Frustration leads to anger, that leads to aggression and finally that leads to violence. 

I’m at a family party and Charrandas song is playing nonstop.  

Are are saying the unemployed sugar workers will loot and burn?

If that happens then they are targeting those who are not responsible for their demise. BTW, it's not only sugar workers  that are affected. The children are graduating from high schools and university and there are no jobs for them. 

So exactly why are you saying?


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