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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:




"Hi I'm Denzel Washington, when you Indians think of douglarization think of me not Tyrone"

Her family were very upset and she had to run away from home.  The entire Indian community of that town called all the business owners to ensure that his business was destroyed.

Originally Posted by Mars:

St Kitt's did it. It's your turn Guyana.

And how did St Kitts do it?


Every night in every village the opposition campaigned.  They went door to door to ensure large turn out at these meetings to send the message to the government then in power that they had broad based support.  They mobilized the population to ensure that the apathy that the government, which was in power for 20 years, was going to lose if they turned out to vote against it.


The opposition launched their movement with a huge meeting in the STREETS.


APNU AFC does so in a hotel in front of specially invited guests 100% of whom were already converted to their cause, and most likely have been supporting one party or the other since 2006, and before in the case of the PNC.


Now what is the APNU AFC coalition doing?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

St Kitt's did it. It's your turn Guyana.

And how did St Kitts do it?


Every night in every village the opposition campaigned.  They went door to door to ensure large turn out at these meetings to send the message to the government then in power that they had broad based support.  They mobilized the population to ensure that the apathy that the government, which was in power for 20 years, was going to lose if they turned out to vote against it.


The opposition launched their movement with a huge meeting in the STREETS.


APNU AFC does so in a hotel in front of specially invited guests 100% of whom were already converted to their cause, and most likely have been supporting one party or the other since 2006, and before in the case of the PNC.


Now what is the APNU AFC coalition doing?

Even if the opposition had launched their campaign on the streets, you would have something else negative to say. For that is who you are, the lifetime defeatist black man who is being trampled upon by either the white man or the Indian.


How do you think videos like this one are being produced and young people are stepping up with the #moveforward campaign resulting in the photos you see on this thread? It's because of mobilization by opposition forces and meeting with young people with the aim of attracting first time voters. If the opposition were depending on people like you sitting and bitching and moaning that they are constantly being victimized, they would never win or even have a chance of winning an election. 



Originally Posted by Mars:

Even if the opposition had launched their campaign on the streets, you would have something else negative to say.


So why aren't they doing this?  You claim that the media isn't covering them, so how are they getting their message out.


You raised St Kitts, but don't wish to accept the fact that they won because they worked hard to win that vote.


I will ignore your rant about being a "defeated black man".  You see any time blacks protest against racism, which is rampant in Guyana, they get banged on the head with rant like this from people like you.  And blacks in Guyana complain much about racism, as their staunch support for the PNC should inform you.  Which is exactly why those who mount lousy campaigns are a major let down to them. 


When parties campaign they cannot only campaign, but must be seen to be campaigning. They have to give the impression that they have real strength, and a real possibility of winning.  Which is why mass meetings are important, especially in an environment where the media is hostile.


So instead of claiming that APNU AFC is aggressively campaigning PROVE IT.  Because there are many outside of their inner circles who don't think that they are.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Even if the opposition had launched their campaign on the streets, you would have something else negative to say.


So why aren't they doing this?  You claim that the media isn't covering them, so how are they getting their message out.


You raised St Kitts, but don't wish to accept the fact that they won because they worked hard to win that vote.


I will ignore your rant about being a "defeated black man".  You see any time blacks protest against racism, which is rampant in Guyana, they get banged on the head with rant like this from people like you.  And blacks in Guyana complain much about racism, as their staunch support for the PNC should inform you.  Which is exactly why those who mount lousy campaigns are a major let down to them. 


They cannot afford more of the PPP so need an aggressive attempt by the coalition to ensure the defeat of the PPP.  Not people like you who let them remain idle because of your reverence for the leaders.

racist fool why not help instead of criticize or you just mad the AFC FORM A COLLATION with APNU you so racist you cannot stand them collie with the APNU 

Originally Posted by Mars:

How do you think videos


Remember arguing with some AFC supporter in 2011, maybe even you.  Last time the AFC was going to beat the PNC using cell phones aimed at the youth vote.  Well you know the results, and indeed I doubt that the Nagamootoo vote, which was the only demographic where the AFC increased their votes, were won through this channel.



Yes the hash tag campaign is good for that demographic but it that is all that is being done, it isn't enough.  Indeed its the only sign that APNU AFC aren't brain dead.


But it doesn't replace hard slogging and meeting and greeting.  And telling people what exactly they can expect from an APNU AFC coalition.




Don't predict that Guyana will follow St Kitts and then ignore what the coalition parties actually did to ensure this. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Originally Posted by Mars:

How do you think videos


Remember arguing with some AFC supporter in 2011, maybe even you.  Last time the AFC was going to beat the PNC using cell phones aimed at the youth vote.  Well you know the results, and indeed I doubt that the Nagamootoo vote, which was the only demographic where the AFC increased their votes, were won through this channel.



Yes the hash tag campaign is good for that demographic but it that is all that is being done, it isn't enough.  Indeed its the only sign that APNU AFC aren't brain dead.


But it doesn't replace hard slogging and meeting and greeting.  And telling people what exactly they can expect from an APNU AFC coalition.




Don't predict that Guyana will follow St Kitts and then ignore what the coalition parties actually did to ensure this. 

Anyone who believed that the AFC was going to beat the PNC, with or without cell phones, is simply delusional. The hashtag and GNYC campaigns among youths are very popular for that demographic. There is a huge population of young Guyanese on Social media and this is the preferred way to organize among them as well as through face to face outreach.

I still don't understand why you accuse the opposition of not doing anything when I see them everyday in the trenches. At this point I see more campaigning being done by the opposition than by the PPP. However, once the PPP fully kicks off their campaign, things will even up.
Originally Posted by Mars:

Anyone who believed that the AFC was going to beat the PNC, with or without cell phones, is simply delusional. The hashtag and GNYC campaigns among youths are very popular for that demographic. There is a huge population of young Guyanese on Social media and this is the preferred way to organize among them as well as through face to face outreach.


The hash tag campaign is good, but its not enough.



The PPP is campaigning by stoking fear, and don't under estimate that.  They don't need to physically campaign as they control most of the media.  They also control the election apparatus and are fully able to stuff some extra votes, and create mechanisms to discourage voting in opposition strongholds.


The AFC themselves boasted in 2011 that they would replace the PNC as the main opposition party. When I scoffed that I was attacked in the same way as you attacked me.


I correctly predicted what would happen to the AFC in 2011, and even Gerhard conceded that I was right.


I sincerely hope that I am wrong about the coalition campaigning, and I mean the AFC component of it.  APNU is capped at 40% and that isn't enough.  Yes hopefully they get more of the unlettered youth (will they read the hash tag testimonials?).


The AFC will have to split the PPP vote.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Anyone who believed that the AFC was going to beat the PNC, with or without cell phones, is simply delusional. The hashtag and GNYC campaigns among youths are very popular for that demographic. There is a huge population of young Guyanese on Social media and this is the preferred way to organize among them as well as through face to face outreach.


The hash tag campaign is good, but its not enough.



The PPP is campaigning by stoking fear, and don't under estimate that.  They don't need to physically campaign as they control most of the media.  They also control the election apparatus and are fully able to stuff some extra votes, and create mechanisms to discourage voting in opposition strongholds.


The AFC themselves boasted in 2011 that they would replace the PNC as the main opposition party. When I scoffed that I was attacked in the same way as you attacked me.


I correctly predicted what would happen to the AFC in 2011, and even Gerhard conceded that I was right.


I sincerely hope that I am wrong about the coalition campaigning, and I mean the AFC component of it.  APNU is capped at 40% and that isn't enough.  Yes hopefully they get more of the unlettered youth (will they read the hash tag testimonials?).


The AFC will have to split the PPP vote.

You are very bitter and negative. why?


This thing looking bad, all then AFC people only hustling for positions and not going into the villages to tell the people what going on and why they should vote for the APNU-AFC coalition.


This thing is a numbers game, it is not a forgone conclusion.  Every vote has to be worked for, only 42% is automatic, but every vote above that has to be won by HARD wuk.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Anyone who believed that the AFC was going to beat the PNC, with or without cell phones, is simply delusional. The hashtag and GNYC campaigns among youths are very popular for that demographic. There is a huge population of young Guyanese on Social media and this is the preferred way to organize among them as well as through face to face outreach.


The hash tag campaign is good, but its not enough.



The PPP is campaigning by stoking fear, and don't under estimate that.  They don't need to physically campaign as they control most of the media.  They also control the election apparatus and are fully able to stuff some extra votes, and create mechanisms to discourage voting in opposition strongholds.


The AFC themselves boasted in 2011 that they would replace the PNC as the main opposition party. When I scoffed that I was attacked in the same way as you attacked me.


I correctly predicted what would happen to the AFC in 2011, and even Gerhard conceded that I was right.


I sincerely hope that I am wrong about the coalition campaigning, and I mean the AFC component of it.  APNU is capped at 40% and that isn't enough.  Yes hopefully they get more of the unlettered youth (will they read the hash tag testimonials?).


The AFC will have to split the PPP vote.

You are very bitter and negative. why?

he is a racist,the AFC collie with the APNU and he cannot stand it

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Let us not fool ourselves, this is a tight race, but it is winnable for the Coalition.  More of them Georgetown Based AFC executive got to get their ass out of Georgetown Club and into the villages.



Don't anyone mistake what I'm saying. I have never one day claimed that it's a walkover win for the Coalition. I think they have a good chance of winning even though I think the PPP has better odds. And I totally agree with you when you say that they need to get out and campaign hard. 


However, at the same time when anyone sits in NYC and accuse the Coalition of not campaigning, they are simply talking thru their ass.


I live in America and my core responsibility is to be loyal to my country of residence - USA.


I love Guyana but at the end of the day is Ramotar and Granger has to wuk and work hard for the votes of the people.  No one in New York can secure that victory for them.  So Mars I think you expect too much from the Diaspora.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Let us not fool ourselves, this is a tight race, but it is winnable for the Coalition.  More of them Georgetown Based AFC executive got to get their ass out of Georgetown Club and into the villages.



Glad to hear you say this though Mitwah will squeal that you are a racist for saying this.


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