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Former Member

Congratulations to the PPP/C and Dr Irfaan Ali for a well-deserved victory. Special Thanks to PPP/C Leader Bharrat Jagdeo who steered the Party to victory. The families and friends and supporters of 233,336 voters are understandably happy today. Thanks to accredited local and international observers as well as the governments of 100 countries who insisted on electoral justice in Guyana.

Friends, let's be joyful as we should, and let's also be kind and forgiving to our political opponents. I wish to assure Django, Rochelle, Totaram, Tola, Terry etc that a PPP/C victory is not the end of the world for you and APNU+AFC. You will get another chance in 2025. Hopefully APNU+AFC will honestly take stock and determine where  and why it lost the confidence of many voters. Remember this: immediately after the PPP/C's slim loss in 2015, Bharrat Jagdeo didn't waste time. He rounded up the party leadership and analysed how and why the loss occurred. The leadership vowed to correct their course and head immediately for victory in 2020. The rest is history.


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@Former Member posted:

Thanks to Prime Minister designate Mark Philips for his great job getting more Afro-Guyanese to vote PPP/C. 

Guyana has a ten percent swing voter base.

PNC failed to recognize this fact and lost as a result of running a race based campaign. Guyana's political landscape is forever changed. 

PPP was on the ball this campaign. Hopefully, they don't repeat mistakes of the past.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

PNC quiet as a chruch mouse. Bharat dismantled PNC's network of terror a loooong time ago. 

Dis time nah laang time, dis na day before time. 

This is an example of how a dictatorship falls. 

There was no dismantling.  It is a myth.  The network's financial backers are based in Brooklyn and parts of the Caribbean such as Antigua.  They can be mobilized on a moment's notice.

Last edited by Prashad

Bai, dis time nah laang time.

It's game over for the PNC. The police are always loyal to the government of the day. They will no longer allow looting and burning like what occurred in the past. 

PPP's PM Mark is quite capable of dismantling any attempt at looting and burning.

No need for any Guyanese to worry about that. 


@Former Member posted:

Bai, dis time nah laang time.

It's game over for the PNC. The police are always loyal to the government of the day. They will no longer allow looting and burning like what occurred in the past. 

PPP's PM Mark is quite capable of dismantling any attempt at looting and burning.

No need for any Guyanese to worry about that. 


You truly believe that.  You are so naive.  

@Former Member posted:

Now that GECOM Declaration is made, Granger will concede as he promised. Once he does that, serious rioting is unlikely. There may be small isolated protests but that would be manageable. Mark Philips has a pacification plan.

Herein lies my concern. Rioting, looting. Etc. I sincerely hope none of this happens. The Guyanese people have suffered much during these last months time to give this thing a rest and move on.

There's enough food off shore to feed everyone for generations to come. Providing the manage that source properly


Tola put up a thread that says "Irfaan Ali will never be president".  I wonder where is his mouth at this moment.  The AFC can blame Granger for the defeat of the coalition and the destruction of the AFC itself. PNC or APNU will be around but the AFC is rotten meat.

I have to agree. AFC is rotten meat. Mitwah can assist in disposing it since he was their biggest supporter at GNI. 

@Former Member posted:

Congratulations to the PPP/C and Dr Irfaan Ali for a well-deserved victory. Special Thanks to PPP/C Leader Bharrat Jagdeo who steered the Party to victory. The families and friends and supporters of 233,336 voters are understandably happy today. Thanks to accredited local and international observers as well as the governments of 100 countries who insisted on electoral justice in Guyana.

Friends, let's be joyful as we should, and let's also be kind and forgiving to our political opponents. I wish to assure Django, Rochelle, Totaram, Tola, Terry etc that a PPP/C victory is not the end of the world for you and APNU+AFC. You will get another chance in 2025. Hopefully APNU+AFC will honestly take stock and determine where  and why it lost the confidence of many voters. Remember this: immediately after the PPP/C's slim loss in 2015, Bharrat Jagdeo didn't waste time. He rounded up the party leadership and analysed how and why the loss occurred. The leadership vowed to correct their course and head immediately for victory in 2020. The rest is history.


What's there to Celebrate ,when FRAUD was committed to grab power , nothing can hide the facts.

@Totaram posted:

The University of the West Indies was conned and the Chancellor is investigating.  Irfaan Ali can't even write a proper paragraph much less a Ph.D. thesis.  The Nigerian connection was at work.

Dr Hilary Beckles, UWI Vice Chancellor, recently called upon Granger to concede and step aside for Dr Ali. The  Chancellor didn't chide Dr Beckles.

Re: the "Nigerian connection". It's not unusual for second degree and doctoral candidates to seek help in editing their draft theses. I know a number of examples but won't mention them out of discretion.


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