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@Former Member posted:

Dr Hilary Beckles, UWI Vice Chancellor, recently called upon Granger to concede and step aside for Dr Ali. The  Chancellor didn't chide Dr Beckles.

Re: the "Nigerian connection". It's not unusual for second degree and doctoral candidates to seek help in editing their draft theses. I know a number of examples but won't mention them out of discretion.

You seem to know about the Nigerian connection.  Don't you have a problem with crooks?

@Totaram posted:

You seem to know about the Nigerian connection.  Don't you have a problem with crooks?

As I told you before, I prefer to discuss ideas and happenings rather than Forum members' personal preferences. This time I'll answer your question: one man's crook is another man's cook. Metaphorically.

Last edited by Former Member
@kp posted:

Dave sent his congratulations to all PPP supporters, for a well deserving victory." Patience is virtue"

.The PPP needs to use the Legal system and go after the PNC criminals, Lowenfield, Mingo, Harmon, Volga and so on. LOCK THEM UP'

I don't think that the PPP should follow in the footsteps of the Neemakarams, (Khemraj and Moses), who went after the PPP hierarchy with vengeance.


Bharat is not perfect but when compared to his adversaries he is a great man. He fought bravely for five years and never for a moment showed any loss of morale. He is energetic and will continue to be so. Congratulations to the PPP.  

The man is a giant compare to that useless Jorgan who Prefer to have a good fight up with his fellow Koolies.


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