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Former Member

The PPP said that the operations of BaiShanlin, et al are legal. They took multi page ads on Kaiteurnews to highlight their opinion that what is happening has their blessing and is fully in compliance with the regulations as they interpret them.


I am not going to go into the details of these compliance methodology the put forth. It may come out later in this thread by others who care to mention them. My point is that it matters not. The whole scale harvesting of logs by foreign multinationals, namely the Chinese has no history of benefits anywhere. Presently, they are clear cutting massive acreages of our lands, building roads that cut across primal forests and so opening up areas in ways that will inevitably be harmful to the eco system.


Further, Baishanlin notes in their brochure that they have options on these lands in perpetuity! It means they do not intend to leave.They intend to make us their permanent host to their particular brand of parasitism.Yes, this is parasitism. The Chinese has not benefited any place with their presence. They are by nature self centered and concerned only with what profits them. It is why their mode of operations is always involve shady deals with willing and corrupt politicians and never in the light of day with full knowledge of the people. We never knew the extent of their harvesting of our logs!


Back to the point, the PPP can say all they want that this is legal. We do not agree. This is predation in the manner that left Tibet an mess. It is what caused Cameroon to call the Chinese thieves. It is what the Surinamese are reacting to. It is what our own people, especially the Amerindians are objecting to. It is what our people is beginning to be aware of and what we do not want. This has to stop or the people should put a stop to it by any means necessary. They can learn from looking to the groups in the US who stopped the harvesting of redwood.


We do not want jobs merely because they are jobs others offer so they can pillage our natural resources. We do not want menial jobs that make us subjects of these people. We also want to know in verifiable terms what has logging given us in benefits. What for example, o 100 foot piece of giant green heart worth.


If the PPP has granted as Bynoe state, BaiShanLin has the authority to move almost 6000 containers of logs out of the country annually, what does that amount to in terms of damage to our environment, in terms of cutting access roads etc and how much do we get? I dare say, it is not worth it. And we have a long legacy across the planed from Mauritius, to Sarawak, to Papua New Guinea where these people moved through like locusts destroying the environment, cultures and entire state economies.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

James Singh is all over this cover up and he is covering up for his boss.




James has a serious medical condition that costed over $70,000 USD treat so far and it was all covered by the Government of Guyana after recommendation to cabinet by Roberta Persad.


Hand wash hand mek hand clean.  You rub my back with state funds, and I will rub your back by giving your Chinese and Indian partners a FREE PASS.


Harmon needs to know the kick back are all deposited in Mumbai and Macao (China).






* You PPP HATERS might be onto something regarding this Bai Shan Lin logging business.


* The PPP says the logging is being done in a sustainable manner.


* And Norway which is giving Guyana 250 million to protect its rain forests----I haven't read any complaints from the Norwegians.


* Anyway, I am OK with you PPP HATERS making noise about Bai Shan Lin and logging in Guyana.




If they ship out lumber of 100ft tall an 14ft diameter without the GOG knowing, can you imagine how much gold, diamond and precious minerals leaving the country royalty free?


Guyana is a rich country. These investment vultures know that undeveloped countries have problems and as the saying goes in the business world, "Where there are problems, there are opportunities."

The Chinese and Indians are the masters in buying out politicians.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* You PPP HATERS might be onto something regarding this Bai Shan Lin logging business.


* The PPP says the logging is being done in a sustainable manner.


* And Norway which is giving Guyana 250 million to protect its rain forests----I haven't read any complaints from the Norwegians.


* Anyway, I am OK with you PPP HATERS making noise about Bai Shan Lin and logging in Guyana.



Listen you miserable facilitator of our present misery. No one need to hate crooks. They are crooks so by definition they are detestable and to be abhorred. It is the uniform condition!


You cannot be OK with us because we are not OK with your pretentious bull crap. What in the world makes you our better as you are wont to proclaim? What make you a winner as you so often shout and the rest of us losers? I suggest you are a man given to braggadocio because it is all that you have to make you whole.  You are empty and unclean inside.


As with the PPP, we are tired of you pretentious claims to sublime sophistication and superior taste when all we see is pervasive mediocrity and inanities. To date all you demonstrate is the peculiarity of a schitzoid nutcase.  That Norway give 250 million ( you are wrong here as usual) means little if the PPP and their compulsion to thievery is permitting whole scale plunder of our lands.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:





* Anyway, I am OK with you PPP HATERS making noise about Bai Shan Lin and logging in Guyana.



More shocking revelationsâ€ĶBai Shan Lin employs 70% Asians


-  Pays locals as little as $500 a day – Solomon

In January 2013, Bai Shan Lin Forest Development Inc. advertised for 700 Guyanese workers. In advertisements in the media, Bai Shan Lin said that it had vacancies for 220 factory construction workers, 80 skilled chain-saw operators, 80 semi-skilled chain-saw operators, 30 bulldozer operators, 35 loading truck drivers, 60 dump truck drivers, two excavator and grader operators, 60 logging truck drivers, 20 container truck drivers, 10 mechanics, 10 servicemen, 13 cooks and 80 inventory clerks.

Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon

However, the company has developed a reputation of mistreating the few Guyanese workers it employs. Kaieteur News understands that the company generally has a policy to give Asian nationals first preference at employment. From all indications, there are enough Asian nationals residing in Guyana to facilitate the elimination of Guyanese workers on any project the Asians embark upon. Bai Shan Lin has a known presence at Moblissa, Coomacka, Bamia, Kwakwani and Ituni. This newspaper has been able to verify that at the Coomacka and Bamia locations, Bai Shan Lin has an employment ratio of 70 Asians to30 Guyanese. Region Ten Chairman, Sharma Solomon, has confirmed that the workforce is disproportional at these locations. He said that some workers attached to Bai Shan Lin, have been frequenting the Office of the Regional Democratic Council complaining of the way the company has been violating their rights. The Chairman said that workers have been lamenting the conditions they work under. They have also been complaining of bad treatment and poor payment. Solomon said Bai Shan Lin have workers on its payroll who are being paid as little as $500 a day. He said these complaints have been coming mostly from those working at Coomacka and Bamia.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Stormy, Whether you care or don't care DONT mean crap but your daily tantrums are understood.

Bhai Nehru, I don't agree with stormy on almost all of his posts. However, I admire his unrelenting effort to expose the Chinese and Indians destruction of Guyana. We need to protect the the beauty of Guyana's forests. Hope this concern gets back to the GoG.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Stormy, Whether you care or don't care DONT mean crap but your daily tantrums are understood.

Bhai Nehru, I don't agree with stormy on almost all of his posts. However, I admire his unrelenting effort to expose the Chinese and Indians destruction of Guyana. We need to protect the the beauty of Guyana's forests. Hope this concern gets back to the GoG.

All are concerned BUt Guyanese need to eat, including the Amerindians, They never had it so good, I agree there is much more to be done. Cutting some trees with replanting agreement will solve the economic plight of the Amerindian People.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Stormy, Whether you care or don't care DONT mean crap but your daily tantrums are understood.

Bhai Nehru, I don't agree with stormy on almost all of his posts. However, I admire his unrelenting effort to expose the Chinese and Indians destruction of Guyana. We need to protect the the beauty of Guyana's forests. Hope this concern gets back to the GoG.

All are concerned BUt Guyanese need to eat, including the Amerindians, They never had it so good, I agree there is much more to be done. Cutting some trees with replanting agreement will solve the economic plight of the Amerindian People.

Bhai, I don't see the replanting though. All the pictures show logs on the ground and land stripped of vegetation. If this is not true, then let them show us how and where they replant to reclaim the land.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana done. PPP with drug. AFC and PNC lawyer get rich from drug case. Guyana done.

JB, run fuh presiden nah gyal. You no all dem parties faults. Peeple guh lisssen you. Me guh come to Gy fuh vote fuh you.

Me mamoo say Mr Nagamootoo is the only lawyer who dont do cocaine case.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana done. PPP with drug. AFC and PNC lawyer get rich from drug case. Guyana done.

JB, run fuh presiden nah gyal. You no all dem parties faults. Peeple guh lisssen you. Me guh come to Gy fuh vote fuh you.

Me mamoo say Mr Nagamootoo is the only lawyer who dont do cocaine case.

Gyal thiefman nah seh dem ah tief. Dem ah always seh "Who me, nah you wrang". Ask you mamoo.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Stormy, Whether you care or don't care DONT mean crap but your daily tantrums are understood.

Bhai Nehru, I don't agree with stormy on almost all of his posts. However, I admire his unrelenting effort to expose the Chinese and Indians destruction of Guyana. We need to protect the the beauty of Guyana's forests. Hope this concern gets back to the GoG.

All are concerned BUt Guyanese need to eat, including the Amerindians, They never had it so good, I agree there is much more to be done. Cutting some trees with replanting agreement will solve the economic plight of the Amerindian People.

These trees have been there long before even the white man walked our soil. They are a natural growth tempered by eons of evolutionary strategy of specie mix; both animal and plant. Who among us can recreate that? Where has it been done? When has the Chinese ever replanted anywhere as part of their strategy? They are obscenely cruel even to their own people who they misuse in horrible ways so what do you think they will to to us?


And do not expect them to tell us the truth, ever. Do these people tell what happened in Tienanmen square. They sanitize their internet of that horrible murder of their own citizens we saw unfolding on tv. They block every mention of it. When I told my neighbor who lived just outside Beijing and who was possibly 2 when it happened, she knew nothing of it and I could see the tears well up in her eyes when I show her the fellow standing in front of the column of tanks. No, the Chinese do not tell the truth to their own people whom they wantonly murdered and to date has not the courage to say it was a mistake  so they will not tell us the truth of what they are doing.


When our government is complicit with the Chinese story of sustainable timber harvesting, it is enough to want to go to the streets and throw rocks because they have adopted the Chinese habit of lying to the people. My people, the Amerindians are a forest people. Without their lands and their ties to it they are nothing. They are already at the boot of the Guyanese society, both indians and blacks, so why should they now be at the boot of the Chinese. They already misuse our girls and employ our men in menial tasks. They are a disease to our culture already. Note, China Trading is part of this scam and they had young Amerinds in practical slave laborers in the city and the PPP helped them hide those kids from the public despite their claims of sexual abuse etc.


We should call these people what they are, environmental terrorists. All across the planet the left a swath of destruction. They are as locusts, leaving nothing behind but the lasting effects of their predation. We do not want that to happen to us. They are at the beginning of their plunder and we can already see the obscenely disproportionate ill effects to us. Nothing you say can change that.


If you care to placate you self and hope to make me change my mind, show me one place on the planet where these Asian loggers logged and where they are now gone, where they planted or restored anything. Take that upon yourself as a task to reassure yourself else you simply parrot the lies that left those places as deserts.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Listen you miserable facilitator of our present misery.


we are not OK with your pretentious bull crap. What in the world makes you our better as you are wont to proclaim? What make you a winner as you so often shout and the rest of us losers?



* I pay yuh rass a little compliment and encourage you to keep up the pressure on the government, so why you attacking me ?


* Listen! Stop wid yuh grouchiness. Only men who experience sexual frustration behave like you.hahaha


* Once again, no complaints from the Rev about you PPP HATERS making noise about this logging business.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Listen you miserable facilitator of our present misery.


we are not OK with your pretentious bull crap. What in the world makes you our better as you are wont to proclaim? What make you a winner as you so often shout and the rest of us losers?



* I pay yuh rass a little compliment and encourage you to keep up the pressure on the government, so why you attacking me ?


* Listen! Stop wid yuh grouchiness. Only men who experience sexual frustration behave like you.hahaha


* Once again, no complaints from the Rev about you PPP HATERS making noise about this logging business.



 As long as you punctuate you statements with assaults on us as haters of the PPP you make of us liars and you are open to our barbs in retaliation.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 As long as you punctuate you statements with assaults on us as haters of the PPP you make of us liars and you are open to our barbs in retaliation.

* There is an old saying----"The sting in every rebuke is the truth."


* When someone throws a label at you---and yuh get vex---there might be some truth to that label.




Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

Guyana done. PPP with drug. AFC and PNC lawyer get rich from drug case. Guyana done.

JB, run fuh presiden nah gyal. You no all dem parties faults. Peeple guh lisssen you. Me guh come to Gy fuh vote fuh you.

JB yuh Mamoo still Backing Granger an teking de Wood?


Look..... aya fall out with PNC Now....

Mr Purple fire two shot in de Ground

and aya haul ass from Congress Place


Ravi want know where aya going next.....


Nehru want know wha yuh gon do

with the Monkey Mountain Action Plan?


JB wha Mamoo think about Mr Purple?


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 As long as you punctuate you statements with assaults on us as haters of the PPP you make of us liars and you are open to our barbs in retaliation.

* There is an old saying----"The sting in every rebuke is the truth."


* When someone throws a label at you---and yuh get vex---there might be some truth to that label.




I presume I can  remind you that  when Iago said "Who steals my purse steals trash; 'tis something, nothing etc etc" he was  as sententious as you are and waiting to gull the unwary into a trap with his false sense of security!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I presume I can  remind you that  when Iago said "Who steals my purse steals trash;

* Is that what you carry in your purse Stormy, TRASH ?


* We all know you write a lot of TRASH On GNI, but I am a tad surprised that you also carry trash in your purse.hahahaha



Yuh Rass wicked yuh kno Rev.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I presume I can  remind you that  when Iago said "Who steals my purse steals trash;

* Is that what you carry in your purse Stormy, TRASH ?


* We all know you write a lot of TRASH On GNI, but I am a tad surprised that you also carry trash in your purse.hahahaha



Yuh Rass wicked yuh kno Rev.



LET US BE CLEAR---borrowing that phrase from stormy


Guyana's opposition parties, the PNC and the AFC, and their leaders, Rigger Granger, Cunning Nagamootoo and Sly Ramjattan, they are fiercely and vehemently opposed to any foreign investments in Guyana.


* Right now the opposition parties are attacking the Chinese and Indians.


* We know they blocked the Hydro.


* They also blocked the specialty hospital and the airport projects.




* The opposition AFC and PNC are anti Guyana and anti-development---they viciously oppose any foreign investment that is deemed to be good for Guyana and Guyanese.



Last edited by Former Member



A cousin and her family together with my Aunt is visiting from Guyana. My cousin is on vacation in Canada and goes shopping in my upscale neighbourhood and she has no problems spending here. This would have never happened during the PNC days.


We had a chat about Guyana's politics and she told me that despite the PPP faults, she will still vote PPP. She said that she prefers a corrupt PPP which is still developing Guyana over a rotten AFC/PNC which are blocking economic progress.


Like so many middle class Guyanese, they are enjoying a very high standard of living under the PPP. She said that she will never vote for the AFC/PNC. She pokes fun at the AFC which she says does not command any type of mass support despite what they portray themselves to be.


Looks like the PPP is headed for a much bigger election victory. 


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I presume I can  remind you that  when Iago said "Who steals my purse steals trash;

* Is that what you carry in your purse Stormy, TRASH ?


* We all know you write a lot of TRASH On GNI, but I am a tad surprised that you also carry trash in your purse.hahahaha



This is another example of your lack of a proper inculcation in the art of thinking. The quote as every other person here would know, pertains to a villain worming his way into the confidence of his friend in order to deceive him and rob him of his integrity.


The crafty fellow pretends to remind him that life is about honor and good name and not about worldly possessions that affords a man his  sense of worth. While indeed this is so on any ethical metric, the point of the speech was its duplicity; its defiling of the honor of ones friend.


But you would have missed all of that being as shallow as a pond and so clings to the superficial and pretends this is about cash in my purse! You cannot see the progression from lampooning your usual excessive moralizing about truth that stings.


As they say, the devil is apt to be mellifluous and ready with a scriptural quote but it is all for naught.."it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!"

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


 We had a chat about Guyana's politics and she told me that despite the PPP faults, she will still vote PPP. She said that she prefers a corrupt PPP which is still developing Guyana over a rotten AFC/PNC which are blocking economic progress.




* Many Guyanese share the same perspective as your cousin(tell her the Rev says hi). They acknowledge that the PPP is far from perfect. But come election time they will vote for the PPP because the alternative, the AFC and PNC, have exposed themselves to be anti-development and anti-Guyana.


* Your cousin is also right about the AFC---the leaders of that party, particularly Moses and Khemraj, are a bunch of self-aggrandizers who are on a major ego trip. Fortunately, the Guyanese people have caught onto the AFC and now view them not as an independent party but as an extension of the PNC.




* The PPP will win the next election by a majority.





Originally Posted by Rev:

LET US BE CLEAR---borrowing that phrase from stormy


Guyana's opposition parties, the PNC and the AFC, and their leaders, Rigger Granger, Cunning Nagamootoo and Sly Ramjattan, they are fiercely and vehemently opposed to any foreign investments in Guyana.


* Right now the opposition parties are attacking the Chinese and Indians.


* We know they blocked the Hydro.


* They also blocked the specialty hospital and the airport projects.




* The opposition AFC and PNC are anti Guyana and anti-development---they viciously oppose any foreign investment that is deemed to be good for Guyana and Guyanese.



The Chinese and Indians are pillaging our natural resources, returning to us nothing and filling the pockets of the crooks in the PPP. That is what is anti Guyana and not all t his fabrication that one is taking undue liberties in detailing the character of the PPP as crooks. They are crooks. It is clear to Guyanese these people are now rich by dint of some unique honorable skill or Craft by their enormous and craven tolerance for corruopt practices that fill their pockets. It is on that people will vote.

Originally Posted by Conscience:


They are doing exactly what they did to Tibet, Cameroon, Surinam...pillaging the place. There is not one place on the planet where these fellows set up shop that has benefited or where the society accrued any benefit. These are prodigious plunderers and nothing you say above has any merit except these places where they left were told the same things.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The Chinese and Indians are pillaging our natural resources,

* Whom should the Guyanese people believe, Stormborn, a blowhard living in Maryland, who has not visited Guyana in over 30 years, or the President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar, who said there is no raping of Guyana's forests by the Chinese ?


3 hours ago

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.


[] â€“ President Donald Ramotar is of the view that there is an orchestrated attack on investments in Guyana, as he criticized sections of the media for taking an “opposition stance” as it relates to the recent revelations about the operations of Chinese Company, Bai Shan Lin.


“There is no raping of our forest. The export of logs is below the limitâ€Ķnot a single law has been broken,” President Ramotar told reporters at Office of the President.



Originally Posted by yuji22:



A cousin and her family together with my Aunt is visiting from Guyana. My cousin is on vacation in Canada and goes shopping in my upscale neighbourhood and she has no problems spending here. This would have never happened during the PNC days.


We had a chat about Guyana's politics and she told me that despite the PPP faults, she will still vote PPP. She said that she prefers a corrupt PPP which is still developing Guyana over a rotten AFC/PNC which are blocking economic progress.


Like so many middle class Guyanese, they are enjoying a very high standard of living under the PPP. She said that she will never vote for the AFC/PNC. She pokes fun at the AFC which she says does not command any type of mass support despite what they portray themselves to be.


Looks like the PPP is headed for a much bigger election victory. 


your cousin is drinking the ppp soup,she and you is full of shit 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The Chinese and Indians are pillaging our natural resources,

* Whom should the Guyanese people believe, Stormborn, a blowhard living in Maryland, who has not visited Guyana in over 30 years, or the President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar, who said there is no raping of Guyana's forests by the Chinese ?


3 hours ago

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.


[] â€“ President Donald Ramotar is of the view that there is an orchestrated attack on investments in Guyana, as he criticized sections of the media for taking an “opposition stance” as it relates to the recent revelations about the operations of Chinese Company, Bai Shan Lin.


“There is no raping of our forest. The export of logs is below the limitâ€Ķnot a single law has been broken,” President Ramotar told reporters at Office of the President.



I have nothing to gain but the satisfaction my country is in good hands. This fellow has everything to lose, the leech source that the Chinese so willingly offer to grasping politicians, this fellow being no exception.


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