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8 Coolieman try to Sneak into Guyana.....

Lets see if caribj 

will give them Amnesty on Monkey Mountain....


Insel Air flight cancelled after Indian nationals refused entry and airline refuses to take them out

The eight indian nationals arrived late last evening on an Insel Air flight but were reportedly unable to provide sufficient information about their visit to Guyana and their place of stay and were therefore denied entry into the country.

Insel Air flight cancelled after Indian nationals refused entry and airline refuses to take them out

The departure of an Insel Air flight to Aruba was postponed this morning after the pilot indicated to immigration that he could not accommodate eight Indian nationals who were refused entry to Guyana last evening when they came in on an Insel Air flight.

The situation resulted in a two-hour stand-off between immigration officials at the airport and the pilot and crew of the airline.

The eight indian nationals arrived late last evening on an Insel Air flight but were reportedly unable to provide sufficient information about their visit to Guyana and their place of stay and were therefore denied entry into the country.

Immigration officials indicated to the airline officials, that they have to take the men back out this morning, but the pilot indicated that he does not have available seats on the aircraft to accommodate the men, because it was a full flight.

Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 8.05.46 AM

The eight men were not allowed to board the aircraft and decided to sit down on the tarmac.

Other passengers were also not allowed as immigration and airline officials tried to settle the issue.

Eventually a decision was made for the flight to be cancelled as the airline stuck to its decision and the immigration office also stuck to its decision.

Several passengers voiced frustration over the incident since they were affected. The flight was scheduled to leave Guyana at 6:45am, so many of the passengers were at the airport before 5:00am.

It is unclear when the flight will now leave Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jalil.  There is a reason why I have you blocked.  You are a silly racist who screams things like "black monkey".


Continue rant at me and I will continue to ignore you.  The fact that the APNU refused to engage you in some employment is your problem, not mine.  This is why you now call them PNC black monkey.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

If this is true, carib has a point here. This forum, unlike any others I have seen, allows any nonsense to pass as free speech, including cussing out and bullying people.

...but no mention of the more serious infractions such as the disgusting racist names (black monkey, "your type", etc), that black people eat grass, pictures of 2 Africans fighting with knives (assume it is ok for me to post a pic of a richmond hill cutlass war) and so on, eh? Cussing and rough speech is what you're worried about. This is why I sometimes think Kean Gibson has a point. There is something seriously wrong with a lot of you Indians.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

If this is true, carib has a point here. This forum, unlike any others I have seen, allows any nonsense to pass as free speech, including cussing out and bullying people.

...but no mention of the more serious infractions such as the disgusting racist names (black monkey, "your type", etc), that black people eat grass, pictures of 2 Africans fighting with knives (assume it is ok for me to post a pic of a richmond hill cutlass war) and so on, eh? Cussing and rough speech is what you're worried about. This is why I sometimes think Kean Gibson has a point. There is something seriously wrong with a lot of you Indians.

And this is why I stated that those who said nothing about racism under the PPP have nothing to say, should racism become manifest under an APNU dominated gov't.


It is a known fact that there has been bigotry against Africans on GNI, to the point where most blacks have left it.  This site was even mentioned on a forum in Barbados, where there was talk about anti black attitudes among certain parts of the Indo Guyanese population there.  In a few instances, in times past, it was even blocked as a hate site.


At no point within recent times has there been the levels of anti Indian bigotry equivalent to the anti African bigotry that we see.


What is disturbing is that the same Indian posters (who will claim not to be racist) and will accuse you and I (and sometimes redux) or being racist, merely because we draw attention to this anti black bigotry, but will say NOTHING about what cobra, yuji, rama, and now Jalil post.. 


These "goodly" folk aren't really interested in moving Guyana to the point where ethnicity no longer becomes the most defining attribute of the nation.  They too prefer to perpetrate the myth of "baaad black man, good Indian", which gives carte blanche to the more ignorant to engage in screams of "black monkey".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

If this is true, carib has a point here. This forum, unlike any others I have seen, allows any nonsense to pass as free speech, including cussing out and bullying people.

...but no mention of the more serious infractions such as the disgusting racist names (black monkey, "your type", etc), that black people eat grass, pictures of 2 Africans fighting with knives (assume it is ok for me to post a pic of a richmond hill cutlass war) and so on, eh? Cussing and rough speech is what you're worried about. This is why I sometimes think Kean Gibson has a point. There is something seriously wrong with a lot of you Indians.

And this is why I stated that those who said nothing about racism under the PPP have nothing to say, should racism become manifest under an APNU dominated gov't.


It is a known fact that there has been bigotry against Africans on GNI, to the point where most blacks have left it.  This site was even mentioned on a forum in Barbados, where there was talk about anti black attitudes among certain parts of the Indo Guyanese population there.  In a few instances, in times past, it was even blocked as a hate site.


At no point within recent times has there been the levels of anti Indian bigotry equivalent to the anti African bigotry that we see.


What is disturbing is that the same Indian posters (who will claim not to be racist) and will accuse you and I (and sometimes redux) or being racist, merely because we draw attention to this anti black bigotry. 


They have NOTHING to say to Jalil in his latest anti black rant.

And to think I even refrained from using "coolie" because I thought it was a pejorative to them. Until Shaitan informed me otherwise and I noticed they use the term "coolie" frequently to refer to themselves. I've used it twice since then. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Jalil.  There is a reason why I have you blocked.  You are a silly racist who screams things like "black monkey".

Watch at this Black Monkey.....

Rodney call the Head of the PNC..."King Kong".....

and all of them laugh.....



Continue rant at me and I will continue to ignore you. 

I see you ignoring me like a King Kong....

15 minutes after I post something

De Baboon respond and ranting.


The fact that the APNU refused to engage you in some employment is your problem, not mine. 

J as in Donkey....with an M.....

let us hear about this employment yuh talking about.


Is it true they need Licensed Hunter

at Monkey Mountain.


See if yuh could arrange de job.


Promise you.....

you will be safe fuh 7 days....


This is why you now call them PNC black monkey.


Only PNC Black Monkeys

will team up with Jagdeo, Guyana Times & Ravi Dev

to attack Granger on Freedom Day 2015.


Yuh ever see

Lamumba or Kwame

behaving like

dem PNC Black Monkey?




Originally Posted by Itaname:
.. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

I have visited some white supremacist forums.  They look like GNI on an average day, sadly employing the same stereotypes of the violent and savage black man only intent to rape and rob.


Now some will claim that they don't utter these stereotypes.  Probably true, but then they call me racist when I speak out to the racism frequently displayed here.



The only people who have addressed Jalil's rant is you, redux and I, maybe gilbakka and cain.  NONE of those who accuse us of racism have bothered with Jalil.  They ain't black, so they don't care, and maybe they feel the same, but are too sophisticated to say so.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

If this is true, carib has a point here. This forum, unlike any others I have seen, allows any nonsense to pass as free speech, including cussing out and bullying people.

How come you are silent about the racism and discrimination by the PPP/C?


let them deny that

CaribJ team up with......

Jagdeo, Ravi Dev and Guyana Times

on Freedom Day

and lock off Granger Balls

about 100% pay increase for Ministers....


          Two things....#1 .....

          is this a Racist Lie

          ......Answer ----YES....

          Both Ravi Dev and CaribJ are Racist.



          #2 ......

         did CaribJ and others from Monkey Mountain....

          team up with Jagdeo, Ravi Dev and Guyana Times

          on Freedom Day and lock off Granger Balls

           ......Answer ----YES....

          It is here on GNI for all to see

          .....No one can Deny.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
.. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

I have visited some white supremacist forums.  They look like GNI on an average day, sadly employing the same stereotypes of the violent and savage black man only intent to rape and rob.


Now some will claim that they don't utter these stereotypes.  Probably true, but then they call me racist when I speak out to the racism frequently displayed here.



It's actually worse than that. According to Baseman - black people sic their children on "coolie" people and teach their children to emulate the largesse of black dictators. The virtuous indian, according to baseman, is of course a disciplined saver whose clan celebrates his success. Oh, and blacks eat eddoe and grass.


This is but one example of the bare naked racist rants here on a daily basis. Baseman is not an isolated case. When I was in high school in GT, everyday we went to the tuck shop to get a puri and a pepsi. Every race did. One day I heard a rural Indian boy tell his friend "...see, dem ah eat puri. If it wasn't fuh abee food black man would starve". This is the mindset of the rural indians like baseman, yugi, cobra, nehru, observer, skeldon ape, Rama etc. I wonder how they think black man survives in the other caribbean nations, the bahamas etc. where they run for work?


I threw the rest of my puri away and to this day I never eat indian food. Even at my dear sister in law, who happens to be Indian. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
.. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

I have visited some white supremacist forums.  They look like GNI on an average day, sadly employing the same stereotypes of the violent and savage black man only intent to rape and rob.


Now some will claim that they don't utter these stereotypes.  Probably true, but then they call me racist when I speak out to the racism frequently displayed here.



The only people who have addressed Jalil's rant is you, redux and I, maybe gilbakka and cain.  NONE of those who accuse us of racism have bothered with Jalil.  They ain't black, so they don't care, and maybe they feel the same, but are too sophisticated to say so.


Jalil is exposing your racism. He does not need my help.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Itanme, are you go to stereotype a whole race because of what a kid said?  Kind of sad discussion showing we have a long way to go.

Not one kid VP. This is a pattern of behavior I experienced growing up and living in Guyana as a black man. Textbook racism - that the Indian is superior to blacks in every way - spiritually, mentally, economically, culturally, in food etc. Plays out on GNI every day from Yugi, Cobra, Nehru, Observer, Skeldon Ape, Rama, Anan, Baseman and others, probably the majority of indians posting here.


My opinion - this behavior is common among rural indians who are mostly Hindu. Indians from GT or Indians who are Muslim or Christian do not generally have this disposition to other races. In fact, they are victims themselves - "town coolie", "fullah man", "sellout" (the christian) and so on. This has been my experience. I'd venture that most if not all the names of posters I mentioned above are Hindus. At least one is a pandit.


My sister in law is an Indian from the countryside of hindu roots. Forty years of marriage to my brother, 4 kids, grand kids and still her family rejects her. Forty years later they won't speak to this wonderful woman and keep her at a distance cause she "tek a black man".


Yes VP, we have a long way to go. How does one change the mindset of this group who is so culturally and perhaps religiously opposed to black folks and only a narrow group meet their approval? There is something seriously wrong with them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
.. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

I have visited some white supremacist forums.  They look like GNI on an average day, sadly employing the same stereotypes of the violent and savage black man only intent to rape and rob.


Now some will claim that they don't utter these stereotypes.  Probably true, but then they call me racist when I speak out to the racism frequently displayed here.



The only people who have addressed Jalil's rant is you, redux and I, maybe gilbakka and cain.  NONE of those who accuse us of racism have bothered with Jalil.  They ain't black, so they don't care, and maybe they feel the same, but are too sophisticated to say so.


Jalil is exposing your racism. He does not need my help.

Plus all his lies too

Increased govt allowances

"a fat lie";


  • Thursday, 06 August 2015 11:32

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Finance Minister Winston Jordan


Expose.....Carib J

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Jalil is exposing your racism. He does not need my help.

I see so you do not think that Jalil ios exposing his own.


Any way you are an intellectual light wieght, more interested in commenting on people's bowel movements, so I do nor need to waste my time with you.

You are a dangerous racist.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

My sister in law is an Indian from the countryside of hindu roots. Forty years of marriage to my brother, 4 kids, grand kids and still her family rejects her. Forty years later they won't speak to this wonderful woman and keep her at a distance cause she "tek a black man".


Yes VP, we have a long way to go. How does one change the mindset of this group who is so culturally and perhaps religiously opposed to black folks and only a narrow group meet their approval? There is something seriously wrong with them.

Ypu will note that your family, not only didnt disown your brother, but accepted her once they found out that she was a decent woman.


I have heard of several stories of Indian females, disowned by their own mohers, who having had to adopt their mother-in-law as their own mother.  Bad situation given that mothers-in-law sometimes can be nasty to their daughters-in-law.


Now I am not going to get into whcih race is more racist, as growing up as an urban African, I have heard and witnessed much racism from Africans (especially the middle class) towards rural Indians.  But what I will NOT do is allow socalled "non racist" Indians to peddle the "baad black man, saintly Indo myth", or to remain silent when bigotry from Indians is displayed.


I am not concerned about rama, rev,Jalil, baseman, and the other Indo KKK.  Their racism is obvious, and so easily dealt with.  I am concerned about the socalled moderates like VVP who REMAIN SILENT, in the face of racsim, and then call me a racist, because I force them to confront this.


Jalil has been on a vulgar rampage, and thought that I would take his bait and engage in a brawl with him.  I guess because he is not going to get what he thought that he would get from the coalition gov't. So he is damning the ENTIRE PNC as black monkeys. 


VVP has NOTHING to say on this, yet he calls me a racist.  Now if I were rampaging about a "coolie snake," as the Africans bigots do, he would have lots to say about that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:


Jalil is exposing your racism. He does not need my help.

I see so you do not think that Jalil ios exposing his own.


Any way you are an intellectual light wieght, more interested in commenting on people's bowel movements, so I do nor need to waste my time with you.

You are a dangerous racist.

Bet you cannot even say why you think that I am.

Carib, I don't think I ever had a negative discussion with Itaname and I certainly do not recall calling him a racist.  I had arguments with redux the same way you argued with him.  I call you a racist because of the discussion we had on Indians role in the coalition victory which you wanted to sweep under the rug.  I do not think you are a supremacist but I also do not see you just as an advocate.  I think it would be okay with you if the whole government was loaded with Africans be cause "they won the elections." This is racist and not in the interest of Guyana.
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Itanme, are you go to stereotype a whole race because of what a kid said?  Kind of sad discussion showing we have a long way to go.

I do agree there are racist Indians on this BB, but Carib arguments do not help. He sounds just as racist as them.

How is Carib racist.  Do I make the type of comments about Indians that Itaname isd reminding you that baseman and others make of African? NO.


There are many stereotypes that Africans have of Indians, and I have made it my business not to repeat these.


What you do not like is the fact that I do not remain silent and let the narrative of the "baaad black man, innocent Indian" remain a fact of life.  That I remind you, as you wish to forget, that Indian racism towards Africans is every bit as present in Guyana as is African racism against Indians.  You prefer to sweep the Indian racism under the rug, so that the racist status quo, which developed under the PPP, could have remained, and resented the fact that I denied you the ability to do this.


This is the problem.  Rather than engage the Indians who behave like this, you engage Itaname and I whwn we raise this point.


Do you know what that makes you look like?


Engage indian racism and then you will have more credibility to engage Africans when they also display racism.


And do not come with some crap that I do not engage African racism because I have been very vocal about the PNC in the Burnham era, of the fact that Africans racism exists, and of the fact that Africans have been EQUALLY guilty of the ethnic morass where Guyana finds itself. 


You turn a blind eye to Indian racism, and prefer to attack Africans when they raise this in the face of this rampant narrative about the "baad black man and innocent Indian".



Originally Posted by Itaname:


And to think I even refrained from using "coolie" because I thought it was a pejorative to them. Until Shaitan informed me otherwise and I noticed they use the term "coolie" frequently to refer to themselves. I've used it twice since then. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

Did you show him Black Guyanese racism which prompted angry racist verbal retribution from Indians.  no??.


Back in the mid-80's in Uni, an Afro-American female mentioned to me, Guyana's PNC was a great embarrassment to Afro-Americans as they practiced what was fought against here in the US in the 60's and what they were fighting against in RSA.

Originally Posted by VVP:
  I call you a racist because of the discussion we had on Indians role in the coalition victory which you wanted to sweep under the rug.  I do not think you are a supremacist but I also do not see you just as an advocate.  I think it would be okay with you if the whole government was loaded with Africans be cause "they won the elections." This is racist and not in the interest of Guyana.

I stated that a very high voter turnout among African and mixed voters and a SMALL Indian swing vote delivered victory.  That is a FACT.


Now what is racist are those who then used this to claim that they should become KINGMAKERS, and awarded the bulk of the spoils. That Nagamootoo shoiuld be the de facto leader, with Granger reduced to Sam Hinds like impotence.  They could NOT see beyond the fact that they are Indians.


Did you speak about those AFC Indos with that attitude?  NO!


When cabinet was announced and only 40% were African, 50% if one includes Granger, TRotman and Harmon, yet "TOO MUCH BLACK MAN"...did you say anything? NO!  But when I responded to that by reminding those clowns that the PPP outsmarted them and took the bulk of the Indian vote, you had lots to say.


Clearly if this is the best that you can do to explain why I am a racist, when we have people screaming "black monkey", crying that :blacks are killing Indians", wailing that "blacks must be grateful to live in a country with hardworking Indians" do not know what racism means.


Now please explain at what point have I ever made comments about Indians equivalent to what we blacks must endure from the hands of Indians.  Note that prior to May 11, this is what Africans were bombarded with, and if they spoke out against it, they were victimized.  When I commented on thsi I became a racist.



The racism that we see on GNI was DAY TO DAY LIFE FOR BLACKS UNDER THE PPP. But when we say this we get called racist, and then an AFC Indo factions creeps up, screams that they were the kingmakers, and therefore entitled to an outsized % of the leadership slots. 


We had a PPP regime where almost all of the top leadership slots were Indians.  Now we hear you and others wailing about what APNU is doing.  Did you wail when the PPP engaged in an almost complete wipe out of Africans from leadership?  NO.  But now that APNU might be engaging in similar behavior, you have lots tu say.


Now tell me what part of this is racist.


Also when others call Itaname a racist, do you tell them that he isnt, and in fact it might be they who are being racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:


And to think I even refrained from using "coolie" because I thought it was a pejorative to them. Until Shaitan informed me otherwise and I noticed they use the term "coolie" frequently to refer to themselves. I've used it twice since then. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

Did you show him Black Guyanese racism which prompted angry racist verbal retribution from Indians.  no??.


Back in the mid-80's in Uni, an Afro-American female mentioned to me, Guyana's PNC was a great embarrassment to Afro-Americans as they practiced what was fought against here in the US in the 60's and what they were fighting against in RSA.

You will note taht she as an African can condemn racist behavior by Africans.


YOU as an Indian cannot do the same when Indians are to blame.


This is the point that I am making!


I am also aware of a group of mainly Afro Guyanese women who formed a group, as they were appalled by this behavior.  They wanted to send a UNITED signal to people in Guyana that US based Guyanese did not approve of this.  They felt it important as it is these same people who sustain many living in Guyana.


They did out reach to groups in RH and received no interest.  So the Indians in the group ended up being the same Roopnarine type of Indians, who you all disparage as being self hating.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:


And to think I even refrained from using "coolie" because I thought it was a pejorative to them. Until Shaitan informed me otherwise and I noticed they use the term "coolie" frequently to refer to themselves. I've used it twice since then. I showed some of the postings to an African American gentleman and he was shocked to see that this racist mindset exists in so many Indians here in the 21st century.

Did you show him Black Guyanese racism which prompted angry racist verbal retribution from Indians.  no??.


Back in the mid-80's in Uni, an Afro-American female mentioned to me, Guyana's PNC was a great embarrassment to Afro-Americans as they practiced what was fought against here in the US in the 60's and what they were fighting against in RSA.

You will note taht she as an African can condemn racist behavior by Africans.


YOU as an Indian cannot do the same when Indians are to blame.


This is the point that I am making!

Afro-Americans are not Afro-Guyanese!


Some alyuh right hay seh "pipe buss"!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
  I call you a racist because of the discussion we had on Indians role in the coalition victory which you wanted to sweep under the rug.  I do not think you are a supremacist but I also do not see you just as an advocate.  I think it would be okay with you if the whole government was loaded with Africans be cause "they won the elections." This is racist and not in the interest of Guyana.

I stated that a very high voter turnout among African and mixed voters and a SMALL Indian swing vote delivered victory.  That is a FACT.



"Small" swing of say....2,500 PPP Indians?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Afro-Americans are not Afro-Guyanese!


Some alyuh right hay seh "pipe buss"!

David Hinds, Andaiye, Eusi, anhd many other Afro Guyanes not onloy spoke out against the racism of the Burnham era but were PUNISGED for it, at times risking DEATH.


So what say you, and please indicate how many Indian rights activists similatly condemned PPP racism?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:
  I call you a racist because of the discussion we had on Indians role in the coalition victory which you wanted to sweep under the rug.  I do not think you are a supremacist but I also do not see you just as an advocate.  I think it would be okay with you if the whole government was loaded with Africans be cause "they won the elections." This is racist and not in the interest of Guyana.

I stated that a very high voter turnout among African and mixed voters and a SMALL Indian swing vote delivered victory.  That is a FACT.



"Small" swing of say....2,500 PPP Indians?

I am not going to number it.  I will say that, based on the PPP vote, and the fact that the Indian vote is dwndling, the PPP won the vast majority of the Indian vote.


People like you did an excellent job of scaring Indians by convincing them that Nagamootoo was going to deliver their daughters to African rapists.


And yes any discussion of Indian racism is taboo, but we can talk all day about African racism.


We can even claim that Burnham invented "apan jhat" when Itanane did an excellent job in uncovering the true sources of taht term, and which party introduced racial voting into Guyana.


Anything to exonerate Indians from the role that they played, and laying 100% of the blame on the African. 


VVP and others can call me a racist all they wish, but they need to examine within their own heads the role that THEY play on ensuring that Africans receive 100% of the blame. 


At what point did these characters say, as I have said, that Indians and Africans were BOTH responsible, and that BOTH have suffered!  No they peddle the myth, or they remain silent, except to attack those blacks who speak out against that lie.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Ypu will note that your family, not only didnt disown your brother, but accepted her once they found out that she was a decent woman.


She has had a new family for 40 years. Even the favorite aunt in the family. Stormy told a similiar story when his mum passed away. The indian relatives objected to a black minister doing her funeral even though that was the woman's minister! Imagine that!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Ypu will note that your family, not only didnt disown your brother, but accepted her once they found out that she was a decent woman.


She has had a new family for 40 years. Even the favorite aunt in the family. Stormy told a similiar story when his mum passed away. The indian relatives objected to a black minister doing her funeral even though that was the woman's minister! Imagine that!

And yet folks like VVP will try to trivialize this.


Now imagine when an ENTIRE Government (the PPP) engages in this type of behavior.  How does VVP respond, when he is told of this?  He either remains silent, or calls the person racist for pointing this fact out.


When people like him can come to terms with how the PPP behaved up to May 11th, so not 40 years ago, but 2 months ago, then we can then move forward to discuss APNU/AFC if they engage in similarly racially exclusive behavior.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Finance Minister Winston Jordan

Finance Minister Winston Jordan


Expose.....Carib J

Expose Caribj how. Its is when people like Caribj damned this huge salary increase, that APNU/AFC became ashamed and now say that they will not do so.  Because if they never intended to so so, they could have said so from the beginning.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Ypu will note that your family, not only didnt disown your brother, but accepted her once they found out that she was a decent woman.


She has had a new family for 40 years. Even the favorite aunt in the family. Stormy told a similiar story when his mum passed away. The indian relatives objected to a black minister doing her funeral even though that was the woman's minister! Imagine that!

Three-way Jamb lolo, Caribj, Itaname, Stormy.  Is diss wha alyuh talk about while jambing, coolie people?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Ypu will note that your family, not only didnt disown your brother, but accepted her once they found out that she was a decent woman.


She has had a new family for 40 years. Even the favorite aunt in the family. Stormy told a similiar story when his mum passed away. The indian relatives objected to a black minister doing her funeral even though that was the woman's minister! Imagine that!

Three-way Jamb lolo, Caribj, Itaname, Stormy.  Is diss wha alyuh talk about while jambing, coolie people?

Why do not you address your racism, and that of other Indians, and maybe we will not have to? Blatant racism among blacks towards Indians is no longer PC.  Apparently this isnt the case with many Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Ypu will note that your family, not only didnt disown your brother, but accepted her once they found out that she was a decent woman.


She has had a new family for 40 years. Even the favorite aunt in the family. Stormy told a similiar story when his mum passed away. The indian relatives objected to a black minister doing her funeral even though that was the woman's minister! Imagine that!

Three-way Jamb lolo, Caribj, Itaname, Stormy.  Is diss wha alyuh talk about while jambing, coolie people?

Why do not you address your racism, and that of other Indians, and maybe we will not have to? Blatant racism among blacks towards Indians is no longer PC.  Apparently this isnt the case with many Indians.

banna, lef Baseman alone. He been reduced to yabbering about jam dis and dat. he gone unhinged now.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

banna, lef Baseman alone. He been reduced to yabbering about jam dis and dat. he gone unhinged now.

True but he is like a cat.  And he still has a few more lives left, so you cannot leave him for dead.


I suspect that deep within his racist soul there exists a decent man though.  Sometimes we see a glimpse of it, but not for too long though.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

It's a good Idea to flood Guyana with Indians.

Indians from India claim that there is little cultural difference between Indo and Afro Guyanese and that both are woefully ignorant of the culture of India.

You are a bloody liar and also ignorant in that you don't even know the indo_guyanese culture. 


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