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Dear Prophet Muhammad,

Remember the man who stood up in front of a huge crowd and accused you of stealing from your own people when you were alive? His name was Hurgoos ibn Zuhair? When he stormed out of the mosque you said,

"From this man will come people who recite the Quran but they will not understand Islam. They will apostate due to their random killing of people. If I were to live, I would fight them."


As you prophesized, those people have emerged and they are wreaking havoc all over the world. You would be so hurt if you could see how Islam has been misrepresented and how many innocent lives have been lost as a result.

It all started when these people we call terrorists, killed Uthman, your third successor just 24 years after your death. They then killed his successor, Ali, shortly thereafter. They've been popping up and shedding innocent blood for hundreds of years now. Every time they appear they have a new name but the agenda is the same; kill as many people as possible who don't follow their molested version of Islam.

They've forgotten how you lived and frankly they don't care. They disregard the fact that you never once ordered the murder of a politician or a secret kidnapping when you and your companions were tortured in Mecca for thirteen years. They ignore that you were hit, kicked, spat on and even assaulted by your uncle Abu Lahab, who hated Islam and you did nothing in return. They don't mention that you said,

"Towards the end of time, if someone breaks into your home and wants to take your property be like Able, the better of the two sons of Adam."


I cry for Islam today Muhammad, because these evil people have misunderstood the Quran altogether. They claim that Allah ordered you to kill the 'People of the Book' but they don't understand that you weren't ordered to kill Jews and Christians at all. You taught us that those verses of war were ordering you to defend yourself against your own pagan Arab tribe at that time. These evil people discount the fact that you did business with Jews and Christians and had relationships with them.

These terrorists try and suppress the humanity and forbearance you demonstrated. Remember when you were chased out of the land of Taaif and stoned bloody and took no revenge? Remember when the pagan Arabs used to dump animal carcasses on your doorstep and even on your back while you prayed, and you would clean up without saying a word?

Just last week I debated a man who claimed that Islam and democracy are diametrically opposed to one another. I reminded him of the period you entered Medina and wrote a constitution allowing Jews and Christians the right to practice their faith openly, choose their own leaders, keep their own property and engage in business as they pleased. You even insisted that people of other faith-practices should settle their differences using their own laws. The man had no idea this was true. Most don't.

There are even some small-minded men who attempt to follow the letter of 7th century Islamic Law, rather than the spirit of it. They don't realize that Islam can be practiced in the 21st century with contemporary conditions taken into consideration. They want the entire world to continue to ride camels.

Since you've been gone, women have become the scorn of many patriarchal Muslim tribes even after you said,

"Be kind to women."


These so-called Muslims execute women who seek an education and if a woman is raped, she is blamed. You viewed women as an equal counterpart to men and you encouraged future fathers saying,

"Whoever has two daughters, educates them and takes care of them until adulthood will receive Paradise."


Considering the ascetic lifestyle you encouraged us to lead you'd be shocked at the number of corrupt Muslim leaders there are. Many Muslims have migrated from the Middle East to western lands because the leaders have stolen all of the wealth for themselves. Millions of young adults are illiterate, and with no functional economy to work for, they travel to the west seeking education and employment. Can you blame them?

I don't want to make it seem as if you weren't successful in your message. There was a golden era of a few hundred years where Muslims followed the true teachings of the Quran. We were prosperous, and lived in peace with others. We were the pinnacle of civilization with our inventions and scientific discoveries. We entertained guests from all over the world who came to take knowledge from us in places like Timbuktu, Spain, Morocco, and even Baghdad. But today, it seems the further we move away from the true message of Islam; which is peaceful submission to God and service to mankind, the more we become confused.

Those of us who are trying to hold on to the true teachings of Islam are having a difficult time in the west. People suspect us of being secretly in cahoots with the terrorists. College students, professionals and even school-aged Muslims have a pervading suspicion of guilt hanging above their heads no matter where they go. All of this is caused by the terrorists because now the average non-Muslim doesn't know what Islam really teaches us.

I pray that we can do what you advised us to do when you said,

"Make things easy for the people and do not make them difficult."


Only time will tell...

Your follower,

Originally Posted by randolph:

What about that 109 verses in the Quran?

Randolph, I had provided this as one of my many replies to that "109 verses" mantra I see littered in this forum.


Are words such as "fight" and "slain" not used in a metaphorical sense; and is this the Classical Arabic Transliteration? Translation gets interpreted through the mores and wisdom of contemporary meanings - ontological study of language.


There is a mixture of of violent words by the author with words like "fight" (jihad) or being slain (losing the fight). All the "fight" and "Jihad" and  so on are not war and militaristic in the literal sense. You have war of ideas - that doesn't mean you fight with guns and bombs.


That source submitted by Yuji is not scholarly at all; and I do not see the leap from that article and asserting that ISIS is doing what Islam says to do.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I know nothing about Religion BUT I know this: I know WRONG when I see, hear and read about it!!!  I have the COURAGE and MORAL to say they are wrong!!!

Like the two HOUSE SLAVES!!!!

YOu could not have been more CORRECT.  God Bless you for having the COURAGE and MORAL.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:

In layman's terms, throw the friggin book out, better yet,burn it.

Burn the Quran, eh....oh, I see.....I see....

According to some Muslims, Islamic hatred comes straight out of the Quran!  So that terrorists are actually "Islamic".

Which Muslims?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

The Qur'an is the New Testament of the New Testament.


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13


There are even some small-minded men who attempt to follow the letter of 7th century Islamic Law, rather than the spirit of it. They don't realize that Islam can be practiced in the 21st century with contemporary conditions taken into consideration. They want the entire world to continue to ride camels.

Since you've been gone, women have become the scorn of many patriarchal Muslim tribes even after you said,

"Be kind to women."


These so-called Muslims execute women who seek an education and if a woman is raped, she is blamed. You viewed women as an equal counterpart to men and you encouraged future fathers saying,

"Whoever has two daughters, educates them and takes care of them until adulthood will receive Paradise."

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

There are even some small-minded men who attempt to follow the letter of 7th century Islamic Law, rather than the spirit of it. They don't realize that Islam can be practiced in the 21st century with contemporary conditions taken into consideration. They want the entire world to continue to ride camels.

Since you've been gone, women have become the scorn of many patriarchal Muslim tribes even after you said,

"Be kind to women."


These so-called Muslims execute women who seek an education and if a woman is raped, she is blamed. You viewed women as an equal counterpart to men and you encouraged future fathers saying,

"Whoever has two daughters, educates them and takes care of them until adulthood will receive Paradise."


Riff, looks like you are taking a preemptive strike. You don't want Trump to put you a muslim database heh. Don't worry, there might be financial rewards for turning in muslims. I'll keep you in mind. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

morons . . . exactly who/which religion "burned" the Old Testament?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

The Qur'an is the New Testament of the New Testament.


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

Christians believe in a triune god. To accept the son is to achieve grace and be filled with the spirit of god which is the way the truth and the light. It is not a predictor of things to come but a predictor of things ever present in having faith in Jesus and receiving grace, ie wisdom from the holy spirit what is divine will.


Two verses back Jesus said " no one cometh unto the father but by me" and emphasized there that "I am the way the truth and the light ". He did not say wait seven centuries for the corrected or revised version of Christianity to be called something else with addendums.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:

In layman's terms, throw the friggin book out, better yet,burn it.

Burn the Quran, eh....oh, I see.....I see....

According to some Muslims, Islamic hatred comes straight out of the Quran!  So that terrorists are actually "Islamic".

Which Muslims?


One who chose to speak out and take the heat.  I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg!

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

There are even some small-minded men who attempt to follow the letter of 7th century Islamic Law, rather than the spirit of it. They don't realize that Islam can be practiced in the 21st century with contemporary conditions taken into consideration. They want the entire world to continue to ride camels.

"Whoever has two daughters, educates them and takes care of them until adulthood will receive Paradise."

2 hours ago

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

There are even some small-minded men who attempt to follow the letter of 7th century Islamic Law, rather than the spirit of it. They don't realize that Islam can be practiced in the 21st century with contemporary conditions taken into consideration. They want the entire world to continue to ride camels.

Since you've been gone, women have become the scorn of many patriarchal Muslim tribes even after you said,

"Be kind to women."


These so-called Muslims execute women who seek an education and if a woman is raped, she is blamed. You viewed women as an equal counterpart to men and you encouraged future fathers saying,

"Whoever has two daughters, educates them and takes care of them until adulthood will receive Paradise."


All scriptures are interpreted. The problem here is literal vs metaphorical interpretations. Literal translations of some of these utterances are ghastly and backward in our modern world. It is a matter for rationalism in the church in matters of human governance. It cannot be left to the church or religion because we have so many churches and so many religions.


One of the reasons I will not enter a church...any church is because I believe too many sins are conjured therein and in my mind they are all dens on inequity. It is all because every church hedges in their subscription to rational theory selection in human government. Most cannot constrain their hand to intrude on the political affairs of state to force the hand of politicians who are supposed to represent  heterogeneous cultures.


I only go to churches that have been existing for a long enough time that they have become archetypes of the religion and good in itself. These are the churches that are global symbols of a faith in humanity rather than mere places of worship according to some particular prescriptions of the Faith ie,  The Church of St James in Compustela, Church of the Nativity, Hagia Sophia etc... I go into churches only twice a year. At Easter and at Christmas and this is mostly because my wife and children sees it as necessary for their conception of family and god.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

The Qur'an is the New Testament of the New Testament.


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

Nah bhai, the New Testament deals with the men who found the relationship with Jesus Christ. They preach that relationship in the pages of the New Testament, claiming only through Jesus can sins be forgiven. islam disputes that all together. Islam is more of the Talmud. For Islam Mohammad is greater of all the prophets. And for the Jews, Moses is more recognised.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

morons . . . exactly who/which religion "burned" the Old Testament?

Pope Alexander, 1492. His lifestyle was anti-New Testament.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

morons . . . exactly who/which religion "burned" the Old Testament?

Pope Alexander, 1492. His lifestyle was anti-New Testament.

seignet, you are a confused donkey


do you know the difference between the Old Testament and the Talmud?


banna, get yuhself ah proper Bible education and stop dabbling with the satanic stuff

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

The Qur'an is the New Testament of the New Testament.


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

Christians believe in a triune god. To accept the son is to achieve grace and be filled with the spirit of god which is the way the truth and the light. It is not a predictor of things to come but a predictor of things ever present in having faith in Jesus and receiving grace, ie wisdom from the holy spirit what is divine will.


Two verses back Jesus said " no one cometh unto the father but by me" and emphasized there that "I am the way the truth and the light ". He did not say wait seven centuries for the corrected or revised version of Christianity to be called something else with addendums.

Actually he said that if he does not leave, the comforter can't come. In other passages, the comforter is equated with the spirit of truth. If the spirit of truth was the Holy Spirit, the Jesus was incorrect in say that if he doesn't leave the comforter can't come because the Holy Spirit was already there. It was there with Jesus as well as John the Baptiste as well as others.


When Jesus spoke of being the way, the truth, the life, he was speaking of those there while he was there. Same as when he spoke of np one cometh unto the father except through. He was not speaking about forever because by his own pronouncement, "the spirit of truth, who is the comforter would lead them unto ALL truths".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:

In layman's terms, throw the friggin book out, better yet,burn it.

Burn the Quran, eh....oh, I see.....I see....

According to some Muslims, Islamic hatred comes straight out of the Quran!  So that terrorists are actually "Islamic".

Which Muslims?


One who chose to speak out and take the heat.  I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg!

female genital circumcision is not a Muslim sanction. It is a cultural practice in that part of the world.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:




All scriptures are interpreted. The problem here is literal vs metaphorical interpretations. Literal translations of some of these utterances are ghastly and backward in our modern world. It is a matter for rationalism in the church in matters of human governance. It cannot be left to the church or religion because we have so many churches and so many religions.


One of the reasons I will not enter a church...any church is because I believe too many sins are conjured therein and in my mind they are all dens on inequity. It is all because every church hedges in their subscription to rational theory selection in human government. Most cannot constrain their hand to intrude on the political affairs of state to force the hand of politicians who are supposed to represent  heterogeneous cultures.


I only go to churches that have been existing for a long enough time that they have become archetypes of the religion and good in itself. These are the churches that are global symbols of a faith in humanity rather than mere places of worship according to some particular prescriptions of the Faith ie,  The Church of St James in Compustela, Church of the Nativity, Hagia Sophia etc... I go into churches only twice a year. At Easter and at Christmas and this is mostly because my wife and children sees it as necessary for their conception of family and god.


Good points here.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

The Qur'an is the New Testament of the New Testament.


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

Nah bhai, the New Testament deals with the men who found the relationship with Jesus Christ. They preach that relationship in the pages of the New Testament, claiming only through Jesus can sins be forgiven. islam disputes that all together. Islam is more of the Talmud. For Islam Mohammad is greater of all the prophets. And for the Jews, Moses is more recognised.

Are you confusing Talmud with Torah?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:




All scriptures are interpreted. The problem here is literal vs metaphorical interpretations. Literal translations of some of these utterances are ghastly and backward in our modern world. It is a matter for rationalism in the church in matters of human governance. It cannot be left to the church or religion because we have so many churches and so many religions.


One of the reasons I will not enter a church...any church is because I believe too many sins are conjured therein and in my mind they are all dens on inequity. It is all because every church hedges in their subscription to rational theory selection in human government. Most cannot constrain their hand to intrude on the political affairs of state to force the hand of politicians who are supposed to represent  heterogeneous cultures.


I only go to churches that have been existing for a long enough time that they have become archetypes of the religion and good in itself. These are the churches that are global symbols of a faith in humanity rather than mere places of worship according to some particular prescriptions of the Faith ie,  The Church of St James in Compustela, Church of the Nativity, Hagia Sophia etc... I go into churches only twice a year. At Easter and at Christmas and this is mostly because my wife and children sees it as necessary for their conception of family and god.


Good points here.

True dat! Except for the last part. I does only stop in for their Chrismus Bazaar an' bake sales. This time when I put out my dough I get something in return.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by cain:

In layman's terms, throw the friggin book out, better yet,burn it.

Burn the Quran, eh....oh, I see.....I see....

According to some Muslims, Islamic hatred comes straight out of the Quran!  So that terrorists are actually "Islamic".

Which Muslims?


One who chose to speak out and take the heat.  I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg!

female genital circumcision is not a Muslim sanction. It is a cultural practice in that part of the world.

Is that all you read/see she talked about!

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by gogo:

A new Koran without the 109 verses is needed for the new generation, burn the old friggin book, it has outlived its usefulness.

Correct, like the New Testament.

The Qur'an is the New Testament of the New Testament.


"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

Nah bhai, the New Testament deals with the men who found the relationship with Jesus Christ. They preach that relationship in the pages of the New Testament, claiming only through Jesus can sins be forgiven. islam disputes that all together. Islam is more of the Talmud. For Islam Mohammad is greater of all the prophets. And for the Jews, Moses is more recognised.

Are you confusing Talmud with Torah?

The Talmud was the experiences in Babylon. The region where the current crisis is-the worship of Baal.


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