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Former Member

t is now three days since a most horrific and unacceptable incident, involving a senior government Minister, occurred and I find it necessary to submit this letter for your consideration.
On Monday, December 18, 2017, the wife of an employee of the Ministry of Agriculture was assaulted by the Minister, whose office is in Kingston. The woman was at the Ministry of Agriculture to conduct some business. On arriving at the Ministry of Agriculture, she was directed to an office. On entering the office, she was assaulted by the Minister. In putting up a fight and resisting his advances, there was a commotion. The commotion in the office caused other staff members to rush to the office. Had the staff members not rushed to the office, Editor, the woman would have been raped.

The terrified woman rushed out of the office. Another staff member recognised her as the wife of a Ministry of Agriculture staff member and advised her to leave. The Minister was abusive to the staff members also.

Editor, you would think that this was the end of the incident, but it is not. After rushing to her car and driving away, she was followed by the Minister. The result of his action was that he crashed into the woman’s vehicle on Shiv Chanderpaul drive. It is God’s grace that the woman was not alone when all of this occurred.

This letter, I hope, will be used to prevent a reoccurrence of such incidents, which are completely unacceptable. It will also, hopefully, lead to an investigation and disciplining of the Minister. The Minister’s use of an office at the Ministry of Agriculture is also an issue that must be questioned.

Editor, I am withholding the name of the woman and her husband for obvious reasons, but the Minister CANNOT deny his actions, since his actions were witnessed by staff members of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the accident was noticed by the persons. Investigations into this matter by the authorities will prove this.

This is a matter of abuse of power. It is a matter that demands the most vocal condemnation from our society. No woman should have to endure what this woman has had to go through and regardless of who is implicated as the person committing an assault should be held accountable for such actions.
Arnold Sanasie

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Riff posted:

unless they can mention some names, then it seems like a fake story

I just won a bet that your answer was expected.According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women. For the sake of the woman's husband keeping his job everything has to be swept under the rug. Unfortunately, many more incidences have occurred and many have to remain silent.

kp posted:

According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women.

Please shed some light on how you arrived at this conclusion. I don't recall anyone on GNI supporting abuse of women.

As a matter of fact, supporters of the current government display a stark distinction in their criticism of the government compared to rarely seen criticism of the PPP from PPP supporters.

antabanta posted:
kp posted:

According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women.

Please shed some light on how you arrived at this conclusion. I don't recall anyone on GNI supporting abuse of women.

As a matter of fact, supporters of the current government display a stark distinction in their criticism of the government compared to rarely seen criticism of the PPP from PPP supporters.

I don't want to call names.

kp posted:
Riff posted:

unless they can mention some names, then it seems like a fake story

I just won a bet that your answer was expected.According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women. For the sake of the woman's husband keeping his job everything has to be swept under the rug. Unfortunately, many more incidences have occurred and many have to remain silent.

You make no sense...but that is to be expected

Dave posted:

Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder has denied allegations of assault against a woman at his Ministry. The bizarre allegations were made in a letter to the editor by a person in the name of Arnold Sanasie.

The letter alleges that a Minister, whose substantive office is in Kingston, Georgetown, assaulted a woman at the Agriculture Ministry on December 18. The letter states that the woman is the wife of a staffer at the Ministry, who was there at the time to conduct business. The letter was issued to the media this afternoon and immediately after, Minister Holder called an emergency press conference where he denied all allegations even though he is not the minister who is being accused.

β€œAs far as the incident that was reported in the papers, I cannot see it involving this ministry. I have no reports either from the administration of the ministry or the security that incident of this nature occurred within this compound,” Minister Holder stated.

Mr Holder also denied that others minister visited his office on the day in question.

The Ministry even showed some footage to the media of the series of events which unfolded on the day in question. The media was unable to review all of the footage but the Ministry has undertaken to make copies available to the press.

As such, when asked why he felt the need to respond to these allegations, Holder said he wants to protect his reputation.

β€œI celebrated my birthday on Monday, I am 72-years-old. Things of this nature can sully a person’s reputation; I’ve had a good reputation all my life for 72 years and I certainly don’t want it tarnished now,” the Agriculture Minister explained.

Mr Holder also noted that matters of this nature have the potential to go viral and therefore he thought it best to nip the issue in the bud.

Head of the Department of Public Information (DPI) Imran Khan said he has made contact with a person named Arnold Sanasie who has denied penning the letter.

Demerara_Guy posted:

The report stated ...

Place --------- Ministry of Agriculture

Individual --- Minister

Office ------- Kingston

Said the certified newsman

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave is a Certified Fabricator. 

Just sharing  the news bud . A friend send it my way . 

The news paper need to verify these report before publishing such article . 

And you have people on here claiming it's gospel 

Riff posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

The report stated ...

Place --------- Ministry of Agriculture

Individual --- Minister

Office ------- Kingston

Said the certified newsman

Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave is a Certified Fabricator. 

Just sharing  the news bud . A friend send it my way . 

The news paper need to verify these report before publishing such article . 

And you have people on here claiming it's gospel 

Let’s hope the 72 years old minister wasn’t drunk on his birthday and he is not one of them who likes to unzip . 

Lets see the full video as he promise but again who know if the video will be taken to the butcher .

Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave is a Certified Fabricator. 

Just sharing  the news bud . A friend send it my way . 

The news paper need to verify these report before publishing such article . 

You are responsible for what you post.  

What nonsense you are talking, Dave posted the source of the article, the minister held a press conference. Once there is smoke, there is fire.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave is a Certified Fabricator. 

Just sharing  the news bud . A friend send it my way . 

The news paper need to verify these report before publishing such article . 

You are responsible for what you post.  

What nonsense you are talking, Dave posted the source of the article, the minister held a press conference. Once there is smoke, there is fire.

Yes KP you rite ...gam fo me ... he backside knows which Lem  to jump on . Is just me in a good mood today .

Dave posted:
kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
Dave posted:
Mitwah posted:

Dave is a Certified Fabricator. 

Just sharing  the news bud . A friend send it my way . 

The news paper need to verify these report before publishing such article . 

You are responsible for what you post.  

What nonsense you are talking, Dave posted the source of the article, the minister held a press conference. Once there is smoke, there is fire.

Yes KP you rite ...gam fo me ... he backside knows which Lem  to jump on . Is just me in a good mood today .

LOL! He is an insurance sales man. 

Drugb posted:

How times change, anta, riff and the rest of the pnc gang would have had a field day if a similar report surfaced about a ppp minister pre 2015. 

What report? There is no report. If you have one please share it. There are many reports about the abuses perpetrated by PPP members and the Rat. Many. Not questionable letters without details. Reports.

kp posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women.

Please shed some light on how you arrived at this conclusion. I don't recall anyone on GNI supporting abuse of women.

As a matter of fact, supporters of the current government display a stark distinction in their criticism of the government compared to rarely seen criticism of the PPP from PPP supporters.

I don't want to call names.

No need to call names.  We all know who the predators are.  The track record speaks for itself.  Thankfully we are entering into an era where women are speaking up and naming names.

Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women.

Please shed some light on how you arrived at this conclusion. I don't recall anyone on GNI supporting abuse of women.

As a matter of fact, supporters of the current government display a stark distinction in their criticism of the government compared to rarely seen criticism of the PPP from PPP supporters.

I don't want to call names.

In other words,  you're blowing hot air.

Riff posted:
Drugb posted:

How times change, anta, riff and the rest of the pnc gang would have had a field day if a similar report surfaced about a ppp minister pre 2015. 

I criticize all equally....unlike blind PPP supporters

You fellas thought the PPP did no wrong, unlike us who willing to call a spade a spade, PPP or PNC

You would not know a spade if you saw one.

antabanta posted:
kp posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women.

Please shed some light on how you arrived at this conclusion. I don't recall anyone on GNI supporting abuse of women.

As a matter of fact, supporters of the current government display a stark distinction in their criticism of the government compared to rarely seen criticism of the PPP from PPP supporters.

I don't want to call names.

In other words,  you're blowing hot air.

Riff just answer your question  look above. 

kp posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

According to you guys on GNI, once this incident involves politicians it is open season against women.

Please shed some light on how you arrived at this conclusion. I don't recall anyone on GNI supporting abuse of women.

As a matter of fact, supporters of the current government display a stark distinction in their criticism of the government compared to rarely seen criticism of the PPP from PPP supporters.

I don't want to call names.

In other words,  you're blowing hot air.

Riff just answer your question  look above. 


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