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cain posted:

No way! Even though the banna "thinks" he better than yours truly on guitar I doan see Storm calling me a racist. 

On the guitar thing Storm you might better me on rhythm style is a different story altogether banna.

Can't take a ribbing!!! I play a mean lead with and the old school setup when I play lead. two tube screamers, a blues pedal, distortion pedals, old style vox etc. and kill it. My rhythm is also fairly complete  ...everything from blues ( delta, chicago, texas)  to Brazilian to gypsy, and classic rock...I am getting real good with age.  These days I play a lot of acoustic...mainly gypsy music. I am a consummate student of the guitar. I cannot say I am a great player but close to a technically complete player.  I am trying to add my own color to what I do. Sorry...I have been copying and studying so much for the joy of it that I am now coming to acquire a style. I cannot say I have a style yet.

Last edited by Former Member

Oh rant I wonder where Spy disappeared to? Perhaps our Sexy Sunshine girl might have an answer.

The only pedal I use is the  Boss CE-5 Chorus ensemble and for vocals I use a Boss VE-20 Vocal Processor it gives me some nice harmonies, I don't use the looper it comes with. What I am hoping to make after I move is a Cajon box drum and use a foot pedal, would be interesting.

I am not moving East as planned but instead heading North to Fenelon Falls, 1 1/2 hr from T.O.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

Oh rant I wonder where Spy disappeared to? Perhaps our Sexy Sunshine girl might have an answer.

The only pedal I use is the  Boss CE-5 Chorus ensemble and for vocals I use a Boss VE-20 Vocal Processor it gives me some nice harmonies, I don't use the looper it comes with. What I am hoping to make after I move is a Cajon box drum and use a foot pedal, would be interesting.

I am not moving East as planned but instead heading North to Fenelon Falls, 1 1/2 hr from T.O.

What the hell are you going to do in Fenelon falls? There are more moose there than people. I bet the 20 girls who live there can have the pick of all of the 200 guys competing for their attention! You better take a woman with you or it will be cold nights by that bloody lake with the wind coming directly over it.

My blues pedal is boss. I also use a line six pod ( actually have a few of them since I always try to get the newest) Once I learn a system I stick to it. These days you can also get hundreds pre sets via a tablet to manipulate a sound profile to match a particular song as recorded.  We play a lot in the streets and fairs and coffee houses in the summer so it is easier to have presets ( which would include loops and drums or a whole dam orchestra if you want)

cain posted:

Banna, I have been going to Fenelin Falls for almost 40yrs now and I have never seen Moose...lots of women but no Moose. Even if there is only one woman in town I wouldn't worry, I have good strong bait.

just guessing...was there once many eons ago...some 30 years...boondocks. My brother in law ( dead now) used to make camping and outdoors delivery there. 

I am sure the moose come out at night as all 200 men are watching the one woman. That is why you do not see them.

Last edited by Former Member

Hola Jhosep

Bienvenido al foro. Si te interesa llegar a Guyana la manera mÃĄs fÃĄcil es por vía terrestre saliendo por Santa Elena de UairÃĐn hasta Boa Vista. De allí hay autobuses que llegan hasta Lethem en Guyana. De Lethem hay 2 vuelos diarios a Georgetown, son como una hora. No estoy seguro del visado, es preferible chequear con la embajada en Caracas o con el consulado en Puerto Ordaz.

Fuerza amigo, nada dura para siempre. Pasamos lo mismo en Guyana hace veinte aÃąos con el socialismo estilo cubano motivo por lo cual casi 100 mil Guyaneses se refugiaron en Estado Bolívar. Hoy nos hemos librado de eso y la mayoría de los Guyaneses han regresado a su país natal.

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Jhosep posted:

stormborn's spanish is perfect, i wish can someday write english perfect, like he, wrote spanish

Jhosep, welcome aboard. You seem to express yourself well in English. Looks like our Stormy knows more Spanish than you do. Now, you sure you are from the hostile neighboring country? Looks like you were educated in an English country.

Maybe a GNIer who's suspended or banned. 

Did one of your many nicks got banned or suspended and resurrected as someone else...


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