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caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
. Everyone, including the international community

Has said that the 2015 was FREE AND FAIR.

The PPP lost.  You all can no longer scream that "black man will never rule Guyana again".

Seriously. GET OVER IT! 

LGE is NOT supposed to be used as a proxy national election.  Folks in G/town and other PNC strongholds know this.  DUMB PPP areas do not!

This has nothing to do with racism(blackman/coolieman).
DUMB PPP areas.. wreaks of dumb coolies heh? Go ahead paint your black swastikas. Don't hide behind your adjectives.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
. Everyone, including the international community

Has said that the 2015 was FREE AND FAIR.

The PPP lost.  You all can no longer scream that "black man will never rule Guyana again".

Seriously. GET OVER IT! 

LGE is NOT supposed to be used as a proxy national election.  Folks in G/town and other PNC strongholds know this.  DUMB PPP areas do not!

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

This has nothing to do with racism(blackman/coolieman).
DUMB PPP areas.. wreaks of dumb coolies heh?

PNC folks have the opportunity to select people who have NOTHING to do with Granger.

PPP folks must blindly follow those selected by Jagdeo.

Clearly you, as a PPP supporter, are quite DUMB, not to see how the PPP is enslaving its supporters!

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
. Everyone, including the international community

Has said that the 2015 was FREE AND FAIR.

The PPP lost.  You all can no longer scream that "black man will never rule Guyana again".

Seriously. GET OVER IT! 

LGE is NOT supposed to be used as a proxy national election.  Folks in G/town and other PNC strongholds know this.  DUMB PPP areas do not!

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members. His name will ring in their ears, they will hum his name at all hours during their waking moments and their brains will constantly be occupied with the words J A G D E O. No relief for them. The name Jagdeo will trigger a tsunami in their heads. They will find no solace. They will end up running crazy.

Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members.

Really.  Actually they are over joyed that the PPP was dumb enough to keep a man who made them lose the 2015 election with his racist "hate blackman" campaign, instead of selecting new and dynamic leadership which might have made inroads into PNC strongholds.

Yes keep the same old rotten PPP milk in the fridge.

baseman posted:

Nah, now is back to "Blackman ah goa kill abie"!!


This is not news.  That was the PPP campaign slogan last year.

That is why huge numbers of blacks and mixed showed up to toss you all out.  They claim that this is what they wanted.  Its not that they like Granger, because many don't.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members.

Really.  Actually they are over joyed that the PPP was dumb enough to keep a man who made them lose the 2015 election with his racist "hate blackman" campaign, instead of selecting new and dynamic leadership which might have made inroads into PNC strongholds.

Yes keep the same old rotten PPP milk in the fridge.

Yet they shiver when they see Jagdeo and made all illegal attempts to quiet him and throw him in jail. Jagdeo has just started and is only showing his trailer.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Again if I hope the Independents kick the PPP ass today in Corriverton also NO 52-74 Village elections where Mr. David Subnauth is also running against the PPP.

I hope so too, if for no other reason than to signal to Jagdeo that he should NOT be intervening in local gov't elections, unless he is running as a candidate in a municipality.

Why doesn't the PPP emancipate its followers from the mental slavery of thinking that they shouldn't be involved in the full democratic process.  This inclusive of choosing THEIR candidate, and not merely accepting those selected by them.

For various reasons Guyana doesn't have a constituency system, so the MPs are selected by party leadership, and not by the people.

So local gov't is the ONLY space where the people who DIRECT input into who their leaders should be!

jAGDEO was campaining all over the country like his life depend on this.

His sorry ass are campaiging against independents, he continue to fool the uneducated Indians.

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Nah, now is back to "Blackman ah goa kill abie"!!


This is not news.  That was the PPP campaign slogan last year.

That is why huge numbers of blacks and mixed showed up to toss you all out.  They claim that this is what they wanted.  Its not that they like Granger, because many don't.

No kidding!!!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

Actually Guysuco don't provide service any more,if i can recall all the areas fall under Local Gov't,me thinks that was passed when Cheddi came to power.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
. Everyone, including the international community

Has said that the 2015 was FREE AND FAIR.

The PPP lost.  You all can no longer scream that "black man will never rule Guyana again".

Seriously. GET OVER IT! 

LGE is NOT supposed to be used as a proxy national election.  Folks in G/town and other PNC strongholds know this.  DUMB PPP areas do not!

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members. His name will ring in their ears, they will hum his name at all hours during their waking moments and their brains will constantly be occupied with the words J A G D E O. No relief for them. The name Jagdeo will trigger a tsunami in their heads. They will find no solace. They will end up running crazy.

Nightmare yes! 

No other leader stole land and built a Mansion.

skeldon_man posted:

Yet they shiver

The only shivering that is going on is Jagdeo, as he contemplates a long future in a Guyanese jail.  With US prosecutors assisting the Guyana gov't.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
. Everyone, including the international community

Has said that the 2015 was FREE AND FAIR.

The PPP lost.  You all can no longer scream that "black man will never rule Guyana again".

Seriously. GET OVER IT! 

LGE is NOT supposed to be used as a proxy national election.  Folks in G/town and other PNC strongholds know this.  DUMB PPP areas do not!

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members. His name will ring in their ears, they will hum his name at all hours during their waking moments and their brains will constantly be occupied with the words J A G D E O. No relief for them. The name Jagdeo will trigger a tsunami in their heads. They will find no solace. They will end up running crazy.

Dr crime can do that to u

baseman posted:
CIA, the GDF, GPF riggery and PPP lost by a measly 2500.


And yet the PPP cannot furnish one iota of proof that there was rigging.  They could have leaked it to their KKK rag, AKA the Guyana Times.

You must admit that your "AFC is a dead duck", "PNC is a 40% party" and "black man will never rule Guyana again" look very quaint and silly now.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
. Everyone, including the international community

Has said that the 2015 was FREE AND FAIR.

The PPP lost.  You all can no longer scream that "black man will never rule Guyana again".

Seriously. GET OVER IT! 

LGE is NOT supposed to be used as a proxy national election.  Folks in G/town and other PNC strongholds know this.  DUMB PPP areas do not!

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members. His name will ring in their ears, they will hum his name at all hours during their waking moments and their brains will constantly be occupied with the words J A G D E O. No relief for them. The name Jagdeo will trigger a tsunami in their heads. They will find no solace. They will end up running crazy.

Nightmare yes! 

No other leader stole land and built a Mansion.

Unlike the PNC, they tief half and leff half. No empty treasury.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members.

Really.  Actually they are over joyed that the PPP was dumb enough to keep a man who made them lose the 2015 election with his racist "hate blackman" campaign, instead of selecting new and dynamic leadership which might have made inroads into PNC strongholds.

Yes keep the same old rotten PPP milk in the fridge.

Yet they shiver when they see Jagdeo and made all illegal attempts to quiet him and throw him in jail. Jagdeo has just started and is only showing his trailer.

For a professor u really dumb the ppp will never win a next election with people like Jagdeo and rohee in that party 

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Again if I hope the Independents kick the PPP ass today in Corriverton also NO 52-74 Village elections where Mr. David Subnauth is also running against the PPP.

I hope so too, if for no other reason than to signal to Jagdeo that he should NOT be intervening in local gov't elections, unless he is running as a candidate in a municipality.

Why doesn't the PPP emancipate its followers from the mental slavery of thinking that they shouldn't be involved in the full democratic process.  This inclusive of choosing THEIR candidate, and not merely accepting those selected by them.

For various reasons Guyana doesn't have a constituency system, so the MPs are selected by party leadership, and not by the people.

So local gov't is the ONLY space where the people who DIRECT input into who their leaders should be!

jAGDEO was campaining all over the country like his life depend on this.

His sorry ass are campaiging against independents, he continue to fool the uneducated Indians.

The PPP keep them that way,to garner support.


Today in Citizen report:

Sugar workers were not given time out to vote in LGE. This is one of the reason Dr. Jagdeo wanted to make LGE day a national holiday. 

Once again the Indians were denied the right to vote.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members.

Really.  Actually they are over joyed that the PPP was dumb enough to keep a man who made them lose the 2015 election with his racist "hate blackman" campaign, instead of selecting new and dynamic leadership which might have made inroads into PNC strongholds.

Yes keep the same old rotten PPP milk in the fridge.

Yet they shiver when they see Jagdeo and made all illegal attempts to quiet him and throw him in jail. Jagdeo has just started and is only showing his trailer.

For a professor u really dumb the ppp will never win a next election with people like Jagdeo and rohee in that party 

Rememba, me phambly guh tief cow wid you phambly and give de munny to Jagdeo and de PPP. You can only milk dem bulls and sell de milk. Not too much demand for bull milk.

Cobra posted:

Today in Citizen report:

Sugar workers were not given time out to vote in LGE. This is one of the reason Dr. Jagdeo wanted to make LGE day a national holiday. 

Once again the Indians were denied the right to vote.

Field workers finished work early and have time to vote.

Cobra posted:

Today in Citizen report:

Sugar workers were not given time out to vote in LGE. This is one of the reason Dr. Jagdeo wanted to make LGE day a national holiday. 

Once again the Indians were denied the right to vote.

Funny. Jagdeo did NOT hold LGE, so why is he now worried that they couldn't take the day off.

They could call in sick if they cared enough.  In the USA we don't get a day off to vote!

Django posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

Actually Guysuco don't provide service any more,if i can recall all the areas fall under Local Gov't,me thinks that was passed when Cheddi came to power.

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members.

Really.  Actually they are over joyed that the PPP was dumb enough to keep a man who made them lose the 2015 election with his racist "hate blackman" campaign, instead of selecting new and dynamic leadership which might have made inroads into PNC strongholds.

Yes keep the same old rotten PPP milk in the fridge.

Yet they shiver when they see Jagdeo and made all illegal attempts to quiet him and throw him in jail. Jagdeo has just started and is only showing his trailer.

For a professor u really dumb the ppp will never win a next election with people like Jagdeo and rohee in that party 

Rememba, me phambly guh tief cow wid you phambly and give de munny to Jagdeo and de PPP. You can only milk dem bulls and sell de milk. Not too much demand for bull milk.

You bringing down them ppp bai stats this money too small for them bais 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo is a nightmare for the PNC and their members.

Really.  Actually they are over joyed that the PPP was dumb enough to keep a man who made them lose the 2015 election with his racist "hate blackman" campaign, instead of selecting new and dynamic leadership which might have made inroads into PNC strongholds.

Yes keep the same old rotten PPP milk in the fridge.

Yet they shiver when they see Jagdeo and made all illegal attempts to quiet him and throw him in jail. Jagdeo has just started and is only showing his trailer.

For a professor u really dumb the ppp will never win a next election with people like Jagdeo and rohee in that party 

Rememba, me phambly guh tief cow wid you phambly and give de munny to Jagdeo and de PPP. You can only milk dem bulls and sell de milk. Not too much demand for bull milk.

You bringing down them ppp bai stats this money too small for them bais 

Lol.  Can someone please translate this to English!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Vish M posted:

It is interesting that this post was not derail as yet

We are become a bit more civil....its a good start


Hi Vish, how are you?  We are not allowed to cuss the Friday before Good Friday!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

Actually Guysuco don't provide service any more,if i can recall all the areas fall under Local Gov't,me thinks that was passed when Cheddi came to power.

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

Le me explain field workers finish work early,factory workers work on shift,office workers work 8hrs everyone have time to vote.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

Actually Guysuco don't provide service any more,if i can recall all the areas fall under Local Gov't,me thinks that was passed when Cheddi came to power.

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

Le me explain field workers finish work early,factory workers work on shift,office workers work 8hrs everyone have time to vote.

Where did you get this from?  This is not what I am hearing. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

Actually Guysuco don't provide service any more,if i can recall all the areas fall under Local Gov't,me thinks that was passed when Cheddi came to power.

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

Le me explain field workers finish work early,factory workers work on shift,office workers work 8hrs everyone have time to vote.

Where did you get this from?  This is not what I am hearing. 

I worked for a while in the Sugar Industry,also grow up in the neighborhood.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

PPP worried that the low turn out means that they cannot scream that they are hugely popular, so they invent this lie.

Your employer in the USA is NOT going to give you a day off to vote.  But I bet that you will figure out how to vote for Trump!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
caribny posted:
Django posted:

Most of the residents in sugar estate areas don't know what is local gov't,the housing scheme and facilities maintenance was provided by the Sugar Estates.

Well they will have to learn as Guysuco can no longer do anything other than grow and process its canes as efficiently as possible.  It cannot over to engage in activities which have nothing to do with that.

Actually Guysuco don't provide service any more,if i can recall all the areas fall under Local Gov't,me thinks that was passed when Cheddi came to power.

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

Le me explain field workers finish work early,factory workers work on shift,office workers work 8hrs everyone have time to vote.

Where did you get this from?  This is not what I am hearing. 

I worked for a while in the Sugar Industry,also grow up in the neighborhood.

I am speaking of today.  Right now.  Did you work there when Granger was president?  This time nah long time. 

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

I heard that voter turn out is low.

THAT is the problem. 

Interesting that the PPP screams about sugar workers when NO ONE got time off to vote.  Its not a holiday, so folks either show up to work, call in sick, or take a vacation day.  NOT limited to sugar workers.

Jagdeo is looking for an excuse to explain why few are bothering to vote in PPP strongholds!

His plot to claim that the LGE is a mandate to his popularity looks like its falling FLAT!

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

PPP worried that the low turn out means that they cannot scream that they are hugely popular, so they invent this lie.

Your employer in the USA is NOT going to give you a day off to vote.  But I bet that you will figure out how to vote for Trump!

Yes.  I will be standing in line at 6:00 am - sleet, snow, or shine!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Guysuco issued a mandate that none of their employees can get time off to go and vote in the LGE today.  Welcome to Democracy!!!

PPP worried that the low turn out means that they cannot scream that they are hugely popular, so they invent this lie.

Your employer in the USA is NOT going to give you a day off to vote.  But I bet that you will figure out how to vote for Trump!

Yes.  I will be standing in line at 6:00 am - sleet, snow, or shine!!!

And the sugar workers can do the same, so the fact that they don't means that they don't care about the options available.  Yes the Jagdeo stooges who the PPP commands that they vote for.

caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

Today in Citizen report:

Sugar workers were not given time out to vote in LGE. This is one of the reason Dr. Jagdeo wanted to make LGE day a national holiday. 

Once again the Indians were denied the right to vote.

Funny. Jagdeo did NOT hold LGE, so why is he now worried that they couldn't take the day off.

They could call in sick if they cared enough.  In the USA we don't get a day off to vote!

Is the PNC a government for all the people of some of the people?



Don't know too much about what has been happening with LGE. Was BJ running for any office? I heard somewhere that he was campaigning very actively. 

I think he should take some time out and spend it with his two kids. (I bet few of you didn't know that huh?) Time flies when kids are growing, you blink and they are grown. 

Last edited by Former Member

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