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Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Happy SUNDAY to all, including PPP/Indo haters Caribj, Ronan, D2 and who ever.  Eat your heart out buggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not hate the PPP. I have contempt for their philosophy, kleptocracy and friends and family aggrandizement. 

Hey hey....I need to juk yuh lilbit!!

You cannot, I have a black belt in the duck and dodge. Plus these people are as stale as last week bread. They have no message that what they will do will be better. They have no plan that they speak to and they do not speak to constitution reform that would avoid the on going perennial low level ethnic tribal war that consumes most of our political currency. One should think of autumn when one thinks of a political party, ripe with the potential of the harvest. They are cold grey and stale as an arctic winter night. 

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Happy SUNDAY to all, including PPP/Indo haters Caribj, Ronan, D2 and who ever.  Eat your heart out buggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess this cheap slander is your COWARD'S way of running like rass from me after i lift up your dress on the other thread here:

uh huh

You mean the "rise-up" Lethem?  It's the truth!

contextually, you are offering gibberish . . . it's non-responsive

you need to stop sand dancin and answer my simple question on the other thread

Last edited by Former Member

On my way home from the circus at Durban Park last evening, APNU meeting at Plaisance had approximately 10 persons sitting. Lots of empty chairs. In all fairness, loud speaker at the market place, so many more within a short distance might be hearing. Beyond that, loud music from the bar at the corner and several other places prevented others from hearing. The turnout at mon Repos was dismal, approx 5 persons.  But, loud speaker meant that the message might be received by more. I think by now most have decided for whom they will vote.

D2 posted:

Guyanese will vote for the ethnic divide like loyal sheep. Neither party feels threatened by a leeching off of their base so they do not campaign on plans for progress but on leveraging bile at how bad the other side is. 

BJ could solve that problem.  He should Douglarize with one of them same girls hugging him.  I like that one towards the end, that straight hair beauty.  Do that, he will have Guyana in the bag for the PPP!!

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Happy SUNDAY to all, including PPP/Indo haters Caribj, Ronan, D2 and who ever.  Eat your heart out buggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not hate the PPP. I have contempt for their philosophy, kleptocracy and friends and family aggrandizement. 

Hey hey....I need to juk yuh lilbit!!

You cannot, I have a black belt in the duck and dodge. Plus these people are as stale as last week bread. They have no message that what they will do will be better. They have no plan that they speak to and they do not speak to constitution reform that would avoid the on going perennial low level ethnic tribal war that consumes most of our political currency. One should think of autumn when one thinks of a political party, ripe with the potential of the harvest. They are cold grey and stale as an arctic winter night. 

Yet you were conned hook line and sinker by the pnc/afc who also had no specific plans. All they said was that they would make the country better and everyone would have economic success, and you swallowed the bait without questioning. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Happy SUNDAY to all, including PPP/Indo haters Caribj, Ronan, D2 and who ever.  Eat your heart out buggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not hate the PPP. I have contempt for their philosophy, kleptocracy and friends and family aggrandizement. 

Hey hey....I need to juk yuh lilbit!!

You cannot, I have a black belt in the duck and dodge. Plus these people are as stale as last week bread. They have no message that what they will do will be better. They have no plan that they speak to and they do not speak to constitution reform that would avoid the on going perennial low level ethnic tribal war that consumes most of our political currency. One should think of autumn when one thinks of a political party, ripe with the potential of the harvest. They are cold grey and stale as an arctic winter night. 

Yet you were conned hook line and sinker by the pnc/afc who also had no specific plans. All they said was that they would make the country better and everyone would have economic success, and you swallowed the bait without questioning. 

That is your opinion. I hoped for the kleptocratic to be booted out on their backsides and they were. It was indeed glorious to watch. It is pathetic to watch them pretend the same con schemes will motivate their sheep into the herd. Unfortunately Granger has a plan b. I really do not care if he do. The PPP has not shown a difference.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mr.T posted:

Jagdeo meat and shake hands with more black people in the last two months than he ever did in his decades in office. I smell a rat.

Jagdeo don't have meat.  He is all muscle and bones.

Girl, what stupitness yuh dozz talk sometimes.  You hardly know the man anyway.  But you should know, every man has "meat", no man is all muscles and bones. 

The penis is all meat, flabby under normal circumstances but gets HARD  and BIG when stimulated caused by blood flow, called an erection or "woody".  You should know that!

So, you saying BJ is all muscle and bones is saying he has no PENIS, at least.  Those black girls hugging and rub-a-dubbing him might have an issue with that statement!

I'm sure BJ popped a woody with all them young female breast and flesh pressing his "muscles and bones!"

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Bharrat on the move.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and indoorImage may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

Good eye, two best for BJ.  First lady material!

Dude, his secret admirer will claw you. Are you a glutton for punishment?   

Is DG who selected those pics.  That girl in the grey actually resemble BJ, like his female pair.  The other has nice round child-bearing hips.  Between BJ "meat" that dem girls hips, Guyana could be on that path to reconciliation, and BJ prezzy for life!!


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