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Then you should not comment on anything.  If you go around Guyana, maybe 70% are unemployed according to the US definition.

And yet you claim that the PPP is doing some good.  How?  If unemployed people in one depressed region protest that their lives will get harder as a result of their cost of living going up it seems to me as if the govt is to blame by not ensuring that meaningful employment was being generated.  Maybe other Guyanese ought to protest as well.  And if the PPP doesnt like it and calls it illegal than too bad!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:



Then you should not comment on anything.  If you go around Guyana, maybe 70% are unemployed according to the US definition.

And yet you claim that the PPP is doing some good.  How?  If unemployed people in one depressed region protest that their lives will get harder as a result of their cost of living going up it seems to me as if the govt is to blame by not ensuring that meaningful employment was being generated.  Maybe other Guyanese ought to protest as well.  And if the PPP doesnt like it and calls it illegal than too bad!!!

No, what I meant was US definitions. People work but and "not officially" working.  It's the truth in many 3rd world nations, a large unofficial economy.

Originally Posted by baseman:

No, what I meant was US definitions. People work but and "not officially" working.  It's the truth in many 3rd world nations, a large unofficial economy.

Many people eke out a living and will tell you that they wish for jobs with decent wages were available, and that when the govt raises their cost of living it makes life harder for them.  I know of no one who has been to Linden and described it a s anything other than a place with grinding poverty, as bad as any place in Guyana.  Now if this increase was tied to some fiscal incentives to encourage investment in Linden then I might have sympathy.


Instead it looks like a PPP bent on revenge, because they got soundly thrashed by APNU in Linden, when before the election they boasted that victory was certain and that they were making inroads into this predominantly APNU stronghold. 


Smells of the same stench as when Burnham banned flour to punish PPP supporters (didnt matter that blacks also suffered as they eat lost of bread). 



How come the electricity rates were raise BEFORE the election if the motivations are so benign?


Originally Posted by Conscience:

Linden should be integrated into the National Grid, its time the residents of Linden conserve of their electricity use

Tell me why didnt Jagdeo do this BEFORE the elections.


No he was trying to demoralize the PNC by boasting that the PPP would win in Linden.  Now that they got smashed, not only in Linden, but even in Region 5 the PNC benefitted foma huge upsurfge of support, the PPP is bent on revenge.  " We go fuh teach dem black man a lesson".  You know it so stop pretending otherwise.



 Lindeners should pay their fair share for services, like the rest of Guyana. 

Yes and those who dont go to college in the UK might also argue that college kids there are a bunch of spoilt brats who ought to pay higher school fees.


The point as, as in the UK, so in Linden, people should be allowed to protest against an issue that they perceive to be damaging to them.


Linden has been having problems for a long time now and the PPP has shown no interest in developing a long run solution.  BOSAI employs few people relative to those who previously had employment in the industry.  This matter has never been dealt with seriously and so why be shocked when some people become enraged when they perceive a govt out to punish them because of who they voted for?


And please dont tell me otherwise.  This issue isnt new and if the PPP was really concerned they would have mentioned it simnce last year..... but no they wanted to beat the PNC in Linden to prove that they have massive black support, knowing full well that they could never get this in G/twn.


yes " we gun teach dem black man a lesson".


caribny, its a  shame you're trying to paint a racial picture of the situation in Linden, which is far from the truth, the opposition instigated terror attacks on the community is condemned by a wide cross-section of society, its a shame to see known political activists amidst the the crowd, later building and vehicles went up in flames, even the ruling political party office was set ablaze, was that peaceful protest by the opposition?....I think not!

Originally Posted by caribny:


 Lindeners should pay their fair share for services, like the rest of Guyana. 

Yes and those who dont go to college in the UK might also argue that college kids there are a bunch of spoilt brats who ought to pay higher school fees.


The point as, as in the UK, so in Linden, people should be allowed to protest against an issue that they perceive to be damaging to them.


Linden has been having problems for a long time now and the PPP has shown no interest in developing a long run solution.  BOSAI employs few people relative to those who previously had employment in the industry.  This matter has never been dealt with seriously and so why be shocked when some people become enraged when they perceive a govt out to punish them because of who they voted for?


And please dont tell me otherwise.  This issue isnt new and if the PPP was really concerned they would have mentioned it simnce last year..... but no they wanted to beat the PNC in Linden to prove that they have massive black support, knowing full well that they could never get this in G/twn.


yes " we gun teach dem black man a lesson".

Wow, was my one line that loaded?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny, its a  shame you're trying to paint a racial picture of the situation in Linden,

Get facts correct. Violence by the crowd came AFTER the police threw tear gas at them.  WE saw with the very PPP video that they showed us to justify their bloodthirsty acts.


The PPP should learn how to let black people protest the same way that sugar workers protest w/o getting shot.


When sugar workers protest and get shot then you can tell me that this sint racial.


After you all got stomped in the last elections in Linden, Buxton and elsewhere you all screamed about how "ungrateful" black people are, rather than analyzing why they hate the PPP.


You all put race into dont cry when it comes back and bites you.


I watched the entire video.  At no point did the police look as if they were being attacked. I heard shots and saw smoke and from the comments it appeared to be tear gas.


Where are the police havingto protect themselves from stones and other missiles being pelted at them?


I saw the police issuing the same order that their predecessors under British colonial rule would have ordered when the "native" got restless and acually were brazen enough to block the roads leading to the governor's mansion demanding better wages.  MOve or we will shoot you.


Lucky for those Buxton women who stopped the train that Ramotar wasnt in charge then...or they would have been mowed down by the soldiers who were present.


Refusal to move doesnt mean that people should be shot using  live bullets.


And it is clear that there was sufficient time for the police officr in charge on the scene to call for instructions, which I am sure was done, given the potentially explosive nature of this incident.  Maybe Sam Hinds should have got on a helicopter and flown down to try toi diffuse the situation instead of blaming the PNC after the fact.


I dont know what your point is but you really havent made your cae. Not with those very relaxed cops who clearly were in no danger of injury.


Indeed the motorists waiting for the bridge to clear were in greater danger of being tear gassed, based on comments made.


What I suspect happened is that after the crowd realized that people were killed some enraged elements, a minority I am sure, went to axact revenge by burning down govt buildings.  True this wa swrong but then so was every thing connected with the handling of the protest.


Indeed when Corentyne people felt that they were not being protectede by the police, they burnt down a station.  Did any one try to kill them when they did They are Indians.  So much for those who pretend as if their isnt a racial/political element in this event.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I watched the entire video.  At no point did the police look as if they were being attacked. I heard shots and saw smoke and from the comments it appeared to be tear gas.


Where are the police havingto protect themselves from stones and other missiles being pelted at them?


I saw the police issuing the same order that their predecessors under British colonial rule would have ordered when the "native" got restless and acually were brazen enough to block the roads leading to the governor's mansion demanding better wages.  MOve or we will shoot you.


Lucky for those Buxton women who stopped the train that Ramotar wasnt in charge then...or they would have been mowed down by the soldiers who were present.


Refusal to move doesnt mean that people should be shot using  live bullets.


And it is clear that there was sufficient time for the police officr in charge on the scene to call for instructions, which I am sure was done, given the potentially explosive nature of this incident.  Maybe Sam Hinds should have got on a helicopter and flown down to try toi diffuse the situation instead of blaming the PNC after the fact.


I dont know what your point is but you really havent made your cae. Not with those very relaxed cops who clearly were in no danger of injury.


Indeed the motorists waiting for the bridge to clear were in greater danger of being tear gassed, based on comments made.


What I suspect happened is that after the crowd realized that people were killed some enraged elements, a minority I am sure, went to axact revenge by burning down govt buildings.  True this wa swrong but then so was every thing connected with the handling of the protest.


Indeed when Corentyne people felt that they were not being protectede by the police, they burnt down a station.  Did any one try to kill them when they did They are Indians.  So much for those who pretend as if their isnt a racial/political element in this event.

Caribj, you are just full of crap.  Manipulation, lies and concoctions are your MO.  You should join GR in the AFC, you would fit in very well.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are just full of crap.  Manipulation, lies and concoctions are your MO.  You should join GR in the AFC, you would fit in very well.

So where in the video do you see evidence that the lives of the police weree under threat forcing them to use extreme brute force.


They showed restraint when those Indians on the Corentyne were burning down their station, an act that they might reasonably have believed to eventually lead to them being attacked.


Yet the video shown as proof does NOT make the case that the police were under threat.  It merely shows the police issued a waring which was ignored by the crowd. 


Hmmm if those Con Edison workers were in Linden a few of them might have been shot for daring to protest.  After all some will argue that, having pensions and health insurance, they too are privileged so should have no rights to organize any street demonstrations.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, you are just full of crap.  Manipulation, lies and concoctions are your MO.  You should join GR in the AFC, you would fit in very well.

So where in the video do you see evidence that the lives of the police weree under threat forcing them to use extreme brute force.


They showed restraint when those Indians on the Corentyne were burning down their station, an act that they might reasonably have believed to eventually lead to them being attacked.


Yet the video shown as proof does NOT make the case that the police were under threat.  It merely shows the police issued a waring which was ignored by the crowd. 


Hmmm if those Con Edison workers were in Linden a few of them might have been shot for daring to protest.  After all some will argue that, having pensions and health insurance, they too are privileged so should have no rights to organize any street demonstrations.

Was not aware the GoG threatened the pensions and Health Ins of the Lindeners!


Historically, McKenzie and its surrounding areas were solely dependent on the bauxite industry and the power generated primarily for the industry and thus was obtaining electricity at a very competitive rate.


It is prudent to be aware of the focus in the area from the 1970's when Forbes Burnham nationalised the company; was operating the industry; and why integration of the electrical supply was not addressed since that time.


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Forget the video. They film what they wanted. The fact is that the police were faced with a life and death situation. Some of you chaps make it sound that the police saw the crowd and simply took out their guns and shoot. That is not the case at all. 

 Why forget the video? It was presented by a poster from the President's office of evidence the residents were given fair warning.


That the shot at an unarmed crowd is self evident. None of them have a scratch on their fingers.


The moron police officer on the bull horn was not imploring the people to be calm. He was giving them an order, Move or else. We saw that the or else was.


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Forget the video. They film what they wanted. The fact is that the police were faced with a life and death situation. Some of you chaps make it sound that the police saw the crowd and simply took out their guns and shoot. That is not the case at all. 

The video was furnished NUMEROUS times as evidence.  Because you PPP supporters are racist fascists you thought that we would buy a s proof the notion that a refusal to clear the bridge gives the police excuse to kill people.  Well it did under Mubarak, and Gaddafy and it does under Assad.



Apparently Ramotar wishes to be class with those people.


Now you all see that the video didnt fool people you all want it withdrawn while you perpetrate your lies.


The truth is that the Guyana police force behaves much as it did in 1912 under British colonial rule.  What is interesting is that we see the British as evil when they killed people like Kowsilla because they disobeyed the police, yet a racist like you wishes us to see it differently now.


Regardless as to what you might want to think the Lindeners feel that they have as much right to protest as did the sugar workers.  Just as you might disagree with them so did the authorities also disagree and in fact many in 1964 felt that the strikes were called by the PPP to prevent the already scheduled elections, so were political in nature.



If colonialism was bad and Burnhamism was bad that whatever yuou call RFamotar it is also bad.


What this video has not shown and what you all apparently cant show is evidence that the crowd attacked the police befcore they attacked the crfoiwd.  The only smoke we see are tear fires on the bridge.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Historically, McKenzie and its surrounding areas were solely dependent on the bauxite industry and the power generated primarily for the industry and thus was obtaining electricity at a very competitive rate.



And indeed they now blame PPP incompetence for the fcat that this power is no longer generated and are irate at the notion that they must pay for this.  Especially as it is noted that there is a 40% leakage of power so GPL is passing on its inneficiency to its customers, rather than solving its problems.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its time the Opposition leaders who has direct influence on the residents of Linden,to encourage the residents to desist from any further protest actions

In a democratic society people have a right to prfotest.  the onus is on the police to ensure that they do so peacefully.  None of the mayors in US cities wanted OWS protest, which were almsot never approved.  Yet, to my knowledge, at no time did local polic fire real bullets.


So is Guyana a fascit dictatorship because its only in places like Iraq, Egypt and Syria are protesters shot down?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its time the Opposition leaders who has direct influence on the residents of Linden,to encourage the residents to desist from any further protest actions

In a democratic society people have a right to prfotest.  the onus is on the police to ensure that they do so peacefully.  None of the mayors in US cities wanted OWS protest, which were almsot never approved.  Yet, to my knowledge, at no time did local polic fire real bullets.


So is Guyana a fascit dictatorship because its only in places like Iraq, Egypt and Syria are protesters shot down?

They may protest but not obscure, obstruct or destroy property.  But what is significant is that the agitators(afc/pnc) got what they were looking for, political and economic unrest. Hopefully Ramoutar will stay the course and not appease these trouble makers. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

They may protest but not obscure, obstruct or destroy property.  But what is significant is that the agitators(afc/pnc) got what they were looking for, political and economic unrest. Hopefully Ramoutar will stay the course and not appease these trouble makers. 

Your PPP video showed that the violence was started by the police ho fired tear gas, followed by live bullets.  The police looked quite relaxed, meaning that their lives were not under threat.  We did not see them inching foward behind barriers.


The violence commited by some in the crowds was copmmitted after violence was committed by the police.  Some became enraged when they saw the police attempting to kill them.


Get your facts correct.  I mean you all cant even find a video or a cell phone picture showing crowd violence prior to the police murders.


Then we hear allegations that the office in charge might be involved with PPP drug dealers....why am I not surprised.

Sequence of the opposition-led protest in Linden
1.       The opposition APNU/AFC misinformed Lindeners about the electricity tariff increases and instigated the protest using their Members of Parliament, and extremist, such as Mark Benschop; Lincoln Lewis; David Hinds; Tacuma Ogunseye; Freddie Kissoon; Gerhard Ramsaroop; Aubrey Norton;
2.       The protest began with disruption to activities in Linden, the blocking of the road and main access bridge for ingress and egress in linden; burning of tyres; and stoning of police ranks;
3.       The police presence sought to maintain law and order, they removed blockages to the roads and bridges; and protected persons from harassment;
4.        The police used tear gas and rubber pellets tostave off unlawful, unruly crowds and unfortunately shot and killed three persons in the process;
5.       Lindeners continued with their blockages to roads and bridges, burning of public and private properties , beating and robbing of innocent people; threats and intimidation to sections of Linden;
6.       Leader of the Opposition, David Granger has been in the community on almost a daily basis and has not publicly condemned the lawless behavior of sections of Linden;
7.       The opposition continued its support for the protest even after President Donald Ramotar met with national and regional stakeholders, including David Granger, AFC Leader Raphael Trotman,  Regional Chairman Solomon and APNU Parliamentarian Vanessa kissoon;
8.       There is no sign of an end to the reckless behavior currently taking place in Linden as there are reports about Lindeners planning to intensify their unjust protest h fighting to promote inequality in the payment of electricity tariff.
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Sequence of the opposition-led protest in Linden
1.       The opposition APNU/AFC misinformed Lindeners about the electricity tariff increases and instigated the protest using their Members of Parliament, and extremist, such as Mark Benschop; Lincoln Lewis; David Hinds; Tacuma Ogunseye; Freddie Kissoon; Gerhard Ramsaroop; Aubrey Norton;
2.       The protest began with disruption to activities in Linden, the blocking of the road and main access bridge for ingress and egress in linden; burning of tyres; and stoning of police ranks;
3.       The police presence sought to maintain law and order, they removed blockages to the roads and bridges; and protected persons from harassment;
4.        The police used tear gas and rubber pellets tostave off unlawful, unruly crowds and unfortunately shot and killed three persons in the process;
5.       Lindeners continued with their blockages to roads and bridges, burning of public and private properties , beating and robbing of innocent people; threats and intimidation to sections of Linden;
6.       Leader of the Opposition, David Granger has been in the community on almost a daily basis and has not publicly condemned the lawless behavior of sections of Linden;
7.       The opposition continued its support for the protest even after President Donald Ramotar met with national and regional stakeholders, including David Granger, AFC Leader Raphael Trotman,  Regional Chairman Solomon and APNU Parliamentarian Vanessa kissoon;
8.       There is no sign of an end to the reckless behavior currently taking place in Linden as there are reports about Lindeners planning to intensify their unjust protest h fighting to promote inequality in the payment of electricity tariff.

The PPP caught with their panst downj concoct this lie.  At first the poeddled a video as proof.  When they realized that all this proof showed was that thye people disaobeyed the police, maybe grounds for arrest, but certainly not their murder, they have now up the ante.


So much for the PPPs suggestion that they were opn tyo dialogue.  Apparently the PPP thinks that dialogue means that "you do as I say....or else I shoot you down".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Sequence of the opposition-led protest in Linden
1.       The opposition APNU/AFC misinformed Lindeners about the electricity tariff increases and instigated the protest using their Members of Parliament, and extremist, such as Mark Benschop; Lincoln Lewis; David Hinds; Tacuma Ogunseye; Freddie Kissoon; Gerhard Ramsaroop; Aubrey Norton;
2.       The protest began with disruption to activities in Linden, the blocking of the road and main access bridge for ingress and egress in linden; burning of tyres; and stoning of police ranks;
3.       The police presence sought to maintain law and order, they removed blockages to the roads and bridges; and protected persons from harassment;
4.        The police used tear gas and rubber pellets tostave off unlawful, unruly crowds and unfortunately shot and killed three persons in the process;
5.       Lindeners continued with their blockages to roads and bridges, burning of public and private properties , beating and robbing of innocent people; threats and intimidation to sections of Linden;
6.       Leader of the Opposition, David Granger has been in the community on almost a daily basis and has not publicly condemned the lawless behavior of sections of Linden;
7.       The opposition continued its support for the protest even after President Donald Ramotar met with national and regional stakeholders, including David Granger, AFC Leader Raphael Trotman,  Regional Chairman Solomon and APNU Parliamentarian Vanessa kissoon;
8.       There is no sign of an end to the reckless behavior currently taking place in Linden as there are reports about Lindeners planning to intensify their unjust protest h fighting to promote inequality in the payment of electricity tariff.

The PPP caught with their panst downj concoct this lie.  At first the poeddled a video as proof.  When they realized that all this proof showed was that thye people disaobeyed the police, maybe grounds for arrest, but certainly not their murder, they have now up the ante.


So much for the PPPs suggestion that they were opn tyo dialogue.  Apparently the PPP thinks that dialogue means that "you do as I say....or else I shoot you down".

Hmm, were you there or are you just a usual trouble-maker?  Has the APNU released a statement?


But I do have an issue with point 4.  The use of live ammo seems to quick and uncalled for.  But we must wait for the official report.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Sequence of the opposition-led protest in Linden

1.   The opposition APNU/AFC misinformed Lindeners about the electricity tariff increases and instigated the protest using their Members of Parliament, and extremist, such as Mark Benschop; Lincoln Lewis; David Hinds; Tacuma Ogunseye; Freddie Kissoon; Gerhard Ramsaroop; Aubrey Norton;
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
removed blockages to the roads and bridges; and protected persons from harassment;


Hmm, were you there or are you just a usual trouble-maker?  Has the APNU released a statement?


But I do have an issue with point 4.  The use of live ammo seems to quick and uncalled for.  But we must wait for the official report.

You all released a video that you all claimed offered proof.  Well I watched the video as did others on GNI. We see no proof of crowd violence prior to the police violence.  What you all wanted to show was that the crowd disobeyed the police and so "got what they deserve".  Now that you found out that this behavior is considered savage in most democracies you all now founder bwith nonsense.


The VIDEO was proof as furnished by PPP supporters.  Its shows that claims peddled by the police and the PPP were WRONG.  This alone should give you pause before you rush to their defense.  And then urge an INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS agency conduct an examination....not some commission appointed  by Ramotar.


Then we read an account by Chris Ram who claims in Stabroek News that BOSAI is making profits on the electricity it generates and sells to Lindeners.  So if BOSAI generates power more efficiently than GPL why are you demanding that Lindeners pay for the ineffeciency of that latter?


Clearly careful analysis of this is needed.  If Linden can get cheaper electricity than the rest of GY , lucky them as they seem to be cursed in mnost other aspects of their lives.  And indeed if Ram's claims are true, arether than forcing Linden to pay more, its cheap poweer ought to be marketed as a reason to locate power intensive industrial operations.


You see this is exactly why I reserved my opinion on the power issue, confining my comments to the fascist and racist tactics of the PPP.


Regardless as to who is correct in this issue the police had no business shooting down crowds that might have been cursing them, but up to the tear gas and gun shots, had not committed any violence.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
The use of live ammo seems to quick and uncalled for.


But we must wait for the official report.

Calm and patience as all awaits the OFFICIAL Report.

The only report that we will accept is one prepared by an INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS agency and not one where socall;ed "objective" parties are selected by ramotar.  You know full well, fearing intimidation these gentlemen/ladies will do as the PPP orders.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Sequence of the opposition-led protest in Linden

1.   The opposition APNU/AFC misinformed Lindeners about the electricity tariff increases and instigated the protest using their Members of Parliament, and extremist, such as Mark Benschop; Lincoln Lewis; David Hinds; Tacuma Ogunseye; Freddie Kissoon; Gerhard Ramsaroop; Aubrey Norton;

So I see not liking the PPP and being AfroGuyanese is a reaosn to be shot. Whats more interesting is that several of these gentlemen claim that the PPP has on prior occassions tried to PHYSICALLY intimidate them.


You do not want to await the official report that will be broad based and will comprise people from all sections of the community. You know already that the report will be biased. You want an international report. Guyanese from the AFC, APNU etc are incapable of producing an unbiased report, according to you. Why? 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:
The use of live ammo seems to quick and uncalled for.


But we must wait for the official report.

Calm and patience as all awaits the OFFICIAL Report.

The only report that we will accept is one prepared by an INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS agency and not one where socall;ed "objective" parties are selected by ramotar.  You know full well, fearing intimidation these gentlemen/ladies will do as the PPP orders.

Who is/are the we ???

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
Sequence of the opposition-led protest in Linden

1.   The opposition APNU/AFC misinformed Lindeners about the electricity tariff increases and instigated the protest using their Members of Parliament, and extremist, such as Mark Benschop; Lincoln Lewis; David Hinds; Tacuma Ogunseye; Freddie Kissoon; Gerhard Ramsaroop; Aubrey Norton;

So I see not liking the PPP and being AfroGuyanese is a reaosn to be shot.

Where have I made the statement that you are stating??

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You do not want to await the official report that will be broad based and will comprise people from all sections of the community. You know already that the report will be biased. You want an international report. Guyanese from the AFC, APNU etc are incapable of producing an unbiased report, according to you. Why? 

The Commission of Inquiry which was appointed to investigate the PPP Phantom Death Squad turned out to be a farce. The main witness George Bacchus, was murdered hours before he was scheduled to testify and the findings of the Commission were a joke. Another eyewitness was poisoned with tainted milk. The Inquiry into the Lindo Creek massacre failed to reach any conclusion and the PPP has successfully swept it under the rug after wasting time for four years. Why would anyone trust the PPP based on their recent history?


I would actually be afraid of losing my life now if I were one of the eyewitnesses to the slaughter by the Police. In PPP Guyana, dead men tell no tales. Just ask George Bacchus.

Last edited by Mars

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