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List of preferred names was handed to delegates at PPP Congress before voting

A SN editorial on May 11 missed the most important activity, the main purpose of the Congress, namely the election or selection of the Central Committee. I attended the Congress with my uncle from Anna Regina; he has high regards for Vice President Jagdeo, but he was most disappointed with proceedings and the Saturday night entertainment.

The CC is the most important body of the PPP, and it is tasked with electing or selecting the General Secretary or leader of the party as well as the Presidential Candidate and head of the list to choose Members of Parliament. As in previous Congresses, the election or selection was fraught with flaws. There was fraud and members spoke openly about it. The Central Committee election or selection was manipulated to obtain a list of members with utmost loyalty to two individuals, the President and Vice President. The irony of the PPP Congress is that the individuals who cried the loudest about electoral fraud in March 2020 were the ones behind fraud in the congress. And the star lawyer, Anil Nandlall, who was primarily responsible for deterring the attempted fraud and for the PPP being in government was cheated at the Congress. In the six Congresses that my uncle from Anna Regina and I attended, I never witnessed or experienced such bold-faced skullduggery or fraud. My uncle concurred.

The Congress was held May 3, 4, and 5 at the Convention Center. Election to the all-important Central Committee was held on May 4.  Counting was done behind closed walls throughout the night and results announced mid-afternoon of May 5.

A preferred list of 26 names was circulated among many, but not all, of the 2512 delegates that they must vote for on that list of nominees.  WhatsApp and text message of the list was also sent to selected delegates on who they must vote for. The Amerindian delegates were targeted and instructed to vote for that list of preferred nominees. The list was sanctioned by the big guns at Freedom House and distributed with their consent. Prominent individuals, inclusive of several on the list, went around targeting the Amerindian delegates and selected others, instructing them how to vote and who to vote for. The Amerindians came in special air-conditioned Brazilian buses; many of the delegates came with their families, making the trip as a family outing. There were over 2,000 Amerindians at the Convention Center. Their entire expense (lodging, food, phone, transport, wifi, etc. was borne by the party or was it the government. The PPP put them up in special mass facilities in Sophia and surrounding areas not far from the Convention Center.

In the preferred list were such names as Kwame McCoy, Nigel Dharamlall, Mae Thomas, Faizal Jaffarally, Bryan Allicock, Jennifer Westford, Paul Cheong, Anand Persaud, among others. The preferred list was noted not for the names included but the names excluded. Among those excluded were long time stalwarts: Anil Nandlall (who was primarily responsible for the PPP being in office from August 2, 2020), Vindya Persaud, Frank Anthony, Seeraj Dharamkumar, Charles Ramson, Bheri Ramsaran, Sase Gunraj, Clement Rohee, Donald Ramotar, Indranie Chandarpal, Vishwa Mahadeo, Hydar Ally, among others.

When the voting was about to take place, an announcement was made that those who were not delegates must leave the two massive tents of over four thousand. Only a handful of individuals left the tent. Ballots were distributed to everyone who remained. Those who received the preferred list matched it against nominees on the ballots and ticked off names accordingly. The ballots were presumably counted (manufactured?) and the results announced on Sunday mid-afternoon. There was no transparency in the counting. And not everyone at the site there was eligible for a ballot.

Those excluded from the preferred list did relatively poorly. Kwame McCoy and Nigel Dharamlall got more votes than Anil Nandlall, Frank Anthony, Vindya Persaud and all the others who were not on that list. It was not an election; it was a selection. If the results were not ‘kacked’, the party’s supporters, the country would have gotten a true picture of support for the varied nominees. It is important to note that more than 200 delegates did not vote for Irfaan Ali or Jagdeo. Who were they? They must have been turned off by the fraud. The entire country should condemn the fraud.

Those at the top were pleased at the outcome. The native Amerindian people were used and abused to produce a desired outcome of the PPP Congress as they also did in the past three Congresses. An old worn-out strategy was successful once again. There is no redeeming quality in some of the persons selected on the CC; at least one of them is accused of rape again. And more of them have been involved in abuses of female Indigenous people. The Congress was also known for much vulgarity not worth repeating here. Clearly, the PPP leadership has not learned anything from the experience of previous Congresses or from the period March 2, 2020 thru August 1, 2020. Dr. Jagan and Janet would not have closed their eyes to the fraud; they must be turning in their graves. Was the change in administration of August 2, 2020 worth it?

Yours truly,

Rudesh Jodha


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They are a bunch of crooked rogues. When will Guyanese, especially Indo-Guyanese, wake up to the fact that their leaders have misled them for decades.  Imagine rigging the CC election to put people like Kwame McCoy and Nigel Dharamlall in leadership positions. The latter is currently being investigated for rape, an offence with which he was previously charged. The former is of Julius fame. Remember?


Was the PPP’s 32nd Congress Reduced to a Farce?

Kaieteur News – Last Thursday, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo was asked about some of the economic and social recommendations emerging from the 32nd Congress of the People’s Progressive Party. In his post-Congress address of 5th May 2024, the Vice President had mentioned that various recommendations and resolutions had emerged out of the Congress but at the time he did not detail what were the main economic recommendations.

Asked last Thursday about some of these recommendations, he mentioned localized regional issues such as concerns over access to planting materials, job-creating economic ventures and alleged bullying of Indigenous persons on the ferry. It is strange that no mention was made of the critical issues facing Guyana today: the burgeoning oil and gas sector, the escalating cost of living, and the persistent blackouts.

Are we to assume, that no recommendations came out of the Congress on these issues? If this is the case then the failure to address the nation’s most pressing economic challenges would have reduced the 32nd Congress to a farce.

The oil and gas sector is arguably the most significant development in Guyana’s recent history. Since the discovery of vast offshore oil reserves, the country has been poised for unprecedented economic growth. The management of these resources will determine whether the benefits reach the broader population or remain confined to a few.

If the Congress did not make any recommendation about this sector and the uses of the resources that will emanate from it, then it must be a sure case that the Congress missed an opportunity to outline a vision for the country’s future. Critical questions about transparency, environmental impacts, revenue sharing, and infrastructure development remain unanswered.

One would have assumed that for such an important gathering this issue would have taken center stage. You can bet that at both the forthcoming congresses of the PNC/R and the AFC, the oil and gas sector will be the subject of recommendations and resolutions.

The Vice President also did not indicate that there was any recommendation or resolution on the issue of the cost of living. Guyanese citizens are feeling the pinch. The delegates themselves would not be immune from the rising cost of living. From groceries to fruits and vegetables, the cost of everyday necessities has skyrocketed. Are we to believe that no recommendation of resolution emanated from the Congress on this issue?

If this is indeed the case, then the PPP Congress appeared disconnected from the daily struggles of the people. Was there no recognition of the need for the formulation of actionable and effective plans to alleviate the burdens which are being faced daily by the working class?

These burdens are not simply a function of global inflation. The rising cost of living is directly related to the emergence of the oil economy.

Blackouts remain a chronic issue in Guyana, disrupting businesses and daily activities. Modernising the energy grid and ensuring a reliable power supply should be at the forefront of any governmental agenda.

Are we to assume there was silence on this issue during the Congress? If so, it raises questions about whether the delegates are attuned to what is taking place in the country. The powership is supposed to be supplying electricity, but consumers are still facing power outages on a disturbing scale.

Vice President Jagdeo’s focus on localized issues, such as the Amerindians’ experience on ferries, while important, seemed to sidestep the broader national challenges. Addressing local grievances is vital, but it should not come at the expense of ignoring systemic, nationwide problems.

The Congress seeming inability to tackle these larger issues suggests a misalignment in priorities. It is crucial for the ruling party to have balanced attention between local and national issues. The seeming lack of a broad, national focus undermines the effectiveness and seriousness of the Congress.

If no significant recommendation or resolutions, concerning the oil and gas sector, the rising cost of living and blackouts, did not emerge from the 32nd Congress of the PPP, it does raise concerns about what really took place over the first weekend in May.

If the Congress did not address the vital issues of the oil and gas sector, the cost of living, and energy stability, then it runs the risk of being accused of being out of touch with reality and further to being deemed a farce.

Perhaps in the interest of transparency, the General Secretary would wish to make public the main economic recommendations and resolutions that emerged from the Congress. Surely this cannot be asking too much!


@Mitwah posted:

This bold-faced skullduggery or fraud has been going on for a long time now. I pity Uncle Ralph.

Do you remember Balram Singh Rai? Chedi told the delegates to vote for Brindley Benn instead oof B S Rai.


During this conference, the General Secretary of the party, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo revealed that 35 persons were elected to the central committee with President Ali leading the list with 2,308 votes followed by himself with 2,257 votes.

The other persons elected to the committee are: Zulfikar Mustapha, Vickram Bharrat, Gail Teixeira, Nigel Dharmlall, Collin Croal, Kwame McCoy, Anil Nandlall, Pauline Sukhai, Shyam Nokta, Ricky Ramraj, Jennifer Westford, Neil Kumar, Anand Persaud, Frank Anthony, Sarah Browne, Zamal Hussain, Faizal Jaffarally, Bryan Allicock, Vindhya Persaud, Charles Ramson, Karl Singh, Pau; Cheong, Claire Singh, Donald Ramotar, Humace Oodit, Brentnol Ashley, Dharamkumar Seeraj, Bheri Ramsaran, Sheik Ayube, Vickash Ramkissoon, Sase Gunraj, Clement Rohee and Indranie Chandarpal.

@Ramakant-P posted:

What you are witnessing is the PPP's culture at its best. Leopards cannot change their spots.

Emerging from its 32nd Congress, the PPP failed to satisfy the requirements needed to label itself a truly national party

Reference is made to an article entitled “Why is the PPP is the only national party in Guyana” by Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus & Advisor in the Office of the President, which was recently published in Demerara Waves (May 4, 2024). In his contribution, Dr. Persaud defines a number of requirements that a truly national party needs to meet. These include a broad nation-wide base with representatives from all regions that comprise our nation, a membership representing both genders and all major national ethnicities, and an inclusive party leadership reflecting the nation’s diversity. He concludes the article with the statement that “To date, only the PPP has satisfied these requirements”.

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) held last weekend its 32nd Congress at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre in Liliendaal, ECD. Some 3,000 delegates attended the event, which concluded with the election of a new Central Executive Committee, which is comprised of 35 voting members. Whereas Dr. Persaud’s article lacked hard data supporting his claims of inclusivity and diversity of the PPP leadership, the list of elected members to the PPP’s Central Committee provides a unique opportunity for validation. The breakdown by gender and major ethnic groups was calculated. For comparison, the composition of the Guyanese population by gender and ethnicity, according to the 2012 census, the most recent one, is given in parentheses.


• ⁠⁠80% men (49%)

• 20% women (51%)

Major ethnicities

• 83% Indo-Guyanese (40%)

• 11% Afro-Guyanese (29%)

• 6% Amerindians (11%)

It is evident that Indo-Guyanese men are massively overrepresented in the PPP leadership. Even more telling is the composition of the 2024 Executive Committee, which was announced yesterday, May 7, 2024. While Afro-Guyanese were still represented in the 2017 body, none qualified to serve on the new Executive Committee, which is comprised of 15 members entertaining voting rights. This key decision body of the PPP is therefore dominated by Indo-Guyanese men. Hence, the claim of Dr. Persaud, which is also frequently voiced by the PPP leadership, that the PPP represents the only truly multi-racial and diverse party in Guyana is not supported by hard facts. Those claims have therefore to be relegated to falsehoods and qualify as blunt party propaganda.

Any party claiming to represent inclusiveness and ethnic diversity needs have these claims reflected in the leadership structure and by a history of nominating presidential candidates on the basis of merit, irrespective of their gender and ethnic background. Sadly enough, this has to date been nothing but lip service as both leading parties, the PPP and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), have failed to implement these self-evident standards ever since our nation gained independence in 1966.


Andre Brandli, PhD



Looks like you may be very angry with the Honorable President Jagdeo because he did not bring back a certain very wealthy real estate tycoon from the dead and appointed him to the committee?. BTW, I hope that the late wealthy Real Estate tycoon payed his bill owing to the Guyana state for several monetary advances taken?. There is no free lunch in life even for very wealthy late real estate tycoons?

Ali Khan Azad
Last edited by Ali Khan Azad

Welcome back Azadski. So you saying real estate tycoon Jagdeo died?

Your good buddy Ron has been holding zoom meetings in Social but you never attend, is why you do the man so eh?

Last edited by cain

No certainly not. The Honorable President Jagdeo is an honorable man.  I am referring to a certain late politician who had big political dreams of grandeur but had to settle for minor political roles ( as a result he loved to brutally attack others behind the scenes whom he felt curtailed his big dreams of political grandure) He accumulated the vast riches of real estate but will always be seen as a minor figure in Guyana political history.

Ali Khan Azad

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