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Former Member

Mita Duran, a 24-year-old woman who worked as a copywriter in Indonesia, slipped into a coma on Sunday after tweeting that she had worked for 30 hours straight. She died not long after.

Duran often kept herself awake by drinking Kratingdaeng, better known as Thai Red Bull, writes Lee Moran at the New York Daily News, while working late into the night at Young & Rubicam, an ad agency owned by multinational advertising and public relations company WPP.

Duran's Twitter feed shows that she often tweeted about her heavy workload:

"Haven’t slept since Saturday and I have 30 more copy lines to go and a plane to catch tomorrow afternoon," she said on July 8.

"Sweetest sleep I've had in a long time. It's a shame I'm supposed to wake up uh, ONE HOUR earlier. Slept through 3 phone calls and 3 alarms!" she said on Nov. 14.

This is Duran's last tweet before collapsing on Sunday:


Twitter Mita Duran



Duran's father, Yani Syahrial, is reported to have posted on social media website Path that his daughter was in a coma for "working over the limit," 


Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is extremely sad to hear that a young woman died because of working 30 straight hours.  How come her employer allowed that to happen? There could also be another reason for her death, because of the fact that in order to stay up day and night continuously for hours she must have had to drink lots of Thai Red Bull, RED BULL IS the energizer DRINK that is commercialized world-wide with its slogan: "It increases endurance, awakens the concentration capacity and the speed of reaction, offers more energy, keeps one wide awake and improves the mood.  All this can be found in a can of RED BULL, the power drink of the millennium."

France and Denmark have just prohibited it as a cocktail of death.  It is dangerous to take it if you do not engage in physical exercise afterwards, since its energizing function accelerates the heart rate and can cause a sudden attack. Also you run the risk of undergoing a cerebral hemorrhage, because RED BULL contains components that dilute the blood so that the heart utilizes less energy to pump the blood, and thus be able to deliver physical force with less effort being exerted.

RED BULL is a drink that should be prohibited in the entire world as when it is mixed with alcohol it creates a TIME BOMB for the human body, mainly between innocent adolescents and adults with little experience.

I personally used to drink RED BULL to keep me awake at my night shift, but luckily my doctor stopped me from doing this. I think by overworking and by drinking RED BULL she lost her dear life. RIP.

Originally Posted by antabanta:

It's not a matter of work being important. It's about being one of those people who can't leave a problem alone or something outstanding. Besides I get paid good money doing something I really like.

You really tink ole Anta suh easy fa dead? stchuuppps

dont worry with these people. I am never on a deadline and I sometimes stay up as long as 30 or more hours tinkering with something I am interested in

Originally Posted by antabanta:

It's not a matter of work being important. It's about being one of those people who can't leave a problem alone or something outstanding. Besides I get paid good money doing something I really like.

You really tink ole Anta suh easy fa dead? stchuuppps

ow nah you I talking about, man. It's Mita. She dead over wuk.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Last year I worked on a project in Panama City for about 36 hours straight then went to dinner. If ole Anta can do that anyone can. Had to be the damn Red Bull. I tell my kids all the time to stay from that crap.


You know this. Some employers do not appreciate what you do for them; they expect it. Especially the ones in NY. Ask the Chief.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Last year I worked on a project in Panama City for about 36 hours straight then went to dinner. If ole Anta can do that anyone can. Had to be the damn Red Bull. I tell my kids all the time to stay from that crap.


You know this. Some employers do not appreciate what you do for them; they expect it. Especially the ones in NY. Ask the Chief.  

Nothing wrong with that especially if the worker expects to get paid.

Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

It's not a matter of work being important. It's about being one of those people who can't leave a problem alone or something outstanding. Besides I get paid good money doing something I really like.

You really tink ole Anta suh easy fa dead? stchuuppps

ow nah you I talking about, man. It's Mita. She dead over wuk.

arite gyal... I feel sorry for Mita still. Sometimes it's very easy for people to lose balance in life.

Originally Posted by Riya:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

It's not a matter of work being important. It's about being one of those people who can't leave a problem alone or something outstanding. Besides I get paid good money doing something I really like.

You really tink ole Anta suh easy fa dead? stchuuppps

ow nah you I talking about, man. It's Mita. She dead over wuk.

I do no doubt she may have been in discomfort with the excessive hours. However, it is that cocktail of caffeine that took her out. It never amazes me that the call these things "energy" drinks rather than "stimulants". I guess it is to trick the unwary to take that horrible tasting concoction.


I sympathize with her loss and would be upset if her employers had her work those long hours and she was forced to taking stimulants to stay up.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Last year I worked on a project in Panama City for about 36 hours straight then went to dinner. If ole Anta can do that anyone can. Had to be the damn Red Bull. I tell my kids all the time to stay from that crap.


You know this. Some employers do not appreciate what you do for them; they expect it. Especially the ones in NY. Ask the Chief.  

Why should chief know you dickhead? You are of a maliciously diseased mind. Only last week you were harassing poor Lionel about his "abuse of Guyanese". 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Last year I worked on a project in Panama City for about 36 hours straight then went to dinner. If ole Anta can do that anyone can. Had to be the damn Red Bull. I tell my kids all the time to stay from that crap.


You know this. Some employers do not appreciate what you do for them; they expect it. Especially the ones in NY. Ask the Chief.  

Why should chief know you dickhead? You are of a maliciously diseased mind. Only last week you were harassing poor Lionel about his "abuse of Guyanese". 

You are a jackass that needs to be castrated you fookface.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Last year I worked on a project in Panama City for about 36 hours straight then went to dinner. If ole Anta can do that anyone can. Had to be the damn Red Bull. I tell my kids all the time to stay from that crap.


You know this. Some employers do not appreciate what you do for them; they expect it. Especially the ones in NY. Ask the Chief.  

Why should chief know you dickhead? You are of a maliciously diseased mind. Only last week you were harassing poor Lionel about his "abuse of Guyanese". 

You are a jackass that needs to be castrated you fookface.

don't let your shriveling testicles lead u to envy the testicles of others. It is a natural progression of age...grow old gracefully!

Originally Posted by TI:

Hard Work? Long hours? Why?


"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy."

– Milan Kundera


β€œLaziness erodes a person of his enthusiasm and energy. As a result the person loses all opportunities and finally becomes dejected and frustrated. The worst thing is that he stops believing in himself.”  Sam Veda quotes

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by antabanta:

Last year I worked on a project in Panama City for about 36 hours straight then went to dinner. If ole Anta can do that anyone can. Had to be the damn Red Bull. I tell my kids all the time to stay from that crap.


You know this. Some employers do not appreciate what you do for them; they expect it. Especially the ones in NY. Ask the Chief.  

Why should chief know you dickhead? You are of a maliciously diseased mind. Only last week you were harassing poor Lionel about his "abuse of Guyanese". 

You are a jackass that needs to be castrated you fookface.

don't let your shriveling testicles lead u to envy the testicles of others. It is a natural progression of age...grow old gracefully!

Hey fookface,

Take your well formed balls and have your kids play with them. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_ape


Hey fookface,

Take your well formed balls and have your kids play with them. 

I bet looking at your shriveled has been visage compels you into believing the world is likewise corrupted.As I said; it is an age thing and I am a good 15 years away from your state of decay. Even then, a life of living well will spare me your mental discomforts.


My well formed balls  did the instrumental good of creating those wonderful kids.  Now go make your silly behind and contemplate some past era when your mind and body were functionally coherent and have a fine day.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_ape


Hey fookface,

Take your well formed balls and have your kids play with them. 

I bet looking at your shriveled has been visage compels you into believing the world is likewise corrupted.As I said; it is an age thing and I am a good 15 years away from your state of decay. Even then, a life of living well will spare me your mental discomforts.


My well formed balls  did the instrumental good of creating those wonderful kids.  Now go make your silly behind and contemplate some past era when your mind and body were functionally coherent and have a fine day.

I am a good 15 years away


Don't fool yourself egomaniac, you have been there 15 years ago. And yes, those wonderful kids were all supported by the state. Remember those food stamps and AFDC payments?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by skeldon_ape


Hey fookface,

Take your well formed balls and have your kids play with them. 

I bet looking at your shriveled has been visage compels you into believing the world is likewise corrupted.As I said; it is an age thing and I am a good 15 years away from your state of decay. Even then, a life of living well will spare me your mental discomforts.


My well formed balls  did the instrumental good of creating those wonderful kids.  Now go make your silly behind and contemplate some past era when your mind and body were functionally coherent and have a fine day.

I am a good 15 years away


Don't fool yourself egomaniac, you have been there 15 years ago. And yes, those wonderful kids were all supported by the state. Remember those food stamps and AFDC payments?

As I noted earlier, the love for the PPP can only damage minds. It does so especially by forcing the individual to loosen their moral moorings and wander into fantasy to fake a sense of rationalism. One cannot love the despicably crooked PPP and be moral. One cannot defend against probings into their corruption of truth and justice in the society without first becoming corrupted themselves. They are completely morally dessicated!


What would force a man as you to imagine the children of others to be on welfare among other truly odious fantasy concoctions if not a need to hide? Let me inform you to clarify; my daughters are both holders of advance degrees ( Boston U and Wesleyan). Their mother is a practicing physician, I do not earn peanuts at the county fair so why would they be on welfare?


Examine the nasty place that forces you to concoct the stupid stories and reflect on it. I hope something cathartic happens. You waste your time imagining bad for me because imagining it will not make it to be so. However, why you are forced to meander into that  moral wasteland is something you need to look at. As I said, loving the PPP these days does a body no good.


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