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Former Member

Local publisher at centre of duty-free concession scam


WHILE the Government of Guyana has launched a probe, and said it is conducting an overall review of the Remigrant Scheme, information obtained by the Guyana Chronicle suggests at least one glaring instance in which the system may have been breached.

It also appears that one so-called campaigner against corruption, who happens to also own a daily newspaper, is at the centre of an alleged scam.
Information received indicates that this issue started with husband and wife Narootandeo and Gharbassi Brijnanan, who were on July 3, 2013 granted permission by the Foreign Affairs Ministry to return to Guyana as “remigrants”, along with the concomitant incentives of the scheme.
Under the remigrant programme, Guyanese who would have resided overseas for more than five years and are returning home to reside are entitled to a number of benefits. These benefits include an import duty-free waiver for vehicles, and tax exemption for household items, once the items at reference were owned for six months or more in the country where the remigrant was living.
As husband and wife, Narootandeo and Gharbassi Brijnanan were entitled to concessions as two separate individuals, although a joint application was submitted.
The duty-free concession is awarded on condition that “the motor vehicle cannot be leased or transferred within three years of registration, and providing that the registration licence, fitness and registration and insurance are submitted for inspection at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) every six months,” according to a letter issued to the applicant.
The Brijananans, on their application form, indicated that besides household items, they were returning with two 2013 Lexus Suburban L57 vehicles, the chassis numbers of which were listed along with other required information.
On the application form, the chassis numbers for the vehicles were listed as JTJHY7AX7D4100270 and JTJHY7AX6D4094851 with the registration dates in the State of New York being September 25, 2012 and March 3, 2013 correspondingly.
However, on the Bill of Lading for the vehicles, the chassis numbers were listed as JTJHY7AX6D4096745 and JTJHY7AX6D4094851, respectively. This clearly indicates that one of the numbers did not correspond with the chassis number on the application.
Further, for the vehicle bearing chassis number JTJHY7AX6D4094851, it was noticed that the date on the New York-issued Certificate of Title was March 3, 2013. This could only mean that the vehicle was not owned for more than six months before the application was made by the Brijnanans.
If true, this would be a clear violation of the regulation surrounding the application for remigrant status and duty-free concession.
The Guyana Chronicle was able to obtain copies of all the relevant documents — from the application to and approval by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, GRA, and shipping information.
Further, Glenn Lall, owner and publisher of the Kaieteur News, was listed as the closest relative of Naratootandeo Brijnanan on the application form that was submitted to the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The Brijnanans gave as their address in Guyana 221 Number 61 Village, Corentyne Berbice.
In essence, what would have occurred, according to documents perused by the Guyana Chronicle, is that the Brijnanans successfully obtained import duty concession in the sum of $4.222, 223.55 for each vehicle, totaling in excess of $8M.
When contacted by the Guyana Chronicle, Brijnanan said he was unaware of the discrepancies on his application and the Bill of Lading for the vehicles, thereby denying that he was involved in any scam.
He stated that he’d applied for Remigrant Status some five years ago, and has been in the country since then. However, the letter from GRA to the Brijnanans is dated July 8, 2013. Further, the receipt attached to the Bill of Lading is dated September 20, 2013.
When questioned about the conflicting chassis numbers listed on his application and his Bill of Lading, Brijnanan said he could not explain the discrepancy. “I can’t understand; it is supposed to be the same thing that came,” he said.
However, further investigation by the Guyana Chronicle has unfolded more evidence to suggest that Brijnanan was less than honest in disclosing the location of the two Lexus vehicles. “I have the vehicles right here in Berbice with me,” he said.
Information found on the GRA License Revenue Processing System (GRA -LRPS) form indicates that the licence plate numbers for the two vehicles are PRR 8398 and PRR 8399, which are driven by Lall and his wife, Bhena (owner of Bhena’s Footwear).
PRR 8398 is usually prominently parked in front of the Kaieteur News head office on Saffon Street, Charlestown, Georgetown, and PRR 8399 is often seen on Regent Street, Georgetown near Bhena’s Footwear.
Also, although the Brijnanans have a Berbice address, it was noted that the address listed on the registration forms for both of the vehicles is Lot 8 Continental Park, East Bank Demerara, which just so happens to be the address of a senior functionary at the GRA, whom is a close acquaintance of the Lalls.
With the Auditor-General’s Office conducting an investigation into alleged scams involving the Remigrant Scheme, it is not sure whether or not this is one of them. So far, Auditor-General Deodat Sharma is yet to return a call to the Guyana Chronicle, which has made several attempts obtain an update on the current review of the system.
Meanwhile, this newspaper’s research into the source price for a Lexus L570 is about US$80,000. Import duty for such a vehicle would be a total of US$94,500, bringing the total value of the vehicle to US$174,500, or more than G$36M for each of the vehicles imported by the Brijnanans.
It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving.

source: Guyana chronicle


Replies sorted oldest to newest

What rubbish you up to now Kambe?


No official was ever held accountable for these scams


Dear Editor,  
In 2011 the Ministry of Finance uncovered a multimillion dollar fraud conservatively believed to be in excess $196M in the Accountant General’s office. The fraud involved some 75 fraudulent cheques issued to 56 beneficiaries under the pretext of being payments for superannuation benefits. This massive fraud involved blatant breaches of existing controls with the Ministry. At the time of the fraud, the most senior functionary after the Ministers was never held accountable for the breaches in the systems and was not even suspended while the investigation was going on.
The official was also a top man in the Ministry when there was a racket involving loan advances paid to staff. These advances were used to run a car purchasing ring within the Ministry with many senior members of the ministry giving monies to an individual to invest in the importation of vehicles. The individual who was also a staff member in the Ministry subsequently absconded to Canada without repaying those whom had invested in his Ponzi Scheme, including those who had abused the system of advances. This scheme was hushed up and no one was ever disciplined for the abuse of the system of loan advances.
In 2003 and 2004 there was a massive re-migrant scam in which some 86 duty free letters were signed by the Secretary to the Treasury, granting millions of dollars in tax concessions to persons who later turned out not to be eligible for the concession. This remains the largest financial scam ever perpetuated within any Ministry in Guyana. Initially there were denials that any bogus letters were signed but later it was confirmed that the Secretary to the Treasury did sign the letters. It was only after intense public pressure was applied that the government decided to send him home on leave pending the outcome of the investigation. In then end two clerks from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were charged but Rekha escaped scot free, even though he was expected, as the officer signing off on the concessions, to thoroughly scrutinise the applications to ensure that there is nothing fraudulent about them. He did not exercise due diligence and because of this failing, the government lost hundreds of millions of dollars, most of which have not been recovered.
Vibert Bholanauth

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Those who quote or read KN should bow their heads in shame.


Stealing is a crime. KN is a disgrace to print media.


Shame on those who are trying to defend KN.

KN is the best at exposing the PPP skullduggery and we shall continue to quote from them for thy kingdom come.


Try looking at the Guyana Chronicle of LIES and see how much they does lie on the people.


Those defending KN should be ashamed of themselves.


KN is a disgrace to print media.


KN has ZERO credibility.


Stealing from the government is a crime.





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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Those defending KN should be ashamed of themselves.


KN is a disgrace to print media.


KN has ZERO credibility.


Stealing from the government is a crime.




Shame on you YUJI since it is you sissy Kwambe who does run on TV to white wash all the lies.


But over and over Kawme and Premanies Misir failed to highlight the fact that the new dispensation has exposed the true nature and objectives of the PPP.

They have realised that they will never be able to form a majority government on their own for a long time so they engage in lies and deceipt all the time.



They are now fully supported in these lies by Ramutar, Lunchman and the GOAT man Roheet.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stealing from the government is a crime:






Are you talking to Sham Nukta, that certified tief?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stealing from the government is a crime:




Fujiyama did you share this valuable advice with Brassington, Jagdeo, Robert, Irfaat, Manickchand, westford, Westmaas, Odinga, Ramotar etc. etc. etc................................


or you keeping this wisdom to yourself?


I've read the Chronicle report that Conscience and yuji22 gleefully posted.

I'll grant this: the Chronicle reporter[s] did a fantastic job of investigative journalism.

Indeed, the Brijnanans and Glenn Lall owe the public a convincing explanation. I hope they come straight.

Having said that, in my considered opinion, Kaieteur News is a newspaper with professional journalists who have braved great obstacles to expose instances of malfeasance and improper conduct by public officials in Guyana. That's how independent newspapers should operate.

Without doubt, Kaieteur News is my favorite Guyanese newspaper presently, followed by Stabroek News.

Kaieteur News online edition got 99,703 hits yesterday, 81,807 hits the day before, and 98,060 hits Friday. These numbers indicate that Kaieteur News is providing a product that consumers want. I understand KN's print runs are also in high demand.

Wild, intemperate and emotional calls for shutting down KN are futile.


Quote from the article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving."

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stealing from the government is a crime:





I agree with you wholeheartedly, yuji. Stealing from the government is a crime indeed.




Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quote from the article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving."


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quoting from KN is like quoting from Toilet Paper. KN is Toilet Paper:



Unknown copy 5

Like da toilet paper deh fo show, Bai.

So many times yuh post de pictcha but de roll still full.

Why yuh ent use up a piece yet, Bai?

Oh.....I gat plenty Chronicle left ova.

Me undastand, Bai. A happy shituation.


According to Gil. It is OK to steal as long as you support the AFC. Gil's double standards is disgraceful.



Quote from the article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving."

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Quoting from KN is like quoting from Toilet Paper. KN is Toilet Paper:



Unknown copy 5




Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to Gil. It is OK to steal as long as you support the AFC. Gil's double standards is disgraceful.



Quote from the article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving."


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to Gil. It is OK to steal as long as you support the AFC. Gil's double standards is disgraceful.



Quote from the article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving."




Originally Posted by yuji22:

Yuji does not respond to Toilet Paper reporting.


KN is toilet Paper.










You can always visit Dr.. Kwame and let him give you the thing that the doctor order for you.


Originally Posted by KishanB:

Did Rekha go to jail for his abuse of the laws of Guyana.  NO he was promoted.

Did Jamsie go to jail for renting his house to Bin Shin Lin when he is the regulator of Bin Shin Lin?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

According to Gil. It is OK to steal as long as you support the AFC. Gil's double standards is disgraceful.



Quote from the article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times 2), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles which Lall and his wife are driving."




Yugi22 ran away.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

All sorts of red herring the opposition goons are throwing into the discussion to derail the thread away from the scandalous Kaietuernews.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

All sorts of red herring the opposition goons are throwing into the discussion to derail the thread away from the scandalous Kaietuernews.






The Jagdeo-run administration now has proved itself as an ‘indulger’ to massive corruption.
Some would argue that some of the scams may not have been committed under his direct leadership. The fact is that he has done LITTLE to ensure that prosecution was in the name of the day when others occurred. What he did do was launch into market-woman-type-'busing’ of local critics and international organizations who spent considerable time in assessing our still very corrupt government.
For instance, as we well know, Transparency International continued to rank Guyana as among one of the most corrupt countries in the world, Jagdeo was quick to they were coming to the country and making “blanket statements”.
But a number of scams and frauds committed has left one asking where are the serious investigations and prosecutions.
Here is a list of SOME of the early days scams that rocked us:
STONE-SCAM: This is a multi million dollar mission - Importation of poor quality stones from a Trinidadian Construction Company for an Essequibo Road Project. And we supposed to 'gat stones'.
MILK: Low-grade vegetable milk was supplied to SIMAP in place of cream milk by Hanson Import and Export. The multi-million scam saw PPP MP Hugely Hamnoman resigned from his seat and migrating, missing out on police prosecution while a low level officer was dismissed.
CANE GROVE BREACH: After being paid million of dollars the infamous BK International’s shoddy work on the Sea Defense left Cane Grove farmers (all diligent supporters of the PPP) at the mercy of the sea. BK was not prosecuted but was rewarded with more government projects.
CHARITY WHARF FRAUD: Well it sank, after billions of dollars was used to build it. (what a fraud - but evidence is underwater!)
LAW BOOK: Over US$200,000 dollar contract to update law books given to PPP friend Kawal Totaram’s company New Global Consults Inc. Never advertised locally; the contractor was no legal expert and a law student reviewed the sample copies of the laws. Please Don’t Ask!
RE-MIGRANT VEHICLES: This saw more than 50 vehicles being imported by persons who falsely declared remigrant status - some of these were/are PPP supporters and businessmen who evaded millions of dollars in duty.
WILD LIFE: Export of precious wildlife amounting to more than $50 million and who gets blamed? EPA’s head Bal Persaud was blamed but jumped to the media to refute the claims and guess who is the advisor to the President named in this one?
EXPORT OF DOLPHINS: Thug, soup drinker, miner and Adviser to the President Lumumba spare headed this one. But we rather not comment on this one when we could send you to http://www.biodiversityreporti...;date=January%202005 More to come on this guy who was given a concession by Jagdeo and promptly sold it for US$2million.
POLAR BEER: $300 million fraud that rocked the Guyana Revenue Authority after cashers, customs officers and a broker were fingered in this scam. Most of them, (some plead innocence) were dragged to court - while CHIEF CULPRIT, an already Shady character and one of the persons behind the defunct LEAP and Caricom Insurance( also of the Scared Heart Church fraud) Mr. Joshua Shafeek blamed all the  wrong doings on the broker and cut himself a sweet deal and skipping prosecution. (remember the Plea bargaining Legislation).
These are but a small list of the many scams of the proud PPP administration. This is where my money is going!




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