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That sounds like Basil Jackass Williams.

This is what is most likely to happen on Monday.

The chairperson meets with Commissioners. The Mingo numbers will be deemed illegal as rejected by the courts. Seeing that he failed to provide a report based the recount as ordered by the Chairperson, the chairperson and PPP commissioners can now declare based on the recount. Prepare for a swift Ali swearing in and ABCE and international community endorsing it while PNC bytches and whines.

Be prepared for a very turbulent Monday. Lolo made a fatal mistake.


Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

Article 177(2):

"...that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH the advice of the CEO...after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission"

She already tendered the advice (report) to the commissioners, who will be meeting on Monday. 

See you all at the swearing in, finally. 

Now its time to mend and heal. 

You cannot use a false report to swear in a President.  Only if your name is Burnham. The PNC has always been crooked.  They opened over 200 coop shops during the PNC reign and they failed.  They were given $250,000 to rear chickens at Buxton.  The failed. They opened a bookshop at Congress Place which also failed. They should try running a cake shop. Burnham resorted to selling Newspapers because he couldn't run the Country. What is in store for Guyana if the PNC rules again?

@Sheik101 posted:

Something tells me Lowenfield might very well get away with this. My focus now is on Claudette.

Lowenfield already did his part.

He will not get way with this, his numbers are exactly what Mingo submitted !  Already rejected by the courts !

Claudette will now have to make the decision of her life and stand on the right side of history. Declare with the cooperation of the PPP commissioners. Swift swearing of Ali with ABC ambassadors on hand.

He made a fatal mistake with this PNC chess game.  

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

There will be no swearing in of granger or any PNC candidate.  They are playing around but cannot take that last step. The head of the UN commenting is a bad sign. 

No, he called for "final official results". That will be done next week when the commissioners meet. Don't worry. Sase and Shidick in she plastic slippers don't have to show up. Chair will still have to declare. 

Now go and tell Anil to file a petition with the High Court, as we suspect he will. 

@Former Member posted:

Reminds me Burnham's era, some people had no clothes on their backs but they supported Burnham's and Hoyte's rigging.

Shameless indeed.

The same ones who supported Burnham used to come to our home and beg for two dry coconut to boil with their rice. My mom used to feel sorry for them and give them about ten so she won’t have to see them Again for another week.

Bibi Haniffa
@Rochelle posted:

No, he called for "final official results". That will be done next week when the commissioners meet. Don't worry. Sase and Shidick in she plastic slippers don't have to show up. Chair will still have to declare. 

Now go and tell Anil to file a petition with the High Court, as we suspect he will. 

Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for being a part of thieving an election knowing Fully well that it’s only a matter of time before you are taken off the PNC payroll.

Bibi Haniffa
@Rochelle posted:

Article 177(2):

"...that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH the advice of the CEO...after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission"

She already tendered the advice (report) to the commissioners, who will be meeting on Monday. 

See you all at the swearing in, finally. 

Now its time to mend and heal. 

ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH the advice of the CEO means the Chairwoman cannot use EXTERNAL ADVICE to make the declaration. She has already rejected Mingo’s numbers and that is the reason there was a recount.

Mending and healing will ONLY occur after Dr. Irfann Ali is sworn in. All Guyanese are invited to the swearing in.

Long Live Democracy.


If Mingo’s numbers were not used to tabulate today’s report, what was? Are these numbers coming from Congress Place?

 I think the time has passed for Lowenfield to be fired and replaced with someone able and willing to follow the Chairperson’s directions. There is no need to go to the High Court unless the Chairperson side with the PNC Commissioners and declare the Coalition the winners.


The same ones who supported Burnham used to come to our home and beg for two dry coconut to boil with their rice. My mom used to feel sorry for them and give them about ten so she won’t have to see them Again for another week.

Your mom is a good lady.  There is more to life than politics.  In the final analysis, love and kindness are way more important.  

@Rochelle posted:

Heads up you fateful PPP/C followers:

Mingo's numbers were NOT used to tabulate the latest count.

Now go try and make some more noise again in court.

Who was involved in this latest count you are talking about ? Stop spreading false news on this forum.

Here are the facts.

Lowenfield’s submission today,

APNU - 236,777 and PPPC - 229,330

GECOM’s Website based on Mingo’s second declaration,

APNU - 236,990 and PPPC - 229,429

My advice to you is to do your own research before you post, do not be lazy like the rigging cabal.

Long Live Democracy.



@Rochelle posted:

No, he called for "final official results". That will be done next week when the commissioners meet. Don't worry. Sase and Shidick in she plastic slippers don't have to show up. Chair will still have to declare. 

Now go and tell Anil to file a petition with the High Court, as we suspect he will. 

No Dawling, this is not an exercise in telling a lie over and over and making it the truth.  There is only one acceptable set of numbers to be used in the tabulation, and that's 233k, 217k and 6k.

Anything other than that will be viewed as fraudulent and comes with the consequences.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

If Mingo’s numbers were not used to tabulate today’s report, what was? Are these numbers coming from Congress Place?

 I think the time has passed for Lowenfield to be fired and replaced with someone able and willing to follow the Chairperson’s directions. There is no need to go to the High Court unless the Chairperson side with the PNC Commissioners and declare the Coalition the winners.

I heard Lolofeel gave the PNC 15,00 extra votes. Now the total votes cast were 475,000.

@Rochelle posted:

Article 177(2):

"...that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH the advice of the CEO...after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission"

She already tendered the advice (report) to the commissioners, who will be meeting on Monday.

== ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH the advice of the CEO ==

The Chief Executive Officer's advice must reflect the specific request ... results of the Statements of Recount - SORs.

@BGMAN posted:

Who was involved in this latest count you are talking about ? Stop spreading false news on this forum.

Here are the facts.

Lowenfield’s submission today,

APNU - 236,777 and PPPC - 229,330

GECOM’s Website based on Mingo’s second declaration,

APNU - 236,990 and PPPC - 229,429

My advice to you is to do your own research before you post, do not be lazy like the rigging cabal.

Long Live Democracy.



You've just proven my point.


@Rochelle posted:

Article 177(2):

"...that Presidential candidate shall be deemed to be elected as President and shall be so declared by the chairman of the Elections Commission ACTING ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH the advice of the CEO...after such advice has been tendered to the Elections Commission"

She already tendered the advice (report) to the commissioners, who will be meeting on Monday. 

See you all at the swearing in, finally. 

Now its time to mend and heal. 

I absolutely agree. Its common sense that in the typical organizational structure the Chair reports into the CEO. When the Chair requires the CEO to do something they are really asking for the CEO's optional assistance. Whereas the CEO's advice to the Chair is always recognized in any governance structure as a clear instruction to the Chair.

Also when an action item lands in your inbox and you open it, you are fully committed to following through on said action item. Again, common sense. In fact, I am not sure why a meeting is now required. The CEO should say the motion is now passed and make the declaration.

Sorry, I must run now and wire US$100K to Nigeria.


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