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Bruddaman, though long, this is a list that I have on the indentured issues.


The best place to receive much more details is from the British Archives.


Ships from India to Guyana


m         Ship     Date Arrived    Indians            Departure        Date Departed            Died     Note

1          Whitby           May 05, 1838   263      Calcutta           Jan 13,  1838 4          250 M, 7W, 10C

2          Hesperus        May 05, 1838   156      Calcutta           Jan 29, 1838   14        155 M, 5W, 10C

3          Louisa Baillie    N/A     0          British Guiana           May 1843         0          Repatriated Indians

4          Water Witch     N/A     0          British Guiana           May 1843         0          Repatriated Indians

5          Cassipore       Mar 18, 1852               Calcutta                                   Capt Dundas

6          Wellesley        1857                                                     

7          Maidstone        1857                                                     

8          Merchantman 1857    265                  1856    120      Left w/ 385

9          Cambodia       May 16, 1858               Calcutta                       Deathlist           

10        Canning           1860                                                     

11        Clasmerden    1862                Calcutta                                    

12        Clarence         1863?                                                  

13        Trevalyan        1864                                                     

14        SS Ganges     1864                                                     

15        Janet   1867                                                     

16        Jason 1867                                                     

17        Clarence         1867                                                     

18        Cowan           1867                                                     

19        Indus   1867                                                     

20        Trevalyan        1867                                                     

21        Lincelles          1867                                                     

22        Oasis 1867                                                     

23        Orient 1867                                                     

24        Adamant          1868                                                     

25        Harkaway        1868                                                     

26        Clarence         1868                                                     

27        Himalya           1868                                                     

28        Howrah           1868                                                     

29        India     1868                                                     

30        Winchester     1868                                                     

31        Trevalyan        1868                                                     

32        SS Ganges     1868                                                     

33        Himalaya         1869                                                    April 02, 1869?

34        Howrah           1869                                                    Feb 13, 1869?

35        Dover Castle   1871    90                                0           

36        St. Kilda           1871                                                     

37        SS Enmore     1872    517      Calcutta                       0          1st Steam Ship w/ Laborers (49 days)

38        Golden Fleece                                   Calcutta           1873                 

39        Artist    1873                                                     

40        Dinapore         1874                Calcutta           1873                 

41        Neva                            Calcutta            July 28, 1878              

42        Lightning          1879                                                    Repatriated Indians

43        Silhet   1879                                                     

44        Berai     1879                                                   Repatriated Indians

45        Silhet   1882                                                     

46        Silhet   1883                                                     

47        Rohilla           1883                                                     

48        Bann    1883                                                     

49        Berar   1883                                                     

50        Newnham                                Calcutta           Nov 07, 1884                

51        Jorawur           Dec 1884                                                         

52        Newnham                                Calcutta           1885                 

53        John Davie      1885                                                     

54        Grecian           1885                                                     

55        Hereford                                              1885                 

56        Allan Shaw      Nov 06, 1885   652                  1885                370M, 178F, 30B, 33G, 41I

57        Foyle   1886                                                     

58        Foyle                           Calcutta           Aug 13, 1887                

59        Allan Shaw                              Calcutta           Sept 12, 1887              

60        Main     1888                                                     

61        Foyle   1890    0                                  0          44360 records?

62        Jura     1891                                                     

63        Allan Shaw      Oct 04, 1891                                                    

64        Sheila 1891/1892                                                        

65        Foyle   1891/ 1892                                                       

66        SS Ganges     1891/1892                                                        

67        Avon    1893                                                     

68        Grecian           1893                                                     

69        Lena                            Calcutta           1899                 

70        Allan Shaw                              Calcutta           1899                49770 records?

71        Forth                            Calcutta           1900                 

72        Forth    1901                                                     

73        SS Wardha     1901    0                                  0            66 days

74        B.R.     1902    0                                  0          (850) Again 1892 (1213)/ Ship?

75        Moy      1903                                                     

76        Erne                                        1903                 

77        Erne    1906                                                     

78        SS Ganges     1908                                                     

79        SS Ganges     1909                                                     

80        Sutley 1909                                                     

81        Sutley 1910                                                     

82        Indus   1910                                                     

83        Chenab           1912                                                     

84        Indus   1912                                                     

85        Sutlej   1913                                                     

86        Sutley 1916     341       Calcutta                            2       (Sutlej)

87        Assaye                                                                       Need more details

88        Avoca  ?         0                                  0          Need more details

89        Bucephalus                                                                 Need more details

90        Cospatrick        ?                                                         Need more details

91        Devonshire                                                                  Need more details

92        Nerci                                                                Need more details

93        Royal George                                                             Need more details

94        Thetis                                                             Need more details

95        Ugheer            ?         0                                  0          Need more details

96        Ulysses            ?                                                        


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