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@Former Member posted:

There is nothing decent about you conversations.  Just lies and more lies and shameless lies!

Where are the lies in my posts ? show them.

Always trying to be a bully on the forum.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

 There are nothing to hide ,perhaps some are afraid of the revelations .

When i hear the words of "Democracy and Transparency " from some quarters , just laugh it off.

"Fledgling Democracy"  started from 1992.

If too much transparency and scrutiny cannot work or may not be a good thing, you may just love the darkness yourselves. Guyanese have already been through too much as a nation just trying to do what every other democracy does, mostly without chaos and drama.

We should remember a lack of transparency from the minute the Reg. 4 declaration went down south is what has gotten us here in the first place.

 "Fledgling Democracy"  started from 1992. If this is your punchline then you have unwittingly exposed your hand.

@Django posted:

I don't have to ,it's all out there.

You a mentally deranged person.  You have made numerous claims that cannot be corroborated.  You have answered your own question regarding electoral maturity.

Last edited by Django
@Abu Jihad posted:

You a mentally deranged person.

 You have made numerous claims that cannot be corroborated.

 You have answered your own question regarding electoral maturity.

Perhaps you may want to look in the mirror.

As mentioned all the information on  Guyana Fraudulent Elections  are in the open ,get them and read up.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

 "Fledgling Democracy"  started from 1992.

If this is your punchline then you have unwittingly exposed your hand.

Do you recall that ??

Yep my hand always raised to the truth.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Sir,  These very people “ ALL THE PEOPLE “ were there in every election, yet supporters / politicians find a way to discredit them. Where is the democracy? Where is the transparency?
The Guyanese people voted and their democratic rights was denied, in light of the current situation, transparency is the only satisfaction to the voters.. public trust is credible for the final result.. allow everyone to see for themselves the recount was fair. 

What is there to hide Djanjo? 

Understand this.  What I see playing out here is exactly what I was told in 2011.  And the Dark forces have worse in store. 

Follow the PNC flow and attitude.  It's very similar to how the Rwandans behaved, how the Nazis behaved, how the Taliban behaved pre 9/11 etc..etc.  The PNC feels all powerful and answers to no one.  Burnham pumped them up and it's now their culture.  Shameless, arrogant and boldface.

The PNC have their base amped up to feel victimized and will unleash against perceived PPP supporters.  That means mostly Indians and also Afros who side with the PPP.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worse!

@Former Member posted:

Understand this.  What I see playing out here is exactly what I was told in 2011.  And the Dark forces have worse in store. 

Follow the PNC flow and attitude.  It's very similar to how the Rwandans behaved, how the Nazis behaved, how the Taliban behaved pre 9/11 etc..etc.  The PNC feels all powerful and answers to no one.  Burnham pumped them up and it's now their culture.  Shameless, arrogant and boldface.

The PNC have their base amped up to feel victimized and will unleash against perceived PPP supporters.  That means mostly Indians and also Afros who side with the PPP.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worse!

I now believe everything you mentioned prior to the election, some came to light.  

@Former Member posted:

I now believe everything you mentioned prior to the election, some came to light.  

And believe me when I tell you there is worse to come.  The PNC cares what no one says.  They are a purely wicked outfit caring little of consequences.  And this was exactly the attitude of the Hutus, Hitler and the Taliban.  Sadaam only thought of consequences when the US had 400k on his border.

Listen to the US ambassador, she said she never witnessed such a open season rigging attempt.

Two scenarios I see playing out, a US led intervention or a Venezuelan inspired rebellion.

Jagdeo has to bring the house down!

@Former Member posted:

SIXTY DAYS since the 2020 elections - No credible result. No date for recount as yet

GECOM is afraid of the result they would get if they actually  do a recount.

Remember the PPP was winning by 59,000 votes when they stopped the count in Region 4.     Those results cannot changed.  A recount in those Regions will get them the same. It is in Region 4 which GECOM could have mustered onlly 30,000 votes short of 59,000  to win.

Lowenfield and Myers are so barefaced. They have no shame.  

@Mitwah posted:

How will he do that?  It's been a year since the NCV.

where there's a will, there's a way. If you ask me, I don't think that it cannot be done during an election. In a constitutional crises, the Chief Justice will have to appoint an Interim Government pending new elections.

@Mitwah posted:

How will he do that?  It's been a year since the NCV.

In the end, it was for the election which has occurred and the PNC lost!  The aim now of the PNC is to create confusion and a mess of the recount and call for new elections.  Then they will change the rules and make it easier to rig like Burnham days.  And likely they will have the military involved, exclude foreigners and we are back to Burnham days.

That must make you all proud!

Jagdeo knows what has to be done to force the hands of the PNC and the international community.

Free and Fair elections is all that's required.  Who win, win.

@Ramakant-P posted:

where there's a will, there's a way. If you ask me, I don't think that it cannot be done during an election. In a constitutional crises, the Chief Justice will have to appoint an Interim Government pending new elections.

Ramakant in now in the habit of making up laws.  Earlier today he wanted the UN to govern Guyana and now some crap about CJ appointing interim government.   He should identify what laws permit the suggestions he is making.  

@Ramakant-P posted:

GECOM is afraid of the result they would get if they actually  do a recount.

Remember the PPP was winning by 59,000 votes when they stopped the count in Region 4.     Those results cannot changed.  A recount in those Regions will get them the same. It is in Region 4 which GECOM could have mustered onlly 30,000 votes short of 59,000  to win.

Lowenfield and Myers are so barefaced. They have no shame.  

Where did you get the numbers  from ?

@Django posted:

Where did you get the numbers  from ?

The PPP were winning by 52k after the nine regions were verified.  The unverified Region four had the PNC winning by 35k giving the PPP an overall win of 17k.

@Former Member posted:

The PPP were winning by 52k after the nine regions were verified

The unverified Region four had the PNC winning by 35k giving the PPP an overall win of 17k.

“The Commission published on its website the results of the section 84(1) verification process for those 9 Districts. That document, a copy of which is attached, shows that the PPP/C got 152,121 votes and the APNU got 100,682, a PPP/C lead of 51,439 votes”, Jagdeo stated.

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Factor the rest for Region 4

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

“The Commission published on its website the results of the section 84(1) verification process for those 9 Districts. That document, a copy of which is attached, shows that the PPP/C got 152,121 votes and the APNU got 100,682, a PPP/C lead of 51,439 votes”, Jagdeo stated.

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Factor the rest for Region 4

PPPC use the own candidate to block a recount and prevent  APNU from declaring the winner. PPPC is afraid of transparency of a recount... we now know why or who is holding a nation at ransom. We need our leader David Granger to be sworn in to office.   

The nation is running out of patience and people are running out of food. Literally. Stop the charade and focus all energies on a swift and transparent recount of every vote.

@Django posted:

“The Commission published on its website the results of the section 84(1) verification process for those 9 Districts. That document, a copy of which is attached, shows that the PPP/C got 152,121 votes and the APNU got 100,682, a PPP/C lead of 51,439 votes”, Jagdeo stated.

By about half past midnight of 5th March 2020, Jagdeo said that only 421 of the 879 boxes from District 4 had been verified in accordance with the section 84(1) process. He said that the PPP/C’s tabulation of the verified votes for these 421 boxes showed that APNU got 63,856 votes against the PPP/C’s 24,545.

Factor the rest for Region 4

Jagdeo never said that.  You are fabricating the results just like PNC always do.


Demerara Waves in a recent article exposed the absurd advice that the MoPH team gave to GECOM, that is to change a mask every 30 minutes or every hour. If this advice is followed it would require 66,000 or 33,000 masks. Last week GECOM held training for staff selected for the recount. The MoPH send a Dr Bancroft to advice the GECOM staff on COVID 19. Dr Bancroft who is the Medical Supretendient at the West Demerara Hospital, has advice that GECOM staff should change their mask every two hours. I want to thank Dr Bancroft for the advice and asked that he start to implement it at West Demerara Hospital. He should issue masks to all staff at the West Demerara Hospital every two hours. Furthermore, if this is the recommendation of the Ministry of Public Health, then all health care workers must demand from the government enough masks so that they can be adequately protected while at the health centre or hospital

@Totaram posted:

Have you read the SN article our just making things up?  You must do your homework before posting.

You are the one who is making up things....    You  always do to justify you discrepancies, your ignorance and your stupidity.    If you take your head out of Granger's ass you will see the light and be objective.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are the one who is making up things....    You  always do to justify you discrepancies, your ignorance and your stupidity.    If you take your head out of Granger's ass you will see the light and be objective.

Here comes the agitated Ramakant.  Soon he will talk about "delusional paranoia" and stuff like that---get him his meds someone. 

@Former Member posted:

PPPC use the own candidate to block a recount and prevent  APNU from declaring the winner. PPPC is afraid of transparency of a recount... we now know why or who is holding a nation at ransom. We need our leader David Granger to be sworn in to office.   

The nation is running out of patience and people are running out of food. Literally. Stop the charade and focus all energies on a swift and transparent recount of every vote.

What's this about ,the information posted from Stabroek News ?


The whole thing is a farce...     Who were guarding the ballot boxes?   The PNC boys..    Remember the overseas vote.  PNC received 90% more votes than what was cast..   The same is going to happen here..   

We need a civil war to stop this nonsense..  


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