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The PPP and APNU/PNC are equally responsible. The get rich quick scheme benefits the government and the drug pushers alike. The war on illegal drugs will be fought indefinitely. One drug addict in Guyana at the age of eighteen can be a threat to 10 law abiding citizens, harm 5 individuals, steal from 6, be a nuisance to many, and may kill 2 and commit suicide before he is 28 years old. 

Prince posted:

Cocaine, Marijuana, and Illegal Drugs. Businessmen see the profit and not the danger or consequences. Power and greed are rising in Guyana. Our government is fully responsible for letting the drug enterprise grown to maturity.

I am really disappointed. I thought it was the PPP(the narco boys) were still going it. So when the PPP left office the drug enterprise was still growing? Is the final stage of the drug trade? Thanks for the information.

Leonora posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?

They live in a tropical paradise and don't have to deal with winter. 

All of their lives is in cold ruthless "winter"; rapes; domestic violence; school dropouts;stick up boys; corrupt is the winter of their lives...until something else happen.

D2 posted:
Leonora posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?

They live in a tropical paradise and don't have to deal with winter. 

All of their lives is in cold ruthless "winter"; rapes; domestic violence; school dropouts;stick up boys; corrupt is the winter of their lives...until something else happen.

D2. U and leonora take heart. Guyana leasing two 737's aircraft. Lucrative business coming. Fingers crossed.

D2 posted:
Leonora posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?

They live in a tropical paradise and don't have to deal with winter. 

All of their lives is in cold ruthless "winter"; rapes; domestic violence; school dropouts;stick up boys; corrupt is the winter of their lives...until something else happen.

And you still want more PNC, go figure!!

cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Tola posted:
cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Tola, look at the laws in Singapore compared to Guyana. You think these Guyanese criminals would last in Singapore?

skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:
cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Tola, look at the laws in Singapore compared to Guyana. You think these Guyanese criminals would last in Singapore?

After Chanji prison done with dem, half might dead and de other half asking for mercy. 

About 6M people in Singapore and only 10,000 in prison. Plus they either reform  or suffer the consequences.

Look at Guyana population compared to how many in prison.  That country seems to be going backwards, while politicians make millions.   

Tola posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:
cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Tola, look at the laws in Singapore compared to Guyana. You think these Guyanese criminals would last in Singapore?

After Chanji prison done with dem, half might dead and de other half asking for mercy. 

About 6M people in Singapore and only 10,000 in prison. Plus they either reform  or suffer the consequences.

Look at Guyana population compared to how many in prison.  That country seems to be going backwards, while politicians make millions.   

I see another admirer of Singapore. Maybe you should go visit there and study their system then go back to Guyana and apply it. 

Tola posted:
cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Guyana guh turn Singapore when the Chinese take it over. 

Too much Blackism/Coolieism and when not that, too much chammar tun Brahmin crookishness.  Them need more Christianity and dump paganism!

It mek di place like a shithole just like pan-spitting Bihar!!

Drugb posted:
Tola posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:
cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Tola, look at the laws in Singapore compared to Guyana. You think these Guyanese criminals would last in Singapore?

After Chanji prison done with dem, half might dead and de other half asking for mercy. 

About 6M people in Singapore and only 10,000 in prison. Plus they either reform  or suffer the consequences.

Look at Guyana population compared to how many in prison.  That country seems to be going backwards, while politicians make millions.   

I see another admirer of Singapore. Maybe you should go visit there and study their system then go back to Guyana and apply it. 

Oh rass, PNC guh lose nuff nuff voters.  

Drugb posted:
Tola posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:
cain posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Everyday its always something negative coming out of Guyana. Robbery, murder, drugs the list continues. Is there anything positive?


Excepting fa Cain, Guyana is like GNI. Some people come hea to build their negativism and ego. 

If  these 'keyboard heroes' can only channel dem energy to positive things in Guyana, like Mutt said, Guyana can  become  another Singapore.

But rass, its a non-ending cultural thing to stab you mattie.

Tola, look at the laws in Singapore compared to Guyana. You think these Guyanese criminals would last in Singapore?

After Chanji prison done with dem, half might dead and de other half asking for mercy. 

About 6M people in Singapore and only 10,000 in prison. Plus they either reform  or suffer the consequences.

Look at Guyana population compared to how many in prison. That country seems to be going backwards, while politicians make millions.   

I see another admirer of Singapore. Maybe you should go visit there and study their system then go back to Guyana and apply it. 

You should talk to your fren Mutt  and his side-kick Jeff. He is the one who suggested years ago, that if people stop pissing on the  roadside and stop shitting behind bushes, he gun mek Guyana another Singapore.  But he rass cant even keep #63 beach clean. 

If all you do is swim in Demerara shit wata, don't go to Singapore, because they don't have any.   


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