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Prince posted:
kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

America lost its moral value when Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky under the oval office desk smoking his Tom. 

That was done by TWO consenting ADULTS, he wanting to be her first Man and she wanting to be the FIRST Lady.

kp posted:
Prince posted:
kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

America lost its moral value when Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky under the oval office desk smoking his Tom. 

That was done by TWO consenting ADULTS, he wanting to be her first Man and she wanting to be the FIRST Lady.

KP, sometimes you talk sheer skont!  Which adult homan guh want a man push a Cuban cigar in the poke!  Wake up and smell the coffee!!

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:
kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

America lost its moral value when Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky under the oval office desk smoking his Tom. 

That was done by TWO consenting ADULTS, he wanting to be her first Man and she wanting to be the FIRST Lady.

KP, sometimes you talk sheer skont!  Which adult homan guh want a man push a Cuban cigar in the poke!  Wake up and smell the coffee!!

Monica was prepared to do anything for Billy Boy.

Prince posted:

Trump is the American dream. Biden didn't receive an endorsement from Obama. Why? Trump already raised many $millions and his ratings are going up. Jobs and the economy is doing well and Trump doesn't bow to any Arab Prince. 

Trump already has a boy friend in Kim Jon of North Korea, he doesn't need an Arab Prince he only wants their money.

Mueller sent a letter to Barr  caution him about his summary being misleading.

Prince posted:

Trump is the American dream. Biden didn't receive an endorsement from Obama. Why? Trump already raised many $millions and his ratings are going up. Jobs and the economy is doing well and Trump doesn't bow to any Arab Prince. 

You not talking bout the same Trump we've all been unfortunate to hear about every dam day, is it? The one that feels it unnecessary to go after the Saudis for dismembering an American...same guy?

kp posted:
Prince posted:

Trump is the American dream. Biden didn't receive an endorsement from Obama. Why? Trump already raised many $millions and his ratings are going up. Jobs and the economy is doing well and Trump doesn't bow to any Arab Prince. 

Trump already has a boy friend in Kim Jon of North Korea, he doesn't need an Arab Prince he only wants their money.

Mueller sent a letter to Barr  caution him about his summary being misleading.

KP, I was just starting to like you...please don't ruin it!

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

If Biden is the Presidential candidate, Trump wins by a landslide victory.

Biden would cut into Trump base and the Dems and Independent  that walk will return. He has the charm to win some Republicans. Trump has too many baggage come 2020.

Not in my lifetime or yours.  Americans will not give up the lowest unemployment in 50 years, the largest accumulation of wealth, and China buckling to Trump’s trade agreements to any left wing radical waiting to give away the cake shop to lazy people.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Prince posted:
kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

America lost its moral value when Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky under the oval office desk smoking his Tom. 

That was done by TWO consenting ADULTS, he wanting to be her first Man and she wanting to be the FIRST Lady.

Wake up and smell the coffee!!

Or Bill’s cigar. 

kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

Wait till Trump publish the photos of Biden, trying to feel up the ladies, on his posters it will be just like the Carib and his rub up on the ladies during Mash.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

Wait till Trump publish the photos of Biden, trying to feel up the ladies, on his posters it will be just like the Carib and his rub up on the ladies during Mash.

Biden never feel up women, there is no photo, if Trump tries that with Joe, this time he will go to jail.

 Trump is totally scared of Biden because 2020 he will be whipped like a wayward school boy with his pants down. The country is on Auto pilot, Trump has no credit for the economy ,it was already driving full force when he took over. As for Hate crimes, we MUST give Trump credit, it's UP.


Bhai KP, I just came back on Sunday from the US and many who used to criticize Trump are now very happy with the economy and their financial well being today. Feel up man Biden ain’t stand a chance, he is four years too late and remember that he made two unsuccessful presidential bids.

The Dems are screwed if feel up man Biden runs. They pulled out crazy Joe Biden from Jurassic Park. Crazy Joe is poised to become another Michael Dukakis.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bhai KP, I just came back on Sunday from the US and many who used to criticize Trump are now very happy with the economy and their financial well being today. Feel up man Biden ain’t stand a chance, he is four years too late and remember that he made two unsuccessful presidential bids.

The Dems are screwed if feel up man Biden runs.

I am in the US at least once a month, last weekend I was in Michigan, it is now a Blue State, as for the Rust States trump fooled them ,he lost them.

Many have to pay more income tax and receiving less tax return. Yes, big businesses get a tax break, but they are not passing that money to the workers. I know you supported the Pervert Trump, you went quiet for awhile, but now you gaining excitement . I repeat, Biden never feel up women, but you know who grab women by their puss-y- President Trump, the Tic Tac Don.


Ok Bhai KP, the American people will decide. Feel up man Crazy Joe ain’t winning the Presidency. I travel at least three to four times a month from now until the end of summer.

I will be heading back again this weekend.

I don’t vote in the US elections. It was the Democrats which toppled the PPP twice ! Think about that for a while.

You must tell US customs how you feel about President Trump when you cross the border and see that they do to you rass. 

 I man does put on me MAGA cap when I travel.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Ok Bhai KP, the American people will decide. Feel up man Crazy Joe ain’t winning the Presidency. I travel at least three to four times a month from now until the end of summer.

I will be heading back again this weekend.

I don’t vote in the US elections. It was the Democrats which toppled the PPP twice ! Think about that for a while.

You must tell US customs how you feel about President Trump when you cross the border and see that they do to you rass. 

 I man does put on me MAGA cap when I travel.


This is not a competition for who go often to US. For me I have a house being renovated over there and my daughter live there. I thought you said you are a fisher man and you go away at sea. Maybe I mistake some other businessman.

 America was always great, Biden will make it Moral. You wearing a MAGA hat just put you with the deplorable that Hillary spoke about. I never got stopped by the US customs I use my Express pass. 

Americans are living with a lie Trump.

Prince posted:
kp posted:

Trump motto Make America Great Again  MAGA

Biden Motto Make America Moral Again  MAMA

 Joe Biden will whip Donald Trump toe to toe.

America lost its moral value when Bill Clinton had Monica Lewinsky under the oval office desk smoking his Tom. 

So a president had an affair with an intern and America lost its moral value. here is a partial list of the moral things your president has done. A president grabbed Pu$$ies, sexually assaulted dozens of women, robbed contractors, stiffed workers, robbed his own charity to pay whores, paid a porn star for whipping his cellulose ass and screwing her, paid a play model for sex, a twice-divorced jackass, a teller of over 10,000 lies in less than 3 years, a moral president who told 61 lies in one day is a person of good moral character? You should be committed to a mental institution.

Last edited by Former Member

Gm Skelly. You are watching too much CNN news. 

The Grabber Crazy Joe Biden did quite a bit of grabbing himself and god knows what else. It will eventually surface.

Kennedy did a lot of the prostitute thing and also had a sweet woman. The Democrats have a glass house and shouldn’t be throwing stones. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gm Skelly. You are watching too much CNN. 

Nah bai Yuji. I flipped channels to see some pretty faces and a little bit of skin. The man is just a disgrace and an embarrassment to this nation. He only attracts the white racists and rednecks...about 35% of the population.

Bhai, I just came back from the US and will be heading back there today and based on what I heard, people are quite happy with the economy and their financial well being. 

Americans do not change presidents with a red hot economy. 

Let us see what happens in 2020.

Money talks and BS walks. Money is currently talking in America. Things can definitely change from now to election time. 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gm Skelly. You are watching too much CNN. 

Nah bai Yuji. I flipped channels to see some pretty faces and a little bit of skin. The man is just a disgrace and an embarrassment to this nation. He only attracts the white racists and rednecks...about 35% of the population.

35% of the population plus YUJI, deplorables!!

yuji22 posted:

Gm Skelly. You are watching too much CNN news. 

The Grabber Crazy Joe Biden did quite a bit of grabbing himself and god knows what else. It will eventually surface.

Kennedy did a lot of the prostitute thing and also had a sweet woman. The Democrats have a glass house and shouldn’t be throwing stones. 

You grabbing unto immoral Trump balls, man up yourself, does your religion teaches you to lie, you sounding more of a lunatic. What proof you have that Joe Biden GRAB a woman, NONE, the Republicans so deep in Trump Shit that they forget what is moral  decency.

kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gm Skelly. You are watching too much CNN news. 

The Grabber Crazy Joe Biden did quite a bit of grabbing himself and god knows what else. It will eventually surface.

Kennedy did a lot of the prostitute thing and also had a sweet woman. The Democrats have a glass house and shouldn’t be throwing stones. 

You grabbing unto immoral Trump balls, man up yourself, does your religion teaches you to lie, you sounding more of a lunatic. What proof you have that Joe Biden GRAB a woman, NONE, the Republicans so deep in Trump Shit that they forget what is moral  decency.

Trump will go down in history as the outsider who shook up Washington, the devil who was anointed by Putin. Nancy is keeping a close eye on him. We'll see if Putin gives him a 2nd term.    


I am laughing me head off. Religion and politics don’t mix. Thankfully, western civilization kept it that way. 

No politician is perfect and people in a democracy select a President of their choice. 

It is interesting that somewhat less intelligent individuals attack a person whose political view are different than theirs and that is contrary to democratic values in civilized societies and democracies. 

I find it interesting that despite Mueller finding no collusion, potential losers are once again singing the same old tune.

The failure of the Democrats to offer Americans a comprehensive economic agenda and policies will be their downfall since they moved too far to the left. 

Trump is not perfect but Americans prefer a red hot economy and jobs over a bunch of democrat socialists. Bill Clinton put it very nicely, “It’s all about the economy, stupid”


Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
kp posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gm Skelly. You are watching too much CNN news. 

The Grabber Crazy Joe Biden did quite a bit of grabbing himself and god knows what else. It will eventually surface.

Kennedy did a lot of the prostitute thing and also had a sweet woman. The Democrats have a glass house and shouldn’t be throwing stones. 

You grabbing unto immoral Trump balls, man up yourself, does your religion teaches you to lie, you sounding more of a lunatic. What proof you have that Joe Biden GRAB a woman, NONE, the Republicans so deep in Trump Shit that they forget what is moral  decency.

Trump will go down in history as the outsider who shook up Washington, the devil who was anointed by Putin. Nancy is keeping a close eye on him. We'll see if Putin gives him a 2nd term.    

He will also go down as the most racist, disgraceful, immoral, lying and embarrassing President the US ever had. Uncle Joe all the the moon as Uncle Nehru would say.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Not in my lifetime or yours.  Americans will not give up the lowest unemployment in 50 years, the largest accumulation of wealth, and China buckling to Trump’s trade agreements to any left wing radical waiting to give away the cake shop to lazy people.

I notice people who oppose liberal policies keep talking about lazy people. How many lazy people who live off of the government do you know personally? Not those who need, are deserving, and are entitled to certain benefits.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

If Biden is the Presidential candidate, Trump wins by a landslide victory.

Biden would cut into Trump base and the Dems and Independent  that walk will return. He has the charm to win some Republicans. Trump has too many baggage come 2020.

Not in my lifetime or yours.  Americans will not give up the lowest unemployment in 50 years, the largest accumulation of wealth, and China buckling to Trump’s trade agreements to any left wing radical waiting to give away the cake shop

Just to add, the unemployment rate for African Americans is at its lowest. They are not stupid to throw it away for an Establishment Democrat Candidate. They did not turn out in large numbers for Hillary and they WILL NOT turn out in large numbers for Crazy Joe.

The Democrats are making the same mistake all over again. They might as well not contest the election ! There will be barrels of tears for Democrats if Feel up Man Crazy Joe runs for President.


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