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Originally Posted by D2:

How could you have a multi ethnic destruction of America?


By the way that is from Professor Griff not me. So all credit to him.


I think what professor Griff is saying is that the media is being used to pit ethnicity and nationality against each other, all compartmentalized to divide and conquer. Right now the Tea-partiers and neo-cons/Republicans seem to be using the media effectively, ala Donald Trump and some others who are using Mexicans, Blacks and Muslims in various configurations to demonize and divide and their message is being spread by the five or six media corporations who control pretty much all the media in the US. Especially, there are no repercussions for politicians who are openly bigoted toward Muslims.


In Canada most of the media corporations support a Conservative government. The conservative government has become just like the Republican Party of the US; neo-cons and Tea-partiers. Most of the media in Canada are for the conservative party of Canada. The Conservative has openly used bigotry to drive their efforts for re-election.


They have made an issue of TWO Muslim women who after removing their face veil in private to identify themselves to officials before receiving their citizenship and taking the oath, then, for the ceremonial public swearing in they put it back on. The citizenship officials are OK with this, the courts are OK with this, however, the Conservatives took it to court twice and lost but is still using this issue of TWO people as one of their main elections platform.


It has gotten bad enough that some Muslim women, including, those with head scarves are being assaulted both physically and verbally.


Not stopping there, they have announced as part of their elections platform again to set up a special hotline for people to report “Barbaric practices” to this hotline. However, we already have a functioning 911 for reporting ANY crime.


Taking it even further they made another elections platform promise to ban anyone from wearing a face veil to work in federal offices. Guess how many currently wear a veil? NONE!


They have been selling this crap through their supportive corporate media in Canada and it has been getting them a lot of support using the method of “dumbing down and polarize”.


There are so many more coded messages they send like “old stock Canadians”. Will offer refugee status to “minorities from Syria” (read non-Muslims).


Professor Griff used that acronym a while ago but looking at what is going on in the US and Canada, currently, I though it wad appropriate to mention it again.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by D2:

How could you have a multi ethnic destruction of America?


By the way that is from Professor Griff not me. So all credit to him.


I think what professor Griff is saying is that the media is being used to pit ethnicity and nationality against each other, all compartmentalized to divide and conquer. Right now the Tea-partiers and neo-cons/Republicans seem to be using the media effectively, ala Donald Trump and some others who are using Mexicans, Blacks and Muslims in various configurations to demonize and divide and their message is being spread by the five or six media corporations who control pretty much all the media in the US. Especially, there are no repercussions for politicians who are openly bigoted toward Muslims.


In Canada most of the media corporations support a Conservative government. The conservative government has become just like the Republican Party of the US; neo-cons and Tea-partiers. Most of the media in Canada are for the conservative party of Canada. The Conservative has openly used bigotry to drive their efforts for re-election.


They have made an issue of TWO Muslim women who after removing their face veil in private to identify themselves to officials before receiving their citizenship and taking the oath, then, for the ceremonial public swearing in they put it back on. The citizenship officials are OK with this, the courts are OK with this, however, the Conservatives took it to court twice and lost but is still using this issue of TWO people as one of their main elections platform.


It has gotten bad enough that some Muslim women, including, those with head scarves are being assaulted both physically and verbally.


Not stopping there, they have announced as part of their elections platform again to set up a special hotline for people to report “Barbaric practices” to this hotline. However, we already have a functioning 911 for reporting ANY crime.


Taking it even further they made another elections platform promise to ban anyone from wearing a face veil to work in federal offices. Guess how many currently wear a veil? NONE!


They have been selling this crap through their supportive corporate media in Canada and it has been getting them a lot of support using the method of “dumbing down and polarize”.


There are so many more coded messages they send like “old stock Canadians”. Will offer refugee status to “minorities from Syria” (read non-Muslims).


Professor Griff used that acronym a while ago but looking at what is going on in the US and Canada, currently, I though it wad appropriate to mention it again.

Hate mongering has been the chosen tool of many in the political arena. It appeals to their bases.


Love the new movement. No Sharia law in Canada. As if Sharia law can have any real effect in Canadian society. Plus I hardly think those making the chants even know what Sharia law is.

Last edited by Former Member

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