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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The demographic makeup of the voting population of GT remained relatively the same from 1992 to 2015.

You do know that the PNC lost in 1992.  Hammie was NOT the PNC candidate.

Though Hamilton Greene was not the candidate, he was the Prime Minister when the PNC lost the election in 1992.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The demographic makeup of the voting population of GT remained relatively the same from 1992 to 2015.

You do know that the PNC lost in 1992.  Hammie was NOT the PNC candidate.

You do know that GT did not vote the PPP into office in 1992 right?

GGG, PNC and the PPP were the three parties which ran.  The GGG won, but has since collapsed.  Clearly this creates a crisis.


Now does not the fact that a party. which won the mayoralty, but now no longer exists, not bother you?  Especially given that since 1999, when elections would have been due, the citizens of G/T have had NO opportunity to fix the problem.




So don't bellyache about who G/T people voted for when they have had NO OPPORTUNITY to vote for a mayor of G/T for 21 YEARS!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The demographic makeup of the voting population of GT remained relatively the same from 1992 to 2015.

You do know that the PNC lost in 1992.  Hammie was NOT the PNC candidate.

Though Hamilton Greene was not the candidate, he was the Prime Minister when the PNC lost the election in 1992.

The point is that Hammie is NOT the PNC mayor of G/T.  You do not even remember who the PNC candidate is, but had that person won, maybe the circumstances would have been different.


Now does the PPP run Guyana because Moses was a major PPP leader?


So why your assertion that the PNC be blamed for the state of G/T when Hammie DEFEATED the PNC candidate for mayor, and the PPP has REFUSED APNU's request to hold LGE?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The demographic makeup of the voting population of GT remained relatively the same from 1992 to 2015.

You do know that the PNC lost in 1992.  Hammie was NOT the PNC candidate.

Though Hamilton Greene was not the candidate, he was the Prime Minister when the PNC lost the election in 1992.

The point is that Hammie is NOT the PNC mayor of G/T.  You do not even remember who the PNC candidate is, but had that person won, maybe the circumstances would have been different.


Now does the PPP run Guyana because Moses was a major PPP leader?


So why your assertion that the PNC be blamed for the state of G/T when Hammie DEFEATED the PNC candidate for mayor, and the PPP has REFUSED APNU's request to hold LGE?

Usual irrelevance.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

The demographic makeup of the voting population of GT remained relatively the same from 1992 to 2015.

You do know that the PNC lost in 1992.  Hammie was NOT the PNC candidate.

You do know that GT did not vote the PPP into office in 1992 right?

GGG, PNC and the PPP were the three parties which ran.  The GGG won, but has since collapsed.  Clearly this creates a crisis.


Now does not the fact that a party. which won the mayoralty, but now no longer exists, not bother you?  Especially given that since 1999, when elections would have been due, the citizens of G/T have had NO opportunity to fix the problem.




So don't bellyache about who G/T people voted for when they have had NO OPPORTUNITY to vote for a mayor of G/T for 21 YEARS!

Nice try banna. Now point me to where I bellyache about who GT people voted for.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
[i] How involved were regular black people in the development and maintenance of Guyana when the PPP were in office?


[ii] How committed was Hammie to the maintenance of GT when the PPP were in office?

ksazma, i suggest u stop thinking with your ass


re [i]

last i checked, "regular" Afro-Guyanese, in and out of power, have been consistent majorities in the key service arms of government (police, army, civil service, teaching) . . . where is your evidence of their [voluntary] "lack of involvement" in the development and maintenance of Guyana?


re [ii]

bannuh, if u have info about de ole skont mayah's "lack of commitment" to the maintenance of GT in PPP time, please share; however, just remember, it was the PPP minista who wished for disease and pestilence to afflict Georgetown just because Freedom Huse couldn't fully control the capital city absent LG elections (i re-christen this phenomenon "the Seignet sanction" in honor of a certain GNI member who, wriggling hard on my hook re the Venez question, has no peer]



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Nice try banna. Now point me to where I bellyache about who GT people voted for.

You do because of your claim that the demographics haven't changed.


You blamed Hammie Green for the state of G/T.  I told you that the PPP was to blame because they deprived the citizens of G/T to remove Hammie Green.


Thinking that Hammie was the PNC candidate, your response was that the demographics of G/T had remain the same, implying of course that a Hammie mayoralty would have continued, had there been LGE.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
[i] How involved were regular black people in the development and maintenance of Guyana when the PPP were in office?


[ii] How committed was Hammie to the maintenance of GT when the PPP were in office?

ksazma, i suggest u stop thinking with your ass


re [i]

last i checked, "regular" Afro-Guyanese, in and out of power, have been consistent majorities in the key service arms of government (police, army, civil service, teaching) . . . where is your evidence of their [voluntary] "lack of involvement" in the development and maintenance of Guyana?


I based this on the overwhelming premise on GNI that during most of the PPP years in office, the PPP and their Indian cabal destroyed Guyana. The question above was more rhetorical since I don't believe that blacks were excluded from participating in activities in Guyana. It was more to point out to Carib that to suggest that Indians en masse would prefer to be colonized by Venezuela because the PPP are not in office is ridiculous. 


re [ii]

bannuh, if u have info about de ole skont mayah's "lack of commitment" to the maintenance of GT in PPP time, please share; however, just remember, it was the PPP minista who wished for disease and pestilence to afflict Georgetown just because Freedom Huse couldn't fully control the capital city absent LG elections (i re-christen this phenomenon "the Seignet sanction" in honor of a certain GNI member who, wriggling hard on my hook re the Venez question, has no peer]


For the Mayor to allow the city to get to where it did is a dereliction of duties. I am not aware of any evidence that the central government barred him from maintaining the city.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Nice try banna. Now point me to where I bellyache about who GT people voted for.

You do because of your claim that the demographics haven't changed.


You blamed Hammie Green for the state of G/T.  I told you that the PPP was to blame because they deprived the citizens of G/T to remove Hammie Green.


Thinking that Hammie was the PNC candidate, your response was that the demographics of G/T had remain the same, implying of course that a Hammie mayoralty would have continued, had there been LGE.

I am not smart enough to involve myself in what ifs bai. I prefer to comment on what is.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Good, and alyuh sit and salivate for the next 25-50 year.  Fools, clowns.  Stupid people thinking Uncle Sam really give a damn. Understand fool, the world is awash in oil, American oil and the Americans have to make space for Iranian oil.  So, Guyana oil is way way way on the back burner of US foreign policy imperative.

One of the main plans of the US is to dismantle the PetroCaribe because it gives Maduro too much diplomatic influence.


So continue to think that an invasion of Guyana by Venezuela will be tolerated.  Brazil will not want it, and neither will Colombia, which also has boundary disputes with Venezuela.  It will open up a whole host of territorial disputes within the Americas.



Maduro will run his mouth, end the rice trade agreement, and push Guyana out of the Petro Caribe.  Guyana NEVER should have entered any agreement with Venezuela, unless it was tied to that nation relinquishing all claims to Essequibo.

Banna, I posted on another thread, any invasion will not stand and yes, Brazil will not sit idle and see Guyana dismembered with impunity.  The Venez will get a mauling on the ground but will command air and sea.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
[i] How involved were regular black people in the development and maintenance of Guyana when the PPP were in office?


[ii] How committed was Hammie to the maintenance of GT when the PPP were in office?

ksazma, i suggest u stop thinking with your ass


re [i]

last i checked, "regular" Afro-Guyanese, in and out of power, have been consistent majorities in the key service arms of government (police, army, civil service, teaching) . . . where is your evidence of their [voluntary] "lack of involvement" in the development and maintenance of Guyana?


I based this on the overwhelming premise on GNI that during most of the PPP years in office, the PPP and their Indian cabal destroyed Guyana. The question above was more rhetorical since I don't believe that blacks were excluded from participating in activities in Guyana. It was more to point out to Carib that to suggest that Indians en masse would prefer to be colonized by Venezuela because the PPP are not in office is ridiculous. 


re [ii]

bannuh, if u have info about de ole skont mayah's "lack of commitment" to the maintenance of GT in PPP time, please share; however, just remember, it was the PPP minista who wished for disease and pestilence to afflict Georgetown just because Freedom Huse couldn't fully control the capital city absent LG elections (i re-christen this phenomenon "the Seignet sanction" in honor of a certain GNI member who, wriggling hard on my hook re the Venez question, has no peer]


For the Mayor to allow the city to get to where it did is a dereliction of duties. I am not aware of any evidence that the central government barred him from maintaining the city.



ksazma [smh], i doan know where to start responding to your nonsense, but anyways . . .


re [i]

do i really, really have to point out that 'Caribny made me do it' is not a proper reason for posting stupidness


re [ii]

please explain what u need to know about the municipality's horribly inadequate tax base and why the PPP LG ministry consistently refused any kind of reform that would make city Gov't financially sustainable and less dependent on Central Gov't handouts designed to keep a non-PPP Mayorality discredited and on permanent life support


please also contemplate then presiding LG minista Killaman Lall's public comments wishing a health crisis on Georgetown that would lead to a PPP takeover of the municipality without the nuisance of LG elections; it's marvelously instructive . . . i posted it in bold for a reason!


or, u can continue playing the klown . . . your choice



Last edited by Former Member
There is nothing racial here, sir. The honorable president of Venezuela, that contributed to Guyana for the past 10 years, did not recognised Granger as the legitimate leader of Guyana. Maduro gave order to send aid the flood victims of Guyana. Granger haven't done shit for his own country. What are you so prowd sbout?
Originally Posted by Cobra:
There is nothing racial here, sir. The honorable president of Venezuela, that contributed to Guyana for the past 10 years, did not recognised Granger as the legitimate leader of Guyana. Maduro gave order to send aid the flood victims of Guyana. Granger haven't done shit for his own country. What are you so prowd sbout?

You shouldn't type when u drink, even then you slur your words.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
There is nothing racial here, sir. The honorable president of Venezuela, that contributed to Guyana for the past 10 years, did not recognised Granger as the legitimate leader of Guyana. Maduro gave order to send aid the flood victims of Guyana. Granger haven't done shit for his own country. What are you so prowd sbout?

dude, wipe the froth from your mouth carna and post like English is your 1st language . . . please


you are an embarrassment to decent Guyanese


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